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转载 C#串口通信总结

我们知道对于标准DLL,可以采用DllImport进行调用。例如: [DllImport("KMY350X.dll")]        private static extern int OpenPort(int PortNum, int BaudRate);如果一些厂家比较懒的话,没有提供相应的dll,我们只能对它进行串口通信编程了。以

2012-12-31 16:54:42 1144

转载 在C#中使用SerialPort类实现串口通信(陆续更新)

在.NET Framework 2.0中提供了SerialPort类,该类主要实现串口数据通信等。本文章将本人在学习过程中从网络上搜集到的相关信息写出来供大家参考。下面主要介绍该类的主要属性(表1)和方法(表.2)。如果需要了解更多的信息请登录http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/system.io.ports.serialport(VS.

2012-12-31 16:31:38 1815 1

转载 CRC算法C#实现


2012-12-31 16:09:01 1701

转载 C#时间格式化字符串详解

有时候我们要对时间进行转换,达到不同的显示效果 默认格式为:2005-6-6 14:33:34 如果要换成成200506,06-2005,2005-6-6或更多的该怎么办呢 我们要用到:DateTime.ToString的方法(String, IFormatProvider)  using System; using System.Globalization; Stri

2012-12-31 15:43:08 758

转载 C#获取时间的方法及格式转变

c#获取时间的方法及格式转变,这个经常需要用到。一个牛人总结的。DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;dt.ToString();//2005-11-5 13:21:25dt.ToFileTime().ToString();//127756416859912816dt.ToFileTimeUtc().ToS

2012-12-31 15:35:32 704

转载 BackGroundWorker解决“线程间操作无效: 从不是创建控件的线程访问它” (C# VS2008)

在编程中经常会遇到在一个按钮中执行复杂操作,并将复杂操作最后返回的值加入一个ListView或ComboBox中候选。这个时候程序会卡,当程序员将这些卡代码放进线程(Thread)中后发现当对控件操作时出现“线程间操作无效: 从不是创建控件的线程访问它”异常。        为什么.net不让我们跨线程操作控件,这是有好处的。因为如果你的线程多了,那么当两个线程同时尝试将一个控件变为自己需

2012-12-31 14:30:17 1298

转载 MFC Dialog Boxes

Overview of Dialog Boxes A dialog box is a rectangular window whose main role is to host or hold other Windows controls. For this reason, a dialog box is referred to as a container

2012-12-30 23:52:06 956

转载 VC 读取服务器上的文件(HTTP方式)

CString GetStringFromUrl(LPCTSTR pszUrl){    CString str ;    HINTERNET hSession = ::InternetOpen( _T("4399GameBox") , INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG ,         NULL , NULL , 0 ) ;    if( hSess

2012-12-30 23:51:45 1392

转载 SQL Server数据类型

我们来看一张SQL Server数据类型表,里面列出了大部分常用的类型: 分类备注和说明数据类型说明二进制数据类型存储非子符和文本的数据Image可用来存储图像文本数据类型字符数据包括任意字母、符号或数字字符的组合Char固定长

2012-12-30 23:51:09 650

转载 SQL Server数据完整性

我们在学习数据库的过程中,经常会听到两个概念:数据冗余和数据完整性。数据冗余是指数据库中存在一些重复的数据,数据完整性是指数据库中的数据能够正确反应实际情况,我们说,为了性能着想,数据库中允许有一些数据冗余,但是要保持数据的完整性。数据完整性=可靠性+准确性,这里我们要清楚以下几点:•          数据存放在表中•          “数据完整性的问题大多是由于设计引起的”•

2012-12-30 23:50:29 742

转载 Intel 关于 Android 视频教程

Android ICS 模拟器在Ubuntu* 上安装并借助 KVM实现硬件加速执行的安装步骤http://software.intel.com/zh-cn/videos/android-ics-ubuntu-kvm? utm_campaign=CSDN&utm_source=intel.csdn.net&utm_medium=Link &utm_content=android-ubuntu

2012-12-30 23:49:47 635

转载 介绍几个在线画流程图的工具

目前我们使用的流程图制作软件大体有RFFLOW、FLOW CHARTING、VISIO三种,可是它们的体积和资源占用情况很大,操作复杂,有没有简单易用不需安装的流程图制作软件呢?下面我给大家推荐几款在线流程图制作工具。第一款:Gliffy猛击进去Gliffy Gliffy支 持中文,其功能满足你正常的需要,有很多流程图实体供你选择。作为一种在线工具,它继承了协同的概

