Chapter 14 Instruction level parallelism and superscalar processors

  1. Superscalar processor
    • Such a CPU that can execute multiple instruction pipelines at the same time
    • Fetch multiple instructions at a time
    • Instruction-level parallelism
    • Limitations
      • Instruction level parallelism
      • Compiler based optimisation
      • Hardware techniques
      • Limited by
        • True data dependency(Write then read)
          • Also called write-read dependency or flow dependency
        • Procedural dependency
          • Cannot execute instructions after a branch until the branch is executed
        • Resource conflicts
          • Two or more instructions requiring access to the same resource at the same time
        • Output dependency(Write then write)
        • Antidependency(Read then write)(May anti-true-data?..)
          • Read-write dependency
  2. Features of superscalar
    • The essence: the ability to execute instructions independently in different pipelines
  3. Superpipeline: many pipeline stages need less than half a clock cycle
  4. Superscalar instruction issue policies
    • In-order issue with in-order completion: the simplest, not very efficient
      • Instructions must stall in order to keep sequence of instructions
    • In-order issue with out-of-order completion
      • Execute and output as soon as possible
      • instructions issuing is stalled by a resource conflicts, a data dependency, or a procedural dependency
    • Out-of-order issue with out-of-order completion
      • With in-order issuse, if a dependence is met, pipeline will be paused until the conflict is solved
      • Decouple decode pipeline from execution pipeline, to do this, a buffer is needed, called instruction window
      • When a functional unit becomes available an instruction can be executed
        • Any instruction may be issued, provided that functional unit is available and no conflicts block this instruction
        • Original sequence is broken, but result must be correct
      • It is a mode that makes use of delay time, independent instructions are executed ahead of the dependency instructions
    • Register renaming
      • Output and antidependencies occur because register contents may not reflect the correct ordering from the program
      • Solving method
        • Stalling the pipeline
        • Register renaming
          • It is just a duplication of resources
          • Using a different register
    • Machine parallelism
      • 3 hardware techniques used in a superscalar processor to improve performance
        • Duplication of resources
        • Out-of-order issue
        • Renaming
  5. Branch prediction
    • Static branch prediction
      • Branch always occurs
      • Always does not occur
    • Dynamic branch prediction
      • Branch history analysis
  6. Superscalar implementation
    • Simultaneously fetch multiple instructions
    • Logic to determine true dependencies involving register values
    • Mechanisms to communicate these values
    • Mechanisms to initiate multiple instructions in parallel
    • Resources for parallel execution of multiple instructions
    • Mechanisms for committing process state in correct order
  7. Superscalar in Pentium 2
    • Reorder Buffer--ROB
      • ROB is a circular buffer and contains 40 registers
      • The buffer contains following fields:
        • State:
          • execution, completion, or retirement
        • Memory address:
          • the address of machine instruction corresponding to micro-op
        • Micro-op
          • Actual operation
        • Alias register
          • Redirect a register
      • Micro-ops enter ROB in order, and then dispatched out of order, as long as unit and data required are available
      • Finally, micro-ops are retired from ROB in order




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