Implicit and Explicit Interface Implementation

 Example 3-1. Defining and implementing an interface

   public interface IMyInterface
       void Method1(  );
       void Method2(  );
      d Method3(  );
    public class MyClass : IMyInterface
       public void Method1(  )
       public void Method2(  )
       public void Method3(  )
       //other class members

As trivial as Example 3-1 is, it does demonstrate a number of important points. First, interfaces have visibilityan interface can be private to its assembly (using the internal access modifier) or it can be used from outside the assembly (with the public access modifier), as in Example 3-1. Second, even though the methods the interface defines have no access modifiers, they are by definition public, and the implementing class has to declare its interface methods as public. Third, there is no need to use new or override to qualify the method redefinition in the subclass, because an interface method by its very nature can't have any implementation and therefore has nothing to override. (If you aren't familiar with the new or override keywords, see the sidebar "C# Inheritance Directives" later in this chapter.) Finally, the class must implement all the methods the interface defines, without exception. If the class is an abstract class, it can redefine the methods without providing concrete implementation.



To interact with an object using an interface, all a client has to do is instantiate a concrete class that supports the interface and assign that object to an interface variable, similar to using any other base type. Using the same definitions as in Example 3-1, the client code might be:

    IMyInterface obj;
    obj = new MyClass(  );
    obj.Method1(  );

Interfaces promote loose coupling between clients and objects. When you use interfaces, there's a level of indirection between the client's code and the object implementing the interface. If the client wasn't responsible for instantiating the object, there is nothing in the client code that pertains to the object hidden behind the interface shield. There can be many possible implementations of the same interface, such as:

    public interface IMyInterface
    public class MyClass : IMyInterface
    public class MyOtherClass : IMyInterface

When a client obtains an interface reference by creating an object of type MyClass, the client is actually saying to .NET "give me MyClass's interpretation of the way IMyInterface should be implemented."

Treating interfaces as binary contracts, which shields clients from changes made to the service providers, is exactly the idea behind COM interfaces, and logically, .NET interfaces have the same semantics as COM interfaces. If you are an experienced COM developer or architect, working with interfaces is probably second nature to you, and you will feel right at home with .NET interfaces.


However, unlike COM, .NET doesn't enforce separation of the interface from the implementation. For example, using the definitions in Example 3-1, the client's code can also be:


    MyClass obj;
    obj = new MyClass(  );
    obj.Method1(  );


Because of the way the server in Example 3-1 implements the interface (as public members), nothing prevents the client from programming directly against the object providing the service, instead of the interface. I believe this is because .NET tries to make component-oriented programming accessible to all developers, including those who have trouble with the more abstract concepts of interface-based programming (see the section ".NET Adherence to Component Principles" in Chapter 1). The fact that something is possible, of course, doesn't mean you should go ahead and do it. Disciplined .NET developers should always enforce the separation, to retain the benefits of interface-based programming.


Explicit Interface Implementation

The way of implementing an interface shown in the previous section is called implicit interface implementation, because a public method with a name and signature that match those of an interface method is implicitly assumed to be an implementation of that interface method.

Example 3-3 demonstrates a simple technique that allows server developers to enforce the separation of the interface from the implementation. The server implementing the interface can actually prevent clients from accessing the interface methods directly by using explicit interface implementation. Implementing an interface explicitly means qualifying each interface member name with the name of the interface that defines it.



Example 3-3. Explicitly implementing an interface
    public interface IMyInterface
       void Method1(  );
       void Method2(  );
    public class MyClass : IMyInterface
       void IMyInterface.Method1(  )
       void IMyInterface.Method2(  )
       //Other methods and members

Note that the interface members must be implicitly defined as private at the class's scope; you can't use any explicit access modifiers on them, including private. The only way clients can invoke the methods of explicitly implemented interfaces is by accessing them via the interface:



    IMyInterface obj;
    obj = new MyClass(  );
    obj.Method1(  );





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