
<table id="epoch_popup_calendar" class="calendar" classname="calendar" style="position: absolute; top: 285px; left: 72px; display: block;">
        <div id="epoch_popup_mainheading" class="mainheading" classname="mainheading">
            <input type="button" value="<" title="上月">
                <option value="0">一月</option><option value="1">二月</option><option value="2">三月</option><option value="3">四月</option><option value="4">五月</option>
                <option value="5">六月</option><option value="6">七月</option><option value="7">八月</option><option value="8" selected="selected">九月</option>
                <option value="9">十月</option><option value="10">十一月</option><option value="11">十二月</option>
                <option value="2005">2005</option><option value="2006">2006</option><option value="2007">2007</option><option value="2008">2008</option>
                <option value="2009">2009</option><option value="2010">2010</option><option value="2011">2011</option><option value="2012">2012</option>
                <option value="2013">2013</option><option value="2014" selected="selected">2014</option><option value="2015">2015</option><option value="2016">2016</option>
                <option value="2017">2017</option><option value="2018">2018</option><option value="2019">2019</option><option value="2020">2020</option>
                <option value="2021">2021</option><option value="2022">2022</option><option value="2023">2023</option><option value="2024">2024</option>
                <option value="2025">2025</option><option value="2026">2026</option><option value="2027">2027</option><option value="2028">2028</option>
                <option value="2029">2029</option><option value="2030">2030</option><option value="2031">2031</option><option value="2032">2032</option>
                <option value="2033">2033</option><option value="2034">2034</option><option value="2035">2035</option><option value="2036">2036</option>
                <option value="2037">2037</option>
            <input type="button" value=">" title="下月">
            <table id="epoch_popup_caldayheading" class="caldayheading" classname="caldayheading">
                        <td class="wkhead" classname="wkhead"></td>
        <td id="epoch_popup_cell_td">
            <table id="epoch_popup_calcells" class="calcells" classname="calcells">
                    <td class="wkhead" classname="wkhead">35</td><td class="notmnth" classname="notmnth">31</td><td class="wkday" classname="wkday">1</td>
                    <td class="wkday" classname="wkday">2</td><td class="wkday" classname="wkday">3</td><td class="wkday" classname="wkday">4</td>
                    <td class="wkday" classname="wkday">5</td><td class="wkend" classname="wkend">6</td>
                    <td class="wkhead" classname="wkhead">36</td><td class="wkend" classname="wkend">7</td><td class="wkday" classname="wkday">8</td>
                    <td class="wkday" classname="wkday">9</td><td class="wkday" classname="wkday">10</td><td class="wkday" classname="wkday">11</td>
                    <td class="wkday" classname="wkday">12</td><td class="wkend" classname="wkend">13</td>
                    <td class="wkhead" classname="wkhead">37</td><td class="wkend" classname="wkend">14</td><td class="wkday" classname="wkday">15</td>
                    <td class="wkday" classname="wkday">16</td><td class="wkday" classname="wkday">17</td>
                    <td class="cell_selected" classname="cell_selected">18</td><td class="wkday" classname="wkday">19</td><td class="wkend" classname="wkend">20</td>
                    <td class="wkhead" classname="wkhead">38</td><td class="wkend" classname="wkend">21</td><td class="wkday" classname="wkday">22</td>
                    <td class="wkday" classname="wkday">23</td><td class="cell_selectedcurdate" classname="cell_selectedcurdate">24</td>
                    <td class="wkday" classname="wkday">25</td><td class="wkday" classname="wkday">26</td><td class="wkend" classname="wkend">27</td>
                    <td class="wkhead" classname="wkhead">39</td><td class="wkend" classname="wkend">28</td><td class="wkday" classname="wkday">29</td>
                    <td class="wkday" classname="wkday">30</td><td class="notmnth" classname="notmnth">1</td><td class="notmnth" classname="notmnth">2</td>
                    <td class="notmnth" classname="notmnth">3</td><td class="notmnth" classname="notmnth">4</td>
                    <td class="wkhead" classname="wkhead">40</td><td class="notmnth" classname="notmnth">5</td><td class="notmnth" classname="notmnth">6</td>
                    <td class="notmnth" classname="notmnth">7</td><td class="notmnth" classname="notmnth">8</td><td class="notmnth" classname="notmnth">9</td>
                    <td class="notmnth" classname="notmnth">10</td><td class="notmnth" classname="notmnth">11</td>
            <input type="button" value="清除" title="清除所有选中的日期"><div1 css="width:20px"></div1><input type="button" value="确定">

