Server Authentication

HttpClient handles authenticating with servers almost transparently, the only thing a developer must do is actually provide the login credentials. These credentials are stored in the HttpState instance and can be set or retrieved using the setCredentials(AuthScope authscope, Credentials cred) and getCredentials(AuthScope authscope) methods.

The automatic authorization built in to HttpClient can be disabled with the method setDoAuthentication(boolean doAuthentication) in the HttpMethod class. The change only affects that method instance.

Preemptive Authentication

Preemptive authentication can be enabled within HttpClient. In this mode HttpClient will send the basic authentication response even before the server gives an unauthorized response in certain situations, thus reducing the overhead of making the connection. To enable this use the following:


Preemptive authentication mode also requires default Credentials to be set for the target or proxy host against which preemptive authentication is to be attempted. Failure to provide default credentials will render the preemptive authentication mode ineffective.

Credentials defaultcreds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials("username", "password");
client.getState().setCredentials(new AuthScope("myhost", 80, AuthScope.ANY_REALM), defaultcreds);

The preemptive authentication in HttpClient conforms to rfc2617:

A client SHOULD assume that all paths at or deeper than the depth of the last symbolic element in the path field of the Request-URI also are within the protection space specified by the Basic realm value of the current challenge. A client MAY preemptively send the corresponding Authorization header with requests for resources in that space without receipt of another challenge from the server. Similarly, when a client sends a request to a proxy, it may reuse a userid and password in the Proxy-Authorization header field without receiving another challenge from the proxy server.

Security aspects of server authentication

Use default credentials with caution when developing applications that may need to communicate with untrusted web sites or web applications. When preemptive authentication is activated or credentials are not explicitly given for a specific authentication realm and host HttpClient will use default credentials to try to authenticate with the target site. If you want to avoid sending sensitive credentials to an untrusted site, narrow the credentials scope as much as possible: always specify the host and, when known, the realm the credentials are intended for.

Setting credentials with AuthScope.ANY authentication scope (null value for host and/or realm) is highly discouraged in production applications. Doing this will result in the credentials being sent for all authentication attempts (all requests in the case of preemptive authentication). Use of this setting should be limited to debugging only.

// To be avoided unless in debug mode
Credentials defaultcreds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials("username", "password");
client.getState().setCredentials(AuthScope.ANY, defaultcreds);

Proxy Authentication

Proxy authentication in HttpClient is almost identical to server authentication with the exception that the credentials for each are stored independantly. So for proxy authentication you must use setProxyCredentials(AuthScope authscope, Credentials cred) and getProxyCredentials(AuthScope authscope).

Authentication Schemes

The following authentication schemes are supported by HttpClient.


Basic authentication is the original and most compatible authentication scheme for HTTP. Unfortunately, it is also the least secure as it sends the username and password unencrypted to the server. Basic authentication requires an instance of UsernamePasswordCredentials (which NTCredentials extends) to be available, either for the specific realm specified by the server or as the default credentials.


Digest authentication was added in the HTTP 1.1 protocol and while not being as widely supported as Basic authentication there is a great deal of support for it. Digest authentication is significantly more secure than basic authentication as it never transfers the actual password across the network, but instead uses it to encrypt a "nonce" value sent from the server.

Digest authentication requires an instance of UsernamePasswordCredentials (which NTCredentials extends) to be available either for the specific realm specified by the server or as the default credentials.


NTLM is the most complex of the authentication protocols supported by HttpClient. It is a proprietary protocol designed by Microsoft with no publicly available specification. Early version of NTLM were less secure than Digest authentication due to faults in the design, however these were fixed in a service pack for Windows NT 4 and the protocol is now considered more secure than Digest authentication.

NTLM authentication requires an instance of NTCredentials be available for the domain name of the server or the default credentials. Note that since NTLM does not use the notion of realms HttpClient uses the domain name of the server as the name of the realm. Also note that the username provided to the NTCredentials should not be prefixed with the domain - ie: "adrian" is correct whereas "DOMAIN/adrian" is not correct.

There are some significant differences in the way that NTLM works compared with basic and digest authentication. These differences are generally handled by HttpClient, however having an understanding of these differences can help avoid problems when using NTLM authentication.


