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原创 twisted入门

测试安装确认twisted正常运作并查看版本:# pythonPython 2.7.3 (default, Mar 11 2013, 22:38:13) [GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-3)] on linux2Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more informat

2014-01-02 15:22:59 1698

原创 GB-T 16260.1-2006 软件工程 产品质量 第1部分:质量模型

GB /T 16260.1描述了关于软件产品质量的两部分模型:a)内部质量和外部质量,b)使用质量。模型的第一部分为内部质量和外部质量规定了六个特性,它们可进一步细分为子特性。当软件作为计算机系统的一部分时,这些子特性作为内部软件属性的结果,从外部显现出来。

2014-01-02 15:18:55 7491 1

原创 测试计划,测试用例,测试报告,测试设计等国际标准:IEEE-829-2008

测试计划,测试用例,测试报告,测试设计等国际标准。 IEEE 829-1998,也被称做829软件测试文档标准,作为一个IEEE的标准定义了一套文档用于8个已定义的软件测试阶段,每个阶段可能产生它自己单独的文件类型。这个标准定义了文档的格式但是没有规定它们是否必须全部被应用,也不包括这些文档中任何相关的其它标准的内容。

2013-12-30 09:19:22 2138

原创 2010 python测试书籍:Python Testing Beginner's Guide

Automated testing moves much of the labor of testing off the developer and makes it easier as well as quicker to find bugs and fix them. Automated tests run faster, increase test coverage, and lower costs. However, testing is neither an easy process nor re

2013-12-30 09:17:51 1887

原创 接口测试介绍


2013-12-29 16:32:04 1404

原创 python脚本:把excel转为testlink的xml文件

testlink只支持xml格式的导入,但是现在我们有一些用例以excel的形式展现。test_link.py:把excel转为testlink的xml文件,这样excel的文件也可以导入到testlink。对excel文件的要求: 四列: 1, 测试用例名;2,测试预置条件;3,测试步骤;4,测试预期结果。第一行作为标题,不会被导入。

2013-12-27 19:46:40 328

原创 Centos6.5 使用个人经验

新装centos 6.5的机器容易出现无法下载EPEL的数据文件,可以从升级上来的机器的/var/cache/yum/x86_64/6/epel目录拷贝文件

2013-12-27 18:56:31 1432

原创 python模块介绍- time 时间访问和转换


2013-12-24 12:00:06 162

原创 python数据库2013新书:The Definitive Guide to MongoDB, Second Edition

python数据库2013新书:The Definitive Guide to MongoDB, Second Edition下载书籍介绍:​http://www.wowebook.com/book/definitive-guide-mongodb-2nd-edition/语言: 英文下载:1. pdf ​http://pan.baidu.com/share/l

2013-12-24 10:25:14 2767

原创 python2014新书: 高性能 python - High Performance Python

python2014新书: 高性能 python - High Performance Python下载书籍介绍:​http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920028963.do语言: 英文下载:还没有发布,希望明年可以提供电子版本介绍余下部分参见下面地址本文地址http://automationtesting.sinaap

2013-12-24 10:24:05 3907

原创 python模块介绍- shutil 高级文件操作

shutil模块提供了大量的文件的高级操作。特别针对文件拷贝和删除,主要功能为目录和文件操作以及压缩操作。对单个文件的操作也可参见os模块。注意即便是更高级别的文件复制函数(shutil.copy(),shutil.copy2())也不能复制所有文件的元数据。这意味着在POSIX平台上,文件的所有者和组以及访问控制列表都将丢失。在Mac OS中资源fork和其他元数据无法使用。这意味着资源将丢失,文件类型和创建者代码将不正确。在Windows上,文件所有者,ACL和备用数据流不会被复制。

2013-12-24 06:46:56 1702

原创 python模块介绍- base64 RFC 3548: Base16, Base32, Base64数据编码


2013-12-23 22:07:15 2390

原创 python模块介绍- binascii 二进制和ASCII转换

binascii模块包含很多用来方法来转换二进制和各种ASCII编码的二进制表示法。通常不直接使用这些功能,而是使用封装模块,如uu, base64或binhex。binascii模块包含用C语言编写更快的低级功能,通常为高级模块所使用。

2013-12-23 11:32:55 2698

原创 python模块介绍- google 谷歌搜索引擎python接口

google 模块是谷歌搜索引擎python接口,系用urllib2在google上进行搜索,使用BeautifulSoup进行解释外部封装,非google官方接口。

2013-12-22 23:01:51 4461

原创 python模块介绍- multi-mechanize 通用的性能测试工具

Multi-Mechanize 是一个开源的性能和负载测试框架,它并发运行多个 Python 脚本对网站或者服务生成负载(组合事务)。测试输出报告保存为HTML或JMeter的兼容的XML。Multi-Mechanize最常用于web性能和可扩展性(scalability)测试,也适用于任何python可以访问的API。尤其适合后台性能测试。稍微懂点编程的话,这个工具会远强过商业的性能测试工具。

2013-12-21 23:00:44 5592

原创 关于"python自动化测试"

关于"python自动化测试" "python自动化测试"是收集python测试开发相关资料小站。小站基于python开发自动化测试群113938272和开发测试群6089740。群主曾在华为从事c语言开发,在UT斯达康,腾讯,爱德华光网络(德国上市公司)用python,tcl等搭建自动化测试平台。小站同时开展一些开源项目:1,部分python中文翻

2013-12-21 22:40:13 3265

原创 本博客将迁移至: http://automationtesting.sinaapp.com

本博客将迁移至: http://automationtesting.sinaapp.com, 感谢大家的持续关注!

