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原创 Windows下,Eclipse的Android NDK(r9) 配置和初步使用

简介: NDK是一个工具集,可让您实现您的应用程序使用本机代码的语言,如C和C + +。对于某些类型的应用程序,这可以是有益的,所以你可以重用现有的代码库,这些语言编写的,但大多数应用程序不需要的Andr​​oid NDK。 下载NDK之前,你应该明白,NDK将不会惠及大多数应用程序。作为一个开发者,你需要平衡它的好处,针对其缺点。值得注意的是,在Android上使用本机代码一般不会导致在一个

2013-07-28 17:33:13 5647 2

原创 Android 学习之--HttpClient详细使用

简介: 我们知道在Android上面,支持Socket ,HttpURLConnection(java自带的),HttpClient(apache实现的),这三种基本的数据通信的方式,HttpClient提供了较多的HTTP操作的实现,Android官方推荐使用。 目前,我们常用的HTTP的Method有两个POST个GET,在各种资料上面都有很很多简单的介绍。本文对其简单的介绍一个小小的补充

2013-07-10 17:45:16 1247

原创 Android 学习之--View 绘制图形

简介:      view是Android上面图形绘制和显示的最基本的空间,所有的可见的界面,都是通过View扩展绘制出来的。在本次试验中,将绘制一个基本的可见的,并且,可以响应屏幕的触动的例子。 一、重点方法介绍 1、invalidate     重新绘制整个View。如果,View是可见的,将会调用onDraw方法,但是,这个方法必须和UI在同一线程中。 2、postInvalida

2013-07-04 21:24:20 928

原创 Android 学习之--自定义ViewGroup

简介: ViewGroup是一种可以包含其他视图的特殊视图,是布局和其他视图容器的基类。也就是别的基本的View或ViewGroup组件能够,放在里面。 一、onMeasure      测量View树上的各个View的大小.  1、设置本View视图的最终大小,该功能的实现通过调用setMeasuredDimension()方法去设置实际的高(对应属    性: mMeasuredHei

2013-07-04 15:30:52 1155 1


"Core Java Essentials" are something you must know, and know it well to succeed as a Java professional. Even 40% to 60% of the so called experienced professionals fail to make an impression due to their lack of understanding in one or more of the areas covered in this book. Lack of good understanding in the core essentials can be a speed breaker to your career advancement. If you have a java interview coming up in a few days or you want to impress your peers and superiors with your technical strengths during code review sessions, team meetings, and stand-ups, and concerned about how to make a good impression? You don't need to worry if you are familiar with the fundamentals. This is a Questions & Answers book with 250+ questions and answers relating to core Java with lots of code snippets (100+), examples, and diagrams. Most Java interviews and technical challenges you face at work are structured around the fundamentals and how well you communicate those fundamentals. So regularly brushing up on these fundamentals really pays off. Your analytical, problem solving, and coding skills will also be under scrutiny along with your ability to get the job done with the right tools. If your fundamentals are clear and know what tools to use, you can tackle any questions, and find solutions to any problems and challenges you face. Even if you don't have the exact answer for a problem, you will know how to go about solving them with a little research if you have a solid grounding in the fundamentals covered in this book. A little preparation can make a huge difference to your career success. Preparation can help you communicate your thoughts more clearly with examples and illustrations. Preparation can make a good and lasting impression on those who talk with you during your interviews and team meetings. This impression will be partly influenced by how prepared you are and how knowledgeable you are about your industry and the challenges it faces. It will also be influenced by your appearance, attitude, enthusiasm, and confidence. Good preparation breeds confidence and it shows in the interviews and team meetings. So prepare well in advance if you just begun to see yourself in your dream company or would like to go places in your chosen field.


