英语练习 40-50

我毕业后便到北京深造。 I went to Beijing to further my studies after my graduation.
起先我很快 乐,但后来我便感到泄气、沮丧。我一直都很想家 At first I was happy,but later I was frustrated and depressed.I was homesick all

the time.
家乡的生活方式 the lifestyle in my hometown.
我感觉要呕吐了,让我一个人呆着,我晕车了。 I feel like throwing out,leave me alone,i'm carsick.
不要无所事事 don't goof around.
欢迎归来!美国是什么样子呀? Welcome back.What was American like.
你说“我想”是什么意思? What do you mean by "I guess" What do you think of What do you mean by saying guess
糟透了 It's terrible. It's not good at all
universal language
勤奋的 diligent
这个东西很好吃,我可以再来一份么? the food is very good,can i have another helping?
露营 going camping went camping.
我们在河边找到一块草地。 We found a grassy spot beside the river.
我们 架起帐篷,生了营火,然后就在河边钓鱼。 We put up our tents and made a camp fire.then fished at the river.
我们只有一只钓竿, 因此我们就轮流钓。 We had only one fishing rod,so we took turns.
最后,我们 围坐在营火旁,边烤鱼边唱歌。 Finally we sat around the camp fire,roasted the fish and sang songs.
桂林市个风景胜地 Guilin is scenic spot.
生火驱寒 make a fire ward off the cold
你玩的愉快吗? Are you having fun?
你多久露营一次? How often do you go camping?
我愉快极了 I have a wonderful time.
不协调 没兴趣 out of tune
每隔一星期 every other week
我和他聊得很愉快 I had a wonderful time chatting with him
我们轮流洗车 We took turns washing the cars
丹明天必须请一天假 Dan must take a day off tomorrow
他应当向他 的老板说的 He ought to talk to his boss
他的老板也许会生他的气 His boss might get angry with him
be angry about the result
这样他就能两全其美 This way ,he can kill two birds with one stone.
我将和我的朋友去郊游 I'll go on a picnic with my friends.
如果你不学习你哪儿也去不了 If you don't study you can't get anywhere
他们必须照顾病人 They must look after the patient
他应该做什么? What ought he to do?
她患了重感冒 She had a bad cold.
照顾 take care of take after
她怎么了 What's wrong with her?
她好多了么? Is she getting better?
他在节食 He is on the diet
超重 over weight
还有 而且 moreover
更糟的是,他把 手提箱留在火车上了 To make matters worse,he left his briefcase on the train.
那一天根本上不了斑。真是恶梦一场啊! He never got to work that day,what a nightmare
如果你不着急的话,就赶不上火车了 If you don't hurry, you miss the train
这个问题难住了他the question beats me.
非常糟的事她把相机忘在了车上 What's worse he left his camera in the taxi.
等他到车站都十点了。 By the time he got to station,it was ten.
头痛的很厉害 a terrible headache
去给我买张报纸 go and buy me a newspaper
她学得真努力 how hard he studies
因此 therefore
有礼貌的人展现良好的风度 polite people show good manners
受欢迎 be popular 他手我们的欢迎 he is popular with us
受轻视 be looked down upon
无礼表示教育 差 Rudeness shows poor education.
使情况大不相同 make a big difference
吃饭时不要出声 while you are eating don't slurp
nobody like this boy,because he is impolite
印刷错误 typo
请把糖递给我 could you pass me the sugar, would you
风趣的 salt
我们为什么不去看电影呢 why do we not to go to the movies
他被我们喜欢 he is like by us





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