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微软宣布了下一代开发工具和平台的正式名称,分别称为“Visual Studio Team System 2010”和“.NET Framework 4.0”,很显然二者会在2010年发布。

VSTS 2010开发代号“Rosario”(阿根廷港市罗萨里奥),将致力于引领下一代平台发展、提高开发人员的工作效率和热情、创建突破性应用程序、推动云计算等新兴趋势、合理化应用程序生命周期管理(ALM)。

VSTS 2010将支持统一建模语言(UML)和特定域语言(DSL),可为各类开发人员提供合适的工具,而这也是微软更大模型平台的一部分,“Oslo”技术也是它的一部分。
1)SAP Crystal Reports, version for Visual Studio 2010 - 

2)SAP Crystal Reports, version for Visual Studio 2010 - 

3)SAP Crystal Reports runtime engine for .NET Framework 4 (32-bit)

4)SAP Crystal Reports runtime engine for .NET Framework 4 (64-bit)

(1)下面做一个简单的水晶报表,在项目中建一个窗体FORM1,一个水晶报表CrystalReport1,一个数据集 DATASET1;(水晶报表的设置跟以前版本的一样)

在窗体上放一个CRYSTALREPORTVIEWER,然后在FORM1的LOAD事件下写上;我这是把水晶报表放在DEBUG这个文件夹下动态加载的; 你也可以直接放在项目中在CRYSTALREPORTVIEWER上指定报表名称;

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data Source=;Initial Catalog=cldz;User ID=sa;Password=888");


            SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("select top 100 * from table", con);

            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            da.Fill(ds, "ZZZPJ");

            string reportPath = Application.StartupPath + @"/CrystalReport1.rpt";

            ReportDocument rd = new ReportDocument();



            this.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rd;



二,就是下载上面2)中的MSM文件,里面第一个是CRRuntime_13_0.msm这个是英文包;如果需要支持中文就加一个MSM,( CRRuntime_13_0_zh_cn.msm); 另外加一个CRRuntime_13_0_maps.msm 这个可以不用;

用VS2010自带的打包软件打包发布,新建一个安装项目,安装项目的制作过程这里就不详细说了,跟以前的制过程一样; 制作完后,右键项目选添加―――合并模块――把上面提到的三个以.MSM结尾的文件加入进去,并且把

C:/Program Files/Common Files/Merge Modules文件夹中的VC100的MSM加入进去,如果是32位的就加X86的,如果是64位的就加X64的;最后确定;

再右键项目选属性,点击“系统必备”按钮;在弹出的对话框中选中 VISUAL C++ 2010 运行库,注意根据系统选,有32与64位的;







CrystalReport for vs2010 水晶报表安装方式如下:
1、在你的开发环境中找到Visual Studio安装目录下的"SDK"v2.0"BootStrapper"Packages"CrystalReports,将安装文件CRRedist2010_x86.msi,复制到服务器中并安装。











Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2005 SDK Tutorials: Sample Code Projects 1. This setup contains sample code projects for Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2005. 2. This sample code corresponds exactly to the tutorials contained in the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2005 online help. Each project has been built by following the instructions in their corresponding tutorials, and instructions and explanations have been placed within the tutorial sections rather than in code comments. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you consult the tutorials for a full explanation of the structure and best practices demonstrated within this code. 3. If you wish to run the tutorial sample code projects, check the code for any machine-specific values and confirm that they are customized for your specific machine. These may include: * ODBC data source settings for reports * file directory paths * network printer paths * API property settings for database connections, including: * database server names * database names * userIDs * passwords * complete database connection strings 4. For security reasons it is recommended that you use Integrated Security (Windows Authentication) for your SQL Server database connectivity. If you plan to use SQL Authentication, it is strongly recommended that you create a database account with limited access to your database. (Both versions of authentication are demonstrated in the tutorials.) For more information on security, including how to create a limited access database account, see the SDK Fundamentals section of the Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2005 documentation. Asp.net2.0水晶报表(CrystalReports)事例源码大全(C#) 这些例子实现了水晶报表的查看、柱状图显示、打印、导出、缩放等基本功能,如果想了解更多比如说利用DataSet方式、Push、Pull等模式需要自己更深一步的研究了 难得的Asp.net2.0水晶报表源码,请珍藏!
6-1 Create rich reports within the familiarity of your Visual Studio development environment – for free Hit your report development deadlines and come in under budget without leaving Microsoft Visual Studio. Our report design software installs directly into Visual Studio. With this fully functional – and free software, you'll spend less and save time developing rich, interactive reports. Save time using powerful report creation, integration, and delivery tools Deliver interactive, graphical reports on any device through an XML Web services model Distribute highly formatted reports in rich-client Windows environments Enjoy flexible data access with support for over 35 data sources, major browsers and operating systems Extend your application with seamless report integration into WPF applications Seamless upgrade to SAP Crystal Reports 2011 for added report functionality Download SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio now › Colleague reviewing a report created with powerful report design software Share Tweet this Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Share on Google+ Email 2 Features and Functionality Collapse All Features and Functionality Learn more about the features and functions of SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio. Powerful designer features for creating rich reports Flexible Windows and Web application features support development ASP.NET features support your ASP development efforts Broad data access enables multiple sources and dynamic data output Platform features provide support and management for SAP Crystal Reports projects Get all the details on SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio features › Less Technical & License Resources Discover if SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio is right for you. Get started by reviewing the technical, data access and license details. Access virtually any data sources via ODBC, OLE DB or native connections Licensed for report design, runtime distribution and report viewer distribution Add reporting to thick client and internal server based .NET applications Learn more about data access, licensing and technical requirements › Less Report design options Make the most of the SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio runtime by designing your reports in SAP Crystal Reports 2011 software. Utilize Crystal Reports 2011 and spend less time creating and integrating reports Use an editable preview panel and edit reports while viewing them Use RPTR files to protect your report designs from downstream modifications Leverage an object repository for component reuse Utilize a workbench tool to help manage projects Learn more about upgrading to SAP Crystal Reports 2011 › Less Discover Managed BI Extend your existing .NET reporting solutions with SAP Crystal Server for report object, user, and user group management. Utilize APIs for customizing server logon, user management and report scheduling Create data-driven publications, and extend publications with custom processing Add monitoring probes that help ensure the server is behaving as expected Use Web services to perform report scheduling, storing: querying and more Extend your reporting solutions with managed BI – learn more ›
7-7 共7个压缩包(只有50M上传权限) Create rich reports within the familiarity of your Visual Studio development environment – for free Hit your report development deadlines and come in under budget without leaving Microsoft Visual Studio. Our report design software installs directly into Visual Studio. With this fully functional – and free software, you'll spend less and save time developing rich, interactive reports. Save time using powerful report creation, integration, and delivery tools Deliver interactive, graphical reports on any device through an XML Web services model Distribute highly formatted reports in rich-client Windows environments Enjoy flexible data access with support for over 35 data sources, major browsers and operating systems Extend your application with seamless report integration into WPF applications Seamless upgrade to SAP Crystal Reports 2011 for added report functionality Download SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio now › Share 2 Features and Functionality Collapse All Features and Functionality Learn more about the features and functions of SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio. Powerful designer features for creating rich reports Flexible Windows and Web application features support development ASP.NET features support your ASP development efforts Broad data access enables multiple sources and dynamic data output Platform features provide support and management for SAP Crystal Reports projects Get all the details on SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio features › Less Technical & License Resources Discover if SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio is right for you. Get started by reviewing the technical, data access and license details. Access virtually any data sources via ODBC, OLE DB or native connections Licensed for report design, runtime distribution and report viewer distribution Add reporting to thick client and internal server based .NET applications Learn more about data access, licensing and technical requirements › Less Report design options Make the most of the SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio runtime by designing your reports in SAP Crystal Reports 2011 software. Utilize Crystal Reports 2011 and spend less time creating and integrating reports Use an editable preview panel and edit reports while viewing them Use RPTR files to protect your report designs from downstream modifications Leverage an object repository for component reuse Utilize a workbench tool to help manage projects Learn more about upgrading to SAP Crystal Reports 2011 › Less Discover Managed BI Extend your existing .NET reporting solutions with SAP Crystal Server for report object, user, and user group management. Utilize APIs for customizing server logon, user management and report scheduling Create data-driven publications, and extend publications with custom processing Add monitoring probes that help ensure the server is behaving as expected Use Web services to perform report scheduling, storing: querying and more Extend your reporting solutions with managed BI




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