Video-related Acronyms

Video-related Acronyms

At the request of some readers, here is a list of some common acronyms thrown around when discussing PC video and video in general. I'll add to these over time as I find missing information or people suggest new terms.

ATSCAdvanced Television Standards Committee. The technical group that defined the high definition TV standard for US terrestrial transmission.
AVCAdvanced Video Codec. Otherwise known as MPEG4, part 10 this is the codec that most of the world's broadcasters are moving to for HD transmissions.
AVIAudio Video Interleave - a Windows file format used to store movies.
CodecCompressor/Decompressor - a software or hardware component that can compress and/or decompress video using a particular compression algorithm.
FOURCCFour Character Code - an 8 digit (or 4 ASCII character) value used to identify the pixel format or compression standard (codec) used to store images or video files. FOURCCs are also used for a similar purpose in some audio applications.
HDHigh Definition. This refers to a video picture size higher than SD (see below) and typically one of the set of resolutions defined by ATSC such as 1080i (1920x1080), 720p (1280x720) or 480p (720x480).
JPEGJoint Photographics Expert Group. The standards group that defined the hugely successful JPEG still image codec.
MPEGMotion Pictures Expert Group. The clever people who brought you all the ISO standard codecs that are used in TV broadcast today.
NTSCNational Television Standards Committee. The group which defined the 480 (visible) line video standard used for analog and pre-HD digital TV transmissions in the USA.
RGBRed Green Blue - a method of describing colours commonly used in PC graphics.
SDStandard Definition. The size of a typical video image for a "legacy" TV system. In the US, this will typically describe an image with 480 lines (and one of a number of widths, 720 being the maximum, 480, 640 and 704 being other common choices). In Europe (and other areas which use PAL TV standards), SD refers to an image with 576 lines of resolution.
YCrCbI have no idea where the specific letters are derived from but this is a colour format typically used in video processing. A colour is defined in terms of a luminance (Y, brightness) value and two "colour differences" or chrominance values (Cr and Cb). One correspondant indicates that Y,R and B likely refer to primary colors yellow, red and blue and "C" indicates a color difference.
YIQDitto. YIQ is another way of defining a colour and is commonly used in NTSC video systems as far as I can remember.
YUVDitto. This term also describes a luminance/chrominance colour model. This is frequently used interchangably with YCrCb though, technically, they are different.
Showing 1 to 14 of 14 entries
# 高校智慧校园解决方案摘要 智慧校园解决方案是针对高校信息化建设的核心工程,旨在通过物联网技术实现数字化校园的智能化升级。该方案通过融合计算机技术、网络通信技术、数据库技术和IC卡识别技术,初步实现了校园一卡通系统,进而通过人脸识别技术实现了更精准的校园安全管理、生活管理、教务管理和资源管理。 方案包括多个管理系统:智慧校园管理平台、一卡通卡务管理系统、一卡通人脸库管理平台、智能人脸识别消费管理系统、疫情防控管理系统、人脸识别无感识别管理系统、会议签到管理系统、人脸识别通道管理系统和图书馆对接管理系统。这些系统共同构成了智慧校园的信息化基础,通过统一数据库和操作平台,实现了数据共享和信息一致性。 智能人脸识别消费管理系统通过人脸识别终端,在无需接触的情况下快速完成消费支付过程,提升了校园服务效率。疫情防控管理系统利用热成像测温技术、视频智能分析等手段,实现了对校园人员体温监测和疫情信息实时上报,提高了校园公共卫生事件的预防和控制能力。 会议签到管理系统和人脸识别通道管理系统均基于人脸识别技术,实现了会议的快速签到和图书馆等场所的高效通行管理。与图书馆对接管理系统实现了一卡通系统与图书馆管理系统的无缝集成,提升了图书借阅的便捷性。 总体而言,该智慧校园解决方案通过集成的信息化管理系统,提升了校园管理的智能化水平,优化了校园生活体验,增强了校园安全,并提高了教学和科研的效率。




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