2012-12-30 23:49:23 1483

转载 图解Visual Studio 2010中的UML建模功能

Visual Studio 2010中新增的UML建模工具可以方面我们对项目需求建模,这里介绍Visual Studio 2010中的通过项目模板创建UML图、层图和有向图的方法。【51CTO独家特稿】Visual Studio 2010在架构和项目管理方面的功能增加让人眼前一亮,51CTO之前曾详细介绍过Visual Studio 2010新增的架构工具,包括

2012-12-30 23:49:15 1171

转载 GOF Patterns Series in C# Unleashed

This article introduces some basic object oriented concepts and explains the various strategies in C# .Net to design Singleton pattern.What A Class that can be instantiated only once is called

2012-12-30 23:48:11 684

转载 Data Transfer between Business and Data Access Components in Enterprise Applications using .Net

Data Transfer between Business and Data Access Components in Enterprise Applications using .Net IntroductionOften in the development of enterprise applications, business logic and data access

2012-12-30 23:47:12 756

转载 The Power of Documentation and Commenting the code

I have spent most of my career as a programmer. Most of the time i have been a stand alone programmer. I have existed in organizations where documentation is always needed before a code can be written

2012-12-30 23:46:23 630

转载 19 Practical Points to be remembered while working on project/software Company

This article will talk about some important points we should note while working with tight dead line project.Introduction This article will talk about some important points we should n

2012-12-30 23:45:27 590

转载 UI Object Connector Implementation of Mediator Pattern

When we consume business objects in UI, the logic can become pretty complex for activities like setting the business object value, getting the object value and setting the user interface from the obje

2012-12-30 23:43:50 630

转载 UML Interview Questions - Part 2

This section will cover Collaboration diagrams, Activity diagrams, Chart Diagrams, Package diagrams, Component diagrams, Deployment diagrams.Title: Unified modeling language ( UML ) intervie

2012-12-30 23:42:34 953

转载 UML Interview Questions - Part 1

This Section will cover use case diagrams, primary and secondary actors, primary and secondary actors, Extend’ and ‘Include, class diagrams, protected in class diagrams, class diagram mean, compositio

2012-12-30 23:41:11 1033

转载 C++ Plus 使用 Visual C++ 2008 功能包加强 Windows 应用程序

C++ Plus使用 Visual C++ 2008 功能包加强 Windows 应用程序Kenny Kerr本文以 Visual C++ 功能包的预发布版为基础。文中包含的所有信息均有可能变更。本文讨论:Microsoft 基础类库更新使用 C++ 对功能区进行编程使用 C++ 实现选项卡式 MDI多态函数和智能指针

2012-12-28 14:14:51 680

转载 Design Pattern Interview Questions - Part 4

This section will cover Bridge Pattern, Composite Pattern, Decorator Pattern, Facade Pattern, COR Pattern, Proxy Pattern, template Pattern, MVC.Updated with the explanation of Composite pattern, D

2012-12-28 13:55:14 946

转载 Design Pattern Interview Questions - Part 3

In this section we will cover State, Stratergy, Visitor Adapter and fly weight design pattern from interview perspective.(I) Can you explain state pattern?(I) Can you explain strategy pattern?

2012-12-28 13:53:01 687

转载 Design Pattern Interview Questions - Part 2

Interpeter , Iterator , Mediator , Memento and Observer design patterns. (I) what is Interpreter pattern?(B) Can you explain iterator pattern?(A) Can you explain mediator pattern?(I) Can you e

2012-12-28 13:51:22 792

转载 Design Pattern Interview Questions - Part 1

Design Pattern Interview questions, Factory, Abstract factory, prototype patternSoftware Architecture Interview Questions Part 1 - Design Pattern Interview Questions(B) What are design patterns?

2012-12-28 13:47:04 1274

转载 How to Track Skeleton Joins using Kinect

In this article I will demonstrate to you on how to track the Skeleton in Kinect.Download Download source code for How to Track Skeleton Joins using KinectIntroductionThis is the 3rd a

2012-12-28 11:31:47 1122

转载 SingleTon Pattern in C#.net

The Singleton pattern ensures that a class only has one instance and provides a global point of access to it from a well-known access point. The class implemented using this pattern is responsible for

2012-12-28 11:27:33 619

转载 System Error Codes (12000-15999) (Windows)

24 out of 57 rated this helpful - Rate this topicNote  The information on this page is intended to be used by programmers so that the software they write can better deal with errors.

