English Major Assignment


Major Assignment

1.     全文提纲(Outline)

      This paper is a review of Service-Oriented Computing (SOC). This research road map provides a context for exploring ongoing research activities. The outline of this paper is following:


Section One Introduction

      In this section, the author mainly illustrates what is SOC and why we need SOC in software development.


Section Two SOC Research Road Map

      A SOC research road map which is given in this section, introduces an extended-SOA that separates functionality into three planes: service foundation, service composition and service management and monitoring. This section is the opening words of next three sections.


Section Three Service Foundation

Section Four   Service Composition

Section Five   Service Management and Monitoring

Section Six     Service Design and Development

      These four sections are the core content of this review. Two aspects – the state of art and the research challenges are depicted in each section.


Section Seven Conclusions

      A summary is given and author puts forward his suggestion that researchers should do more to make a contribution to SOC’s development.

2.     每一段落的展开方法

      Abstract mainly describes the concept of SOC and its applied fields in cause-and-effect order.

      Section one illustrates the questions of what SOC is and why we need SOC simply in definition.

      Section two gives a research road map of SOC which separates functionality into three planes. This Section uses the method of classification to unfold the content.

      From section three to six, the author depicts each plane of map in details. Both state of the art and research challenge are given to make researchers know what the focus is in a comparison and contrast way.

      Section seven uses the method of repetition to emphasize the importance of research on SOC solutions

3.     所有重要句型

Important Sentence Patterns


It is possible for sb. to do sth.


In addition to …,


Not only… but also…


In addition, …


Traditionally, …


… and thus


…, such as …


…, while …



4.     所有重要单词和对应中文

Important Words and Phrases


SOC(Service-Oriented Computing)


SOA(Service-Oriented Architecture)


SOE(Service-Oriented Engineering)


SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol)


WSDL(Web Service Description Language)


UDDI(Universal Description Discovery and Integration)


BPEL(Business Process Execution Language)




Service Foundation


Service Composition


Service Management and Monitoring


Service Provider


Service Client


Service Aggregator


Service Operator


Service Orchestration


Service Choreography


QoS(Quality of Service)


SLA(Service-level Agreement)



5.     所有的习惯用法,包括主谓搭配、动宾搭配、形容词与名词的搭配、副词与动词的搭配、介词与名词的搭配,以及短语动词等等

independent of (形容词与介词的搭配)

the most promising technology (形容词与名词搭配)

increased complexity (形容词与名词搭配)

in terms of (介词短语)

a complete solution (形容词与名词的搭配)

over various networks (介词与名词的搭配)

exhibit characteristics (动宾搭配)

value-added services (形容词与名词的搭配)

coalesce into (短语动词)

break up (短语动词)

an emerging concept (形容词与名词的搭配)

in this model (介词与名词的搭配)

via the network (介词与名词的搭配)

be + normally based on … (副词与动词的搭配)

a flexible infrastructure (形容词与名词的搭配)

at application level (介词与名词搭配)

irrespective of (介词短语)

integrate ... into … (短语动词)

accurately discover (副词与形容词搭配)

aggregate … into … (短语动词)

accomplish the task (动宾搭配)

under the control of (介词短语)

result in (短语动词)

be + typically associated with … (副词与动词的搭配)

the sharp distinction (形容词与名词的搭配)

the constraints on (介词与名词的搭配)

equip … with … (动词短语)

in this context (几次短语)

rely on (短语动词)

be blindly applied to (副词与动词的搭配)

end to end   (介词与名词的搭配)

the inherently related themes(副词与形容词的搭配)

6.     重点研究若干段落中的冠词用法和时态的用法

We choose a part of Section Four to study the use of articles and the tense.

    The service composition plane encompasses roles and functionality for aggregating multiple services into a single composite service. Resulting composite services can be used as basic services in further service compositions or offered as complete applications and solutions to service clients. Service aggregators accomplish this task and thus become service providers by publishing the service descriptions of the composite service they create. The aggregators also enforce policies on aggregate service invocations.

State of the art

       Currently, developers widely use the terms “orchestration” and “choreography” to describe business interaction protocols that coordinate and control collaborating services. Orchestration describes how services interact at the message level, including the business logic and execution order of interactions under control of a single end point. It is an executable business process that can result in a long-lived, transactional, multistep process model. With orchestration, one of the business parties involved in the process always controls the business-process interactions. Orchestration is achieved via BPEL4WS and other XML-based process standard definition languages.

         Choreography is typically associated with the public (globally visible) message exchanges, rules of interaction, and agreements that occur between multiple business-process end points rather than a specific business process executed by a single party. Service choreography is achieved via the Web Services Choreography Description Language (WS-CDL), which specifies the common observable behavior of all participants.

         This sharp distinction between orchestration and choreography is rather artificial, and the consensus is that they should coalesce in a single language and environment.


(1)  对不定冠词的分析:上文中 a/an均表示one的意思。

(2)  对定冠词的分析:

a) 红色标注处后的名词之后均由片语或子句所修饰的,须使用定冠词修饰

b) 绿色标注处后的名词为专业词汇,须使用定冠词修饰

c) 黑色标注处后的名词均是前文提过的名词,故须使用定冠词修饰

(3)  时态的使用


7.     参考引用他人作品的方式

    The way of quoting others’ research results used in this paper is literature cite based on the Harvard System [1]. Paraphrasing is the primary means which is adopted by author. Not quoting others’ content directly, the author uses his own words to express the main idea of the reference.

8.     全文的写作特点

    This research road map is a review of Service-Oriented Computing. Research Roadmap is intended to help improve how you research, so you can tackle information problems anywhere [2]. The writing characteristics of this paper are as follows:

a)    Large quantities of images are used to improve the readability of the paper.

b)  Third person and passive voice are the primary expression of sentences which reflect the objectivity and accuracy in the professional papers.

c)    A number of long and complex sentences are used which shows the preciseness of author’s thinking.

d)  Nominalization and Abbreviation of proper nouns are also prominent features in this paper.

9.         从英语写作的角度出发,回答问题:通过认真的阅读和研究该文章,你有何收获

  After reading this paper, I learnt a lot especially on how to write a literature review. In scientific literature the literature review is a category of scientific paper, which provides a synthesis of research on a topic at that moment in time [3]. In this paper, the author firstly depicts state of the art based on the existing references and then puts forward research challenges which are the focuses. On the whole, this paper is a good template for learning.

  Concretely speaking, the abstract of this review represents an overall understanding which makes the readers know what the key points are. As important as abstract, introduction tells the readers the background in this field and purpose of writing this paper. Then a roadmap is given to show the trail of this review. Along this trail, the author describes current solutions in details and put forward the problems we need to solve. These problems are the directions of how to keep going forward. So the structure of the whole paper is clear.

  And more knowledge points can be learned from this paper, not only the structure but also the representation. We can refer the writing feature in part eight above.  




[1] The Harvard System. http://education.exeter.ac.uk/dll/studyskills/harvard_referencing.htm

[2] Research roadmap home page.  http://library.humboldt.edu/researchroadmap/

[3] Review in Wiki. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Review





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