
C/C++ code
/// // // Name: RICHEDITCTRLEX.H // Purpose: CRichEditCtrlEx // Author: yfq // Modified by: // Created: 2010/12/24 11:01 // RCS-ID: // Copyright: // Licence: /// // #ifndef __RICHEDITCTRLEX_H__ #define __RICHEDITCTRLEX_H__ class CRichEditCtrlEx : public CRichEditCtrl { DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CRichEditCtrlEx) public : CRichEditCtrlEx( void ); ~ CRichEditCtrlEx( void ); void Initlize(); /* * * 最后追加一行 * * @param text -[in] -要追加的文本 * * @param newline -[in] -是否换行 * * @param link -[in] -是否带超链接 * * @param nLinkBegin -[in] -超链接起始位置(索引从0开始) * * @param nLinkCount -[in] -超链接字符数 * * @return -[NONE] */ void Append(LPCSTR text, bool newline = false , bool link = false , int nLinkBegin = 0 , int nLinkCount = 0 ); /* * * 获得文本 * * @param nBegin -[in] -开始位置 * * @param nEnd -[in] -结束位置 * * @param text -[out] -得到的文本 * * @return -[NONE] */ void GetText( int nBegin, int nEnd,CString & text); /* * * 新增文字时是否滚动到底部 * * @param bottom -[in] -否滚动到底部 * * @return -[NONE] */ void SetScrollBottom( bool bottom = true ); void StopScroll(); /* * * 设置字体 * * @param nBegin -[in] -开始位置 * * @param nEnd -[in] -结束位置 * * @param bold -[in] -粗体 * * @param italic -[in] -斜体 * * @param underline -[in] -下划线 * * @param color -[in] -颜色 * * @param size -[in] -文字大小 * * @return -[NONE] */ void SetTextFont( int nBegin, int nEnd, bool bold, bool italic, bool underline,COLORREF color = 0 , int size = 0 ); /* * * 为选中的文本添加超链接 * * @return -[NONE] */ void AddLink(); /* * * 取消选中文本添的超链接 * * @return -[NONE] */ void CancelLink(); /* * * 校验URL是否合法文件路径,依据为rfc2396 * 这个函数只做粗略的校验,不完全符合RFC2369 * 仅支持IPV4 * */ BOOL CheckURL( const CString & szUrl, CString & szMsg); void OnSize(CWnd * pParent); void OnSize(CRect & rect); void OnSpecifySize(CWnd * pParent); bool IsCreate(); void Clear(); void SetEditFocus( bool focus); /* * * 显示指定颜色的边框 * * @param bShow -[in] -是否显示边框 * * @param nColor -[in] -边框颜色 * * @return -[NONE] */ void ShowBorderLine(BOOL bShow,COLORREF nColor = RGB( 53 , 104 , 187 )); /* * * 设置左侧偏移 * * @param nOffset -[in] -偏移量 * * @return -[NONE] */ void SetLeftOffset( int nOffset); public : afx_msg void OnPaint(); afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy); afx_msg BOOL OnLink(NMHDR * in_pNotifyHeader, LRESULT * out_pResult); afx_msg void OnSetFocus(CWnd * pOldWnd); DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() private : CWnd * m_pParentWnd; bool m_bBottom; BOOL m_ShowBorder; COLORREF m_BorderColor; bool m_bCreate; bool m_bFocus; }; #endif // __RICHEDITCTRLEX_H__
C/C++ code
#include " StdAfx.h " #include < afxinet.h > #include " RichEditCtrlEx.h " #pragma warning(disable:4996) CRichEditCtrlEx::CRichEditCtrlEx( void ) { m_ShowBorder = TRUE; m_BorderColor = RGB( 53 , 104 , 187 ); m_bBottom = true ; m_bCreate = false ; m_bFocus = true ; AfxInitRichEdit2(); } CRichEditCtrlEx:: ~ CRichEditCtrlEx( void ) { } IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CRichEditCtrlEx, CRichEditCtrl) BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CRichEditCtrlEx, CRichEditCtrl) ON_WM_RBUTTONDOWN() ON_WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK() ON_WM_PAINT() ON_NOTIFY_REFLECT_EX(EN_LINK, OnLink) ON_WM_SETFOCUS() END_MESSAGE_MAP() void