Lazy Analytics Let Other Queries Do the Work For You 懒惰分析:让其他查询语句为你工作

Lazy Analytics Let Other Queries Do the Work For You 

William Jannen, Michael A. Bender, Martin Farach-Colton†, Rob Johnson,
Bradley C. Kuszmaul‡, and Donald E. Porter 
Stony Brook University, †Rutgers University, and ‡Massachusetts Institute of Technology






We propose a class of query, called a derange query, that maps a function over a set of records and lazily aggregates the results. Derange queries defer work until it is either convenient or necessary, and, as a result, can reduce total I/O costs of the system.


Derange queries operate on a view of the data that is consistent with the point in time that they are issued, regardless of when the computation completes.(不论何时完成计算) They are most useful for performing calculations where the results are not needed until some future deadline. When necessary, derange queries can also execute immediately. Users can view partial results of in-progress queries at low cost.


1 Introduction


Queries on production databases have varying require-ments for response time and data timeliness. Some trans-actions service end-user requests, and must minimize la-tency in order to minimize user-perceived delays. Other queries are not urgent, and hence can be scheduled op-portunistically, but nonetheless need a specific point-in-time-consistent view of the data. Examples of the second class of queries include periodic reports and summary computations, such as issuing monthly bills, identifying patterns in online purchases, and monitoring trends in so-cial media.


Long-running summary computations can starve other high-priority, latency-sensitive tasks, if both classes of operations are run on the same machine. To alleviate resource contention on production databases, it is com-mon to maintain replicas or additional databases where summary computations are performed [2]. This may re-quire additional physical resources, management effort, and/or licenses, and requires keeping multiple databases in sync.


We propose a new class of query for summary com-putations that can minimally impact other operations. A derange query maps a function over a range of records,




and incrementally aggregates the result. Derange queries defer work until it is necessary (e.g., the result of the query is needed), or convenient (e.g., other necessary work has read the required data into memory). Thus, de-range queries are most useful for calculations whose re-sults are needed at some future deadline. However, once issued, derange queries can be scheduled immediately.


A key idea underlying the derange query model is to integrate background work with I/O scheduling. The goal of a derange query is to make maximum use of all I/Os in the system; when any query executes, we want to amortize the I/O cost of that query across as many active queries as possible. At the same time, we do not want background tasks to impact latency-sensitive operations negatively. The derange query model allows one to integrate these goals into one I/O scheduler.


Derange queries can be easily implemented as mes-sages in a write-optimized dictionary (WOD), such as a Be -tree [7], a log-structured merge tree [15], or a log-structured merge tree variant [5, 18, 19, 21]. As the name implies, WODs are popular for high-performance databases and file systems [4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20] because of the very high insertion performance— typically less than 1 I/O per insertion or deletion. WODs are so fast because they buffer and batch writes. The primary focus of write-optimization has been on improving the efficiency of writes through batching.


This paper identifies an opportunity to integrate write batching in a WOD with background queries that access the same data. There are several benefits to implementing a derange query as a message in a WOD:


Derange queries on overlapping input ranges can be transparently batched and processed together, requiring each input value be read only once.


Repeated derange queries at multiple points in time on the same input range may complete by reading every version of the data exactly once.


I/O required to ingest new data can contribute to completing a derange query, and I/O required to process a derange query can accelerate ingesting new data.


Derange queries can significantly reduce the cost of summary computations on highly volatile data sets, and could make data analytics possible on high performance production databases without harming update perfor-mance. In fact, the higher a data set’s update rate, the faster a derange query would complete.


The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses WODs, and explains how the properties of Be -trees apply to derange query design. Sec-tion 3 outlines the proposed derange query implementation using a concrete example. Section 4 reasons about derange query performance. Section 5 presents scenarios where derange queries are particularly beneficial. Section 6 summarizes related work, and Section 7 discusses opportunities for future exploration.


