CitusDB, PostgreSQLs Use Hadoop Distribute Query - 4 : Query Trace 2


  • Postgres-XC项目的发起人铃木市一(SUZUKI Koichi)
  • Postgres-XL的项目发起人Mason Sharp
  • pgpool的作者石井达夫(Tatsuo Ishii)
  • PG-Strom的作者海外浩平(Kaigai Kohei)
  • Greenplum研发总监姚延栋
  • 周正中(德哥), PostgreSQL中国用户会创始人之一
  • 汪洋,平安科技数据库技术部经理
  • ……

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接上一篇 : 

4. # 大表和小表的关联查询
CitusDB 2.0还不允许大表和大表的关联查询.
小表指的是shard数目小于large_table_shard_count的表, 小表和大表JOIN时, 小表的数据会先通过 worker_fetch_regular_table拷贝到各个相关的worker节点. 
然后在worker本地进行JOIN, 完了把结果COPY到master节点, master节点再对COPY过来的临时表进行结果合并.

postgres=# show large_table_shard_count;
(1 row)
postgres=# select * from pg_dist_shard;
 logicalrelid |       shardid        | shardstorage | shardalias | shardminvalue | shardmaxvalue 
        16403 | -1221512698612183530 | f            |            | 1999-01-01    | 1999-05-13
        16403 |  2698407172708592541 | f            |            | 1999-05-13    | 1999-09-11
        16403 |   631600631725577683 | f            |            | 1998-09-06    | 1998-12-31
        16403 | -2048097437225231483 | f            |            | 1999-09-11    | 1999-12-31
        16403 |  3598423008504059948 | f            |            | 1970-12-30    | 1998-09-06
(5 rows)

# 新建一个小表

postgres=# CREATE TABLE customer_reviews_small                                   
    customer_id TEXT not null,
    review_date DATE not null,
    review_rating INTEGER not null,
    review_votes INTEGER,
    review_helpful_votes INTEGER,
    product_id CHAR(10) not null,
    product_title TEXT not null,
    product_sales_rank BIGINT,
    product_group TEXT,
    product_category TEXT,
    product_subcategory TEXT,
    similar_product_ids CHAR(10)[]
postgres=# CREATE INDEX customer_id_index ON customer_reviews_small (customer_id);

# 从任一worker节点连到master节点, 导入数据. (注意文件要放在worker节点, 这个和COPY是不一样的, COPY要求文件是和数据库服务器在一起的, 以为它调用的是服务端的file接口)

[root@db-172-16-3-150 Documentation]# scp /data06/customer_reviews_1998.csv  
citusdb@db-172-16-3-33-> psql -h -p 9900 -U digoal postgres
psql (9.2.1)
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# \STAGE customer_reviews_small FROM '/home/citusdb/customer_reviews_1998.csv' (FORMAT CSV)
postgres=# select * from pg_dist_shard;
 logicalrelid |       shardid        | shardstorage | shardalias | shardminvalue | shardmaxvalue 
        16403 | -1221512698612183530 | f            |            | 1999-01-01    | 1999-05-13
        16403 |  2698407172708592541 | f            |            | 1999-05-13    | 1999-09-11
        16403 |   631600631725577683 | f            |            | 1998-09-06    | 1998-12-31
        16403 | -2048097437225231483 | f            |            | 1999-09-11    | 1999-12-31
        16403 |  3598423008504059948 | f            |            | 1970-12-30    | 1998-09-06
        16604 |               102017 | t            |            | 1970-12-30    | 1998-12-31
(6 rows)

现在有两个distributed表了, 一个有5个shard, 另一个只有1个shard.

postgres=# select * from customer_reviews t1, customer_reviews_small t2 where t1.customer_id=t2.customer_id limit 1;
  customer_id  | review_date | review_rating | review_votes | review_helpful_votes | product_id |      product_title      | product_
sales_rank | product_group | product_category | product_subcategory |                   similar_product_ids                    |  cu
stomer_id  | review_date | review_rating | review_votes | review_helpful_votes | product_id |      product_title      | product_sale
s_rank | product_group | product_category | product_subcategory |                   similar_product_ids                    
 AQV87I9Y4CIQF | 1998-09-06  |             5 |           56 |                   55 | 1561580368 | Building for a Lifetime |         
    215662 | Book          | Home & Garden    | Home Design         | {1589230612,1881955656,0140258094,1931498113,0070171513} | AQV
87I9Y4CIQF | 1998-09-06  |             5 |           56 |                   55 | 1561580368 | Building for a Lifetime |             
215662 | Book          | Home & Garden    | Home Design         | {1589230612,1881955656,0140258094,1931498113,0070171513}
(1 row)