2013-12-20 15:19:33 577

原创 python模块介绍- binascii 二进制和ASCII转换

binascii模块包含很多用来方法来转换二进制和各种ASCII编码的二进制表示法。通常不直接使用这些功能,而是使用封装模块,如uu, base64或binhex。binascii模块包含用C语言编写更快的低级功能,通常为高级模块所使用。

2013-12-12 11:49:10 1190

原创 python模块介绍- google 谷歌搜索引擎python接口

google 模块是谷歌搜索引擎python接口,系用urllib2在google上进行搜索,使用BeautifulSoup进行解释外部封装,非google官方接口。

2013-12-11 14:25:42 800

原创 python模块介绍- base64 RFC 3548: Base16, Base32, Base64数据编码

Python Base64模块提供了RFC3548中的数据编码和解码(转换二进制数据为适合明文协议传输的ASCII序列,如RFC3548中指定。该标准定义了Base16,Base32和Base64算法,编码和解码的任意二进制字符串转换为文本字符串,这样就可以通过电子邮件安全发送,作为网址的一部分,或包含在HTTP POST请求中。

2013-12-10 19:00:07 6560

原创 python模块介绍- shutil 高级文件操作


2013-12-09 13:05:05 5167

原创 python模块介绍- time 时间访问和转换


2013-12-04 12:01:26 5173

原创 python模块介绍- ConfigParser 配置文件解析器


2013-11-28 21:22:28 1439

原创 python模块介绍- logging 日志工具


2013-11-26 21:42:38 1467

原创 python模块介绍- xlwt 创建xls文件(excel)

Xlwt简介:功能:用于生成97/2000/XP/2003 xls文件

2013-11-21 21:54:33 918

翻译 python 2.7 中文教程 - 开胃菜

Python虽然使用简单,但是真正的编程语言。跟shell脚本或批处理文件比,它提供更多的结构并支持大型程序。Python比C提供了更多的错误检查。它是更高级别的语言,内置了的高级数据类型,如灵活的数组和字典。基于这些通用数据类型, Python相对Awk甚至是Perl可以处理很多领域的难题,很多东东在python中会比其他语言处理起来更容易。

2013-11-19 06:30:20 856

翻译 python 2.7 中文教程 - 简介


2013-11-19 06:25:18 472

原创 pythonxy – 加快windows上python模块安装和模块选择

Pythonxy是一个基于Qt和Spyder的面向科学Python的发行版本。它针对Windows Vista/7/8。Python(x,y)是一个免费的科学与工程开发软件,适用于数值计算、数据分析和数据可视化。它基于Python、Qt GUI、Spyder交互式科学开发环境。个人觉得对加快windows上python模块安装和模块选择比较有帮助

2013-11-13 10:37:21 644

翻译 Django教程:第一个Django应用程序(4)


2013-10-09 14:46:06 1013

原创 Django教程:第一个Django应用程序(3)

在 Django 中,网页及其他内容是由视图展现。视图就是简单的 Python 函数(或方法)。Django 会通过检查URL(确切地说是域名之后的那部分 URL)来匹配一个视图。URL 模式是URL的通用形式- 比如: /newsarchive/<year>/<month>/.Django 通过 ‘URLconfs’把URL 模式 (正则表达式)映射到视图。本教程中介绍URLconfs 的基本指令,更多信息参见django.core.urlresolvers。

2013-10-08 15:36:08 1145

翻译 Django教程:第一个Django应用程序(2部分)

本节关注Django 自动生成的管理站点。 为你的员工或客户生成添加、修改和删除内容的管理性网站是个单调乏味的工作。因此Django 为模型自动化创建管理界面。Django 是在新闻编辑室环境下编写的,“内容提供商”和“公共”网站之间有非常明显的界限。网站管理员使用这个系统来添加新闻、事件、体育成绩等等, 而这些内容会在公共网站上显示出来。Django 为网站管理员创建统一 的管理界面用以编辑内容。管理界面不是让网站访问者使用的。它是为网站管理员准备的。

2013-09-24 16:55:39 1294

翻译 Django教程:第一个Django应用程序(1部分)

Django是一个开放源代码的Web应用框架,由Python写成。采用了MVC的软件设计模式,即模型M,视图V和控制器C。它最初是被开发来用于管理劳伦斯出版集团旗下的一些以新闻内容为主的网站的。并于2005年7月在BSD许可证下发布。这套框架是以比利时的吉普赛爵士吉他手Django Reinhardt来命名的。Django的主要目标是使得开发复杂的、数据库驱动的网站变得简单。Django注重组件的重用性和“可插拔性”,敏捷开发和DRY法则(Don't Repeat Yourself)。在Django中P

2013-09-23 15:59:48 1426

原创 python模块介绍- multi-mechanize 性能测试工具

Multi-Mechanize 是一个开源的性能和负载测试框架,它并发运行多个 Python 脚本对网站或者服务生成负载(组合事务)。Multi-Mechanize最常用于web性能和可扩展性(scalability)测试,也适用于任何python可以访问的API。 测试输出报告保存为HTML或JMeter的兼容的XML。主要特性:• 支持各种 HTTP methods • 高级超链接和HTML表单支持• 支持 SSL• 自动处理 Cookies• 可设置HTTP头• 自动处理重定向•

2013-09-13 12:03:28 853

原创 python模块介绍- HTMLParser 简单的HTML和XHTML解析器


2013-09-11 14:18:53 3666

原创 申请了个微博http://weibo.com/u/2549749360


2013-07-16 18:46:12 5053

原创 web service接口测试工具选型

1  简介1.1   范围1.2   目的本文档用于指导测试部进行接口测试。2013-03-11磁针石#承接软件自动化实施与培训等gtalk:ouyangchongwu#gmail.com qq 37391319 博客:http://blog.csdn.net/oychw#版权所有,转载刊登请来函联系# 深圳测试自动化python项目接单群113938272深圳

2013-07-08 09:46:50 1674

原创 python模块介绍- xlwt 创建xls文件(excel)

python模块介绍- xlwt 创建xls文件(excel)2013-06-24磁针石#承接软件自动化实施与培训等gtalk:ouyangchongwu#gmail.comqq 37391319 博客:http://blog.csdn.net/oychw#版权所有,转载刊登请来函联系# 深圳测试自动化python项目接单群113938272深圳广州软件测试开发6089