  1. NTLM authentication works almost exactly the same as any other form of authentication in terms of the HttpClient API. The only difference is that you need to supply 'NTCredentials' instead of 'UsernamePasswordCredentials' (NTCredentials actually extends UsernamePasswordCredentials so you can use NTCredentials right throughout your application if need be).
  2. The realm for NTLM authentication is the domain name of the computer being connected to, this can be troublesome as servers often have multiple domain names that refer to them. Only the domain name that HttpClient connects to (as specified by the HostConfiguration) is used to look up the credentials. It is generally advised that while initially testing NTLM authentication, you pass the realm in as null which is used as the default.
  3. NTLM authenticates a connection and not a request, so you need to authenticate every time a new connection is made and keeping the connection open during authentication is vital. Due to this, NTLM cannot be used to authenticate with both a proxy and the server, nor can NTLM be used with HTTP 1.0 connections or servers that do not support HTTP keep-alives.


For a detailed explanation of how NTLM authentication works, please see .


Some authentication schemes may use cryptographic algorithms. It is recommended to include the

String secProviderName = "com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE"); secProvider = 
Java Cryptography Extension in your runtime environment prior to JDK 1.4. Also note that you must register the JCE implementation manually as HttpClient will not do so automatically. For instance to register the Sun JCE implementation, you should execute the following code before attempting to use HttpClient.
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    评论一般的情况下我们都是使用IE或者Navigator浏览器来访问一个WEB服务器,用来浏览页面查看信息或者提交一些数据等等。所访问的这些页面有的仅仅是一些普通的页面,有的需要用户登录后方可使用,或者需要认证以及是一些通过加密方式传输,例如HTTPS。目前我们使用的浏览器处理这些情况都不会构成问题。不过你可能在某些时候需要通过程序来访问这样的一些页面,比如从别人的网页中“偷”一些数据;利用某些站点提供的页面来完成某种功能,例如说我们想知道某个手机号码的归属地而我们自己又没有这样的数据,因此只好借助其他公司已有的网站来完成这个功能,这个时候我们需要向网页提交手机号码并从返回的页面中解析出我们想要的数据来。如果对方仅仅是一个很简单的页面,那我们的程序会很简单,本文也就没有必要大张旗鼓的在这里浪费口舌。但是考虑到一些服务授权的问题,很多公司提供的页面往往并不是可以通过一个简单的URL就可以访问的,而必须经过注册然后登录后方可使用提供服务的页面,这个时候就涉及到COOKIE问题的处理。我们知道目前流行的***页技术例如ASP、JSP无不是通过COOKIE来处理会话信息的。为了使我们的程序能使用别人所提供的服务页面,就要求程序首先登录后再访问服务页面,这过程就需要自行处理cookie,想想当你用来完成这些功能时是多么恐怖的事情啊!况且这仅仅是我们所说的顽固的WEB服务器中的一个很常见的“顽固”!再有如通过HTTP来上传文件呢?不需要头疼,这些问题有了“它”就很容易解决了! 我们不可能列举所有可能的顽固,我们会针对几种最常见的问题进行处理。当然了,正如前面说到的,如果我们自己使用来搞定这些问题是很恐怖的事情,因此在开始之前我们先要介绍一下一个开放源码的项目,这个项目就是Apache开源组织中的httpclient,它隶属于Jakarta的commons项目,目前的版本是2.0RC2。commons下本来已经有一个net的子项目,但是又把httpclient单独提出来,可见http服务器的访问绝非易事。Commons-httpclient项目就是专门设计来简化HTTP客户端与服务器进行各种通讯编程。通过它可以让原来很头疼的事情现在轻松的解决,例如你不再管是HTTP或者HTTPS的通讯方式,告诉它你想使用HTTPS方式,剩下的事情交给httpclient替你完成。本文会针对我们在编写HTTP客户端程序时经常碰到的几个问题进行分别介绍如何使用httpclient来解决它们,为了让读者更快的熟悉这个项目我们最开始先给出一个简单的例子来读取一个网页的内容,然后循序渐进解决掉前进中的所形侍狻?/font>


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