Disable the Outlook warning message when send Dynamics Ax reports to email address

11月18日 Disable the Outlook warning message when send Dynamics Ax reports to email address PROBLEM ========= User receive the following prompt stating that a program is trying to access e-mail addresses you have stored in Outlook. do you want to allow this? RESOLUTION =========== Go to http://www.microsoft.com/office/orkarchive/2003ddl.htm and search for “ork.exe” for Office 2003 and install the same. After installation of the resource kit, you will need to run the “admpack.exe” to install the administrator pack on your computer. You can find the “admpack.exe” at c:/program files/ORK tools/ORK11/Tools/Outlook Administrator Pack. The administrative tools for the Outlook Security features consist of four files, packaged into one self-extracting executable. OutlookSecurity.oft is an Outlook template that enables you to customize the security settings on the Microsoft Exchange server. The template does not actually implement security — it is simply the storage location for the customized security settings Install and Register the Trusted Code Control: • Hashctl.dll is the file for the Trusted Code control, a tool used by the template to specify trusted COM add-ins. • Comdlg32.ocx is a file used for the Trusted Code control. It provides a user interface for selecting the trusted COM add-in. • Copy Hashctl.dll and Comdlg32.ocx to c:/windows/system32 on your administrator computer • From Start and Run type… Regsvr32 hashctl.dll to register the file • From Start and Run type… Regsvr32 Comdlg32.ocx to register the file Creating a public folder for the security settings: 1. Before modifying the security settings, you must create a public folder named “Outlook Security Settings” on the Microsoft Exchange server on which you keep public folders. You create this folder by using one of those names exactly, in the root folder of the Public Folder tree. You must set the folder access control lists (ACLs) so that all users can read all items in the folder. However, only those users for whom you want to create or change security settings should have permission to create, edit, or delete items in the folder. To use the Outlook Security template to modify settings on Exchange Server : 1. On a computer running Outlook 2007, open OutlookSecurity.oft from the working directory where you installed the Outlook security tools. You need to do this by going to Tools > forms > select a form . Note: Outlook 2007 blocks *.OFT files by default 2. Once the from loads you will be prompted to select a folder, select the “Outlook Security Settings” that you created on Exchange Server. The template will then open in Compose mode. 3. On the Tools menu of the template, point to Forms, and then click Publish Form. (The folder selected should be your current folder—Outlook Security Settings.) 4. In the Form Name box, type Outlook Security Form. 5. Click the Publish button to publish the security template in the Security Settings folder. You can now close the Outlook Security template. Do not save when prompted to save while closing the template. 6. Switch to Microsoft Outlook, click the drop-down arrow next to the New button on the toolbar, and select the Choose Form from the list. 7. Navigate to the template you just created in the previous steps then select the new template name and click the Open button. 8. Select Default Security Settings for All Users on the “Outlook Security Settings” tab. 9. Access the “Programmatic Settings” tab and set all or required options to “Automatically approve” 10. After you configure these settings, you must enable the customized settings for your users. To enable the changed settings, you may need to deploy a new registry key to the client computers. 11. Start the registry editor and expand the following subkey: Key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Policies/Microsoft/Office/12.0/Outlook/Security 12. From the Edit menu, choose New, then click DWORD value to add a new registry key. The value name for the key must be AdminSecurityMode. 13. The value of the registry key should be set to 1. 14. Click Close on the form and if prompted, click Yes to save the form. 15. Restart the client computer and check Also if we need to exclude user you’ll need to add them to the exception list in the Outlook security form Cons: Once we enabled this function, all the application including AX will send email directly which may cause the security problem. Another solution is to do some programming in Dynamics AX. Please check MSDN (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa851352(AX.10).aspx) for more details on the AX programming.
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### 回答1: 如果你想禁用 Unity 中的警告信息,可以使用以下代码在特定的代码块中禁用警告 0414: ``` #pragma warning disable 0414 // your code here #pragma warning restore 0414 ``` 请注意,这仅在特定的代码块中禁用警告 0414,如果你想在整个项目中禁用警告,可以使用以下步骤: 1. 打开 Unity 编辑器 2. 转到 Edit -> Project Settings -> Player 3. 在 Inspector 视图中找到 "Other Settings" 部分 4. 在 "Scripting Define Symbols" 字段中添加 "DISABLE_0414" 字符串 5. 点击 "Apply" 按钮保存更改 这将在整个项目中禁用警告 0414。 ### 回答2: 在Unity中,警告(warning)是指在代码编译过程中发出的一种通知,提示开发者可能存在的问题或潜在的错误。而“disable 0414”是指禁止显示指定的警告码0414。 警告码0414是有关未使用的私有成员(unused private member)的警告。通常情况下,未使用的私有成员属于代码中的冗余部分,可能会影响性能或代码的可读性。因此,在编译过程中,Unity会默认发出0414警告来提醒开发者注意。 然而,在某些情况下,我们可能会有意使用未使用的私有成员,例如,这些私有成员可能是用于调试或备用的。在这种情况下,我们可以使用“#pragma warning disable 0414”的指令来临时禁用0414警告的显示。 “#pragma warning disable”是一种预处理指令,用于告诉编译器在指定的代码段中忽略指定的警告。在这个例子中,我们使用“#pragma warning disable 0414”指令来告诉编译器暂时忽略0414警告。 通过禁用0414警告,我们可以在编译过程中消除对未使用的私有成员的警告提示。但我们需要谨慎使用该指令,确保我们确实需要使用这些未使用的私有成员,以避免潜在的问题和错误。 ### 回答3: Unity中的“warning disable 0414”是一条用于禁止特定警告的指令。0414警告一般出现在变量声明中,表示该变量尚未被使用。当编译器检测到未使用的变量时,它会发出该警告,提醒开发者可能存在潜在的问题或冗余代码。 通过在代码中添加#pragma warning disable 0414,我们可以告诉编译器忽略该警告。这有时是在特定情况下需要的,例如有些变量可能会在未来的代码迭代中使用,或者该变量在其他地方被使用但编译器没有正确检测到。 然而,使用warning disable 0414应谨慎。警告通常是编译器发出的有用信息,帮助开发者发现潜在的问题。忽略警告可能导致代码中存在隐患的风险。因此,在使用该指令之前,我们应该仔细考虑是否确实需要禁止该警告,并且明确知道禁止该警告的后果。 总之,Unity中的warning disable 0414指令用于禁止未使用变量的警告,针对特定情况下的需求。但我们应该注意合理使用,确保没有隐藏的问题或冗余代码存在,并在必要时谨慎地使用。




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