2013-06-24 14:53:02 1612

原创 Python外部模块介绍- pyocr 光学字符串识别 验证码破解相关

Python外部模块介绍- pyocr光学字符串识别2013-05-24磁针石#承接软件自动化实施与培训等gtalk:ouyangchongwu#gmail.comqq 37391319 博客:http://blog.csdn.net/oychw#版权所有,转载刊登请来函联系# 深圳测试自动化python项目接单群113938272深圳会计软件测试兼职 6089740 #深

2013-05-24 09:51:28 2862

原创 python模块介绍- SocketServer 网络服务框架

python模块介绍- SocketServer 网络服务框架2013-05-22磁针石#承接软件自动化实施与培训等gtalk:ouyangchongwu#gmail.comqq 37391319 博客:http://blog.csdn.net/oychw#版权所有,转载刊登请来函联系# 深圳测试自动化python项目接单群113938272深圳会计软件测试兼职 60897

2013-05-22 17:21:06 8780 1

原创 python模块介绍- select 等待I/0完成

python模块介绍- select 等待I/0完成2013-05-212磁针石#承接软件自动化实施与培训等gtalk:ouyangchongwu#gmail.comqq 37391319 博客:http://blog.csdn.net/oychw#版权所有,转载刊登请来函联系# 深圳测试自动化python项目接单群113938272深圳会计软件测试兼职 6089740 #

2013-05-22 15:11:56 1506

Scrum For Dummies 2nd Edition - 2018.pdf 敏捷项目管理实践测试新书

About This Book The goal is to demonstrate explicitly how you can use scrum for any project, not just software development. This book is intended to be a field manual for the application of scrum in real-world situations. Although it covers scrum fundamentals in detail, this book also delves into how to get out and experience the amazing benefits of scrum. Scrum is by design easy to explain, but application and mastery are often difficult. Old habits and organizational mindsets need to be shifted and new ways embraced. For this reason, we’ve included success stories so that you can see how scrum can fit into your situation. The main thrust of understanding scrum lies in the three roles, three artifacts, and five events that form its foundation and that we cover thoroughly. We also include common practices that we use and that others in the field use so that you can choose what works best for your project. Scrum isn’t technical. In fact, its basic tenet is common sense. In many cases, we’ve wrapped this information within the world of technology and have used technical terms to help explain this. Where useful, we’ve defined these terms. We also cover common practices from scrum experts throughout the world. You can learn so much from others who use this framework in a seemingly limitless spectrum of projects. Scrum falls under an umbrella of project management called agile project management. Neither scrum nor agile practices is a proper noun. Scrum is a framework for organizing your work, whereas agile is an adjective used to describe a variety of practices that conform to the values of the Agile Manifesto and to the 12 Agile Principles. Scrum and agile are not identical or interchangeable, but you frequently see them written in many sources, especially online, interchangeably. In this book, you will see terminology from both descriptions, because scrum is a frequently used subset of agile practices.


Web Scraping with Python 2nd - 2018 pdf

About This Book This book is designed to serve not only as an introduction to web scraping, but as a comprehensive guide to collecting, transforming, and using data from uncooperative sources. Although it uses the Python programming language and covers many Python basics, it should not be used as an introduction to the language. If you don’t know any Python at all, this book might be a bit of a challenge. Please do not use it as an introductory Python text. With that said, I’ve tried to keep all concepts and code samples at a beginning-to- intermediate Python programming level in order to make the content accessible to a wide range of readers. To this end, there are occasional explanations of more advanced Python programming and general computer science topics where appropriate. If you are a more advanced reader, feel free to skim these parts! If you’re looking for a more comprehensive Python resource, Introducing Python by Bill Lubanovic (O’Reilly) is a good, if lengthy, guide. For those with shorter attention spans, the video series Introduction to Python by Jessica McKellar (O’Reilly) is an excellent resource. I’ve also enjoyed Think Python by a former professor of mine, Allen Downey (O’Reilly). This last book in particular is ideal for those new to programming, and teaches computer science and software engineering concepts along with the Python language. Technical books are often able to focus on a single language or technology, but web scraping is a relatively disparate subject, with practices that require the use of databases, web servers, HTTP, HTML, internet security, image processing, data science, and other tools. This book attempts to cover all of these, and other topics, from the perspective of “data gathering.” It should not be used as a complete treatment of any of these subjects, but I believe they are covered in enough detail to get you started writing web scrapers! Part I covers the subject of web scraping and web crawling in depth, with a strong focus on a small handful of libraries used throughout the book. Part I can easily be used as a comprehensive reference for these libraries and techniques (with certain exceptions, where additional references will be provided). The skills taught in the first part will likely be useful for everyone writing a web scraper, regardless of their particular target or application. Part II covers additional subjects that the reader might find useful when writing web scrapers, but that might not be useful for all scrapers all the time. These subjects are, unfortunately, too broad to be neatly wrapped up in a single chapter. Because of this, frequent references are made to other resources for additional information. The structure of this book enables you to easily jump around among chapters to find only the web scraping technique or information that you are looking for. When a concept or piece of code builds on another mentioned in a previous chapter, I explicitly reference the section that it was addressed in.