<script type="text/javascript" src="../js/epoch_classes.js"></script>
<link   type="text/css"  href="../style/epoch_styles.css" rel="stylesheet"  />

    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
         /* 设置默认属性 */   
      submitHandler: function(form) {
        dp_cal  = new Epoch('epoch_popup','popup',document.getElementById('popup_container'),true);

<td style="background-color: #e9f0f9;">
    <textarea style="color:black;border: 1px solid #97b8e0;" id="popup_container" name="sn1" rows="6" cols="45" readonly="readonly" ></textarea>  

<tr  <s:if test="#ind.index % 2 == 1">class="bule"</s:if> οnmοuseοut="this.style.backgroundColor=''" οnmοuseοver="this.style.backgroundColor='#fffed9'">       
    <td style="background-color: #e9f0f9;">
    <textarea style="color:black;border: 1px solid #97b8e0;" id="popup_container" name="sn1" rows="6" cols="45" readonly="readonly" ></textarea>  
    <td style="background-color: #e9f0f9;">
       <textarea style="color:black;border: 1px solid #97b8e0;" id="t1" name="t1" rows="6" cols="45" οnclick="showPage('<s:text name="msg.portalMS.schedule.install.quantum" />','<%=request.getContextPath()%>/recSchedule/addTime_tianwei.jsp',588,466);" readonly="readonly" ></textarea>
    <td style="background-color: #e9f0f9;">
         <input type="button" value='<s:text name="msg.portalMS.system.append" />8888' class='mybutton' οnclick="addSn();" style="width: 66px;background: url(../images/but_guild_1.gif) top center no-repeat;"/>

table.calendar {
    font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
    font-size: 0.8em;
    border-collapse: collapse;
    background-color: white;
    border: solid #999999 1px;
    background-color: white;
    width: 200px;
    text-align: center;
    /*prevent user from selecting text in Mozilla & Safari - check calendar constructor for IE code)*/
    -moz-user-select: none;
    /*-khtml-user-select: none;*/
table.calendar input, table.calendar select {
    font-size: 10px;
    color: 0;
    background: #79D839;
    width: 50px;
    margin: 0 2px 0 2px;
table.calendar td {
    border: 0;
    font-size: 10px;
    text-align: center;
div.mainheading {
    margin: 2px;
table.caldayheading {
    border-collapse: collapse;
    cursor: pointer;
    empty-cells: show;
    margin: 0 6px 0 6px;
table.caldayheading td {
    border: solid #CCCCCC 1px;
    text-align: center;
    color: #0054E3;
    font-weight: bold;
    width: 22px; /*should match calendar cell's width*/
table.caldayheading td.wkhead {
    border-right: double #CCCCCC 3px;
table.calcells {
    border-collapse: collapse;
    cursor: pointer;
    margin: 0 6px 0 6px;
table.calcells td {
    border: solid #CCCCCC 1px;
    vertical-align: top;
    text-align: center;
    font-weight: bold;
    width: 22px;
    height: 20px; /*IE doesn't like ems*/
table.calcells td div {
    padding: 1px;
    margin: 0;
table.calcells td.wkhead {
    background-color: white;
    text-align: center;
    border-right: double #CCCCCC 3px;
    color: #0054E3;
table.calcells td.wkday {
    background-color: #DDDDDD;

table.calcells td.wkdaycurdate {
    background-color: #FF0000;

table.calcells td.wkend {
    background-color: #DDDDDD;
table.calcells td.curdate {

table.calcells td.cell_selected {
    background-color: #99CCFF;
    color: black;

table.calcells td.cell_selectedcurdate {
    background-color: #99CCFF;
    color: black;
table.calcells td.notmnth {
    background-color: #FFFFFF;
    color: #CCCCCC;
table.calcells td.notallowed {
    background-color: white;
    color: #EEEEEE;
    font-style: italic;
table.calcells td.hover {
    background-color: #999999;