2013-03-22 15:09:19.538 CST,"digoal","postgres",18621,"",514c0239.48bd,24,"idle",2013-03-22 15:03:21 CST,3/401,0,LOG,00000,"statement: select * from customer_reviews t1, customer_reviews_small t2 where t1.customer_id=t2.customer_id limit 1;",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969","psql"

# 33节点日志, 其中3个hdfs中的外部表通过worker_fetch_foreign_file取到数据库中, 小表customer_reviews_small_102017这通过worker_fetch_regular_table获取到数据库中, 注意日志中记录了3个会话的信息, hdfs是三个表, 获取三次是可以理解的. 但是小表其实是在worker节点里面的, 从pg_dist_shard_placement是能够验证的, 为什么也fetch了3次呢? 原因是3个会话, 并行操作. 从执行时间来看分别消耗了300毫秒.
不过函数的源码看不到, 不知道有没有判断不需要COPY的情况. 否则小表的处理开销还是非常大的.

2013-03-22 15:13:42.079 CST,"postgres","postgres",18245,"",514c04a5.4745,3,"idle",2013-03-22 15:13:41 CST,2/701,0,LOG,00000,"statement: SELECT worker_fetch_foreign_file('customer_reviews_631600631725577683', 34190254, '{,,}', '{9900,9900,9900}')",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969","" 2013-03-22 15:13:42.080 CST,"postgres","postgres",18246,"",514c04a5.4746,3,"idle",2013-03-22 15:13:41 CST,3/162,0,LOG,00000,"statement: SELECT worker_fetch_foreign_file('customer_reviews_3598423008504059948', 67108864, '{,,}', '{9900,9900,9900}')",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969","" 2013-03-22 15:13:42.080 CST,"postgres","postgres",18247,"",514c04a5.4747,3,"idle",2013-03-22 15:13:41 CST,4/74,0,LOG,00000,"statement: SELECT worker_fetch_foreign_file('customer_reviews_17225231375097368086', 67108864, '{,,}', '{9900,9900,9900}')",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969","" 2013-03-22 15:13:42.379 CST,"postgres","postgres",18245,"",514c04a5.4745,4,"idle",2013-03-22 15:13:41 CST,2/702,0,LOG,00000,"statement: SELECT worker_fetch_regular_table('customer_reviews_small_102017', 145932288, '{,}', '{9900,9900}')",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969","" 2013-03-22 15:13:42.379 CST,"postgres","postgres",18246,"",514c04a5.4746,4,"idle",2013-03-22 15:13:41 CST,3/163,0,LOG,00000,"statement: SELECT worker_fetch_regular_table('customer_reviews_small_102017', 145932288, '{,}', '{9900,9900}')",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969","" 2013-03-22 15:13:42.379 CST,"postgres","postgres",18247,"",514c04a5.4747,4,"idle",2013-03-22 15:13:41 CST,4/75,0,LOG,00000,"statement: SELECT worker_fetch_regular_table('customer_reviews_small_102017', 145932288, '{,}', '{9900,9900}')",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969","" 2013-03-22 15:13:42.679 CST,"postgres","postgres",18245,"",514c04a5.4745,5,"idle",2013-03-22 15:13:41 CST,2/703,0,LOG,00000,"statement: COPY (SELECT t1.customer_id, t1.review_date, t1.review_rating, t1.review_votes, t1.review_helpful_votes, t1.product_id, t1.product_title, t1.product_sales_rank, t1.product_group, t1.product_category, t1.product_subcategory, t1.similar_product_ids, t2.customer_id, t2.review_date, t2.review_rating, t2.review_votes, t2.review_helpful_votes, t2.product_id, t2.product_title, t2.product_sales_rank, t2.product_group, t2.product_category, t2.product_subcategory, t2.similar_product_ids FROM customer_reviews_631600631725577683 t1, customer_reviews_small_102017 t2 WHERE (t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id) LIMIT 1::bigint) TO STDOUT",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969","" 2013-03-22 15:13:42.679 CST,"postgres","postgres",18247,"",514c04a5.4747,5,"idle",2013-03-22 15:13:41 CST,4/76,0,LOG,00000,"statement: COPY (SELECT t1.customer_id, t1.review_date, t1.review_rating, t1.review_votes, t1.review_helpful_votes, t1.product_id, t1.product_title, t1.product_sales_rank, t1.product_group, t1.product_category, t1.product_subcategory, t1.similar_product_ids, t2.customer_id, t2.review_date, t2.review_rating, t2.review_votes, t2.review_helpful_votes, t2.product_id, t2.product_title, t2.product_sales_rank, t2.product_group, t2.product_category, t2.product_subcategory, t2.similar_product_ids FROM customer_reviews_17225231375097368086 t1, customer_reviews_small_102017 t2 WHERE (t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id) LIMIT 1::bigint) TO STDOUT",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969","" 2013-03-22 15:13:42.680 CST,"postgres","postgres",18246,"",514c04a5.4746,5,"idle",2013-03-22 15:13:41 CST,3/164,0,LOG,00000,"statement: COPY (SELECT t1.customer_id, t1.review_date, t1.review_rating, t1.review_votes, t1.review_helpful_votes, t1.product_id, t1.product_title, t1.product_sales_rank, t1.product_group, t1.product_category, t1.product_subcategory, t1.similar_product_ids, t2.customer_id, t2.review_date, t2.review_rating, t2.review_votes, t2.review_helpful_votes, t2.product_id, t2.product_title, t2.product_sales_rank, t2.product_group, t2.product_category, t2.product_subcategory, t2.similar_product_ids FROM customer_reviews_3598423008504059948 t1, customer_reviews_small_102017 t2 WHERE (t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id) LIMIT 1::bigint) TO STDOUT",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969",""

