Chapter 9 Computer Arithmetic

  1. Sign-magnitude Representation
    • Left most bit is sign bit.
    • 0 means positive
    • 1 means negative
    • Rarely used
  2. Two's complement representation
    • Benefits
      • One representation of zero
      • Arithmetic works easily
  3. Conversion between lengths: left pack sign bit
  4. Multiplication
    • Multiplying negative numbers
      • Solution 1
        • Convert to positive if required
        • Multiply as above
        • If signs were different, negate the answer
      • Solution 2
        • Booth's algorithm
  5. Division
    • Negative numbers division
  6. Floating point representation
    • Principle:  ±S*B ±E
      • E: exponent, in computer, usually biased representation
        • ±S*BE'
        • Typically, the bias = 2^(k-1) - 1. Exponent value = true exponent + bias
        • Thus, stored exponent value is unsigned.
  7. Floating-point arithmetic
    • Add/Subtract
      • Align significands(Adjusting exponents)
        • Shifting the radix point on the smaller operand
        • Once the overflow occurs, the influence is smaller
Xnumbers is an Excel addin (xla) that performs multi-precision floating point arithmetic from 1 up to 250 significant digits. It is compatible with Excel XP and consists of a set of more than 270 functions/macros for arithmetic, complex , trigonometric, logarithm, exponential calculus. Linear Algebra: System resolution with Gauss-Jordan algorithm (also in a didactic step-by-step method). Gauss-Seidel iterative method. Matrix operations. Determinant. Matrix Inversion. Characteristic Polynomial with Newton-Girard formulas. Crout's algorithm for LU decomposition. Similarity Transform. Matrix power. Polynomials: symbolic computation to add, multiply, divide polynomials. Derivatives of polynomials. Interpolation with Newton formula. Rootfinder algorithms: Jenkins-Traub, Durand-Kerner-Aberth, Newton Generalized, Laguerre, Siljak, Ruffini. Orthogonal polynomials. Numbers Theory: MCD, MCM, factorization, prime number, fraction reduction, modular power, Diophantine equation, Brouncker-Pell Equation, Integer relation with PSLQ algorithm. Statistic: Mean, Variance, Multivariable Linear Regression, LRE, Probability distributions. Integration : Double Exponetial, Romberg , 2D Romberg, Complex integration, Newton-Cotes, Filon, FFT, DFT, 2D-FFT, Infinite integral. Numerical Series evaluation, real and complex serie. Special function: high precision 64b Bessel, Gamma, Gammaln, Digamma, Incomplete Gamma, Fresnel, integral sine-cosine, exponential integral, error function, Beta, Incomplete Beta, Fibonacci, Airy functions, Elliptic integrals. Interpolation : polynomial, fractional, cubic spline, 2D random interpolation. Derivativse: Gradient vector, Jacobian matrix, Hessian matrix. Diff Equat. Runge-Kutta-4, Adams’s multi-steps, Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg. Optimization on site with Downhill-Simplex (Nelder Maid) algorithm. 内含使用指南




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