Copyright (C) 2006  Nick Baicoianu

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
//constructor for the main Epoch class (ENGLISH VERSION)
function Epoch(name,mode,targetelement,multiselect)
    this.state = 0;
    this.name = name;
    this.curDate = new Date();
    this.mode = mode;
    this.selectMultiple = (multiselect == true); //'false' is not true or not set at all
    //the various calendar variables
    //this.selectedDate = this.curDate;
    this.selectedDates = new Array();
    this.cells = new Array();
    //The controls
    //standard initializations
    this.mousein = false;
    this.displayYear = this.displayYearInitial;
    this.displayMonth = this.displayMonthInitial;
    this.createCalendar(); //create the calendar DOM element and its children, and their related objects
    if(this.mode == 'popup' && targetelement && targetelement.type == 'textarea') //if the target element has been set to be an input text box
        this.tgt = targetelement;
        this.calendar.style.position = 'absolute';
        this.topOffset = this.tgt.offsetHeight; // the vertical distance (in pixels) to display the calendar from the Top of its input element
        this.leftOffset = 0;                     // the horizontal distance (in pixels) to display the calendar from the Left of its input element
        this.calendar.style.top = this.getTop(targetelement) + this.topOffset + 'px';
        this.calendar.style.left = this.getLeft(targetelement) + this.leftOffset + 'px';
        this.tgt.calendar = this;
        this.tgt.onfocus = function () {this.calendar.show();}; //the calendar will popup when the input element is focused
        this.tgt.onblur = function () {if(!this.calendar.mousein){this.calendar.hide();}}; //the calendar will popup when the input element is focused
        this.container = targetelement;
    this.state = 2; //0: initializing, 1: redrawing, 2: finished!
    this.visible ? this.show() : this.hide();
Epoch.prototype.calConfig = function () //PRIVATE: initialize calendar variables
    //this.mode = 'flat'; //can be 'flat' or 'popup'
    this.displayYearInitial = this.curDate.getFullYear(); //the initial year to display on load
    this.displayMonthInitial = this.curDate.getMonth(); //the initial month to display on load (0-11)
    this.rangeYearLower = 2005;
    this.rangeYearUpper = 2037;
    this.minDate = new Date(2005,0,1);
    this.maxDate = new Date(2037,0,1);
    this.startDay = 0; // the day the week will 'start' on: 0(Sun) to 6(Sat)
    this.showWeeks = true; //whether the week numbers will be shown
    this.selCurMonthOnly = false; //allow user to only select dates in the currently displayed month
    this.clearSelectedOnChange = true; //whether to clear all selected dates when changing months
    //flat mode-only settings:
    //this.selectMultiple = true; //whether the user can select multiple dates (flat mode only)

    switch(this.mode) //set the variables based on the calendar mode
        case 'popup': //popup options
            this.visible = false;
        case 'flat':
            this.visible = true;
Epoch.prototype.setLang = function()  //all language settings for Epoch are made here.  Check Date.dateFormat() for the Date object's language settings
    this.monthup_title = $CON.NEXT_MONTH;
    this.monthdn_title = $CON.PRE_MONTH;
    this.clearbtn_caption = $CON.DELETE;
    this.okbtn_caption = $CON.SURE;
    this.clearbtn_title = $CON.DELETE_DATE_SELECTED;
    this.maxrange_caption = 'This is the maximum range';
Epoch.prototype.getTop = function (element) //PRIVATE: returns the absolute Top value of element, in pixels
    var oNode = element;
    var iTop = 0;
    while(oNode.tagName != 'BODY') {
        iTop += oNode.offsetTop;
        oNode = oNode.offsetParent;
    return iTop;
Epoch.prototype.getLeft = function (element) //PRIVATE: returns the absolute Left value of element, in pixels
    var oNode = element;
    var iLeft = 0;
    while(oNode.tagName != 'BODY') {
        iLeft += oNode.offsetLeft;
        oNode = oNode.offsetParent;        
    return iLeft;
Epoch.prototype.show = function () //PUBLIC: displays the calendar
    this.calendar.style.display = 'block';
    this.visible = true;
Epoch.prototype.hide = function () //PUBLIC: Hides the calendar
    this.calendar.style.display = 'none';
    this.visible = false;
Epoch.prototype.toggle = function () //PUBLIC: Toggles (shows/hides) the calendar depending on its current state
    if(this.visible) {
    else {
Epoch.prototype.setDays = function ()  //PRIVATE: initializes the standard Gregorian Calendar parameters
    this.daynames = new Array();
    var j=0;
    for(var i=this.startDay; i< this.startDay + 7;i++) {
        this.daynames[j++] = this.daylist[i];
    this.monthDayCount = new Array(31,((this.curDate.getFullYear() - 2000) % 4 ? 28 : 29),31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);
Epoch.prototype.setClass = function (element,className) //PRIVATE: sets the CSS class of the element, W3C & IE
    element.setAttribute('className',className); //<iehack>
Epoch.prototype.createCalendar = function ()  //PRIVATE: creates the full DOM implementation of the calendar
    var tbody, tr, td;
    this.calendar = document.createElement('table');
    //to prevent IE from selecting text when clicking on the calendar
    this.calendar.onselectstart = function() {return false;};
    this.calendar.ondrag = function() {return false;};
    tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
    //create the Main Calendar Heading
    tr = document.createElement('tr');
    td = document.createElement('td');
    //create the calendar Day Heading
    tr = document.createElement('tr');
    td = document.createElement('td');

