

21 Benifits Blogging

Different people blog for different reasons. For some, blogging is an excellent means of satisfying their personal ego. Many people blog because they earn a full-time income out of it. There are others who blog for academic benefits. Once you have stepped into the world of blogging, you’ll know how beneficial it can be in a number of ways. I came across a college student who blogged only to prove that he was making the best use of the internet connection his father got him. Funny, isn’t it?

Well, when you ask the majority of bloggers out there for the benefits of blogging opporunities, they could probably give you a long list of benefits blogging has brought them. Let us have a look at the twenty-one most important benefits blogging can bring you – personally, business-wise and academically.

A. Personal Benefits

#1. It Refines Your Writing Skills

First and foremost, blogging and blogger outreach offers you the biggest benefit of fine-tuning your writing skills. Once you start blogging, you want to write stuff that people will really want to read. In the process, you develop your own unique style of writing. With more and more practice, you can master the art of writing effectively, attractively and interestingly. So, blogging makes you an accomplished writer, as you can see. And who knows, you could soon plan to publish your first novel!

#2. It Increases Your Knowledge Base

One of the biggest benefits of blogging is that it broadens your knowledge base. If you focus on a niche industry, you continue increasing your knowledge about the industry, how things work in that field of work. Blogging gives you the excellent benefit of establishing yourself as an expert in your chosen niche or area of work.

#3. It Makes You a Better Researcher

Research is the backbone of all blogging. Many people may not like researching initially. But once they start a blog to write for, they find it unavoidable to do some research for writing informative posts that will be liked and shared by a large number of people. In an effort to provide readers with super quality blog posts, you tend to research more and more. Soon, researching becomes a habit for you. And the benefit is that you become a better researcher.

#4. It Earns You Name

As you continue to provide excellent quality posts to your readers, they get to know your better. They start to know about your passions, your likes and dislikes. By writing on topics of your interest, you establish yourself as a master of the subject. Ultimately, expertise brings you name and fame, as the number of your followers (or subscribers) keeps on swelling.

#5. It Connects You with Potential Bloggers

Believe me, blogging has a huge wonderful world of its own. Though you may not be aware of it initially, you soon get to know how blogging connects you with potential bloggers in your niche industry. When you keep on blogging, you get to know about other successful bloggers, get to read their ideas, thoughts and viewpoints.

#6. It Motivates You

Every one of us has times when we feel down in spirits. But as soon as you start to think that there are some passionate readers who really like you and care for you, it gives you a high. Even looking at the good stuff that you have given people to read motivates you. This is really one of the key benefits bloggers can get through blogging.

#7. It Earns You Income

Undoubtedly, blogging is one of those skills that you can turn into a full fledged profession. There are many who are earning a full time income out of it. Some of them have their own industry related blogs while others write for other established bloggers. However, you should be advised that there’s no shortcut to achieve blogging success. A lot of research, time, energy and effort go into making blogging earn you a decent income.

B. Business Benefits

#8. It is a Powerful Tool for Real-time Discussion

One of the greatest benefits of having a blog or writing women blog posts is that you can engage in real-time discussion with your readers. With a blog, you own the opportunity to share information days ahead of getting it published in newspapers, magazines or in the form of press releases. Bloggers have the benefit of to get immediate (within a fraction of a second on active blogs) responses to their questions, viewpoints or thoughts.

#9. It Generates Backlinks

Businesses can use their blog to generate quality backlinks through well-maintained, informative and active blogging. If you are a proactive blogger, you can connect with multiple business partners who share a common interest or industry.

#10. It Boosts Traffic

Blogs provide businesses an excellent opportunity to add fresh content to their websites on a regular basis. Search engines love to crawl websites that offer users regularly updated content. Consistence updating of content would bring search engine spiders to your website frequently, resulting in an increased number of crawls. If you are wise with the selection of keywords, blogging can bring a huge amount of traffic to your website.

#11. It is a Low Cost Marketing Device

A well maintained and regularly updated blog happens to be a cheap marketing device. With a quality blog, you can instantly inform your consumers of the recently launched products and services much before you think to promote them through other media channels.

#12. It offers Ease of Web Publishing

Thanks to the availability of easy-to-use blogging software. With an automated blog software, you don’t need a web designer managing the technical aspects. With an easy-to-use blogging software like WordPress (one of the most preferred), you can easily publish posts all by yourself.

#13. It is the Best CMS

Blogs happen to be the best examples of Content Management Systems (CMS). Whether it is a video file, image, audio file, document or pdf file, you can easily upload it all to the blog with a few clicks of the mouse.

#14. It Helps You Manage Your Online Reputation

Today, brands have become worried about managing their reputation online. If you are facing any kind of negative press, you can counter it with the help of a blog.

#15. It Keeps You Ahead of Your Competition

Blogging is a great way to stay ahead of your competitors. In today’s competitive industry, a blog helps you inform your consumers of the way you work, how you differ from others and how your services are way above from your competitors.

#16. It is a Great Tool for Relational Marketing

A blog can prove to be a powerful too for building long-term relationships with your consumers. By posting unbiased and heartfelt articles to your blog, you can earn the much-needed trust from your potential customers to drive business growth.

#17. It is an Excellent Social Media Marketing Device

Popular social media websites like Facebook, Twitter and MySpace and social bookmarking websites like StumbleUpon and Digg can give you amazing results with you blog. If a single blog article goes viral on these sites, you can a surge of new site visitors. In addition, the viral content can result in a number of quality inbound links.

#18. It Gets You Media & PR Connections

Another great benefit of having a consistently updated blog is that it can generate media and public relations for you.

C. Academic Benefits

#19. It Helps You Venture Beyond Your Means

If you are an academic blogger with a desire to tread beyond your means or field of expertise, blogging is your tool. Academic blogs help provide on-the-spot analysis and run commentary on some of the most crucial issues our society faces today.

#20. It Helps You Aggregate Research Work

Blogging gives students and scholars to put together research work and assignment information. In addition, it helps in researching information accumulated by researches across the globe through syndication.

#21. It Connects You with Professionals

When you consistently blog about a subject of your interest, you have the maximum chances of attracting the attention of experts in that field of study. Along with broadening your professional network, this can also open new career opportunities for you.

Are you a blogger too? Well, I would really like you to leave your comments about how and why you enjoy blogging. There may be some other specific reasons that could compel you to start a blog and express your viewpoints. Feel free to share your thoughts and benefits.





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