Practical Web Scraping for Data Science - 2018

Practical Web Scraping for Data Science: Best Practices and Examples with Python By 作者: Seppe vanden Broucke – Bart Baesens ISBN-10 书号: 1484235819 ISBN-13 书号: 9781484235812 Edition 版本: 1st ed. Release 出版日期: 2018-06-10 pages 页数: (306 ) This book provides a complete and modern guide to web scraping, using Python as the programming language, without glossing over important details or best practices. Written with a data science audience in mind, the book explores both scraping and the larger context of web technologies in which it operates, to ensure full understanding. The authors recommend web scraping as a powerful tool for any data scientist’s arsenal, as many data science projects start by obtaining an appropriate data set. Starting with a brief overview on scraping and real-life use cases, the authors explore the core concepts of HTTP, HTML, and CSS to provide a solid foundation. Along with a quick Python primer, they cover Selenium for JavaScript-heavy sites, and web crawling in detail. The book finishes with a recap of best practices and a collection of examples that bring together everything you’ve learned and illustrate various data science use cases. What You’ll Learn Leverage well-established best practices and commonly-used Python packages Handle today’s web, including JavaScript, cookies, and common web scraping mitigation techniques Understand the managerial and legal concerns regarding web scraping Who This Book is For A data science oriented audience that is probably already familiar with Python or another programming language or analytical toolkit (R, SAS, SPSS, etc). Students or instructors in university courses may also benefit. Readers unfamiliar with Python will appreciate a quick Python primer in chapter 1 to catch up with the basics and provide pointers to other guides as well.


最全的性能测试自学教程 - 0.1 节选

性能测试介绍及用python做性能测试 通过自动化测试工具模拟多种正常、峰值以及异常负载条件来对系统的各项性能指标进行测试。


最全的接口测试自学教程 - 节选

接口测试介绍及用python做接口测试 接口测试是保证软件产品质量的最重要的软件测试之一。接口测试是进行评估的系统或组件是否正确地传递数据及互相正确的控制。接口测试通常在测试和开发团队都进行。接口测试通常在应用或功能开发的初期检验模块间调用的正确性和友好性。


[高级软件测试卷2:高级软件测试经理].Rex.Black.扫描版 -- 测试管理人员必备

《高级软件测试.卷2:高级软件测试经理》是目前市面上唯一完整的完全按照国际软件测试认证委员会(istqb)的测试人员认证高级大纲撰写的专业书籍系列之一。本书章节与高级大纲中高级软件测试经理模块的标题、顺序和知识点相匹配,适宜istqb-atm(高级软件测试经理)的认证考前学习,也可以作为软件测试经理的常用指导手册。 《高级软件测试.卷2:高级软件测试经理》主要介绍在软件测试估算、策划、监视和控制中,一个软件测试经理熟练运用高级技能所必须掌握的知识,包括制定软件测试系统的总体测试目标和测试策略;计划测试任务和进度.组织测试活动,采用各种度量对测试和风险进行评估、报告、跟踪和控制。本书通过大量案例介绍了如何挑选、获取、分配测试任务所需要的充分的资源;如何组建、管理和领导测试团队,负责协调测试团队各成员之间以及测试团队和各利益相关者之间的沟通。 《高级软件测试.卷2:高级软件测试经理》每一章都提供与istqb高级大纲一致的,充足的认证考试模拟题,为准备参加istqb-atm资质认证考试的人员提供相应的基础性知识;每一章节的课堂练习都结合实际案例,并提供笞案,具有较高的参考价值。


Beginning C 5th Edition 2013

Beginning C, 5th Edition 688 pages Publisher: Apress; 5 edition (February 27, 2013) Language: English ISBN-10: 1430248815 ISBN-13: 978-1430248811 What you’ll learn Make use of all core language features such as for loops and branching Dynamically manage memory using pointers and indirection Modularize your code through controlling scope and creating functions Move data in and out of your program via keyboard, display monitor, and data files Have the computer write your code for you via preprocesser directives Properly type your data and create structures to manage it efficiently


MongoDB Applied Design Patterns 2013 python scripts

MongoDB Applied Design Patterns BOOK DESCRIPTION Whether you’re building a social media site or an internal-use enterprise application, this hands-on guide shows you the connection between MongoDB and the business problems it’s designed to solve. You’ll learn how to apply MongoDB design patterns to several challenging domains, such as ecommerce, content management, and online gaming. Using Python and JavaScript code examples, you’ll discover how MongoDB lets you scale your data model while simplifying the development process. Many businesses launch NoSQL databases without understanding the techniques for using their features most effectively. This book demonstrates the benefits of document embedding, polymorphic schemas, and other MongoDB patterns for tackling specific big data use cases, including: Operational intelligence: Perform real-time analytics of business data Ecommerce: Use MongoDB as a product catalog master or inventory management system Content management: Learn methods for storing content nodes, binary assets, and discussions Online advertising networks: Apply techniques for frequency capping ad impressions, and keyword targeting and bidding Social networking: Learn how to store a complex social graph, modeled after Google+ Online gaming: Provide concurrent access to character and world data for a multiplayer role-playing game Table of Contents Part I: Design Patterns Chapter 1. To Embed or Reference Chapter 2. Polymorphic Schemas Chapter 3. Mimicking Transactional Behavior Part II: Use Cases Chapter 4. Operational IntelligenceChapter 5. Ecommerce Chapter 6. Content Management SystemsChapter 7. Online Advertising Networks Chapter 8. Social Networking Chapter 9. Online Gaming BOOK DETAILS Paperback: 176 pages Publisher: O’Reilly Media (March 2013) Language: English ISBN-10: 1449340040 ISBN-13: 978-1449340049