    //create the calendar Day Cells
    tr = document.createElement('tr');
    td = document.createElement('td');
    this.calCellContainer = td;    //used as a handle for manipulating the calendar cells as a whole
    //create the calendar footer
    tr = document.createElement('tr');
    td = document.createElement('td');
    //add the tbody element to the main calendar table

    //and add the onmouseover events to the calendar table
    this.calendar.owner = this;
    this.calendar.onmouseover = function() {this.owner.mousein = true;};
    this.calendar.onmouseout = function() {this.owner.mousein = false;};
Epoch.prototype.createMainHeading = function () //PRIVATE: Creates the primary calendar heading, with months & years
    //create the containing <div> element
    var container = document.createElement('div');
    //create the child elements and other variables
    this.monthSelect = document.createElement('select');
    this.yearSelect = document.createElement('select');
    var monthDn = document.createElement('input'), monthUp = document.createElement('input');
    var opt, i;
    //fill the month select box
        opt = document.createElement('option');
        if(this.state == 0 && this.displayMonth == i) {
    //and fill the year select box
        opt = document.createElement('option');
        if(this.state == 0 && this.displayYear == i) {
    //add the appropriate children for the month buttons
    this.monthSelect.owner = this.yearSelect.owner = monthUp.owner = monthDn.owner = this;  //hack to allow us to access this calendar in the events (<fix>??)
    //assign the event handlers for the controls
    monthUp.onmouseup = function () {this.owner.nextMonth();};
    monthDn.onmouseup = function () {this.owner.prevMonth();};
    this.monthSelect.onchange = function() {
        this.owner.displayMonth = this.value;
        this.owner.displayYear = this.owner.yearSelect.value;
    this.yearSelect.onchange = function() {
        this.owner.displayMonth = this.owner.monthSelect.value;
        this.owner.displayYear = this.value;
    //and finally add the elements to the containing div
    return container;
Epoch.prototype.createFooter = function () //PRIVATE: creates the footer of the calendar - goes under the calendar cells
    var container = document.createElement('div');
    var clearSelected = document.createElement('input');
    clearSelected.owner = this;
    clearSelected.onclick = function() { this.owner.resetSelections(false);};
    var center = document.createElement('div1');
    var ok = document.createElement('input');
    ok.owner = this;
    ok.onclick = function(){ this.owner.hide();};
    return container;
Epoch.prototype.resetSelections = function (returnToDefaultMonth)  //PRIVATE: reset the calendar's selection variables to defaults
    this.selectedDates = new Array();
    this.rows = new Array(false,false,false,false,false,false,false);
    this.cols = new Array(false,false,false,false,false,false,false);
    if(this.tgt)  //if there is a target element, clear it too
        this.tgt.value = '';
        if(this.mode == 'popup') {//hide the calendar if in popup mode
    if(returnToDefaultMonth == true) {
    else {

