
Significant HTML markup and international symbols 

To support these entities, user agents may support full ISO10646 or use other means. Display of glyphs for these characters may be obtained by being able to display the relevant ISO10646 characters or by other means, such as internally mapping the listed entities, numeric character references, and characters to the appropriate position in some font that contains the requisite glyphs.

! ! Exclamation mark 

" " " Quotation mark 

# # Pound sign 

$ $ Dollar sign 

% % Percent sign 

& & Ampersand 

' ' Apostrophe 

( ( Left parenthese 

) ) Right parenthese 

* * Star, multiplication sign 

+ + Plus sign 

, , Comma 

- - Hyphen 

. . Period 

/ / Forward slash 

: : Colon 

; &#59; Semi-colon 

< &lt; &#60; Less-than sign 

= &#61; Equal sign 

> &gt; &#62; Greater-than sign 

? &#63; Question mark 

@ &#64; "At" sign 

[ &#91; Left bracket 

&#92; Back slash 

] &#93; Right bracket 

^ &#94; Circumflex 

_ &#95; Underscore 

` &#96; Grave mark 

{ &#123; Left brace symbol 

| &#124; Vertical bar 

} &#125; Right brace symbol 

~ &#126; Equivalent to sign 

… &#133; Ellipsis 

‘ &#145; Opening single quote 

’ &#146; Closing single quote 

“ &#147; Opening double quote 

” &#148; Closing double quote 

? &#149; Bullet 

– &#150; en dash 

— &#151; em dash 

? &OElig; &#338; Latin capital ligature OE 

? &oelig; &#339; Latin small ligature oe 

? &Scaron; &#352; Latin capital letter S with caron 

? &scaron; &#353; Latin small letter s with caron 

? &Yuml; &#376; Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis 

? &circ; &#710; Modifier letter circumflex accent 

? &tilde; &#732; Small tilde 

? &ensp; &#8194; en space 

? &emsp; &#8195; em space 

? &thinsp; &#8201; Thin space 

? &zwnj; &#8204; Zero width non-joiner 

? &zwj; &#8205; Zero width joiner 

? &lrm; &#8206; Left-to-right mark 

? &rlm; &#8207; Right-to-left mark 

– &ndash; &#8211; en dash 

— &mdash; &#8212; em dash 

‘ &lsquo; &#8216; Left single quotation mark 

’ &rsquo; &#8217; Right single quotation mark 

? &sbquo; &#8218; Single low-9 quotation mark 

“ &ldquo; &#8220; Left double quotation mark 

” &rdquo; &#8221; Right double quotation mark 

? &bdquo; &#8222; Double low-9 quotation mark 

? &dagger; &#8224; Dagger 

? &Dagger; &#8225; Double dagger 

‰ &permil; &#8240; Per mille sign 

? &lsaquo; &#8249; Single left-pointing angle quotation mark 

? &rsaquo; &#8250; Single right-pointing angle quotation mark 

&nbsp; &#160; Non-breaking space 

&iexcl; &iexcl; &#161; Inverted exclamation mark 

&cent; &cent; &#162; Cent sign 

&pound; &pound; &#163; Pound sign 

¤ &curren; &#164; Currency sign 

&yen; &yen; &#165; Yen sign 

&brvbar; &brvbar; &#166; Broken vertical bar 

§ &sect; &#167; Section sign 

¨ &uml; &#168; Spacing diaeresis 

&copy; &copy; &#169; Copyright sign 

&ordf; &ordf; &#170; Feminine ordinal indicator 

&laquo; &laquo; &#171; Left-pointing double angle quotation mark 

&not; &not; &#172; Not sign 

&shy; &shy; &#173; Discretionary hyphen 

&reg; &reg; &#174; Registered trade mark sign 

&macr; &macr; &#175; Spacing macron 

° &deg; &#176; Degree sign 

± &plusmn; &#177; Plus-or-minus sign 

&sup2; &sup2; &#178; Superscript digit two 

&sup3; &sup3; &#179; Superscript digit three 

&acute; &acute; &#180; Acute accent 

&micro; &micro; &#181; Micro sign 

&para; &para; &#182; Paragraph sign 

· &middot; &#183; Middle dot 

&cedil; &cedil; &#184; Spacing cedilla 

&sup1; &sup1; &#185; Superscript digit one 

&ordm; &ordm; &#186; Masculine ordinal indicator 

&raquo; &raquo; &#187; Right-pointing double angle quotation mark 

&frac14; &frac14; &#188; Fraction one quarter 

&frac12; &frac12; &#189; Fraction one half 

&frac34; &frac34; &#190; Fraction three quarters 