# 39节点日志

2013-03-22 15:13:42.175 CST,"postgres","postgres",9582,"",514c04a5.256e,3,"idle",2013-03-22 15:13:41 CST,2/751,0,LOG,00000,"statement: SELECT worker_fetch_foreign_file('customer_reviews_16398646636484320133', 64029428, '{,,}', '{9900,9900,9900}')",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969","" 2013-03-22 15:13:42.175 CST,"postgres","postgres",9581,"",514c04a5.256d,3,"idle",2013-03-22 15:13:41 CST,3/92,0,LOG,00000,"statement: SELECT worker_fetch_foreign_file('customer_reviews_2698407172708592541', 67108864, '{,,}', '{9900,9900,9900}')",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969","" 2013-03-22 15:13:42.475 CST,"postgres","postgres",9581,"",514c04a5.256d,4,"idle",2013-03-22 15:13:41 CST,3/93,0,LOG,00000,"statement: SELECT worker_fetch_regular_table('customer_reviews_small_102017', 145932288, '{,}', '{9900,9900}')",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969","" 2013-03-22 15:13:42.475 CST,"postgres","postgres",9582,"",514c04a5.256e,4,"idle",2013-03-22 15:13:41 CST,2/752,0,LOG,00000,"statement: SELECT worker_fetch_regular_table('customer_reviews_small_102017', 145932288, '{,}', '{9900,9900}')",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969","" 2013-03-22 15:13:42.775 CST,"postgres","postgres",9581,"",514c04a5.256d,5,"idle",2013-03-22 15:13:41 CST,3/94,0,LOG,00000,"statement: COPY (SELECT t1.customer_id, t1.review_date, t1.review_rating, t1.review_votes, t1.review_helpful_votes, t1.product_id, t1.product_title, t1.product_sales_rank, t1.product_group, t1.product_category, t1.product_subcategory, t1.similar_product_ids, t2.customer_id, t2.review_date, t2.review_rating, t2.review_votes, t2.review_helpful_votes, t2.product_id, t2.product_title, t2.product_sales_rank, t2.product_group, t2.product_category, t2.product_subcategory, t2.similar_product_ids FROM customer_reviews_2698407172708592541 t1, customer_reviews_small_102017 t2 WHERE (t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id) LIMIT 1::bigint) TO STDOUT",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969","" 2013-03-22 15:13:42.775 CST,"postgres","postgres",9582,"",514c04a5.256e,5,"idle",2013-03-22 15:13:41 CST,2/753,0,LOG,00000,"statement: COPY (SELECT t1.customer_id, t1.review_date, t1.review_rating, t1.review_votes, t1.review_helpful_votes, t1.product_id, t1.product_title, t1.product_sales_rank, t1.product_group, t1.product_category, t1.product_subcategory, t1.similar_product_ids, t2.customer_id, t2.review_date, t2.review_rating, t2.review_votes, t2.review_helpful_votes, t2.product_id, t2.product_title, t2.product_sales_rank, t2.product_group, t2.product_category, t2.product_subcategory, t2.similar_product_ids FROM customer_reviews_16398646636484320133 t1, customer_reviews_small_102017 t2 WHERE (t1.customer_id = t2.customer_id) LIMIT 1::bigint) TO STDOUT",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969",""

