Introduction to Byteball — Part 4: Adoption

这是关于Byteball的系列文章的第4部分。 第1 部分介绍了Byteball的原因, 第2部分解释了DAG的工作原理。 第3部分是关于智能合约。 所以如果你错过了这些,现在就阅读它们,然后再回到这个。

宁可观看视频,而不要读故事? 然后观看下面的YouTube链接。 如果不是,请继续阅读。

在本系列的第一部分中,我开始解释为什么合同是一件社交活动。 您至少需要两个人签订合同。 所以为了让Byteball落地,我们需要很多用户。 进入这个生态系统应该非常容易。

这就是为什么Tony创造了一个非常容易使用的钱包。 它确实是,你必须亲自尝试一下 。

为了使它更容易,我们必须以不同的方式做一些事情。 平台上的大多数应用程序都可以作为聊天机器人访问。 现在每个人都使用聊天应用程序,所以应该非常熟悉。 这使得开发新的应用程序也变得非常快速和容易,从而有助于获得更多的用户。

僵尸程序可以在所谓的Bot商店中的钱包中找到 - 这与Apple App Store类似。这使开发人员可以轻松访问用户,并让用户发现应用程序。

如果这还不够Byteball是免费发布的 。 任何有比特币的人都可以参与发行。访问Byteball wiki获取更多详细信息。


还记得Pikapay吗? 记得ChangeTip?



而现在, Byteball钱包可以让您将钱汇入电子邮件地址 ,而不是隐藏的地址 你只需写一个电子邮件地址,你通常会写一个Byteball地址。 或者 - 甚至可以更好 - 您可以通过短信 ,Whatsapp,电报,Viber,微信或任何其他聊天应用程序发送硬币 。

收件人只收到其电子邮件或聊天消息中的链接。 他点击链接,硬币立即添加到他的平衡。 或者,如果他还没有钱包,则会提示他安装。

谁说加密必须是神秘的? :)



这是第一次尝试得到好评 ,所以我要继续研究这个想法。 请继续关注更多的textcoin想法:)


确保您访问Byteball网站下载钱包 。 你不会后悔的。 Reddit上下载并成为社区的一部分! 到时候那里见!