CRichEditCtrlEx::Initlize() { m_bBottom = true ; m_bCreate = true ; SetEventMask(GetEventMask() | ENM_LINK) ; // SendMessage(EM_AUTOURLDETECT, TRUE, 0); SetOptions(ECOOP_OR, ECO_AUTOVSCROLL); LimitText( 0xFFFFFFFF ); SetBackgroundColor(FALSE,RGB( 248 , 248 , 248 )); SetLeftOffset( 150 ); } void CRichEditCtrlEx::Append(LPCSTR text, bool newline, bool link, int nLinkBegin, int nLinkCount) { int nPrvTotal = GetTextLengthEx( GTL_DEFAULT, 1200 ); SetSel( - 1 , - 1 ); ReplaceSel((LPCTSTR)text); if (newline) { Append( " \r\n " ); } if (link) { if ( ! newline) { Append( " \r\n " ); } int nTotal = GetTextLengthEx( GTL_DEFAULT, 1200 ) - 1 ; if ( nTotal > 0 ) { if (nLinkCount > nTotal - nPrvTotal) { nLinkCount = nTotal - nPrvTotal; } SetSel( nPrvTotal + nLinkBegin, nPrvTotal + nLinkBegin + nLinkCount ); AddLink(); } } // 随着输入随着自动滚动条滚动到最后一行 if (m_bBottom) { PostMessage(WM_VSCROLL, SB_BOTTOM, 0 ); } } void CRichEditCtrlEx::GetText( int nBegin, int nEnd,CString & text) { CHARRANGE CharRange; CharRange.cpMin = nBegin; CharRange.cpMax = nEnd; SetSel(CharRange); CHAR szTmp[ 1024 ] = { 0 }; GetSelText(szTmp); text.Format( " %s " ,szTmp); } void CRichEditCtrlEx::SetScrollBottom( bool bottom) { m_bBottom = bottom; } void CRichEditCtrlEx::StopScroll() { m_bBottom = ! m_bBottom; if (m_bBottom) { PostMessage(WM_VSCROLL, SB_BOTTOM, 0 ); } } void CRichEditCtrlEx::SetTextFont( int nBegin, int nEnd, bool bold, bool italic, bool underline,COLORREF color, int size) { SetSel(nBegin,nEnd); CHARFORMAT2 cf,oldCf; GetSelectionCharFormat(oldCf); GetSelectionCharFormat(cf); if (bold) { cf.dwMask |= CFM_BOLD; cf.dwEffects |= CFE_BOLD; // 设置粗体,取消用cf.dwEffects&=~CFE_BOLD; } if (italic) { cf.dwMask |= CFM_ITALIC; cf.dwEffects |= CFE_ITALIC; // 设置斜体,取消用cf.dwEffects&=~CFE_ITALIC; } if (underline) { cf.dwMask |= CFM_UNDERLINE; cf.dwEffects |= CFE_UNDERLINE; // 设置下划线,取消用cf.dwEffects&=~CFE_UNDERLINE; } if (color) { cf.dwEffects &= ~ CFE_AUTOCOLOR; // 这个最重要,设选中文字颜色的时候也要注意,dwEffects一定不能有CEF_AUTOCOLOR的属性 cf.dwMask |= CFM_COLOR; cf.crTextColor = color; // 设置颜色 } if (size) { cf.dwMask |= CFM_SIZE; cf.yHeight = 200 ; // 设置高度 } cf.dwMask |= CFM_FACE; strcpy(cf.szFaceName ,_T( " 宋体 " )); // 设置字体 SetSelectionCharFormat(cf); SetSel( - 1 , - 1 ); SetSelectionCharFormat(oldCf); } void CRichEditCtrlEx::AddLink() { CHARFORMAT2 cf2; ZeroMemory( & cf2, sizeof (CHARFORMAT2)); cf2.cbSize = sizeof (CHARFORMAT2); cf2.dwMask |= CFM_LINK; cf2.dwEffects |= CFE_LINK; cf2.dwEffects &= ~ CFE_AUTOCOLOR; // 这个最重要,设选中文字颜色的时候也要注意,dwEffects一定不能有CEF_AUTOCOLOR的属性 cf2.dwMask |= CFM_COLOR; cf2.crTextColor = RGB( 255 , 112 , 5 ); SetSelectionCharFormat(cf2); SetSel( - 1 , - 1 ); } void CRichEditCtrlEx::CancelLink() { CHARFORMAT2 cf2; ZeroMemory( & cf2, sizeof (CHARFORMAT2)); cf2.cbSize = sizeof (CHARFORMAT2); cf2.dwMask = CFM_LINK; cf2.dwEffects &= ~ CFE_LINK; SendMessage(EM_SETCHARFORMAT, SCF_SELECTION, (LPARAM) & cf2); SetSel( - 1 , - 1 ); } BOOL CRichEditCtrlEx::CheckURL( const CString & szUrl, CString & szMsg) { DWORD dwService = 0 ; DWORD dwValid = AFX_INET_SERVICE_FTP | AFX_INET_SERVICE_HTTP | AFX_INET_SERVICE_HTTPS | AFX_INET_SERVICE_FILE; CString strServer; CString