OpenCV By Example

About This Book, Get to grips with the basics of Computer Vision and image processingThis is a step-by-step guide to developing several real-world Computer Vision projects using OpenCV 3This book takes a special focus on working with Tesseract OCR, a free, open-source library to recognize text in images, Who This Book Is For, If you are a software developer with a basic understanding of Computer Vision and image processing and want to develop interesting Computer Vision applications with Open CV, this is the book for you. Knowledge of C++ is required., What You Will Learn, Install OpenCV 3 on your operating systemCreate the required CMake scripts to compile the C++ application and manage its dependenciesGet to grips with the Computer Vision workflows and understand the basic image matrix format and filtersUnderstand the segmentation and feature extraction techniquesRemove backgrounds from a static scene to identify moving objects for video surveillanceTrack different objects in a live video using various techniquesUse the new OpenCV functions for text detection and recognition with Tesseract, In Detail, Open CV is a cross-platform, free-for-use library that is primarily used for real-time Computer Vision and image processing. It is considered to be one of the best open source libraries that helps developers focus on constructing complete projects on image processing, motion detection, and image segmentation., Whether you are completely new to the concept of Computer Vision or have a basic understanding of it, this book will be your guide to understanding the basic OpenCV concepts and algorithms through amazing real-world examples and projects., Starting from the installation of OpenCV on your system and understanding the basics of image processing, we swiftly move on to creating optical flow video analysis or text recognition in complex scenes, and will take you through the commonly used Computer Vision techniques to build your own Open CV projects from scratch., By the end of this book, you will be familiar with the basics of Open CV such as matrix operations, filters, and histograms, as well as more advanced concepts such as segmentation, machine learning, complex video analysis, and text recognition.


例子代码 android http://blog.csdn.net/qq282133/article/details/7616809




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java 串口通信 包 comm.jar

java 串口通信 包 comm.jar win32com.dll javax.comm.properties



贪吃蛇.jar import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; import javax.microedition.lcdui.Font; import javax.microedition.lcdui.Graphics; public class DCSnake extends i { private h jdField_a_of_type_H; private h jdField_b_of_type_H; private h jdField_c_of_type_H; private boolean jdField_c_of_type_Boolean; private boolean d; private int jdField_a_of_type_Int; private int jdField_b_of_type_Int; private int jdField_c_of_type_Int; private boolean e; private f jdField_a_of_type_F; private f jdField_b_of_type_F; private f jdField_c_of_type_F; public final void a(int paramInt) { if (!this.jdField_c_of_type_Boolean) { paramInt = this; if (!this.d) { paramInt.jdField_a_of_type_Int = 6; paramInt.jdField_b_of_type_Int = 0; paramInt.d = true; return; } if (paramInt.jdField_b_of_type_Int < paramInt.jdField_a_of_type_Int) { Object localObject1; switch (paramInt.jdField_b_of_type_Int) { case 0: a.a(); break; case 1: this = paramInt; try { localObject1 = null; localObject1 = Font.getFont(32, 0, 8); Font localFont1 = Font.getFont(32, 1, 8); Font localFont2 = Font.getFont(32, 1, 0); this.jdField_a_of_type_F = new f((Font)localObject1, 0, -1); this.jdField_b_of_type_F = new f(localFont1, 16777215, 0); this.jdField_c_of_type_F = new f(localFont2, 16776960, 32768); t.a(this.jdField_c_of_type_F, this.jdField_a_of_type_F, this.jdField_b_of_type_F); } catch (IOException localIOException) { } case 2: localObject1 = a.a(new int[] { 1245188, 1245190, 1245189 }); v[] arrayOfv = a.a(new int[] { 1245191, 1245193, 1245192 }); t.a(new c(localObject1, true), new c(arrayOfv, true)); break;


仿 qq 相册

OCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>jQuery lightBox plugin</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../style-projects-jquery.css" /> <!-- Arquivos utilizados pelo jQuery lightBox plugin --> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.lightbox-0.5.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/jquery.lightbox-0.5.css" media="screen" /> <!-- / fim dos arquivos utilizados pelo jQuery lightBox plugin --> <!-- Ativando o jQuery lightBox plugin --> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $('#gallery a').lightBox(); }); </script> <style type="text/css">


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java 浏览器 源码

java 浏览器 源码 public class EditorPaneTest { public static void main(String[] args) { EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { JFrame frame = new EditorPaneFrame(); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.setVisible(true); } }); } }-------《java核心技术》


java 记事本

java记事本 点击就可运行! 需安java的 jvm!