&iquest; &iquest; &#191; Inverted question mark 

&Agrave; &Agrave; &#192; Latin capital letter A with grave 

&Aacute; &Aacute; &#193; Latin capital letter A with acute 

&Acirc; &Acirc; &#194; Latin capital letter A with circumflex 

&Atilde; &Atilde; &#195; Latin capital letter A with tilde 

&Auml; &Auml; &#196; Latin capital letter A with diaeresis 

&Aring; &Aring; &#197; Latin capital letter A with ring above 

&AElig; &AElig; &#198; Latin capital letter AE 

&Ccedil; &Ccedil; &#199; Latin capital letter C with cedilla 

&Egrave; &Egrave; &#200; Latin capital letter E with grave 

&Eacute; &Eacute; &#201; Latin capital letter E with acute 

&Ecirc; &Ecirc; &#202; Latin capital letter E with circumflex 

&Euml; &Euml; &#203; Latin capital letter E with diaeresis 

&Igrave; &Igrave; &#204; Latin capital letter I with grave 

&Iacute; &Iacute; &#205; Latin capital letter I with acute 

&Icirc; &Icirc; &#206; Latin capital letter I with circumflex 

&Iuml; &Iuml; &#207; Latin capital letter I with diaeresis 

&ETH; &ETH; &#208; Latin capital letter ETH 

&Ntilde; &Ntilde; &#209; Latin capital letter N with tilde 

&Ograve; &Ograve; &#210; Latin capital letter O with grave 

&Oacute; &Oacute; &#211; Latin capital letter O with acute 

&Ocirc; &Ocirc; &#212; Latin capital letter O with circumflex 

&Otilde; &Otilde; &#213; Latin capital letter O with tilde 

&Ouml; &Ouml; &#214; Latin capital letter O with diaeresis 

× &times; &#215; Multiplication sign 

&Oslash; &Oslash; &#216; Latin capital letter O with stroke 

&Ugrave; &Ugrave; &#217; Latin capital letter U with grave 

&Uacute; &Uacute; &#218; Latin capital letter U with acute 

&Ucirc; &Ucirc; &#219; Latin capital letter U with circumflex 

&Uuml; &Uuml; &#220; Latin capital letter U with diaeresis 

&Yacute; &Yacute; &#221; Latin capital letter Y with acute 

&THORN; &THORN; &#222; Latin capital letter THORN 

&szlig; &szlig; &#223; Latin small letter sharp s 

à &agrave; &#224; Latin small letter a with grave 

á &aacute; &#225; Latin small letter a with acute 

&acirc; &acirc; &#226; Latin small letter a with circumflex 

&atilde; &atilde; &#227; Latin small letter a with tilde 

&auml; &auml; &#228; Latin small letter a with diaeresis 

&aring; &aring; &#229; Latin small letter a with ring above 

&aelig; &aelig; &#230; Latin small letter ae 

&ccedil; &ccedil; &#231; Latin small letter c with cedilla 

è &egrave; &#232; Latin small letter e with grave 

é &eacute; &#233; Latin small letter e with acute 

ê &ecirc; &#234; Latin small letter e with circumflex 

&euml; &euml; &#235; Latin small letter e with diaeresis 

ì &igrave; &#236; Latin small letter i with grave 

í &iacute; &#237; Latin small letter i with acute 

&icirc; &icirc; &#238; Latin small letter i with circumflex 

&iuml; &iuml; &#239; Latin small letter i with diaeresis 

&eth; &eth; &#240; Latin small letter eth 

&ntilde; &ntilde; &#241; Latin small letter n with tilde 

ò &ograve; &#242; Latin small letter o with grave 

ó &oacute; &#243; Latin small letter o with acute 

&ocirc; &ocirc; &#244; Latin small letter o with circumflex 

&otilde; &otilde; &#245; Latin small letter o with tilde 

&ouml; &ouml; &#246; Latin small letter o with diaeresis 

÷ &divide; &#247; Division sign 

&oslash; &oslash; &#248; Latin small letter o with stroke 

ù &ugrave; &#249; Latin small letter u with grave 

ú &uacute; &#250; Latin small letter u with acute 

&ucirc; &ucirc; &#251; Latin small letter u with circumflex 

ü &uuml; &#252; Latin small letter u with diaeresis 

&yacute; &yacute; &#253; Latin small letter y with acute 

&thorn; &thorn; &#254; Latin small letter thorn 

&yuml; &yuml; &#255; Latin small letter y with diaeresis





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