Epoch.prototype.createDayHeading = function ()  //PRIVATE: creates the heading containing the day names
    //create the table element
    this.calHeading = document.createElement('table');
    var tbody,tr,td;
    tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
    tr = document.createElement('tr');
    this.cols = new Array(false,false,false,false,false,false,false);
    //if we're showing the week headings, create an empty <td> for filler
        td = document.createElement('td');
        td.setAttribute('className','wkhead'); //<iehack>
    //populate the day titles
    for(var dow=0;dow<7;dow++)
        td = document.createElement('td');
        if(this.selectMultiple) { //if selectMultiple is true, assign the cell a CalHeading Object to handle all events
            td.headObj = new CalHeading(this,td,(dow + this.startDay < 7 ? dow + this.startDay : dow + this.startDay - 7));
    return this.calHeading;    
Epoch.prototype.createCalCells = function ()  //PRIVATE: creates the table containing the calendar day cells
    this.rows = new Array(false,false,false,false,false,false);
    this.cells = new Array();
    var row = -1, totalCells = (this.showWeeks ? 48 : 42);
    var beginDate = new Date(this.displayYear,this.displayMonth,1);
    var endDate = new Date(this.displayYear,this.displayMonth,this.monthDayCount[this.displayMonth]);
    var sdt = new Date(beginDate);
    sdt.setDate(sdt.getDate() + (this.startDay - beginDate.getDay()) - (this.startDay - beginDate.getDay() > 0 ? 7 : 0) );
    //create the table element
    this.calCells = document.createElement('table');
    var tbody,tr,td;
    tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
    for(var i=0;i<totalCells;i++)
        if(this.showWeeks) //if we are showing the week headings
            if(i % 8 == 0)
                tr = document.createElement('tr');
                td = document.createElement('td');
                if(this.selectMultiple) { //if selectMultiple is enabled, create the associated weekObj objects
                    td.weekObj = new WeekHeading(this,td,sdt.getWeek(),row)
                else //otherwise just set the class of the td for consistent look
                    td.setAttribute('className','wkhead'); //<iehack>
        else if(i % 7 == 0) //otherwise, new row every 7 cells
            tr = document.createElement('tr');
        //create the day cells
        td = document.createElement('td');
        td.appendChild(document.createTextNode(sdt.getDate()));// +' ' +sdt.getUeDay()));
        var cell = new CalCell(this,td,sdt,row);
        td.cellObj = cell;
        sdt.setDate(sdt.getDate() + 1); //increment the date
    return this.calCells;
Epoch.prototype.reDraw = function () //PRIVATE: reapplies all the CSS classes for the calendar cells, usually called after chaning their state
    this.state = 1;
    var i,j;
    for(i=0;i<this.cells.length;i++) {
        this.cells[i].selected = false;
        for(j=0;j<this.selectedDates.length;j++) { //if the cell's date is in the selectedDates array, set its selected property to true
            if(this.cells[i].date.getUeDay() == this.selectedDates[j].getUeDay() ) {
                this.cells[i].selected = true;