2 Write-Optimized Dictionaries


This section explains Be -trees [7], an example of a write-optimized dictionary (WOD). Derange queries could be implemented in other WODs, including LSM-trees [15] and their variants [18, 19, 21]. However, our pro-posed implementation relies heavily on upsert opera-tions, and Be -trees have asymptotically superior upsert performance.


We limit our discussion to the features of Be -trees that are most relevant to derange query design. Bender et al. [6] offer a more complete description of Be -trees, in-cluding comparisons with other WODs.


2.1 Be -Trees


A Be -tree, like a B-tree, is a search tree for organizing persistent data. Internal nodes store pivot keys and child pointers, and leaf nodes store key-value pairs. What sets a Be -tree apart from a standard B-tree is that internal Be - tree nodes also allocate a buffer to store messages. The structure of a Be -tree is illustrated in Figure 1.


Messages encode updates to key-value pairs. All mes-sages are inserted into the Be -tree root, and when the message buffer fills in a root or other non-leaf node, mes-sages in the full buffer are flushed to one or more chil-dren. Flushing moves messages from a parent to a child’s buffer; flushes may cascade down the tree; and messages are ultimately applied to key-value pairs at a leaf. The flushing process estimates the children that would re-ceive enough messages to amortize the cost of rewriting the parent and child buffers. Thus, messages make their way down a root-to-leaf path in batches, until they are eventually applied at a Be -tree leaf.


Upserts. Be -trees can effectively implement blind operations—operations on a key-value pair without first reading it—using upsert messages.



Figure 1: A Be -tree. Internal nodes store pivot keys and child pointers, and leaf nodes store key-value pairs. Internal nodes also allocate a buffer to store messages, which are flushed down the tree in batches.



An upsert message specifies a key, a function, and a set of function arguments. When a key-value pair is queried, all upsert messages along the pair’s root-to-leaf path are gathered, and their functions are applied in order.


Upserts can be used to compactly encode updates to ranges of bytes within a object, modifications to fields of structured data, or data-dependent computations. The flexibility of upsert messages is essential to the implementation of derange queries; as described in Section 3, upserts allow derange queries to incrementally and lazily aggregate the results of deferred work.


Temporal ordering. The relative position of messages within buffers of a Be -tree preserves the temporal order of updates. At any point in time, multiple versions of a key-value pair may exist in the tree (e.g. an insert mes-sage overwrites an existing key-value pair), and multiple in-flight messages may contain updates to a given value (e.g. two upserts target the same key-value pair). Node flushing preserves the message ordering until messages are applied to key-value pairs at Be -tree leaves.


Queries. All messages needed to answer a query reside in buffers on the root-to-leaf search path. Because non-leaf messages may contain outstanding updates, all mes-sages along the root-to-leaf path must be searched, and updates are applied in reverse chronological order.


Message targets. A single message may apply to one key-value pair, all key-value pairs (broadcast), or a range of key-value pairs (rangecast). A rangecast message [22] is addressed to a contiguous range of keys, specified by a beginning and ending key, inclusive.


Since broadcast and rangecast messages may apply to many key-value pairs, these messages may split during a node flush. When a message splits, the original mes-sage is discarded, and new messages with appropriate subranges are created in its place.



3 Derange Query Design


A derange query can be implemented as a rangecast up-sert message. A derange query has the form






1. R is an input range.


2. FILTER is a predicate to remove records that do not meet appropriate criteria.

3. MAP is a function to apply to each record in the input range that meets the filter criteria.


4. FOLD is a function to propagate the results.


5. k is a key specifying where results are accumulated.


The aggregation record associated with key k is incrementally updated as a derange query lazily completes. After each application of MAP to an input record, out-puts are accumulated by inserting a message of the form:



Upsert messages offer a flexible means to propagate MAP results. Upserts can encode complex data-dependent operations as well as simple operations like incrementing a counter. Inserting small upsert messages into the root of a Be -tree imposes little I/O overhead.


