How to use:
Add a Geodatabase feature class to ArcMap. Set labeling properties on layer.
Copy/paste the macro code into VBA.
Run the macro.
Option Explicit
Const ANNO_FC_NAME = "Conversion01" 'the name that will be used for the new annotation feature class
Public Sub ConvertLabels2Anno()
'Interface Pointers necessary for accessing basic information about the map
Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument
Dim pMap As IMap
Dim pAView As IActiveView
'Interface Pointers necessary for getting information about the layer being labeled
Dim pLayer As ILayer
Dim pDataset As IDataset
Dim pAnnotationLayer As IAnnotationLayer
Dim pGeoFeatureLayer As IGeoFeatureLayer
Dim pFClass As IFeatureClass
Dim pAnnoLayer As IAnnotationLayer
Dim pWorkspace As IWorkspace
Dim pGeoDataset As IGeoDataset
Dim pESRILicenseInfo As IESRILicenseInfo
Dim bIsArcView As Boolean
'Interface Pointers necessary for setting up the labeling properties for conversion
Dim pAnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection As IAnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection
Dim pMapAnnoPropsColl As IAnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection
Dim pAnnotateLayerProperties As IAnnotateLayerProperties
Dim pLabelEngineLayerProperties As ILabelEngineLayerProperties2
Dim pOverposterLayerProperties As IOverposterLayerProperties2
Dim propsIndex As Long
Dim pSymbolClone As IClone
'Interface Pointers necessary for creating the annotation feature class
Dim pRefScale As IGraphicsLayerScale
Dim pSymCol As ISymbolCollection2
Dim pSymbolIdentifier As ISymbolIdentifier2
Dim pAnnotationLayerFactory As IAnnotationLayerFactory
Dim pAnnoFeatureClassDesc As IFeatureClassDescription
Dim pAnnoObjectClassDesc As IObjectClassDescription
Dim pFields As IFields 'pointer needed for pointer needed
Dim pField As IField
Dim pGeomDefEdit As IGeometryDefEdit
'Interface Pointers necessary for performing labeling
Dim pScreenDisplay As IScreenDisplay
Dim pGraphicsLayer As IGraphicsLayer
Dim pAnnotateMapProps As IAnnotateMapProperties
Dim pAnnotateMap2 As IAnnotateMap2
Dim pTrackCancel As ITrackCancel
Dim pMapOverposter As IMapOverposter
Dim pOverposterProperties As IOverposterProperties
'setup the document, map, and get the first layer
Set pMxDoc = ThisDocument
Set pMap = pMxDoc.FocusMap
Set pLayer = pMap.Layer(0)
'check to make sure map is valid
If pMap Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "There is not an active map", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
'see if the first layer is the proper type
If TypeOf pLayer Is IGeoFeatureLayer Then
Set pGeoFeatureLayer = pLayer
'throw an error if the first layer is not a GeoFeatureLayer because only layers implementing this interface can be labeled
MsgBox "First layer in map must be feature layer", vbCritical
End If
'check to see if we are beginning with a GDB based layer. This sample creates an annotation
'feature class in the same workspace and we can only create annotation in GDB workspaces
Set pDataset = pGeoFeatureLayer
Set pWorkspace = pDataset.Workspace
If pWorkspace.Type = esriFileSystemWorkspace Then
MsgBox "The layer being labeled is not a layer for a Geodatabase Feature Class.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
'see what license we are working with
Set pESRILicenseInfo = New ESRILicenseInfo
If pESRILicenseInfo.DefaultProduct = esriProductCodeViewer Then
bIsArcView = True
End If
'get a reference to the layers feature class and QI to IGeoDataset to get spatial reference information
Set pFClass = pGeoFeatureLayer.FeatureClass
Set pGeoDataset = pFClass
'cocreate a new objects
Set pAnnotationLayerFactory = New FDOGraphicsLayerFactory 'Factory for creating annotation feature classes
Set pSymCol = New SymbolCollection 'the symbol collection needed for the annotation feature class
Set pMapAnnoPropsColl = New AnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection 'a new properties collection which will be populated
'loop through the properties collection of the layer
'for each item, copy it to the new properties collection,
'pull the symbol out for the SymbolCollection, and setup the ID
Set pAnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection = pGeoFeatureLayer.AnnotationProperties
For propsIndex = 0 To (pAnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection.Count - 1)
pAnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection.QueryItem propsIndex, pAnnotateLayerProperties
If Not pAnnotateLayerProperties Is Nothing Then
pMapAnnoPropsColl.Add pAnnotateLayerProperties
Set pLabelEngineLayerProperties = pAnnotateLayerProperties
Set pSymbolClone = pLabelEngineLayerProperties.Symbol
pSymCol.AddSymbol pSymbolClone.Clone, pAnnotateLayerProperties.Class & " " & propsIndex, pSymbolIdentifier
pLabelEngineLayerProperties.SymbolID = pSymbolIdentifier.ID
End If
Next propsIndex
'clear the pointers for later use in the sub
Set pAnnotateLayerProperties = Nothing
Set pLabelEngineLayerProperties = Nothing
'setup GraphicsLayerScale for use in creating the annotation feature class
Set pRefScale = New GraphicsLayerScale
If pMap.ReferenceScale = 0 Then
pRefScale.ReferenceScale = pMap.MapScale
pRefScale.ReferenceScale = pMap.ReferenceScale
End If
pRefScale.Units = pMap.MapUnits
'Use AnnotationFeatureClassDescription to get the list of fields needed for the annotation feature class
'Also, pull out the shape field and setup the spatial reference to equal the base feature layer
Set pAnnoFeatureClassDesc = New AnnotationFeatureClassDescription
Set pAnnoObjectClassDesc = pAnnoFeatureClassDesc
Set pFields = pAnnoObjectClassDesc.RequiredFields
Set pField = pFields.Field(pFields.FindField(pAnnoFeatureClassDesc.ShapeFieldName)) 'get the field definition for the shape field
Set pGeomDefEdit = pField.GeometryDef 'get the geometry defintion for the field
Set pGeomDefEdit.SpatialReference = pGeoDataset.SpatialReference 'set the spatial reference on the field
'get the overposter (label engine) properties from the map
Set pMapOverposter = pMap
Set pOverposterProperties = pMapOverposter.OverposterProperties
'Now, create the annotation feature class with this method by passing in all the information
'a reference to the layer is returned so that we can populate the feature class
'The ArcView license case does not have to be treated differently here because the Factory internally
'handles it. If working with an ArcView license, only one annotation class will be created
'Pass in Nothing for the related feature class because this sample does not create feature-linked anno
Set pAnnoLayer = pAnnotationLayerFactory.CreateAnnotationLayer(pWorkspace, pFClass.FeatureDataset, _
ANNO_FC_NAME, pGeomDefEdit, Nothing, pMapAnnoPropsColl, pRefScale, pSymCol, True, True, False, True, pOverposterProperties, "")
'activate the graphics container (AnnoLayer) for adding elements.