    this.state = 2;
Epoch.prototype.deleteCells = function () //PRIVATE: removes the calendar cells from the DOM (does not delete the cell objects associated with them
    this.calCellContainer.removeChild(this.calCellContainer.firstChild); //get a handle on the cell table (optional - for less indirection)
    this.cells = new Array(); //reset the cells array
Epoch.prototype.goToMonth = function (year,month) //PUBLIC: sets the calendar to display the requested month/year
    this.monthSelect.value = this.displayMonth = month;
    this.yearSelect.value = this.displayYear = year;
Epoch.prototype.nextMonth = function () //PUBLIC: go to the next month.  if the month is december, go to january of the next year
    //increment the month/year values, provided they're within the min/max ranges
    if(this.monthSelect.value < 11) {
        if(this.yearSelect.value < this.rangeYearUpper)
            this.monthSelect.value = 0;
        else {
    //assign the currently displaying month/year values
    this.displayMonth = this.monthSelect.value;
    this.displayYear = this.yearSelect.value;
    //and refresh the calendar for the new month/year
Epoch.prototype.prevMonth = function () //PUBLIC: go to the previous month.  if the month is january, go to december of the previous year
    //increment the month/year values, provided they're within the min/max ranges
    if(this.monthSelect.value > 0)
        if(this.yearSelect.value > this.rangeYearLower)
            this.monthSelect.value = 11;
        else {
    //assign the currently displaying month/year values
    this.displayMonth = this.monthSelect.value;
    this.displayYear = this.yearSelect.value;
    //and refresh the calendar for the new month/year
Epoch.prototype.addZero = function (vNumber) //PRIVATE: pads a 2 digit number with a leading zero
    return ((vNumber < 10) ? '0' : '') + vNumber;
Epoch.prototype.addDates = function (dates,redraw)  //PUBLIC: adds the array "dates" to the calendars selectedDates array (no duplicate dates) and redraws the calendar
    var j,in_sd;
    for(var i=0;i<dates.length;i++)
        in_sd = false;
            if(dates[i].getUeDay() == this.selectedDates[j].getUeDay())
                in_sd = true;
        if(!in_sd) { //if the date isn't already in the array, add it!
    if(redraw != false) {//redraw  the calendar if "redraw" is false or undefined
Epoch.prototype.removeDates = function (dates,redraw)  //PUBLIC: adds the dates to the calendars selectedDates array and redraws the calendar
    var j;
    for(var i=0;i<dates.length;i++)
            if(dates[i].getUeDay() == this.selectedDates[j].getUeDay()) { //search for the dates in the selectedDates array, removing them if the dates match
    if(redraw != false) { //redraw  the calendar if "redraw" is false or undefined
Epoch.prototype.outputDate = function (vDate, vFormat) //PUBLIC: outputs a date in the appropriate format (DEPRECATED)
    var vDay            = this.addZero(vDate.getDate());
    var vMonth            = this.addZero(vDate.getMonth() + 1);
    var vYearLong        = this.addZero(vDate.getFullYear());
    var vYearShort        = this.addZero(vDate.getFullYear().toString().substring(3,4));
    var vYear            = (vFormat.indexOf('yyyy') > -1 ? vYearLong : vYearShort);
    var vHour            = this.addZero(vDate.getHours());
    var vMinute            = this.addZero(vDate.getMinutes());
    var vSecond            = this.addZero(vDate.getSeconds());
    return vFormat.replace(/dd/g, vDay).replace(/mm/g, vMonth).replace(/y{1,4}/g, vYear).replace(/hh/g, vHour).replace(/nn/g, vMinute).replace(/ss/g, vSecond);
Epoch.prototype.updatePos = function (target) //PUBLIC: moves the calendar's position to target's location (popup mode only)
    this.calendar.style.top = this.getTop(target) + this.topOffset + 'px'
    this.calendar.style.left = this.getLeft(target) + this.leftOffset + 'px'

function CalHeading(owner,tableCell,dow)
    this.owner = owner;
    this.tableCell = tableCell;
    this.dayOfWeek = dow;
    //the event handlers
    this.tableCell.onclick = this.onclick;
CalHeading.prototype.onclick = function ()
    //reduce indirection:
    var owner = this.headObj.owner;
    var sdates = owner.selectedDates;
    var cells = owner.cells;
    owner.cols[this.headObj.dayOfWeek] = !owner.cols[this.headObj.dayOfWeek];
    for(var i=0;i<cells.length;i++) //cycle through all the cells in the calendar, selecting all cells with the same dayOfWeek as this heading
        if(cells[i].dayOfWeek == this.headObj.dayOfWeek && (!owner.selCurMonthOnly || cells[i].date.getMonth() == owner.displayMonth && cells[i].date.getFullYear() == owner.displayYear)) //if the cell's DoW matches, with other conditions
            if(owner.cols[this.headObj.dayOfWeek])         //if selecting, add the cell's date to the selectedDates array
                if(owner.selectedDates.arrayIndex(cells[i].date) == -1) { //if the date isn't already in the array
            else                                        //otherwise, remove it
                for(var j=0;j<sdates.length;j++)
                    if(cells[i].dayOfWeek == sdates[j].getDay())
                        sdates.splice(j,1);    //remove dates that are within the displaying month/year that have the same day of week as the day cell
            cells[i].selected = owner.cols[this.headObj.dayOfWeek];
     var q="";
            for(var i=0;i<sdates.length;i++){
                var b=sdates[i].dateFormat();
              owner.tgt.value = q;
function WeekHeading(owner,tableCell,week,row)
    this.owner = owner;
    this.tableCell = tableCell;
    this.week = week;
    this.tableRow = row;
    this.tableCell.setAttribute('className','wkhead'); //<iehack>
    //the event handlers
    this.tableCell.onclick = this.onclick;
WeekHeading.prototype.onclick = function ()
    //reduce indirection:
    var owner = this.weekObj.owner;
    var cells = owner.cells;
    var sdates = owner.selectedDates;
    var i,j;
    owner.rows[this.weekObj.tableRow] = !owner.rows[this.weekObj.tableRow];
        if(cells[i].tableRow == this.weekObj.tableRow)
            if(owner.rows[this.weekObj.tableRow] && (!owner.selCurMonthOnly || cells[i].date.getMonth() == owner.displayMonth && cells[i].date.getFullYear() == owner.displayYear)) //match all cells in the current row, with option to restrict to current month only
                if(owner.selectedDates.arrayIndex(cells[i].date) == -1) {//if the date isn't already in the array
            else                                        //otherwise, remove it
                    if(sdates[j].getTime() == cells[i].date.getTime())  //this.weekObj.tableRow && sdates[j].getMonth() == owner.displayMonth && sdates[j].getFullYear() == owner.displayYear)
                        sdates.splice(j,1);    //remove dates that are within the displaying month/year that have the same day of week as the day cell

