dexopt优化和验证Dalvik (Dalvik Optimization and Verification With dexopt)

dalvik的设计的初衷就是运行在像Android这样的小RAM,低速度flash memory,运行标准Linux系统的设备。针对这样的平台特性,要想做到更好,我们需要考虑以下几点:











3)byte ordering和word alignment根据local system来做调整。




VM Operation

系统中的应用程序代码以.jar或.apk文件存在。其实它们都是.zip的文档,只不过多了一些文件头信息。DEX文件也就是解压.apk后的classes.dex文件。classes.dex中的字节码是经过压缩处理的,而且文件头部不一定是word aligned,所以不能直接mmap到内存直接执行,而是先解压,然后做一些realignment,optimization,verification操作。下面详细介绍一下这个过程。


做到DEX文件的执行前优化(优化后的DEX叫做ODEX,Optimization DEX),至少有三种方式:


2)安装应用程序时,system installer做优化。这需要dalvik-cache目录的写权限。

3)编译系统源码时进行优化。这样优化不会修改jar/apk文件,但会对classes.dex进行优化,优化后的DEX与原文件放在同一个目录下一起写入system image。


使用JIT和system installer做DEX文件的Preparation要分成三步:

1)由system installer创建dalvik-cache文件夹,这个程序运行在有root权限的installd进程中。


3)为了方便使用和做一些针对特定系统的微调,把它mmap。比如byte-swapping,structure realigning等。我们还会做一些像文件偏移量和数据索引是否越界等方面的基本检查。





我们的解决方案就是使用dexopt这个程序,它会初始化一个VM,加载DEX文件并执行verification和optimization过程。完成后,进程退出,释放所有资源。这个过程中,也可以多个VM使用同一个DEX。file lock会让dexopt只运行一次。




执行verification成功的类在ODEX文件中有一个flag set,当它们被加载时,就不会再进行verification。linux系统的安全机制会防止这个文件被破坏,但如果你能绕过去,还是能去破坏它的。ODEX文件有一个32-bit的checksum,但只能做一个快速检查。








5)加入一些计算好的数据。比如,VM需要一个hash table来查找类名字,我们就可以在Optimization阶段进行计算,不用放到DEX加载的时候了。





Dependencies and Limitations


如果当前DEX所依赖的DEX有更新,我们也需要更新当前DEX。如果我们可以做一个JIT的dexopt调用,更新过程很easy。但如果只能依赖installer daemon,或者这个DEX被装到ODEX中的话,VM只能拒绝它了。


原因: a、 dex超过5M, b、方法树超过65535

Facebook is one of the most feature-rich apps available for Android. With features likepush notifications, news feed, and an embedded version of Facebook Messenger (a complete app in its own right) all working together in real-time, the complexity and volume of code creates technical challenges that few, if any, other Android developers face--especially on older versions of the platform. (Our latest apps support Android versions as old as Froyo--Android version 2.2--which is almost three years old.) 


One of these challenges is related to the way Android's runtime engine, the Dalvik Virtual Machine, handles Java methods. Late last year we completed a  major rebuild of our Android app (, which involved moving a lot of our code from JavaScript to Java, as well as using newer abstractions that encouraged large numbers of small methods (generally considered a good programming practice). Unfortunately, this caused the number of Java methods in our app to drastically increase.  


As we were testing, the problem first showed up as described in this bug( , which caused our app installation to fail on older Android phones. During standard installation, a program called "dexopt" runs to prepare your app for the specific phone it's being installed on. Dexopt uses a fixed-size buffer (called the "LinearAlloc" buffer) to store information about all of the methods in your app. Recent versions of Android use an 8 or 16 MB buffer, but Froyo and Gingerbread (versions 2.2 and 2.3) only have 5 MB. Because older versions of Android have a relatively small buffer, our large number of methods was exceeding the buffer size and causing dexopt to crash. 


After a bit of panic, we realized that we could work around this problem by breaking our app into multiple dex files, using the technique described here (, which focuses on using secondary dex files for extension modules, not core parts of the app. 


However, there was no way we could break our app up this way--too many of our classes are accessed directly by the Android framework. Instead, we needed to inject our secondary dex files directly into the system class loader. This isn't normally possible, but we examined the Android source code and used Java reflection to directly modify some of its internal structures. We were certainly glad and grateful that Android is open source—otherwise, this change wouldn’t have been possible. 


But as we came closer to launching our redesigned app, we ran into another problem. The LinearAlloc buffer doesn't just exist in dexopt--it exists within every running Android program. While dexopt uses LinearAlloc to to store information about all of the methods in your dex file, the running app only needs it for methods in classes that you are actually using. Unfortunately, we were now using too many methods for Android versions up to Gingerbread, and our app was crashing shortly after startup.   


There was no way to work around this with dex files since all of our classes were being loaded into one process, and we weren’t able to find any information about anyone who had faced this problem before (since it is only possible once you are already using multiple dex files, which is a difficult technique in itself).  We were on our own. 


We tried various techniques to reclaim space, including aggressive use of ProGuard and source code transformations to reduce our method count. We even built a profiler for LinearAlloc usage to figure out what the biggest consumers were. Nothing we tried had a significant impact, and we still needed to write many more methods to support all of the rich content types in our new and improved news feed and timeline.   


As it stood, the release of the much-anticipated Facebook for Android 2.0 was at risk. It seemed like we would have to choose between cutting significant features from the app or only shipping our new version to the newest Android phones (ICS and up). Neither seemed acceptable. We needed a better solution.  


Once again, we looked to the Android source code. Looking at the definition of the LinearAlloc buffer (, we realized that if we could only increase that buffer from 5 MB to 8 MB, we would be safe! 