# 40节点日志

# 拷贝数据的函数

postgres=# \df+ worker_fetch_regular_table
                                                                                                List of functions
   Schema   |            Name            | Result data type |       Argument data types       |  Type  | Volatility |  Owner   | Lan
guage |        Source code         |               Description               
 pg_catalog | worker_fetch_regular_table | void             | text, bigint, text[], integer[] | normal | volatile   | postgres | int
ernal | worker_fetch_regular_table | fetch PostgreSQL table from remote node
(1 row)
postgres=# \df+ worker_fetch_foreign_file
List of functions
Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type | Volatility | Owner | Lang
uage | Source code | Description
pg_catalog | worker_fetch_foreign_file | void | text, bigint, text[], integer[] | normal | volatile | postgres | inte
rnal | worker_fetch_foreign_file | fetch foreign file from remote node and apply file
(1 row)

5. # 小表和小表的关联查询
每次查询时将表的信息通过fetch拷贝到worker本地的临时表, 然后JOIN. 注意是每次查询, 单事物多次查询也会多次调用fetch.

postgres=# set large_table_shard_count=6;
postgres=# select * from customer_reviews t1, customer_reviews_small t2 where t1.customer_id=t2.customer_id limit 1;
  customer_id  | review_date | review_rating | review_votes | review_helpful_votes | product_id |      product_title      | product_
sales_rank | product_group | product_category | product_subcategory |                   similar_product_ids                    |  cu
stomer_id  | review_date | review_rating | review_votes | review_helpful_votes | product_id |      product_title      | product_sale
s_rank | product_group | product_category | product_subcategory |                   similar_product_ids                    
 AQV87I9Y4CIQF | 1998-09-06  |             5 |           56 |                   55 | 1561580368 | Building for a Lifetime |         
    215662 | Book          | Home & Garden    | Home Design         | {1589230612,1881955656,0140258094,1931498113,0070171513} | AQV
87I9Y4CIQF | 1998-09-06  |             5 |           56 |                   55 | 1561580368 | Building for a Lifetime |             
215662 | Book          | Home & Garden    | Home Design         | {1589230612,1881955656,0140258094,1931498113,0070171513}
(1 row)

33 日志

2013-03-22 15:18:36.843 CST,"postgres","postgres",18271,"",514c05cc.475f,3,"idle",2013-03-22 15:18:36 CST,2/719,0,LOG,00000,"statement: SELECT worker_fetch_foreign_file('customer_reviews_631600631725577683', 34190254, '{,,}', '{9900,9900,9900}')",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969",""
2013-03-22 15:18:36.843 CST,"postgres","postgres",18272,"",514c05cc.4760,3,"idle",2013-03-22 15:18:36 CST,3/170,0,LOG,00000,"statement: SELECT worker_fetch_foreign_file('customer_reviews_3598423008504059948', 67108864, '{,,}', '{9900,9900,9900}')",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969",""
2013-03-22 15:18:36.843 CST,"postgres","postgres",18273,"",514c05cc.4761,3,"idle",2013-03-22 15:18:36 CST,4/82,0,LOG,00000,"statement: SELECT worker_fetch_foreign_file('customer_reviews_17225231375097368086', 67108864, '{,,}', '{9900,9900,9900}')",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969",""
2013-03-22 15:18:37.142 CST,"postgres","postgres",18271,"",514c05cc.475f,4,"idle",2013-03-22 15:18:36 CST,2/720,0,LOG,00000,"statement: SELECT worker_fetch_regular_table('customer_reviews_small_102017', 145932288, '{,}', '{9900,9900}')",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969",""
2013-03-22 15:18:37.142 CST,"postgres","postgres",18273,"",514c05cc.4761,4,"idle",2013-03-22 15:18:36 CST,4/83,0,LOG,00000,"statement: SELECT worker_fetch_regular_table('customer_reviews_small_102017', 145932288, '{,}', '{9900,9900}')",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969",""
2013-03-22 15:18:37.143 CST,"postgres","postgres",18272,"",514c05cc.4760,4,"idle",2013-03-22 15:18:36 CST,3/171,0,LOG,00000,"statement: SELECT worker_fetch_regular_table('customer_reviews_small_102017', 145932288, '{,}', '{9900,9900}')",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969",""