高校选课系统 源码 strcts2 spring

高校选课系统 strcts2 spring <%@ page language="java" pageEncoding="GBK"%> <%@ taglib uri="http://struts.apache.org/tags-html" prefix="html"%> <html> <head> <title>高校选课系统首页</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312"><style type="text/css"> <!-- body { margin-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; } .STYLE1 {color: #FF0000} .STYLE3 {color: #FF0000; font-size: 9pt; } .STYLE7 {font-size: 9pt} --> </style></head>


java 坦克大战源码

package cn.hnist.Joshua; //download by http://www.codefans.net import java.awt.*; public class HitPoint { public static final int HITPOINTSIZE=50; //血条的长度 int topNumber; //总血量 int number; //当前血量 Tank tk; public HitPoint(int topNum,Tank tk) { if(topNum>50||topNum<=0) { this.topNumber=50; } topNumber=topNum; number=topNum; this.tk=tk; } public void draw(Graphics g) { Color c=g.getColor(); g.setColor(Color.white); g.drawRect(tk.x-25,tk.y-35,HITPOINTSIZE,5); g.setColor(Color.red); g.fillRect(tk.x-24,tk.y-34,number*HITPOINTSIZE/topNumber-1,4); g.setColor(c); } public void cutsHitPoint(int cuts) //发生碰撞时的减血 { number-=cuts; if(isEmpty()) { tk.dead(); } //若血空了,Tank死掉 } public void cutsHitPoint(int cuts,Shot s) //被子弹击中时的减血 { number-=cuts; if(tk.isLive&&tk instanceof RobotTank) { ((RobotTank) tk).avoidThrust(s); } if(isEmpty()) { tk.dead(); } //若血空了,Tank死掉 } public void raisesHitPoint(int raises) //血量增加 { number+=raises; if(number>topNumber) { number=topNumber; } } public boolean isEmpty() { if(number<=0) { return true; } else { return false; } } }


asp.net2.0入门经典C#编程篇2 英文.pdf

asp.net和c#入门精典1章 ASP.NET 3.5入门....................1 1.1 Microsoft Visual Web Developer.....................................2 1.1.1 获取Visual Web Developer......2 1.1.2 安装Visual Web Developer Express Edition...................................3 1.2 创建第一个ASP.NET 3.5 Web站点......................................4 1.3 ASP.NET 3.5简介.......................8 1.3.1 HTML....................................10 1.3.2 初识ASP.NET标记................13 1.4 IDE.............................................14 1.4.1 主开发区................................14 1.4.2 信息窗口................................20 1.5 定制IDE.....................................21 1.5.1 重新排列窗口........................21 1.5.2 修改Toolbox...........................22 1.5.3 定制文档窗口........................24 1.5.4 定制工具栏............................24 1.5.5 定制键盘快捷键....................25 1.5.6 重置修改................................25 1.6 示例应用程序............................26 1.7 关于Visual Web Developer 的实用提示................................28 1.8 小结............................................29 1.9 练习............................................29 第2章构建ASP.NET站点..................31 2.1 用VWD 2008创建 Web站点......................................31 2.1.1 不同项目类型........................32 2.1.2 选择正确的Web 站点模板..........................................33 2.1.3 创建与打开新Web站点.........34 2.2 操作Web站点中的文件.............37 2.2.1 ASP.NET 3.5 Web 站点的文件类型...............................37 2.2.2 添加现有文件........................40 2.2.3 组织站点................................41 2.2.4 特殊文件类型........................43 2.3 使用Web Forms..........................43 2.3.1 关于Web Form的不同视图...........................................43 2.3.2 在Code Behind和带内联代码的页面之间选择.......................45 2.3.3 向页面添加标记....................49 2.3.4 连接页面................................55 2.4 使用Web Forms的实用提示......57 2.5 小结............................................57 2.6 练习............................................



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