
本文中所需的软件请到 http://download.csdn.net/source/738436 下载。

解决的办法当然也不止一种,比如更换DNS服务器,相信这也是被采用最多的方案;或者通过二奶机/虚拟机搭建个SERVER系统安装好DNS服务器(WIN SERVER系统,或者LINUX/UNIX下用BIND),再把主机DNS地址更换为搭建好的DNS服务器的IP地址;或者使用OPENDNS等解决方案……


首先我们需要TreeWalk DNS 8.21 – Hawk For Windows 2000, XP, 2003, .NET *这款软件。我已经把所需的安装文件上传到http://download.csdn.net/source/738436,请大家下载,或者到官方页面http://ntcanuck.com/downloads.htm进行下载。

如果你不是使用的vistaserver 2008,而是Windows 2000, XP, 2003等的话,那么只要运行twdns821.exe这个安装文件就已经成功了。也可以不往下继续看此文了。

但是如果是vista或者server 2008的话就还需要一个相当漫长的过程。我先把原文介绍贴在这里:

Things you need to know about Vista, UAC, TreeWalk and ConFetch:

Vista's new User Account Control feature disrupts TreeWalk maintenance procedures, and ConFetch will fail to run if UAC is enabled. Therefore, there are currently some limitations to successfully installing, and running, the ConFetch plug-in with TreeWalk DNS. It can all be done in a matter of minutes if you review the process first!Here's a few pointers to get you going with TreeWalk and ConFetch Ultra on Vista...

Vista Helper, May 14, 2008. TheVista Helperscript forTreeWalk v. 8.21is available to aid Vista users to install, and remove, TreeWalk "Hawk". Due to difficulties for the Service Control Manager in Vista to handle spaces that some users might have included in their administrator account login credentials, those users will have to logon to the Service manually, as described below under "Logon to the newly created service" (you should review that part anyway, before leaving here for the TreeWalk 8.21 Vista Helper page if you only need to install TWDNS).

Install TreeWalk DNS (Hawk) v. 8.21usingAdministrativecredentials:
1.Obtain the TreeWalk installer and run it under Vista. When you arrive at the final page with the restart options, select "No, I will restart later", then exit the installer.
2.Go to Vista's new "Start" button to access the menu and find "Control Panel" if the "Windows+R" key combination doesn't work for you. If "Control Panel" is not there you will need to add it - right-click the Taskbar, select Properties, select the "Start Menu" tab, press the "Customize" button, scroll to "Control Panel" and select "Display as a menu" or "Display as a link" if you prefer. Select "Okay", then press "Apply" and "Okay" to save changes.
3.Once you've found the "Control Panel", select "User Accounts", select "Turn User Account Control On or Off" and uncheck the check-box there. Press "Okay". Restart the computer as requested by Vista. Logon using the same Administrator account again and simply "Close" any ensuing notices regarding "named.exe", which is TreeWalk's executable.

There are three ways to complete the next step. The simplest may be to run theVista Helper scriptbut you can do it yourself as described below. If you choose to do this manually, you will need to delete the "twdns" Service that the TreeWalk "Hawk" v. 8.21 installer has just created before you can use TreeWalk with Vista:
i.Open a command prompt ("Windows+R" keys, typecmd, press "OK" or as described below under "Logon to the newly created service")
ii.Typesc delete twdnsand press the "Enter" key on your keyboard
if your Vista is a 32-bit version: type or paste (exactly as shown)
sc create twdns binPath= %windir%/system32/dns/bin/named.exe
...and press the "Enter" key
if your version of Vista is 64-bit: type or paste (exactly as shown)
sc create twdns binPath= %windir%/syswow64/dns/bin/named.exe
...press the "Enter" key

Logon to the newly created serviceusing one of the following methods:
a.Open the "Control Panel" again and select "Administrative Tools" to open the "Services" applet. Scroll down to the "twdns" Service and right-click for "Properties" (or double-click "twdns"). Choose the "Log On" tab and enable the "This account" option. Type "./Local_Administrator_Account" (without the quotes, where "Local_Administrator_Account" is the Administrator's Account name you're running under, preceded by a dot and a backslash). Enter and confirm the correct password and "Okay" your way out. (Skip ahead tostart the TWDNS service, below.)
b....or, you can open the Start Menu and select "Run" (you may need to add this too, via the Taskbar, right-click for Properties, Start Menu tab, etc.). Once you have the "Run" box, typecmdand press "Okay" to open a command prompt. At the command line, type or paste this (each command must be all on one line with actual login credentials where those are required):
sc config twdns obj= ./Local_Administrator_Account password= Local_Administrator_Password start= auto DisplayName= TreeWalk
...while keeping spaces intact and using proper credentials. Press the "Enter" key of your keyboard and you should receive "SUCCESS" (if not, please try the previous method). Optionally (but not required), you can also execute this at the command line (including quotation marks, with all on one line):
sc description twdns "TreeWalk DNS Personal Server"
c.Start the TWDNS service
manually from within the Services applet, TreeWalk's Control Panel or with this command:
net start twdns
Confirm that TreeWalk is working normally before installing ConFetch Ultra.

Note: After you're done you should see "TreeWalk" as the displayed name but the service will still only respond to commands that define "twdns", just like it always has.