3.1 Derange Query Example


To get a feel for how a derange query works, we will show how a fictional online retailer, called “Market-place”, could use derange queries for data analytics.


Suppose Marketplace manages its inventory using a product database with records of the form:


Item f




















Every hour, Marketplace would like to calculate the cumulative value of all products in its New York warehouses in order to identify trends and make inventory de-cisions. Marketplace could perform these calculations with a derange query where:


R =   (  ¥;¥)



=   return Item.warehouse == NY



return Item.quantity * Item.value



totalValue += result


k =   InventoryAtjjTIMESTAMP


Marketplace would first start by initializing its aggregation record, k. In this example, the value of k is a sim-ple integer, totalValue, initialized to 0.

The range R = ( ¥;¥) means that this query will examine every record in the database. But since the query should only track items in warehouses located in NY, the FILTER function is used to exclude records that do not match this criteria. Note that, if the primary index for the database used geography, the range could select for only records in NY warehouses and avoid reading irrelevant data; the FILTER function can select data based on criteria that is not included in the indexing schema.


When a derange query message reaches a leaf of the tree, the value of each record it observes is the value that existed when the derange query was first issued. At that point, the MAP function is called on all records that fall within R and satisfy the FILTER function. The output of each MAP function—here the total value of a single product in the warehouse’s inventory—is propagated to the aggregation record, k, using an upsert where the FOLD function updates k’s running total.


This simple example demonstrates the utility that de-range queries provide. Marketplace’s inventory calcula-tions are performed on views of the data at fixed times-tamps, but query results are not needed right away. If a particular region of the tree remains unchanged between two derange queries, then a single I/O will sat-isfy both operations. However, even when the tree is up-dated frequently, all derange queries see a point-in-time-consistent view of the data, regardless of when the actual calculation is performed.


3.2 Query Completion


One challenge that arises when lazily executing independent, distributed computations is determining what fraction of the total work has completed. To solve this prob-lem, we add a small amount of bookkeeping to the aggre-gation record: one required field, outstandingMessages, and one optional field, recordsProcessed.


The outstandingMessages field is a simple counter. A derange query message may apply to many records in the tree, and as explained in Subsection 2.1, a node flush may cause a rangecast message to split. Each time a de-range query message splits, we issue an upsert message to the derange query’s aggregation record to increment the outstandingMessages counter. To complete the book-keeping, we issue an upsert message that decrements the counter when a derange query message reaches a Be -tree leaf. The outstandingMessages counter is initialized to 1 in order to account for the initial derange query message inserted at the root of the Be -tree.


The recordsProcessed field counts the number of key-value pairs that have folded their MAP results to the aggregation record. Due to the laziness of flushing and the opacity of the internal Be -tree structure, an applica-tion has no control over the progress of a derange query


without manually triggering message flushes. By querying the recordsProcessed field, an application can reason about the meaningfulness of a partially completed result.


4 Derange Query Cost


This section explains how derange queries improve the performance of summary computations in much the same way that WODs improve the performance of in-serts and updates.

As explained in Subsection 2.1, a Be -tree node is only dirtied when a substantial amount of new data is written—enough to amortize the cost of rewriting the parent and child nodes. For a tree with a node size of B, a branching factor of Be , and a buffer size of B Be , the amount of new data written during each node flush is

at least (B-Be)/Be = B1-e . We call this the batching factor.

Batching is why inserts and upserts in a Be -tree are B1 e times faster than in a B-tree.

Derange queries bring the benefits of batching to queries. A derange query spanning a range of L items 

touches   nodes during its execution

Derange query messages are flushed along with other mes-sages in batches of size at least B1 e . Hence the amortized I/O cost of a derange query spanning L items is

 In contrast, a normal range query spaning L items requires  I/Os. The batching factor divides the cost; as a result, derange queries have the potential to provide as much speedup for queries as write optimization provides for inserts.