40 日志

2013-03-22 15:18:36.926 CST,"postgres","postgres",9601,"",514c05cc.2581,3,"idle",2013-03-22 15:18:36 CST,2/769,0,LOG,00000,"statement: SELECT worker_fetch_foreign_file('customer_reviews_2698407172708592541', 67108864, '{,,}', '{9900,9900,9900}')",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969",""
2013-03-22 15:18:36.926 CST,"postgres","postgres",9602,"",514c05cc.2582,3,"idle",2013-03-22 15:18:36 CST,3/100,0,LOG,00000,"statement: SELECT worker_fetch_foreign_file('customer_reviews_16398646636484320133', 64029428, '{,,}', '{9900,9900,9900}')",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969",""
2013-03-22 15:18:37.226 CST,"postgres","postgres",9601,"",514c05cc.2581,4,"idle",2013-03-22 15:18:36 CST,2/770,0,LOG,00000,"statement: SELECT worker_fetch_regular_table('customer_reviews_small_102017', 145932288, '{,}', '{9900,9900}')",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969",""
2013-03-22 15:18:37.226 CST,"postgres","postgres",9602,"",514c05cc.2582,4,"idle",2013-03-22 15:18:36 CST,3/101,0,LOG,00000,"statement: SELECT worker_fetch_regular_table('customer_reviews_small_102017', 145932288, '{,}', '{9900,9900}')",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969",""

6. # 查询中使用自定义函数

postgres=# create or replace function my_lower(i text) returns text as $$
  return lower(i);
$$ language plpgsql;
postgres=# select avg(review_rating),my_lower(product_group) from customer_reviews group by my_lower(product_group);
        avg         | my_lower 
 2.0000000000000000 | ce
 4.4846521282116104 | music
 4.3278330075790599 | video
 5.0000000000000000 | toy
 4.0000000000000000 | software
 4.2944774472673496 | book
 4.2773476749740566 | dvd
(7 rows)
worker节点日志截取 : 

2013-03-22 14:43:30.102 CST,"postgres","postgres",18082,"",514bfd91.46a2,3,"idle",2013-03-22 14:43:29 CST,2/625,0,LOG,00000,"statement: COPY (SELECT sum(review_rating) AS avg, count(*) AS avg, my_lower(product_group) AS my_lower FROM customer_reviews_631600631725577683 customer_reviews WHERE true GROUP BY my_lower(product_group)) TO STDOUT",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969",""
2013-03-22 14:43:30.104 CST,"postgres","postgres",18084,"",514bfd91.46a4,3,"idle",2013-03-22 14:43:29 CST,4/64,0,LOG,00000,"statement: COPY (SELECT sum(review_rating) AS avg, count(*) AS avg, my_lower(product_group) AS my_lower FROM customer_reviews_17225231375097368086 customer_reviews WHERE true GROUP BY my_lower(product_group)) TO STDOUT",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969",""
2013-03-22 14:43:30.104 CST,"postgres","postgres",18083,"",514bfd91.46a3,3,"idle",2013-03-22 14:43:29 CST,3/152,0,LOG,00000,"statement: COPY (SELECT sum(review_rating) AS avg, count(*) AS avg, my_lower(product_group) AS my_lower FROM customer_reviews_3598423008504059948 customer_reviews WHERE true GROUP BY my_lower(product_group)) TO STDOUT",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969",""
2013-03-22 14:43:30.084 CST,"postgres","postgres",9463,"",514bfd91.24f7,3,"idle",2013-03-22 14:43:29 CST,2/677,0,LOG,00000,"statement: COPY (SELECT sum(review_rating) AS avg, count(*) AS avg, my_lower(product_group) AS my_lower FROM customer_reviews_2698407172708592541 customer_reviews WHERE true GROUP BY my_lower(product_group)) TO STDOUT",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969",""
2013-03-22 14:43:30.084 CST,"postgres","postgres",9464,"",514bfd91.24f8,3,"idle",2013-03-22 14:43:29 CST,3/82,0,LOG,00000,"statement: COPY (SELECT sum(review_rating) AS avg, count(*) AS avg, my_lower(product_group) AS my_lower FROM customer_reviews_16398646636484320133 customer_reviews WHERE true GROUP BY my_lower(product_group)) TO STDOUT",,,,,,,,"exec_simple_query, postgres.c:969",""