Twisted Network Programming Essentials 2nd Edition

本帖最后由 john3000 于 2013-4-18 02:00 编辑 Twisted Network Programming Essentials 2nd Edition BOOK DESCRIPTION Get started with Twisted, the event-driven networking framework written in Python. With this introductory guide, you’ll learn the key concepts and design patterns to build event-driven client and server applications for many popular networking protocols. You’ll also learn the tools to build new protocols using Twisted’s primitives. Start by building basic TCP clients and servers, and then focus on deploying production-grade applications with the Twisted Application infrastructure. Along the way, you can play with and extend examples of common tasks you’ll face when building network applications. If you’re familiar with Python, you’re ready for Twisted. Learn the core components of Twisted servers and clients Write asynchronous code with the Deferred API Construct HTTP servers with Twisted’s high-level web APIs Use the Agent API to develop flexible web clients Configure and deploy Twisted services in a robust and standardized fashion Access databases using Twisted’s nonblocking interface Add common server components: logging, authentication, threads and processes, and testing Explore ways to build clients and servers for IRC, popular mail protocols, and SSH Table of Contents Part I: An Introduction to Twisted Chapter 1. Getting Started Chapter 2. Building Basic Clients and Servers Chapter 3. Writing Asynchronous Code with Deferreds Chapter 4. Web Servers Chapter 5. Web Clients Part II: Building Production-Grade Twisted Services Chapter 6. Deploying Twisted Applications Chapter 7. Logging Chapter 8. Databases Chapter 9. Authentication Chapter 10. Threads and Subprocesses Chapter 11. Testing Part III: More Protocols and More Practice Chapter 12. Twisted Words Chapter 13. Twisted Mail Chapter 14. SSH Chapter 15. The End BOOK DETAILS Paperback: 194 pages Publisher: O’Reilly Media; 2nd Edition (March 2013) Language: English ISBN-10: 1449326110 ISBN-13: 978-1449326111


A Few of My python Favorite Things

一位python高手对自己常用的python功能的小结。涉及python,python标准模块,python外部模块,相关资料等。外部模块涉及:itertools functools difflib ast datetime and dateutil Mock coverage lettuce 0.2.16 snake-guice requests


Raspberry Pi Home Automation with Arduino

Raspberry Pi Home Automation with Arduino 176 pages Publisher: Packt Publishing (February 5, 2013) Language: English ISBN-10: 1849695865 ISBN-13: 978-1849695862 What you will learn from this book Install an operating system for your Raspberry Pi. Set up the Raspberry Pi and Arduino bridge shield. Learn how to work with electronic components to build small circuits. Develop applications that interact with your circuits. Use thermistors and photoresistors to monitor and control your surroundings. Control your own mains power with a relay shield and even connect a motor to your Raspberry Pi.


FreeCAD [How-to] Solid Modeling with the power of Python 2012.pdf

( FreeCAD [How-to] Solid Modeling with the power of Python 2012.pdf )


Hello World! Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners - 2009.pd

python ( Hello World! Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners - 2009.pdf )


Hello! Python 2012.pdf

Hello! Python 2012.pdf


Dive Into Python中文版.pdf

Dive Into Python中文版.pdf


Beginning Python Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1 - 2010.pdf

Beginning Python Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1 - 2010.pdf


Pro Android Python with SL4A 2011.pdf

Pro Android Python with SL4A 2011.pdf Pro Android Python SL4A


The Quick Python Book Second Edition - 2010.pdf

The Quick Python Book Second Edition - 2010.pdf





Foundations of Python 3 Network Programming 2011 2nd Edition.pdf

Foundations of Python 3 Network Programming 2011 2nd Edition.pdf


Learn Python The Hard Way - 2011.pdf

Learn Python The Hard Way - 2011.pdf


Python Text Processing with NLTK 2.0 Cookbook 2010.pdf

Python Text Processing with NLTK 2.0 Cookbook 2010.pdf


Data Structures and Algorithms Using Python - 2011.pdf

Data Structures and Algorithms Using Python - 2011.pdf


MongoDB and Python Patterns and processe 2011.pdf

本书介绍:http://www.itpub.net/thread-1498239-1-1.html 本书籍免费下载:http://www.itpub.net/thread-1498239-1-1.html python类书籍汇总地址:http://blog.csdn.net/oychw/article/details/8634907 Niall O'Higgins, "MongoDB and Python: Patterns and processes for the popular document-oriented database" O'Reilly Media | 2011-09-30 | ISBN: 1449310370 | 68 pages | PDF | 4,5 MB Learn how to leverage MongoDB with your Python applications, using the hands-on recipes in this book. You get complete code samples for tasks such as making fast geo queries for location-based apps, efficiently indexing your user documents for social-graph lookups, and many other scenarios. This guide explains the basics of the document-oriented database and shows you how to set up a Python environment with it. Learn how to read and write to MongoDB, apply idiomatic MongoDB and Python patterns, and use the database with several popular Python web frameworks. You’ll discover how to model your data, write effective queries, and avoid concurrency problems such as race conditions and deadlocks. The recipes will help you: -Read, write, count, and sort documents in a MongoDB collection -Learn how to use the rich MongoDB query language -Maintain data integrity in replicated/distributed MongoDB environments -Use embedding to efficiently model your data without joins -Code defensively to avoid keyerrors and other bugs -Apply atomic operations to update game scores, billing systems, and more with the fast accounting pattern -Use MongoDB with the Pylons 1.x, Django, and Pyramid web frameworks


MySQL for Python 2010.pdf

440 pages Publisher: Packt Publishing (September 21, 2010) Language: English ISBN-10: 1849510180 ISBN-13: 978-1849510189 What you will learn from this book Explore the various means to install MySQL for Python, from using an egg to unrolling a tarball Query the database and retrieve records through MySQL for Python Implement insertion of data into a MySQL database in Python Carry out error-handling in MySQL for Python in order to ensure the robustness of programs Use secure logging techniques to record how your users use your programs Carry out record-by-record retrieval to save a lot of overhead while retrieving data Handle insertion of large amounts of data using iteration and the executemany function Automate the creation and removal of databases and tables using MySQL for Python Use the MySQL for Python library to automate user creation and to administer access controls Log user activity with MySQL for Python by using MySQL's date and time support See how to revise database programs to include more functionality Use aggregate functions to make MySQL take the burden off your web server Save time and processing resources by scripting JOINs and subqueries