            var q="";
            for(var i=0;i<sdates.length;i++){
                var b=sdates[i].dateFormat();
              owner.tgt.value = q;

function CalCell(owner,tableCell,dateObj,row)
    this.owner = owner;        //used primarily for event handling
    this.tableCell = tableCell;             //the link to this cell object's table cell in the DOM
    this.cellClass;            //the CSS class of the cell
    this.selected = false;    //whether the cell is selected (and is therefore stored in the owner's selectedDates array)
    this.date = new Date(dateObj);
    this.dayOfWeek = this.date.getDay();
    this.week = this.date.getWeek();
    this.tableRow = row;
    //assign the event handlers for the table cell element
    this.tableCell.onclick = this.onclick;
    this.tableCell.onmouseover = this.onmouseover;
    this.tableCell.onmouseout = this.onmouseout;
    //and set the CSS class of the table cell
CalCell.prototype.onmouseover = function () //replicate CSS :hover effect for non-supporting browsers <iehack>
    this.setAttribute('class',this.cellClass + ' hover');
    this.setAttribute('className',this.cellClass + ' hover');
CalCell.prototype.onmouseout = function () //replicate CSS :hover effect for non-supporting browsers <iehack>
CalCell.prototype.onclick = function ()
    //reduce indirection:
    var cell = this.cellObj;
    var owner = cell.owner;
    if(!owner.selCurMonthOnly || cell.date.getMonth() == owner.displayMonth && cell.date.getFullYear() == owner.displayYear)
        if(owner.selectMultiple == true)  //if we can select multiple cells simultaneously, add the currently selected cell's date to the selectedDates array
            owner.tgt.value = "";
            if(!cell.selected) //if this cell has been selected
                if(owner.selectedDates.arrayIndex(cell.date) == -1) {
                var tmp = owner.selectedDates; // to reduce indirection
                //if the cell has been deselected, remove it from the owner calendar's selectedDates array
                for(var i=0;i<tmp.length;i++)
                    if(tmp[i].getUeDay() == cell.date.getUeDay()) {

                    var q="";
                    for(var i=0;i<owner.selectedDates.length;i++){
                        var b=owner.selectedDates[i].dateFormat();
                     owner.tgt.value = q;

        else //if we can only select one cell at a time
            owner.selectedDates = new Array(cell.date);
            if(owner.tgt) //if there is a target element to place the value in, do so
                owner.tgt.value = owner.selectedDates[0].dateFormat();
                if(owner.mode == 'popup') {
        owner.reDraw(); //redraw the calendar cell styles to reflect the changes
CalCell.prototype.setClass = function ()  //private: sets the CSS class of the cell based on the specified criteria
    if(this.selected) {
        this.cellClass = 'cell_selected';
    else if(this.owner.displayMonth != this.date.getMonth() ) {
        this.cellClass = 'notmnth';    
    else if(this.date.getDay() > 0 && this.date.getDay() < 6) {
        this.cellClass = 'wkday';
    else {
        this.cellClass = 'wkend';
    if(this.date.getFullYear() == this.owner.curDate.getFullYear() && this.date.getMonth() == this.owner.curDate.getMonth() && this.date.getDate() == this.owner.curDate.getDate()) {
        this.cellClass = this.cellClass + ' curdate';

