文章平均质量分 66
leetcode-Linked List
Linked List Cycle Given a linked list, determine if it has a cycle in it. Follow up: Can you solve it without using extra space?原创 2014-11-17 20:10:33 · 570 阅读 · 0 评论 -
Rotate Image、Pascal's Triangle vector用法
题目: You are given an n x n 2D matrix representing an image. Rotate the image by 90 degrees (clockwise). Follow up: Could you do this in-place?原创 2014-10-30 20:57:24 · 679 阅读 · 0 评论 -
leetcode sqrt(x)
Implement int sqrt(int x). Compute and return the square root of x. int sqrt(int x) { int i; if (x == 0) return 0; if (x == 1 || x == 2 || x == 3) return 1; if (x <= 10000000原创 2014-11-25 21:45:58 · 1083 阅读 · 0 评论