strObject; INTERNET_PORT port; BOOL bValid = AfxParseURL(szUrl, dwService, strServer, strObject, port); if ( ! bValid) { szMsg = szUrl + " \n不是一个合法的下载地址URL " ; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL CRichEditCtrlEx::OnLink(NMHDR * pNotifyHeader, LRESULT * pResult) { ENLINK * pEnLink = reinterpret_cast < ENLINK *> (pNotifyHeader); CString strURL; * pResult = 0 ; CHAR szTmpLink[ 512 ] = { 0 }; switch (pNotifyHeader -> code) { case EN_LINK: switch (pEnLink -> msg) { case WM_LBUTTONUP: SetSel(pEnLink -> chrg); GetSelText(szTmpLink); strURL.Format( " %s " ,szTmpLink); CString strMsg; if (CheckURL(strURL,strMsg)) { ShellExecute(GetSafeHwnd(), _T( " open " ), strURL, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); } break ; } break ; } return * pResult; } // We need to handle the OnSize message to ensure that the most recent // line of text is visible. void CRichEditCtrlEx::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { CRichEditCtrl::OnSize(nType, cx, cy); } void CRichEditCtrlEx::OnSize(CWnd * pParent) { if ( ! m_bCreate) { return ; } CRect parentRect; pParent -> GetClientRect(parentRect); parentRect.bottom = parentRect.bottom - 5 ; = + 5 ; parentRect.left = parentRect.left + 5 ; parentRect.right = parentRect.right - 5 ; MoveWindow(parentRect,TRUE); } void CRichEditCtrlEx::OnSize(CRect & rect) { if ( ! m_bCreate) { return ; } rect.bottom = rect.bottom - 5 ; = + 5 ; rect.left = rect.left + 5 ; rect.right = rect.right - 5 ; MoveWindow(rect,TRUE); } void CRichEditCtrlEx::OnSpecifySize(CWnd * pParent) { if ( ! m_bCreate) { return ; } CRect parentRect; pParent -> GetClientRect(parentRect); parentRect.left = 5 ; = 197 ; parentRect.right -= 5 ; parentRect.bottom -= 5 ; MoveWindow(parentRect,TRUE); } void CRichEditCtrlEx::OnPaint() { if ( ! m_ShowBorder) { CRichEditCtrl::OnPaint(); return ; } CRichEditCtrl::OnPaint(); CClientDC dc( this ); if ( ! m_pParentWnd) { return ; } CRect rect; GetWindowRect(rect); rect.left -= 1 ; -= 1 ; rect.right += 1 ; rect.bottom += 1 ; ScreenToClient(rect); dc.Draw3dRect(rect,m_BorderColor,m_BorderColor); } // 如果控件可以获得焦点,则当控件有焦点时会自动滚动到底部,所以要屏蔽一下 void CRichEditCtrlEx::OnSetFocus(CWnd * pOldWnd) { if ( ! m_bFocus) { return ; } CRichEditCtrl::OnSetFocus(pOldWnd); } bool CRichEditCtrlEx::IsCreate() { return m_bCreate; } void CRichEditCtrlEx::Clear() { if (GetWindowLong( this -> m_hWnd,GWL_STYLE) & ES_READONLY) { SetReadOnly(FALSE); CRichEditCtrl::Clear(); SetReadOnly(); } else { CRichEditCtrl::Clear(); } } void CRichEditCtrlEx::SetEditFocus( bool focus) { m_bFocus = focus; } void CRichEditCtrlEx::ShowBorderLine(BOOL bShow,COLORREF nColor) { m_ShowBorder = bShow; } void CRichEditCtrlEx::SetLeftOffset( int nOffset) { PARAFORMAT2 PF_his; PF_his.dwMask = PFM_ALIGNMENT | PFM_STARTINDENT; PF_his.wAlignment = PFA_LEFT; PF_his.dxStartIndent = nOffset; SetParaFormat(PF_his); } #pragma warning(default:4996)

1、在窗体上放一个Rich Edit 2.0 Control,修改属性,例如,你需要多行显示则要把Multiline属性设置为TRUE,如果需要垂直滚动条则需要把Vertical Scroll属性设置为TRUE
在头文件中声明CRichEditCtrlEx m_RichEdit;
在DoDataExchange中写入DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_RICHEDIT21, m_RichEdit);




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