5 Derange Query Opportunities


In this section, we discuss the types of environments where derange queries would be particularly useful.


Mixed workload environments. A typical web-scale database serves at least two kinds of queries: small ran-dom queries that must be answered quickly, and large analytic queries that might take several hours in the best case but can be delayed by many more hours without hurting their value to the business. An example might be a credit-card database where customer purchases cre-ate many high-priority inserts, and large queries are performed overnight to find new fraud patterns.

If most of the I/O’s needed by the big query can be piggybacked onto the small queries, then both types of queries can be performed without increasing the cost of the database or slowing down the small queries.


Point-in-time computations. In the common case, instances of the same derange query, repeated at multiple points in time, would be satisfied by reading each ver-sion of the data exactly once. Thus, derange queries can

be used to increase the granularity of reporting.

Queries on overlapping ranges. Derange queries can make it easy to batch otherwise unrelated queries. For example, consider a system that performs one summary computation every 24 hours, and another summary com-putation ever 12 hours. Manually batching these com-putations would essentially require writing two versions of the 12-hour computation—one that runs on its own and another that runs as part of the 24-hour computation. With derange queries, developers need to write only one version of each computation, and the system will batch them automatically when possible.


6 Related Work


Amvrosiadis et al. observed that common file system maintenance tasks (e.g. backup, defragmentation, virus scanning, etc.) are frequently executed independently despite their largely overlapping working sets. The Duet [3] framework places hooks in the page cache to notify processes when requested data is available. This lets background tasks leverage the I/O performed by fore-ground work. Derange queries similarly leverage the internal work done by the Be -tree when it flushes messages to apply updates, piggybacking on I/O.


In the MapReduce [8] programming model, users filter and sort input data, independently process the filtered data, and combine the computations’ outputs into a final result. MapReduce makes these types of operations easy to program for distributed data sets. Derange queries provide a similar programming model, but can optionally defer execution. The motivating use cases of this pa-per have been single-node, high performance, production databases, but derange queries could also be extended to work on a distributed storage system.


LINQ [1] features deferred execution, which delays the evaluation of an expression until its value is required. However, from the time an expression tree is created to the time the query is executed, the database may change. A derange query defers execution until the message is applied, but the message is always applied to the value of the data at the time the message is inserted.


7 Future Work


Even when derange queries cannot be delayed arbitrarily, they can provide significant speedups. Part of our future work is to analyze and empirically evaluate the perfor-mance opportunities created by derange queries.


When executing a derange query with a fixed dead-line, the ability to systematically execute portions of the query would be useful. Otherwise, a burst of deferred work might need to be scheduled at the query deadline,




eroding the benefits of batching. Derange queries create opportunities for I/O scheduling and workload management.




We thank the anonymous reviewers and our shep-herd, Cindy Rubio Gonzalez, for their insightful com-ments on earlier drafts of the work. This research was supported in part by NSF grants CNS-1409238, CNS-1408782, CNS-1408695, CNS-1405641, CNS-1149229, CNS-1161541, CNS-1228839, IIS-1247750, CCF-1314547, CNS-1526707, Sandia National Labora-tories, and VMware.




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我们提出了一种叫做“错乱查询(derange query”的查询方式。它将函数运行结果存在一个集合中,然后“懒懒地”整合要返回的结果。错乱查询将查询工作一直推迟,直到处理起来十分方便或者有必要立刻去处理它为止。这样可以减少系统总的I/O开销


错乱查询是在一个“数据和被使用的时间点一致” 的视图上进行操作的,而不去管数据是什么时候被计算机算出来的。这种查询方式在当结果要过一段时间才需要被使用时非常好用,但它也可以被立即执行。用户可以以较低的代价查询正在运行的查询语句的部分结果。