1 An Introductionto theTechnologiesofIPand ATM 3 Circuit Switching 3 PacketSwitching 5 Cell Switching andATM 7 Connection-orientatedService 8 Connectionless Service andIP 9 Buffering in ATMswitches and IP routers 11 Buffer Management 11 Traffic Control 13 2 Traffic Issues andSolutions 15 Delayand Loss Performance 15 Source models 16 Queueingbehaviour 18 Coping withMulti-service Requirements:DifferentiatedPerformance 30 Buffer sharing and partitioning 30 Celland packet discard mechanisms 32 Queue schedulingmechanisms 35 Flows, ConnectionsandAggregates 37 Admission control mechanisms 37 Policingmechanisms 40 Dimensioningand configuration 41 3 Teletraffic Engineering 45 Sharing Resources 45 Mesh andStar Networks 45 Traffic Intensity 47 Performance 49 TCP: Traffic, CapacityandPerformance 49 VariationofTraffic Intensity 50 Erlang’s Lost Call Formula 52 Traffic Tables 53 viii CONTENTS 4 Performance Evaluation 57 Methods ofPerformanceEvaluation 57 Measurement 57 Predictive evaluation:analysis/simulation 57 Queueing Theory 58 Notation 60 Elementary relationships 60 The M/M/1queue 61 The M/D/1/K queue 64 Delayinthe M/M/1 and M/D/1 queueingsystems 65 5 FundamentalsofSimulation 69 Discrete Time Simulation 69 Generating random numbers 71 M/D/1 queue simulator inMathcad 73 Reachingsteady state 74 Batch means and confidence intervals 75 Validation 77 Accelerated Simulation 77 Cell-rate simulation 77 6TrafficModels 81 Levels ofTraffic Behaviour 81 Timing Informationin Source Models 82 Time betweenArrivals 83 Counting Arrivals 86 RatesofFlow 89 PARTII ATMQUEUEINGAND TRAFFICCONTROL 95 7 Basic Cell Switching 97 The Queueing BehaviourofATMCells in OutputBuffers 97 Balance EquationsforBuffering 98 Calculating theState ProbabilityDistribution 100 Exact Analysis forFINITE OutputBuffers 104 Delays 108 End-to-end delay 110 8 Cell-Scale Queueing 113 Cell-scale Queueing 113 Multiplexing Constant-bit-rateTraffic 114 Analysis ofanInfinite Queue withMultiplexed CBRInput: The 115 NDD/D/1 Heavy-traffic ApproximationfortheM/D/1Queue 117 Heavy-traffic ApproximationfortheNDD/D/1Queue 119 Cell-scale Queueing in Switches 121 9 Burst-ScaleQueueing 125 ATM Queueing Behaviour 125 Burst-scale Queueing Behaviour 127 CONTENTS ix Fluid-flow Analysis ofaSingle Source –Per-VCQueueing 129 Continuous Fluid-flow Approach 129 Discrete ‘Fluid-flow’ Approach 131 Comparingthe Discrete andContinuous Fluid-flow Approaches 136 Multiple ON/OFF Sources ofthe Same Type 139 The Bufferless Approach 141 The Burst-scale DelayModel 145 10 ConnectionAdmissionControl 149 The TrafficContract 150 Admissible Load:The Cell-scale Constraint 151 A CACalgorithm based onM/D/1 analysis 152 A CACalgorithm based onNDD/D/1 analysis 153 The cell-scaleconstraint instatistical-bit-rate transfer capability,based on 155 M/D/1 analysis Admissible Load:The Burst Scale 157 A practical CAC scheme 159 Equivalent cellrate and linearCAC 160 Two-levelCAC 160 Accounting forthe burst-scale delayfactor 161 CAC in TheStandards 165 11 Usage Parameter Control 167 Protectingthe Network 167 Controlling the MeanCell Rate 168 Algorithms forUPC 172 The leakybucket 172 PeakCell RateControlusing the LeakyBucket 173 The problemoftolerances 176 Resourcesrequired fora worst-case ON/OFF cell stream from peakcell 178 rate UPC Traffic shaping 182 Dual LeakyBuckets: The LeakyCupandSaucer 182 Resourcesrequiredfora worst-case ON/OFF cellstream from sustainable 184 cellrate UPC 12 Dimensioning 187 Combining TheBurst and CellScales 187 Dimensioning The Buffer 190 Small buffers for cell-scalequeueing 193 Large buffers forburst-scale queueing 198 Combining TheConnection,Burst andCell Scales 200 13 PriorityControl 205 Priorities 205 Space Priority andThe CellLoss Priority Bit 205 Partial BufferSharing 207 Increasing the admissible load 214 Dimensioningbuffers forpartial buffer sharing 215 Time Priority in ATM 218 Meanvalue analysis 219 x CONTENTS PARTIII IPPERFORMANCE 227 AND TRAFFICMANAGEMENT 14 Basic Packet Queueing 229 The Queueing BehaviourofPacketsin anIP RouterBuffer 229 Balance EquationsforPacketBuffering: The Geo/Geo/1 230 Calculating the state probability distribution 231 DecayRateAnalysis 234 Using the decayrate to approximate the buffer overflowprobability 236 Balance EquationsforPacketBuffering: Excess-rate Queueing 238 Analysis The excess-rate M/D/1, forapplicationto voice-over-IP 239 The excess-rate solutionforbest-effort traffic 245 15 Resource Reservation 253 Quality ofService andTraffic Aggregation 253 Characterizingan AggregateofPacketFlows 254 PerformanceAnalysis ofAggregate PacketFlows 255 Parameterizing the two-state aggregate process 257 Analysing the queueingbehaviour 259 Voice-over-IP, Revisited 261 Traffic Conditioning ofAggregateFlows 265 16 IP BufferManagement 267 First-in First-outBuffering 267 RandomEarly Detection–Probabilistic PacketDiscard 267 Virtual Buffers andScheduling Algorithms 273 Precedence queueing 273 Weightedfair queueing 274 Buffer Space Partitioning 275 Shared BufferAnalysis 279 17 Self-similar Traffic 287 Self-similarity andLong-range-dependentTraffic 287 The ParetoModel ofActivity 289 Impact ofLRDTraffic onQueueing Behaviour 292 The Geo/Pareto/1 Queue 293 References 299 Index 301




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