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原创 Java NIO socket(network) program framework - Apache mina & JBoss netty (simple introduction)

The 2 APIs are created by a Korean guy - Trustin Lee (who graduated at Yonsei University in Korea). You can visit here (http://kr.linkedin.com/in/trustin) to learn more from him. 10 years IT working

2013-08-24 21:34:14 1483

原创 Apache JMeter - load test tool

What is it? Where to get it?Here you go: http://jmeter.apache.org/download_jmeter.cgiStart to download - apache-jmeter-2.9.zip if you are on windows platform. Unzip it to somewhere then double c

2013-08-24 21:11:26 1442

原创 [draft] Oracle 高可用方案 (check SAA training notes)

高可用类别#实例级的高可用      数据库软件内存与进程。 采用集群策略,多个服务器提供服务。所有节点都可以对共享磁盘阵列读写。         集群技术:Oracle RAC , IBM Hacmp, HP MC/ServiceGuard...            早期技术 缺点: Hot-warm mode, (waste warm res); long time (10

2013-08-23 11:30:09 1040

原创 一个有用的eclipse插件 - Grep Console

Download page:http://marian.schedenig.name/projects/grep-console/installation/截图如下可以帮你把 error level 的log 高亮成红色哦。

2013-08-22 22:07:42 4391 4

原创 css tutorial

css means cascading style sheets. It's used to describe the HTML element presentation. It can be wrote inside HTML page or a separate .css file:1. inside HTML#id {color:red;}/*selector {pr

2013-08-21 13:27:20 740

原创 scrum agile development methodology (to be supplemented)

CMM3rabit catch fish story; hen and pig story软件工程需求(用力) + 架构 + 管理(团队)to achieve:   质量(3 programmer + 1 tester),生产率PM : drive as schedule (plan is 有效期是一个星期  -> 迭代);量化生产率Agile -> princip

2013-08-21 13:26:48 940

原创 JVM performance profiling (有待整理)

Agendamemory model3 parts: heap, permgen (method area) , thread stack(pointer, local var)heap: young and old generation ?? permanent generation y

2013-08-20 15:37:56 909

原创 SWING example

Just a start-up example , let you get a rough idea how to init a desktop application:import java.awt.Image;import java.awt.Toolkit;import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;import java.awt.event.Acti

2013-08-17 07:25:28 589

原创 Server problem trouble shooting

When encounter fatal server error, see if:1. your program encounter  dead lock ( DB table lock - select for update; while true;2. check its error code and refer to its manual

2013-08-16 11:14:47 698

原创 Oracle - expensive DML operation & 性能如何优化

insert, delete is expensive which will cause DB performance issue when you are doing BIG data set manipulation .example:insert into app_msg_log_lisaselect * from app_msg_log_02where 1 = 1 and l

2013-08-15 10:26:48 956

原创 华为面试有感

2013年8月10号,这次是过去华为坂田基地面试。华为xx部门在培训中心小西门食堂里面搞了一个专场。一般都会有笔试环节,为此我也“复习”了一番。哪知道没有笔试,看了一点算法题目,+-+,没派上用场。一共是三面,最后是部门的direct(? 应该是部门的头头)跟我谈。他说的某些话,让我挺郁闷的。事后我也觉得应该在软实力方面下一番功夫。算上这次,已经是两次跟华为的部门头头接触过了,感觉他们都有点傲

2013-08-10 23:32:30 1379 4

转载 rest web service - jersey . spring3


2013-08-09 09:43:50 1038

原创 socket programming

package com.pc.socket;import java.io.BufferedReader;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStreamReader;import java.io.OutputStream;import java.net.InetAddress;import java.net.ServerSoc

2013-08-09 00:04:34 531

原创 Oracle 10g and 11 - bind peeking problem

1 table contains 500 millions records, only gets 2 values: 1 and 2only 1 record is 1.for 1, it's better to use index scan. The plan seems like , fetch 1 record each timefor 2, it's better to use

2013-08-08 15:02:19 803

原创 How to work

1. When back to office, check the mail box and sort their priorities up - reply the urgent mail2. Check if any meeting today and prepare some update in meeting when necessary3. Calm down and recal

2013-08-07 09:54:38 808

原创 Display web JSP page section by section

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%>Insert title herePart A<% out.flush(); Thread.currentThread().sleep(5000);%>Part B

2013-08-06 18:22:03 1010

原创 When to use static method in a java class

First , please understand its feature :* no need to instantiate a instance, i.e. simply you can just write: AutoTrace.start();* All instances will share one static method, consider the consistency

2013-08-06 13:54:42 854

原创 web service - jaxws with eclipse

package com.pc.ws;import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;import java.util.Date;import javax.jws.WebService;import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding;import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding.Style;import com.sun.

2013-08-06 10:21:43 894

原创 NIO - java new io2 since jdk7

new feature compared with old java.io package* real support file operation across platforms* real support for symbolic links* more support on file metadata , such as permission, owner and other

2013-08-05 21:27:04 1364

原创 HTTPS implementation


2013-08-05 21:25:24 557

原创 FTP in JAVA


2013-08-05 21:24:48 665

原创 Recommand a link for HTML5 study

Architecture guys share us the website:http://html5demos.com/I think it's useful to give you a look-and-feel. HTML5 is wonderful but many issues that need to be checked, such security, compatible,

2013-08-04 18:01:37 498

原创 Understand unicode and UTF-8

Unicode is a character set - 字符集,它又叫万国码,这个名字比较对于我们比较生动了吧,就是说在它里面,每个国家语言的每个字符都有对应的唯一编号。它也预留了一些编号去兼容以前 的旧字符编号。。UTF-8先将字符编号转换为4个8-bit的元组 二进制,才可存储到硬盘上。反之,从硬盘读取二进制数据转换为字符编号。(UTF-16 is a bit diff bu

2013-08-02 11:24:48 1504


使用netty3.x 的NIO编程实现的聊天应用程序。包括服务器端和客户端,客户端使用swing简单实现了。木有实现heartbeat。



implement mutiple upload file WEB function (using uploadify version 2.1 and 3.1) in JAVA. Eclipse IDE环境下测试通过。



飞鸽传书。飞鸽传书是一款面向企业办公的即时通讯软件,基于TCP/IP模式。 企业员工可在企业内部或外部通过飞鸽传书进行通讯,支持消息发送,文件传输,语音视






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