byte of python 3.0

byte of python 3.0


Python 核心编程 第二版.pdf

Python 核心编程 第二版.pdf


ISO-IEC 25010 系统和软件质量模型.pdf

软件测试 质量模型 国际标准。系统和软件工程 —— 系统和软件质量 要求及评估(SQuaRE) ) —— 系 统和软件质量模型


Mobile Testing An ASTQB-BCS Foundation Guide - 2018 移动APP测试英国标准考试用书

Mobile Testing An ASTQB-BCS Foundation Guide - 2018 移动APP测试英国标准考试用书


pytest Quick Start Guide - 2018

pytest Quick Start Guide pdf 来源:[pytest Quick Start Guide - 2018.pdf](https://itbooks.ctfile.com/fs/18113597-314070249) Learn the pytest way to write simple tests which can also be used to write complex tests Key Features Become proficient with pytest from day one by solving real-world testing problems Use pytest to write tests more efficiently Scale from simple to complex and functional testing Book Description Python's standard unittest module is based on the xUnit family of frameworks, which has its origins in Smalltalk and Java, and tends to be verbose to use and not easily extensible.The pytest framework on the other hand is very simple to get started, but powerful enough to cover complex testing integration scenarios, being considered by many the true Pythonic approach to testing in Python. In this book, you will learn how to get started right away and get the most out of pytest in your daily work?ow, exploring powerful mechanisms and plugins to facilitate many common testing tasks. You will also see how to use pytest in existing unittest-based test suites and will learn some tricks to make the jump to a pytest-style test suite quickly and easily. What you will learn Write and run simple and complex tests Organize tests in fles and directories Find out how to be more productive on the command line Markers and how to skip, xfail and parametrize tests Explore fxtures and techniques to use them effectively, such as tmpdir, pytestconfg, and monkeypatch Convert unittest suites to pytest using little-known techniques Use third-party plugins Who this book is for This book is for Python programmers that want to learn more about testing. This book is also for QA testers, and those who already benefit from programming with tests daily but want to improve their existing testing tools.


Kali Linux Web Penetration Testing Cookbook 2nd - 2018

安全渗透测试 [Kali Linux Web Penetration Testing Cookbook 2nd - 2018.pdf](https://itbooks.pipipan.com/fs/18113597-314061726) Kali Linux Web Penetration Testing Cookbook 2nd Edition pdf Discover the most common web vulnerabilities and prevent them from becoming a threat to your site's security Key Features Familiarize yourself with the most common web vulnerabilities Conduct a preliminary assessment of attack surfaces and run exploits in your lab Explore new tools in the Kali Linux ecosystem for web penetration testing Book Description Web applications are a huge point of attack for malicious hackers and a critical area for security professionals and penetration testers to lock down and secure. Kali Linux is a Linux-based penetration testing platform that provides a broad array of testing tools, many of which can be used to execute web penetration testing. Kali Linux Web Penetration Testing Cookbook gives you the skills you need to cover every stage of a penetration test – from gathering information about the system and application, to identifying vulnerabilities through manual testing. You will also cover the use of vulnerability scanners and look at basic and advanced exploitation techniques that may lead to a full system compromise. You will start by setting up a testing laboratory, exploring the latest features of tools included in Kali Linux and performing a wide range of tasks with OWASP ZAP, Burp Suite and other web proxies and security testing tools. As you make your way through the book, you will learn how to use automated scanners to find security ?aws in web applications and understand how to bypass basic security controls. In the concluding chapters, you will look at what you have learned in the context of the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) and the top 10 web application vulnerabilities you are most likely to encounter, equipping you with the ability to combat them effectively. By the end of this book, you will have acquired the skills you need to identify, exploit, and prevent web application vulnerabilities. What you will learn Set up a secure penetration testing laboratory Use proxies, crawlers, and spiders to investigate an entire website Identify cross-site scripting and client-side vulnerabilities Exploit vulnerabilities that allow the insertion of code into web applications Exploit vulnerabilities that require complex setups Improve testing efficiency using automated vulnerability scanners Learn how to circumvent security controls put in place to prevent attacks Who this book is for Kali Linux Web Penetration Testing Cookbook is for IT professionals, web developers, security enthusiasts, and security professionals who want an accessible reference on how to find, exploit, and prevent security vulnerabilities in web applications. The basics of operating a Linux environment and prior exposure to security technologies and tools are necessary.


数据库基准和压力测试 2018版本 [Database Benchmarking and Stress Testing - 2018.pdf]

数据库基准和压力测试 2018版本 [Database Benchmarking and Stress Testing - 2018.pdf](https://itbooks.pipipan.com/fs/18113597-314044807) Database Benchmarking and Stress Testing pdf Provide evidence-based answers that can be measured and relied upon by your business. Database administrators will be able to make sound architectural decisions in a fast-changing landscape of virtualized servers and container-based solutions based on the empirical method presented in this book for answering “what if” questions about database performance. Today’s database administrators face numerous questions such as: What if we consolidate databases using multitenant features? What if we virtualize database servers as Docker containers? What if we deploy the latest in NVMe flash disks to speed up IO access? Do features such as compression, partitioning, and in-memory OLTP earn back their price? What if we move our databases to the cloud? As an administrator, do you know the answers or even how to test the assumptions? Database Benchmarking and Stress Testing introduces you to database benchmarking using industry-standard test suites such as the TCP series of benchmarks, which are the same benchmarks that vendors rely upon. You’ll learn to run these industry-standard benchmarks and collect results to use in answering questions about the performance impact of architectural changes, technology changes, and even down to the brand of database software. You’ll learn to measure performance and predict the specific impact of changes to your environment. You’ll know the limitations of the benchmarks and the crucial difference between benchmarking and workload capture/reply. This book teaches you how to create empirical evidence in support of business and technology decisions. It’s about not guessing when you should be measuring. Empirical testing is scientific testing that delivers measurable results. Begin with a hypothesis about the impact of a possible architecture or technology change. Then run the appropriate benchmarks to gather data and predict whether the change you’re exploring will be beneficial, and by what order of magnitude. Stop guessing. Start measuring. Let Database Benchmarking and Stress Testing show the way. What You’ll Learn Understand the industry-standard database benchmarks, and when each is best used Prepare for a database benchmarking effort so reliable results can be achieved Perform database benchmarking for consolidation, virtualization, and cloud projects Recognize and avoid common mistakes in benchmarking database performance Measure and interpret results in a rational, concise manner for reliable comparisons Choose and provide advice on benchmarking tools based on their pros and cons Who This Book Is For Database administrators and professionals responsible for advising on architectural decisions such as whether to use cloud-based services, whether to consolidate and containerize, and who must make recommendations on storage or any other technology that impacts database performance