我们提出了一种新的汇总计算,它能最低限度地影响其他操作的执行。错乱查询映射到一个范围内,然后逐步合计结果。错乱查询将查询工作一直推迟,直到处理起来十分方便(比如其他必要的工作已将所需资料读到存储器中)或者有必要立刻去处理它(比如现在就需要查询结果的时候)为止 。因此,错乱查询对于那些在将来某个时间才会用到结果的计算是非常有用的。当然,需要的话,扰乱查询也可以立即执行。




错乱查询可以很容易地被作为写优化数据结构(write-optimized dictionary,WOD)而实现,例如Be -tree,
















2.1 B-e树









更新插入可用于:(1) 简化更新操作的代码,将它们限制在一个对象内的若干比特位范围中 (2) 限制结构化数据的范围 (3) 限制对数据计算的计算范围。更新插入操作的灵活性是实现错乱查询的基础;就像第三节所描述的,更新插入操作可以使错乱查询逐步地、懒懒地处理那些可以推迟的查询工作。









单个数据可以适用于一个键值对、所有的键值对(全局广播)、或者某一范围内的键值对(局部广播)。一个局部广播(rangecast)的数据对应于一个连续连续范围内 键的地址,被包含在开始”和“结束”两个键之间。


















为了具体了解错乱查询如何工作,我们会演示一个叫“Market Place”的虚拟网店如何用错乱查询分析数据。



 productId : num

 warehouse : address

quantity : num

 value : num

price : num




R = (−∞,∞)

FILTER = return Item.warehouse == NY

MAP = return Item.quantity * Item.value

FOLD = totalValue += result

k = InventoryAt||TIMESTAMP



范围R =(¥;¥)意为这个查询语句会考察数据库中的所有记录。但由于查询应该只查找位于NY仓库的物品,过滤函数Filter就是用来排除不符合这个标准的记录的。注意,如果数据库的主键使用了地理做主键,可选择的范围仅为纽约仓库的相关数据,避免无关数据的出现;过滤函数能按照表中没有的条件执行查询数据操作。




这个简单的例子演示了错乱查询所提供的功能。网店的库存计算通过每一时刻的数据视图实现,但查询结果并不要求马上得出。如果树的某一特定区域在两次错乱之间未被改变,那么一个I/O就可以满足两次操作。然而,即使树更新频繁, 所有错乱查询看到的都是时间点一致的数据视图,无论何时执行实际的计算。











如第2.1节所述,B-e树节点只在大量新的数据被写入(足以分期偿还重写父子节点的开销)时被“弄脏(?dirtied)”。对一个节点大小为B,分支因子为B^e,缓冲区大小为B-B^e,节点进行清空操作时被写入的新数据总量为至少(B-B^e)/B^e=B^(1-e). 我们把这个叫做定量因子(Batching factor)。这也解释了插入和更新操作在B-e树中比在B树中快B^(1-e)倍的原因。


错乱查询带来对定量查询的好处。错乱查询生成的一系列 L个项目会在执行时到达O((logB N)/(e*B^(1-e)+L/B^(2-e))个节点。错乱查询指令和其他指令一起被批量清空时的大小为至少B^(1-e). 因此分批偿还错乱查询生成的L个项目的I/O开销需要O( (logB N)/e + L/B ) 个I/O. 定量因子划分好了开销,作为结果,错乱查询有潜力令查询操作加速,加速后速度与写优化为插入操作提供的速度相当





一个典型的Web-sacle数据库至少提供两种查询:小型随机查询,快速应答;大型解析查询,最快也要几小时但可以推迟而不损害它们的商业价值。以信用卡数据库为例,客户的购买行为产生很多高优先级的插入,大型查询则在夜间运行,寻找新的欺诈模式(?find new fraud patterns)。












Duet框架列出了页面缓存中,当需要使用的数据为可用状态时负责通知进程负责“勾取”数据的hooks.  这让后台任务能够利用由前台工作产生的I/O。错乱查询相似地利用B-e树的清空操作更新数据,捎带上所需的I/O.  















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