2012-12-28 10:59:44 2796

转载 System Error Codes (9000-11999) (Windows)

Note  The information on this page is intended to be used by programmers so that the software they write can better deal with errors. If you are an end-user that is experiencing difficulty with an

2012-12-28 10:57:37 2649

转载 System Error Codes (8200-8999) (Windows)

5 out of 20 rated this helpful - Rate this topicNote  The information on this page is intended to be used by programmers so that the software they write can better deal with errors.

2012-12-28 10:56:17 2858

转载 System Error Codes (6000-8199) (Windows)

Note  The information on this page is intended to be used by programmers so that the software they write can better deal with errors. If you are an end-user that is experiencing difficulty with an

2012-12-28 10:54:10 1986

转载 System Error Codes (4000-5999) (Windows)

14 out of 44 rated this helpful - Rate this topicNote  The information on this page is intended to be used by programmers so that the software they write can better deal with errors.

2012-12-28 10:52:40 3234

转载 System Error Codes (1700-3999) (Windows)

Note  The information on this page is intended to be used by programmers so that the software they write can better deal with errors. If you are an end-user that is experiencing difficulty with an

2012-12-28 10:51:13 2256

转载 System Error Codes (1300-1699) (Windows)

32 out of 95 rated this helpful - Rate this topicNote  The information on this page is intended to be used by programmers so that the software they write can better deal with errors.

2012-12-28 10:49:20 4933

转载 System Error Codes (1000-1299) (Windows)

Note  The information on this page is intended to be used by programmers so that the software they write can better deal with errors. If you are an end-user that is experiencing difficulty with an

2012-12-28 10:47:24 3733

转载 System Error Codes (500-999) (Windows)

59 out of 113 rated this helpful - Rate this topicNote  The information on this page is intended to be used by programmers so that the software they write can better deal with errors

2012-12-28 10:46:01 6273

转载 System Error Codes (0-499) (Windows)

Note  The information on this page is intended to be used by programmers so that the software they write can better deal with errors. If you are an end-user that is experiencing difficulty with an

2012-12-28 10:44:19 2208

转载 System Error Codes (Windows)

227 out of 426 rated this helpful - Rate this topicNote  The information on this page is intended to be used by programmers so that the software they write can better deal with errors. I

2012-12-28 10:41:09 923

转载 理论与实践中的 C# 内存模型

理论与实践中的 C# 内存模型Igor Ostrovsky 这是该系列(包含两部分内容)的第一部分,这部分将以较长的篇幅介绍 C# 内存模型。 第一部分说明 C# 内存模型所做出的保证,并介绍促使其保证这些内容的代码模式;第二部分将详细说明如何在 Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 的不同硬件体系结构上实现这些保证。导致多线程编

2012-12-28 10:25:32 952

转载 矩阵分解

Matrix DecompositionJames McCaffreyDownload the Code SampleMatrix decomposition, a technique that breaks down a square numeric matrix into two different square matrices, is the bas

2012-12-28 10:14:03 1766

HybridList - A fast N lg (N) sort algorithm for lists

Windows MFC 的虚拟列表示例代码,找来不容易。



在Visual Studio 2008下如何玩MSComm ActiveX Control,兄弟,有的玩了。


C# 调用标准 C++ 生成的 dll



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计算机程序设计艺术 卷二




程序设计C、C++、Java、OpenGL、MFC、Windows、SDK驱动开发,里面的内容比较丰富,这是种子,下载速度较慢,花了我比较多的时间,如果不想下载,直接想得到的话,可以 E-mail 给我,我的 E-mail: 382087110@qq.com ,学习万岁!


Symbian OS C++ 手机应用开发(第一卷,中文版).pdf

Symbian OS C++ 手机应用开发(第一卷,中文版),希望对大家有用,共同学习。





create and use DLL

学习DLL:create and use DLL






VC MFC 设计界面,有助于大家的界面设计和VC编程,希望对大家有帮助。


解决 Can not find the main class. Program will exit. 难题

解决 Can not find the main class. Program will exit. 难题



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