Install ConFetch Ultra v.
After you've satisfactorily installed TreeWalk, obtain the ConFetch Ultra installer and run it under Vista. You will not be able to run ConFetch with UAC "On" as ConFetch needs to update TreeWalk's configuration to activate filtering.

You can print a shortenedtext versionof the above or download a slightly more printer-friendly version in .zip formatfor reference.


这个网页国内可能访问不到,我们需要翻越GFW(GONG FU WANG? 囧rz)。说明一下,这个网站是一个名叫ConFetch的(一款TreeWalk插件)软件的介绍页,这里在介绍了这个插件自己的同时却提供了在Vista上安装TreeWalk的方法。我们可以在安装好TreeWalk后不用去安装这个插件的,使用这个插件需要用到代理。TreeWalk的官方页上只说明了Vista version pending就再也没有任何关于在Vista上安装TreeWalk的说明了。



1.右键以管理员权限运行twdns821.exe安装程序,到最后一步选择No,I willrestartlater



4.(直接运行脚本,不推荐)运行Vista Helper script(我修改了一份以适合中文版Vista),记住要右键以管理员权限运行

Vista Helper script的内容:

  1. :://TreeWalkInstaller/UninstallerHelperforVistax86[32-bit]andx64[64-bit]-May14,2008
  2. @echooff
  3. titleTreeWalk"Hawk"8.21VistaHelper
  4. :://ChecktoseeifVistaisinstalledhere
  5. ver|find"Version6">nul
  6. ifnoterrorlevel1gotoyvsix
  7. iferrorlevel1gotonvsix
  8. :yvsix:://It'sVista,socheckforserviceconfiguration
  9. scquerytwdns|find"1060">nul
  10. ifnoterrorlevel1gotoinstall
  11. iferrorlevel1gotouninstall
  12. :install:://TreeWalkserviceisnotinstalled,soinstallit
  13. echo/
  14. echoSupplycredentialsforyourcurrentAdministratorprofile
  15. echo/
  16. echoProvidecurrentAdministratorUsername,thenpressEnter:
  17. set/ptwusr=
  18. echoProvidecurrentAdministratorPassword,thenpressEnter:
  19. set/ptwpwd=
  20. echo/
  21. echoPleasetypethenumberforaselection,thenpressEnter:
  22. echo/
  23. echo[1]Informationiscorrect.Submit.
  24. echo[2]Thereisanerror.Tryagain...
  25. setselected=
  26. set/pselected=
  27. ifnot'%selected%'==''setselected=%selected:~0,1%
  28. if'%selected%'=='1'gotoproceed
  29. if'%selected%'=='2'gotoyvsix
  30. cls
  31. echo/
  32. echo"%selected%":Invalidinput.Pleasetryagain...
  33. echo/
  34. gotoyvsix
  35. :proceed:://DetermineifVistais32-bitor64-bit
  36. cls
  37. ifnotexist%windir%/syswow64gotolowbit
  38. sccreatetwdnsbinPath=%windir%/syswow64/dns/bin/named.exe
  39. gototwserv
  40. :lowbit:://IfVistais32-bitthenwedothisinstead
  41. sccreatetwdnsbinPath=%windir%/system32/dns/bin/named.exe
  42. :twserv:://Usingyourcredentialstoconfiguretheservice
  43. scconfigtwdnsobj=./%twusr%password=%twpwd%start=autoDisplayName=TreeWalk
  44. scdescriptiontwdns"TreeWalkDNSPersonalServer"
  45. netstarttwdns
  46. settwusr=
  47. settwpwd=
  48. echoThetwdnsserviceshouldnowindicateasuccessfulstart.
  49. echoToexithere,justdothis:
  50. pause
  51. gotoend
  52. :nvsix:://Oops!ThisisnotVista!
  53. echo/
  54. echoSorry^!YouneedVistatousethisscript^!
  55. pause
  56. :end
  57. exit
  58. :uninstall:://DoestheuserwishtoremoveTreeWalk?
  59. echo/
  60. echoTheTreeWalkUninstallerwillbeinvokedifyoucontinue^!
  61. echoThe"twdns"Servicewillalsobedeletedifyoucontinue^!
  62. echoYoumustrunthisagainwhenyoure-installTreeWalkDNS.
  63. echoPressthe"X"nowtodecline[intheredbox,topright].
  64. pause
  65. cls
  66. echo/
  67. netstoptwdns
  68. scdeletetwdns
  69. echo/
  70. echoYoucannowuninstallTreeWalkfromthiscomputer^!
  71. ifexist%windir%/syswow64%windir%/syswow64/dns/unins000.exe
  72. ifnotexist%windir%/syswow64%windir%/system32/dns/unins000.exe
  73. exit

如果是要在中文Vista上运行则需要把ver|find"Version6">nul这一句改成ver|find"版本6">nul,保存这段脚本为Vista Helper script.cmd即可使用。



-2:运行scdelete twdns指令

-332位系统运行sc create twdns binPath= %windir%/system32/dns/bin/named.exe;64位系统运行sc create twdns binPath= %windir%/syswow64/dns/bin/named.exe








12.打开TreeWalk Control Panel,如果状态栏显示Service is running,就表示安装成功了。




2.运行nslookup google.com










***Unknow找不到google.com:No response from server

之后可以开启UAC,不过开启UAC后要以管理员权限才能打开TreeWalk control panel





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