    this.tableCell.setAttribute('className',this.cellClass); //<iehack>
Date.prototype.getDayOfYear = function () //returns the day of the year for this date
    return parseInt((this.getTime() - new Date(this.getFullYear(),0,1).getTime())/86400000 + 1);
Date.prototype.getWeek = function () //returns the day of the year for this date
    return parseInt((this.getTime() - new Date(this.getFullYear(),0,1).getTime())/604800000 + 1);
/*function getISOWeek()
    var newYear = new Date(this.getFullYear(),0,1);
    var modDay = newYear.getDay();
    if (modDay == 0) modDay=6; else modDay--;
    var daynum = ((Date.UTC(this.getFullYear(),this.getMonth(),this.getDate(),0,0,0) - Date.UTC(this.getFullYear()),0,1,0,0,0)) /1000/60/60/24) + 1;
    if (modDay < 4 ) {
        var weeknum = Math.floor((daynum+modDay-1)/7)+1;
    else {
        var weeknum = Math.floor((daynum+modDay-1)/7);
        if (weeknum == 0) {
            var prevNewYear = new Date(this.getFullYear(),0,1);
            var prevmodDay = prevNewYear.getDay();
            if (prevmodDay == 0) prevmodDay = 6; else prevmodDay--;
            if (prevmodDay < 4) weeknum = 53; else weeknum = 52;
    return + weeknum;
Date.prototype.getUeDay = function () //returns the number of DAYS since the UNIX Epoch - good for comparing the date portion
    return parseInt(Math.floor((this.getTime() - this.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000)/86400000)); //must take into account the local timezone
Date.prototype.dateFormat = function(format)
    if(!format) { // the default date format to use - can be customized to the current locale
        format = 'Y-m-d';
    LZ = function(x) {return(x < 0 || x > 9 ? '' : '0') + x};
    var MONTH_NAMES = new Array('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December','Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec');
    var DAY_NAMES = new Array('Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday','Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat');
    format = format + "";
    var result="";
    var i_format=0;
    var c="";
    var token="";
    var y=this.getFullYear().toString();
    var M=this.getMonth()+1;
    var d=this.getDate();
    var E=this.getDay();
    var H=this.getHours();
    var m=this.getMinutes();
    var s=this.getSeconds();
    var yyyy,yy,MMM,MM,dd,hh,h,mm,ss,ampm,HH,H,KK,K,kk,k;
    // Convert real this parts into formatted versions
    var value = new Object();
    //if (y.length < 4) {y=''+(y-0+1900);}
    value['Y'] = y.toString();
    value['y'] = y.substring(2);
    value['n'] = M;
    value['m'] = LZ(M);
    value['F'] = MONTH_NAMES[M-1];
    value['M'] = MONTH_NAMES[M+11];
    value['j'] = d;
    value['d'] = LZ(d);
    value['D'] = DAY_NAMES[E+7];
    value['l'] = DAY_NAMES[E];
    value['G'] = H;
    value['H'] = LZ(H);
    if (H==0) {value['g']=12;}
    else if (H>12){value['g']=H-12;}
    else {value['g']=H;}
    if (H > 11) {value['a']='pm'; value['A'] = 'PM';}
    else { value['a']='am'; value['A'] = 'AM';}
    //construct the result string
    while (i_format < format.length) {
        while ((format.charAt(i_format)==c) && (i_format < format.length)) {
            token += format.charAt(i_format++);
        if (value[token] != null) { result=result + value[token]; }
        else { result=result + token; }
    return result;
Array.prototype.arrayIndex = function(searchVal,startIndex) //similar to array.indexOf() - created to fix IE deficiencies
    startIndex = (startIndex != null ? startIndex : 0); //default startIndex to 0, if not set
    for(var i=startIndex;i<this.length;i++)
        if(searchVal == this[i]) {
            return i;
    return -1;


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