Hands-On Penetration Testing on Windows - 2018 pdf 5分

Hands-On Penetration Testing on Windows pdf 页数:454 来源: https://itbooks.ctfile.com/fs/18113597-302639985 Master the art of identifying vulnerabilities within the Windows OS and develop the desired solutions for it using Kali Linux. Book Description Windows has always been the go-to platform for users around the globe to perform administration and ad hoc tasks, in settings that range from small offi ces to global enterprises, and this massive footprint makes securing Windows a unique challenge. This book will enable you to distinguish yourself to your clients. In this book, you'll learn advanced techniques to attack Windows environments from the indispensable toolkit that is Kali Linux. We'll work through core network hacking concepts and advanced Windows exploitation techniques, such as stack and heap overflows, precision heap spraying, and kernel exploitation, using coding principles that allow you to leverage powerful Python scripts and shellcode. We'll wrap up with post-exploitation strategies that enable you to go deeper and keep your access. Finally, we'll introduce kernel hacking fundamentals and fuzzing testing, so you can discover vulnerabilities and write custom exploits. By the end of this book, you'll be well-versed in identifying vulnerabilities within the Windows OS and developing the desired solutions for them. What You Will Learn Get to know advanced pen testing techniques with Kali Linux Gain an understanding of Kali Linux tools and methods from behind the scenes See how to use Kali Linux at an advanced level Understand the exploitation of Windows kernel drivers Understand advanced Windows concepts and protections, and how to bypass them using Kali Linux Discover Windows exploitation techniques, such as stack and heap overflows and kernel exploitation, through coding principles Authors Phil Bramwell Phil Bramwell acquired the Certified Ethical Hacker and Certified Expert Penetration Tester certifications at the age of 21. His professional experience includes Common Criteria design reviews and testing, network security consulting, penetration testing, and PCI-DSS compliance auditing for banks, universities, and governments. He later acquired the CISSP and Metasploit Pro Certified Specialist credentials. Today, he is a cybersecurity and cryptocurrency consultant and works as a cybersecurity analyst specializing in malware detection and analysis.


Kali Linux Wireless Penetration - Cameron Buchanan 3rd - 2017 pdf 5分

About the e-Book https://u18113597.ctfile.com/fs/18113597-302542755 Kali Linux Wireless Penetration Testing Beginner's Guide 3rd Edition pdf Kali Linux Wireless Penetration Testing Beginner's Guide, Third Edition presents wireless pentesting from the ground up, and has been updated with the latest methodologies, including full coverage of the KRACK attack. Key Features Learn wireless penetration testing with Kali Linux Detect hidden wireless networks and discover their names Explore advanced Wi-Fi hacking techniques including rogue access point hosting and probe sniffing Develop your encryption cracking skills and gain an insight into the methods used by attackers and the underlying technologies that facilitate these attacks Book Description As wireless networks become ubiquitous in our lives, wireless penetration testing has become a key skill in the repertoire of the professional penetration tester. This has been highlighted again recently with the discovery of the KRACK attack which enables attackers to potentially break into Wi-Fi networks encrypted with WPA2. The Kali Linux security distribution comes with a myriad of tools used for networking attacks and detecting security loopholes. Kali Linux Wireless Penetration Testing Beginner's Guide, Third Edition has been updated to Kali Linux 2017.3 with the latest methodologies, including full coverage of the KRACK attack and how to defend against it. The book presents wireless pentesting from the ground up, introducing all elements of penetration testing with each new technology. You'll learn various wireless testing methodologies by example, from the basics of wireless routing and encryption through to detailed coverage of hacking methods and attacks such as the Hirte and Caffe Latte. What you will learn Understand the KRACK attack in full detail Create a wireless lab for your experiments Sniff out wireless packets, hidden networks, and SSIDs Capture and crack WPA-2 keys Sniff probe requests and track users through their SSID history Attack radius authentication systems Sniff wireless traffic and collect interesting data Decrypt encrypted traffic with stolen keys Who This Book Is For Kali Linux Wireless Penetration Testing Beginner's Guide, Third Edition is suitable for anyone who wants to learn more about pentesting and how to understand and defend against the latest wireless network attacks. Table of Contents Wireless Lab Setup WLAN and its Inherent Insecurities Bypassing WLAN Authentication WLAN Encryption Flaws Attacks on the WLAN Infrastructure Attacking the Client Advanced WLAN Attacks KRACK Attacks Attacking WPA-Enterprise and RADIUS WLAN Penetration Testing Methodology WPS and Probes