7. # 统计信息
# 外部表的统计信息收集需要在worker节点进行, 主节点执行会报错.

postgres=# analyze verbose customer_reviews;
ERROR:  58P01: could not stat file "": No such file or directory
LOCATION:  fileAnalyzeForeignTable, file_fdw.c:781

# worker节点

postgres=# analyze verbose customer_reviews_16398646636484320133;
INFO:  analyzing "public.customer_reviews_16398646636484320133"
INFO:  "customer_reviews_16398646636484320133": file contains 377161 rows; 30000 rows in sample

5. DISTRIBUTED参数详细介绍 : 

postgres=# select * from pg_settings where name ='task_assignment_policy';
-[ RECORD 1 ]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
name       | task_assignment_policy
setting    | greedy
unit       | 
category   | Distributed Database
short_desc | Sets the policy to use when assigning tasks to worker nodes.
extra_desc | The master node assigns tasks to worker nodes based on shard locations. This configuration value specifies the policy to use when making these assignments. The greedy policy aims to evenly distribute tasks across worker nodes; and the round-robin policy assigns tasks to worker nodes in a round-robin fashion.
context    | user
vartype    | enum
source     | default
min_val    | 
max_val    | 
enumvals   | {greedy,round-robin}
boot_val   | greedy
reset_val  | greedy
sourcefile | 
sourceline | 
postgres=# select * from pg_settings where category = 'Distributed Database';
-[ RECORD 1 ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
name | large_table_shard_count
setting | 4
unit |
category | Distributed Database
short_desc | The shard count threshold over which a table is considered large.
extra_desc | A distributed table is considered to be large if it has more shards than the value specified here. This largeness crite
ria is then used in picking a table join order during distributed query planning.
context | user
vartype | integer
source | default
min_val | 1
max_val | 10000
enumvals |
boot_val | 4
reset_val | 4
sourcefile |
sourceline |
-[ RECORD 2 ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
name | limit_clause_row_fetch_count
setting | -1
unit |
category | Distributed Database
short_desc | Number of rows to fetch per task for limit clause optimization
extra_desc | Select queries get partitioned and executed as smaller tasks. In some cases, select queries with limit clauses may need
to fetch all rows from each task to generate results. In those cases, and where an approximation would produce meaningful results,
this configuration value sets the number of rows to fetch from each task.
context | user
vartype | integer
source | default
min_val | -1
max_val | 2147483647
enumvals |
boot_val | -1
reset_val | -1
sourcefile |
sourceline |
-[ RECORD 3 ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
name | max_running_tasks_per_node
setting | 8
unit |
category | Distributed Database
short_desc | Sets the maximum number of tasks to run concurrently per node.
extra_desc | The task tracker process schedules and executes the tasks assigned to it as appropriate. This configuration value sets
the maximum number of tasks to execute concurrently on one node at any given time.
context | sighup
vartype | integer
source | default
min_val | 1
max_val | 2147483647
enumvals |
boot_val | 8
reset_val | 8
sourcefile |
sourceline |
-[ RECORD 4 ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
name | max_tracked_tasks_per_node
setting | 256
unit |
category | Distributed Database
short_desc | Sets the maximum number of tracked tasks per node.
extra_desc | The task tracker processes keeps all assigned tasks in a shared hash table, and schedules and executes these tasks as a
ppropriate. This configuration value limits the size of the hash table, and therefore the maximum number of tasks that can be tracke
d at any given time.
context | postmaster
vartype | integer
source | default
min_val | 8
max_val | 2147483647
enumvals |
boot_val | 256
reset_val | 256
sourcefile |
sourceline |
-[ RECORD 5 ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
name | max_worker_nodes_tracked
setting | 2048
unit |
category | Distributed Database
short_desc | Sets the maximum number of worker nodes that are tracked.
extra_desc | Worker nodes' network locations, their membership and health status are tracked in a shared hash table on the master no
de. This configuration value limits the size of the hash table, and consequently the maximum number of worker nodes that can be trac
context | postmaster
vartype | integer
source | default
min_val | 8
max_val | 2147483647
