从效率上看,是不是所有的.NET语言都拥有同样的执行效率呢?这里的答案可能使你惊讶。来看看Lamont Adams 从深层次代码分析得到的结果。
VB.NET vs. C#, round 2: Pounding on performance
Dec 3, 2001
Lamont Adams
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If there's one property that all new technologies share as they pass through their infancy, it's an excess of questions about them. Judging by the number of questions we received in response to our recent article "The three-million-programmer question: VB.NET or C#?," Microsoft's new .NET development framework is no different.
Hence, we decided to launch a new Developer Republic column, .NET Answers. Aside from using this space to challenge English punctuation rules on a regular basis, I hope to answer your questions about .NET development. So if you have a question about Microsoft's new development platform, send it my way. I'll take my best shot at