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原创 Rust dependencies依赖管理crates.io原理梳理

1. 背景知识本文针对的是Cargo 1.37版本。Rust项目的依赖主要在Cargo.toml文件[dependencies]段落中定义,常见的依赖方式有:基于rust官方仓库crates.io,通过版本说明来描述;基于项目源代码的git仓库地址,通过URL来描述;基于本地项目的绝对路径或者相对路径,通过类Unix模式的路径来描述。[dependencies]typemap = "0.3" #基于rust官方仓库crates.ioplugin = "0.2*" #基于rust官方仓库c

2020-05-28 22:41:14 7695

原创 基于Sigma protocol实现的零知识证明protocol集锦

1. Sigma protocolsSigma protocols,又称为 3 phase protocols,用于证明knowledge of values in some relation,但是又不泄露values的具体值。如用于证明knowledge of discrete log:given ggg and yyy,prove knowledge of xxx 满足 gx=yg^x=ygx=y without revealing xxx。本文将介绍如何构建Sigma protocols来证明各

2020-05-27 21:45:10 4476 18

原创 Pointproofs: Aggregating Proofs for Multiple Vector Commitments 学习笔记2

1. 引言在博客 Pointproofs: Aggregating Proofs for Multiple Vector Commitments 学习笔记1中,主要对 Alogrand团队Gorbunov等人2020年论文《Pointproofs: Aggregating Proofs for Multiple Vector Commitments》做了一个总体的梳理。该论文在 Libert和Yung 2010年论文《Concise mercurial vector commitments and ind

2020-05-25 11:10:05 651

原创 Pointproofs: Aggregating Proofs for Multiple Vector Commitments 学习笔记1

1. 背景知识Alogrand团队Gorbunov等人2020年论文《Pointproofs: Aggregating Proofs for Multiple Vector Commitments》,配套的代码实现参见:https://github.com/algorand/pointproofs在该论文中,实现了:Pointproofs —— a new vector commitment scheme that supports non-interactive aggregation of pr

2020-05-21 21:31:02 1576 2

原创 Subvector Commitments with Application to Succinct Arguments学习笔记

1. 背景知识Russell W. F. Lai 和 Giulio Malavolta 在Crypto 2019上发表的论文《Subvector Commitments with Application to Succinct Arguments》中主要关注的是subvector commitment (SVC):SVC允许open a committed vector at a set of positions,且opening size与vector的size以及要open的位置数均无关。sub

2020-05-19 12:10:35 1062

原创 Functional Commitment Schemes: From Polynomial Commitments to Pairing-Based Accumulators学习笔记

Benoˆıt Libert, Somindu C. Ramanna 和 Moti Yung 2016年论文 Functional Commitment Schemes: From Polynomial Commitments to Pairing-Based Accumulators from Simple Assumptions 中提出:1)Functional Commitment (FC) primitive:用于概括所有的vector commitment、polynomial commitme

2020-05-16 18:26:28 838 4

原创 Vector Commitments with Efficient Proofs学习笔记

1. 背景知识Markulf Kohlweiss和Alfredo Rial 2012年文章《Vector Commitments with Efficient Proofs》和相应的ppt《Vector Commitments with Efficient Proofs》初始motivation为 2010年《Privacy-Preserving Smart Metering》提到的智能计量的隐私保护。在该智能计量场景中,存在:计量meter方MMM,服务提供provider方PPP,政府机构gover

2020-05-15 20:07:39 452

原创 Concise Mercurial Vector Commitments and Independent Zero-Knowledge Sets with Short Proofs 学习笔记

1. 背景知识1)2003年,[MRK] S. Micali,M.-O. Rabin和J. Kilian的论文《Zero-Knowledge Sets》中首次提出了zero-knowledge sets(ZKS) primitive:允许prover commit to a secret finite set SSS so as to be able to prove statements such as x∈Sx\in Sx∈S or x∉Sx\notin Sx∈/​S without reveali

2020-05-14 20:17:58 684

原创 Vector Commitments and their Applications学习笔记

1. 背景知识Dario Catalano 和 Dario Fiore 2013年论文《Vector Commitments and their Applications》:1)提出了a new primitive——Vector Commitment(VC),指的是 commit to an ordered sequence of qqq values (m1,⋯ ,mq)(m_1,\cdots, m_q)(m1​,⋯,mq​),除了具有普通commitment的binding和hiding特性外,还

2020-05-12 14:45:26 2011 14

原创 Efficient NIZK Arguments via Parallel Verification of Benes Networks学习笔记

1. 背景知识Lipmaa 2014年论文《Efficient NIZK Arguments via Parallel Verification of Benes Networks》,提出了:一种新的permutation argument,通过使用2014年论文Almost Optimal Short Adaptive Non-Interactive Zero Knowledge 中的product and shift arguments 和paralellizable variant of the

2020-05-11 16:57:17 263

原创 Almost Optimal Short Adaptive Non-Interactive Zero Knowledge学习笔记

Helger Lipmaa 2014年eprint 论文《Almost Optimal Short Adaptive Non-Interactive Zero Knowledge》:提出新的Hadamard product argument。借助Gennaro等人2013年论文《Quadratic Span Programs and Succinct NIZKs without PCPs》的Q...

2020-05-08 13:55:22 511

原创 Efficient Modular NIZK Arguments from Shift and Product学习笔记

1. 背景知识Prastudy Fauzi, Helger Lipmaa, and Bingsheng Zhang 2013年论文《Efficient Modular NIZK Arguments from Shift and Product》,提出:基于shift-by-ξ\xiξ argument 和 rotation-by-ξ\xiξ argument构建permutation arg...

2020-05-07 20:44:39 268

原创 Efficient Zero-Knowledge Argument for Correctness of a Shuffle学习笔记(3)

1. 前言在博客 Efficient Zero-Knowledge Argument for Correctness of a Shuffle学习笔记(1)中介绍了Shuffle argument总体算法以及Multi-exponentiation Argument算法。在博客Efficient Zero-Knowledge Argument for Correctness of a Shu...

2020-05-04 10:04:45 533 2



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