enumvals |
boot_val | 2048
reset_val | 2048
sourcefile |
sourceline |
-[ RECORD 6 ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
name | partition_buffer_size
setting | 8192
unit | kB
category | Distributed Database
short_desc | Sets the buffer size to use for partition operations.
extra_desc | Worker nodes allow for table data to be repartitioned into multiple text files, much like Hadoop's Map command. This co
nfiguration value sets the buffer size to use per partition operation. After the buffer fills up, we flush the repartitioned data in
to text files.
context | user
vartype | integer
source | default
min_val | 0
max_val | 2147483647
enumvals |
boot_val | 8192
reset_val | 8192
sourcefile |
sourceline |
-[ RECORD 7 ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
name | remote_task_check_interval
setting | 100
unit | ms
category | Distributed Database
short_desc | Sets the frequency at which we check job statuses.
extra_desc | The master node assigns tasks to workers nodes, and then regularly checks with them about each task's progress. This co
nfiguration value sets the time interval between two consequent checks.
context | sighup
vartype | integer
source | default
min_val | 10
max_val | 100000
enumvals |
boot_val | 100
reset_val | 100
sourcefile |
sourceline |
-[ RECORD 8 ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
name | shard_max_size
setting | 2097152
unit | kB
category | Distributed Database
short_desc | Sets the maximum size a shard will grow before it gets split.
extra_desc | Shards store table and file data. When the source file's size for one shard exceeds this configuration value, the datab
ase ensures that either a new shard gets created, or the current one gets split. Note that shards read this configuration value at s
harded table creation time, and later reuse the initially read value.
context | user
vartype | integer
source | default
min_val | 256
max_val | 2147483647
enumvals |
boot_val | 2097152
reset_val | 2097152
sourcefile |
sourceline |
-[ RECORD 9 ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
name | shard_replication_factor
setting | 2
unit |
category | Distributed Database
short_desc | Sets the replication factor for shards.
extra_desc | Shards are replicated across nodes according to this replication factor. Note that shards read this configuration value
at sharded table creation time, and later reuse the initially read value.
context | user
vartype | integer
source | default
min_val | 1
max_val | 100
enumvals |
boot_val | 2
reset_val | 2
sourcefile |
sourceline |
-[ RECORD 10 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
name | task_assignment_policy
setting | greedy
unit |
category | Distributed Database
short_desc | Sets the policy to use when assigning tasks to worker nodes.
extra_desc | The master node assigns tasks to worker nodes based on shard locations. This configuration value specifies the policy t
o use when making these assignments. The greedy policy aims to evenly distribute tasks across worker nodes; and the round-robin poli
cy assigns tasks to worker nodes in a round-robin fashion.
context | user
vartype | enum
source | default
min_val |
max_val |
enumvals | {greedy,round-robin}
boot_val | greedy
reset_val | greedy
sourcefile |
sourceline |
-[ RECORD 11 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
name | task_tracker_active
setting | off
unit |
category | Distributed Database
short_desc | Starts up the task tracker process.
extra_desc | The task tracker background process runs on every worker node, and manages the execution of tasks assigned to it. This
configuration entry activates the task tracker.
context | postmaster
vartype | bool
source | default
min_val |
max_val |
enumvals |
boot_val | off
reset_val | off
sourcefile |
sourceline |
-[ RECORD 12 ]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
name | task_tracker_delay
setting | 200
unit | ms
category | Distributed Database
short_desc | Task tracker sleep time between task management rounds.
extra_desc | The task tracker process wakes up regularly, walks over all tasks assigned to it, and schedules and executes these task
s. Then, the task tracker sleeps for a time period before walking over these tasks again. This configuration value determines the le
ngth of that sleeping period.
context | sighup
vartype | integer
source | default
min_val | 10
max_val | 100000
enumvals |
boot_val | 200
reset_val | 200
sourcefile |
sourceline |
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