Python Network Programming Cookbook, 2nd Edition 2017 pdf 5分

"Python Network Programming Cookbook, 2nd Edition" ISBN: 1786463997 | 2017 | PDF | 442 pages | 15.41 MB Key Features Solve real-world tasks in the area of network programming, system/networking administration, network monitoring, and more Familiarize yourself with the fundamentals and functionalities of SDN Improve your skills to become the next-gen network engineer by learning the various facets of Python programming Book Description Python is an excellent language to use to write code and have fun by prototyping a pplications quickly. The presence of lots of third-party libraries, also known as batteries, makes it easier and faster to prototype an application or to implement a new algorithm. If you are interested in creating the building blocks for many practical web and networking applications that rely on networking protocols, then this book is a must-have. It employs Python for network programming to solve a variety of problems. This book highlights the major aspects of network programming in Python, starting from writing simple networking clients to developing complex Software-Defined Networking (SDN) systems and programming the Internet. It creates the building blocks for many practical web and networking applications that rely on various networking protocols. It presents the power and beauty of Python to solve numerous real-world tasks in the area of network programming, system and network administration, network monitoring, and web-application development. In this edition, you will also be introduced to network modelling to build your own cloud network. You will learn about the concepts and fundamentals of SDN and then extend your network with Mininet. Next, you'll find recipes on Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting and other alternative vendor-specific SDN approaches and frameworks. You will also learn to configure the Linux Foundation networking ecosystem and automate your networks with Python. By the end of this book, you will be able to analyze your network security vulnerabilities using advanced network packet capture and analysis techniques.


Pandas Cookbook 2017 pdf 2分

Table of Contents Preface What this book covers What you need for this book Running a Jupyter Notebook Who this book is for How to get the most out of this book Conventions Assumptions for every recipe Dataset Descriptions Sections Getting ready How to do it... How it works... There's more... See al


scikit learn Machine Learning Simplified -2017.pdf

Preface Suppose you want to predict whether tomorrow will be a sunny or rainy day. You can develop an algorithm that is based on the current weather and your meteorological knowledge using a rather complicated set of rules to return the desired prediction. Now suppose that you have a record of the day-by-day weather conditions for the last five years, and you find that every time you had two sunny days in a row, the following day also happened to be a sunny one. Your algorithm could generalize this and predict that tomorrow will be a sunny day since the sun reigned today and yesterday. This algorithm is a pretty simple example of learning from experience. This is what Machine Learning is all about: algorithms that learn from the available data. This course is designed in the same way that many data science and analytics projects play out. First, we need to acquire data; the data is often messy, incomplete, or not correct in some way. Therefore, we spend the first chapter talking about strategies for dealing with bad data and ways to deal with other problems that arise from data. For example, what happens if we have too many features? How do we handle that? What this learning path 20 covers Module 1, Learning scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python, in this module, you will learn several methods for building Machine Learning applications that solve different real-world tasks, from document classification to image recognition. We will use Python, a simple, popular, and widely used programming language, and scikit-learn, an open source Machine Learning library. In each chapter of this module, we will present a different Machine Learning setting and a couple of well-studied methods as well as show step-by-step examples that use Python and scikit-learn to solve concrete tasks. We will also show you tips and tricks to improve algorithm performance, both from the accuracy and computational cost point of views. Module 2, scikit-learn Cookbook, the first chapter of this module is your guide. The meat of this module will walk you through various algorithms and how to implement them into your workflow. And finally, we'll end with the postmodel workflow. This chapter is fairly agnostic to the other chapters of the module and can be applied to the various algorithms you'll learn up until the final chapter. Module 3, Mastering Machine Learning with scikit-learn, in this module, we will examine several machine learning models and learning algorithms. We will discuss tasks that machine learning is commonly applied to, and learn to measure the performance of machine learning systems. We will work with a popular library for the Python programming language called scikit-learn, which 21 has assembled excellent implementations of many machine learning models and algorithms under a simple yet versatile API. This module is motivated by two goals: Its content should be accessible. The book only assumes familiarity with basic programming and math. Its content should be practical. This book offers hands-on examples that readers can adapt to problems in the real world.


Python: Advanced Predictive Analytics: 2017-12 python重量级高级大数据分析预测

Python: Advanced Predictive Analytics: Gain practical insights by exploiting data in your business to build advanced predictive modeling applications Python: Advanced Predictive Analytics: Gain practical insights by exploiting data in your business to build advanced predictive modeling applications By 作者: Ashish Kumar – Joseph Babcock ISBN-10 书号: 1788992369 ISBN-13 书号: 9781788992367 Release 出版日期: 2017-12-27 pages 页数: (660 ) $99.99 Python: Advanced Predictive Analytics: Gain practical insights by exploiting data in your business to build advanced predictive modeling applications Gain practical insights by exploiting data in your business to build advanced predictive modeling applications Social Media and the Internet of Things have resulted in an avalanche of data. Data is powerful but not in its raw form; it needs to be processed and modeled, and Python is one of the most robust tools out there to do so. It has an array of packages for predictive modeling and a suite of IDEs to choose from. Using the Python programming language, analysts can use these sophisticated methods to build scalable analytic applications. This book is your guide to getting started with predictive analytics using Python. You’ll balance both statistical and mathematical concepts, and implement them in Python using libraries such as pandas, scikit-learn, and NumPy. Through case studies and code examples using popular open-source Python libraries, this book illustrates the complete development process for analytic applications. Covering a wide range of algorithms for classification, regression, clustering, as well as cutting-edge techniques such as deep learning, this book illustrates explains how these methods work. You will learn to choose the right approach for your problem and how to develop engaging visualizations to bring to life the insights of predictive modeling. Finally, you will learn best practices in predictive modeling, as well as the different applications of predictive modeling in the modern world. The course provides you with highly practical content from the following Packt books: Learning Predictive Analytics with Python Mastering Predictive Analytics with Python What You Will Learn Understand the statistical and mathematical concepts behind predictive analytics algorithms and implement them using Python libraries Get to know various methods for importing, cleaning, sub-setting, merging, joining, concatenating, exploring, grouping, and plotting data with pandas and NumPy Master the use of Python notebooks for exploratory data analysis and rapid prototyping Get to grips with applying regression, classification, clustering, and deep learning algorithms Discover advanced methods to analyze structured and unstructured data Visualize the performance of models and the insights they produce Ensure the robustness of your analytic applications by mastering the best practices of predictive analysis


可爱的python测试开发自动化库 -2018-04-22 V1.0.0.pdf

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