Set pAView = pMap
Set pScreenDisplay = pAView.ScreenDisplay
Set pGraphicsLayer = pAnnoLayer
pGraphicsLayer.Activate pScreenDisplay
'Prepare the annotation properties for label placement
For propsIndex = 0 To (pMapAnnoPropsColl.Count - 1)
pMapAnnoPropsColl.QueryItem propsIndex, pAnnotateLayerProperties 'get the properties from the collection
If Not pAnnotateLayerProperties Is Nothing Then
Set pAnnotateLayerProperties.FeatureLayer = pGeoFeatureLayer 'point the properties to the feature layer
Set pAnnotateLayerProperties.GraphicsContainer = pAnnoLayer 'set the AnnoLayer as the destination for the labels
pAnnotateLayerProperties.AddUnplacedToGraphicsContainer = True 'add the unplaced labels to the Annotation Feature Class
pAnnotateLayerProperties.CreateUnplacedElements = True 'ALWAYS create unplaced elements
pAnnotateLayerProperties.DisplayAnnotation = True 'turn on the label class if it isn't already
pAnnotateLayerProperties.FeatureLinked = False 'This sample creates standard annotation, so set this to false
pAnnotateLayerProperties.LabelWhichFeatures = esriAllFeatures 'this creates labels/anno for the full extent. This can be changed to produce labels for the current extent, selection etc
pAnnotateLayerProperties.UseOutput = True ' yes, we want to produce elements
Set pLabelEngineLayerProperties = pAnnotateLayerProperties 'QI to LabelEngineLayerProperties
pLabelEngineLayerProperties.SymbolID = propsIndex 'Since a New Annotation FeatureClass was created, the propsIndex will be the same as the SymbolID
'ArcView does not support multiple annotation classes, therefore see if we have an ArcView license
'and set the AnnotationClassID to 0 if it is ArcView, so annotation features are assigned to the proper class
If bIsArcView Then
pLabelEngineLayerProperties.AnnotationClassID = 0
pLabelEngineLayerProperties.AnnotationClassID = propsIndex
End If
Set pOverposterLayerProperties = pLabelEngineLayerProperties.OverposterLayerProperties 'Get the overposter layer properties from the LabelEngineLayerProps
pOverposterLayerProperties.TagUnplaced = True 'add unplaced labels as unplaced (true) or placed (false)
End If
Next propsIndex
'sort the collection so labels are placed in the proper order
'populate AnnotateMapProperties with the prepared collection
Set pAnnotateMapProps = New AnnotateMapProperties
Set pAnnotateMapProps.AnnotateLayerPropertiesCollection = pMapAnnoPropsColl
Set pTrackCancel = New CancelTracker 'cocreat a cancel tracker
'get the current AnnotateMap object from the map
'this ensures we are using the proper label engine
Set pAnnotateMap2 = pMap.AnnotationEngine
'Now, call Label which will populate the annotation feature class with labels based on the properties we setup
'The Label method know to put the labels in the annotation feature class because we specified the Anno Layer
'as the destination GraphicsContainer in the above preparation loop
pAnnotateMap2.Label pOverposterProperties, pAnnotateMapProps, pMap, pTrackCancel
'release the feature layer reference in the properties collection to be safe
'in some cases, not doing this would lead to a circular reference
For propsIndex = 0 To (pMapAnnoPropsColl.Count - 1)
pMapAnnoPropsColl.QueryItem propsIndex, pAnnotateLayerProperties
If Not pAnnotateLayerProperties Is Nothing Then
Set pAnnotateLayerProperties.FeatureLayer = Nothing
End If
Next propsIndex
'add layer to map and turn off labeling of feature layer
pMap.AddLayer pAnnoLayer
pGeoFeatureLayer.DisplayAnnotation = False
'refresh the map
Set pAView = pMap
End Sub