That's when we had the idea of using a JNI extension to replace the existing buffer with a larger one. At first, this idea seemed completely insane. Modifying the internals of the Java class loader is one thing, but modifying the internals of the Dalvik VM while it was running our code is incredibly dangerous. But as we pored over the code, analyzing all the uses of LinearAlloc, we began to realize that it should be safe as long as we did it at the start of our program. All we had to do was find the LinearAllocHdr object, lock it, and replace the buffer.


Finding it turned out to be the hard part. Here’s where it’s stored(, buried within the DvmGlobals object, over 700 bytes from the start. Searching the entire object would be risky at best, but fortunately, we had an anchor point: the vmList object just a few bytes before. This contained a value that we could compare to the JavaVM pointer available through JNI.


The plan was finally coming together: find the proper value for vmList, scan the DvmGlobals object to find a match, jump a few more bytes to the LinearAlloc header, and replace the buffer. So we built the JNI extension, embedded it in our app, started it up, and...we saw the app running on a Gingerbread phone for the first time in weeks.The plan had worked. 


But for some reason it failed on the Samsung Galaxy S II...

The most popular Gingerbread phone...

Of all time...


It seems that Samsung made a small change to Android that was confusing our code. Other manufacturers might have done the same, so we realized we needed to make our code more robust. 


Manual inspection of the GSII revealed that the LinearAlloc buffer was only 4 bytes from where we expected it, so we adjusted our code to look a few bytes to each side if it failed to find the LinearAlloc buffer in the expected location. This required us to parse our process's memory map to ensure we didn't make any invalid memory references (which would crash the app immediately) and also build some strong heuristics to make sure we would recognize the LinearAlloc buffer when we found it. As a last resort, we found a (mostly) safe way to scan the entire process heap to search for the buffer. 


Now we had a version of the code that worked on a few popular phones--but we needed more than just a few. So we bundled our code up into a test app that would run the same procedure we were using for the Facebook app, then just display a large green or red box, indicating success or failure. 


We used manual testing, DeviceAnywhere, and a test lab that Google let us borrow to run our test app on 70 different phone models, and fortunately, it worked on every single one!


We released this code with Facebook for Android 2.0 in December. It's now running on hundreds of different phone models, and we have yet to find one where it doesn't work. The great speed improvements in that release would not have been possible without this crazy hack. And needless to say, without Android’s open platform, we wouldn’t have had the opportunity to ship our best version of the app. There’s a lot of opportunity for building on Android, and we’re excited to keep bringing the Facebook experience to more people and devices.  


Under the Hood: Rebuilding Facebook for Android

Over the last year, we've been retooling our mobile apps to make them faster, more reliable, and easier to use. Several months ago, we embarked on a major step change for iOS and shipped a native re-write of Facebook for iOS. With Android, we've moved to a fixed-date release cycle and have been steadily making improvements over time so that Facebook performs consistently across multiple platforms.  


Today, we're releasing a new version of Facebook for Android that's been rebuilt in native code to improve speed and performance. To support the unique complexity of Facebook stories across devices, we're moving from a hybrid native/webview to pure native code, allowing us to optimize the Facebook experience for faster loading, new user interfaces, disk cache, and so on.


We rebuilt several of Facebook for Android's core features in native code, including news feed and Timeline, to create a faster experience whether you're opening the app, looking at photos, or interacting with friends. Now, you can comment and like a story more quickly, and photo loading is optimized to be much faster. We also built a new, automatically updated story banner to bubble up the newest stories, no matter where you are in news feed.


We found that we had to develop new solutions and abstractions in order to address several performance challenges along the way.


Performance Challenges 

a) Reducing Garbage Collection: Memory efficiency has a dramatic effect on UI smoothness. Inefficient memory usage will result in many garbage collection (GC) events, which in turn can pause the application for multiple frames and cause a visible stutter during scrolling. We focused specifically on minimizing, eliminating, or deferring allocations in performance-critical code. We also deferred performing allocation-heavy code (like feed story parsing) until scrolling stopped and moved them off the UI thread.


b) Writing a Custom Event Bus: An event bus allows for a publish/subscribe flow, which allows communication between classes that should not be aware of, or dependent on, each other's existence. Common event bus implementations use object iterators and reflection,  which cause long operations and a lot of memory allocations. To solve this, we implemented a light-weight event bus that avoids all reflection and object iterators so it can be registered and unregistered during performance-critical areas of code like scrolling.


c) Moving Photos to the Native Heap: Loading photos is memory-intensive, and efficiently loading and handling bitmaps can be challenging. The standard method of allocating them directly on the Java heap can result in significant GCs and out-of-memory errors. We moved our bitmaps to be loaded on the native heap using the inPurgeable flag in the BitmapFactory class.  This allowed photos to be allocated in native memory instead of the Java heap (Honeycomb and up) or in external memory tracked by the VM (Froyo/Gingerbread), which in turn significantly reduced their impact on our allocations and thus performance.


d) Writing a Custom ListView Recycler: View recycling speeds up scrolling performance. The stock Android ListView has view recycling support, but it is not efficient for list elements of very different row heights, such as in news feed stories. We wrote a custom view recycler, which detached heavy content views once they were added to the recycling heap.  We also recycled substories in more complicated aggregated feed stories.


Looking Ahead

This new release creates a solid foundation for the Facebook for Android app moving forward. The infrastructure in place will let us continue to make the app even faster, smoother, and feature-rich. We hope you enjoy the new Facebook for Android app and use it to celebrate memorable moments, share your stories, and enjoy the holidays with your family and friends.







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