第6章 MVC基本工具 — 精通MVC 3 框架


Essential Tools for MVC


In this chapter, we are going to look at three tools that should be part of every MVC programmer’s arsenal. We mentioned all three in the previous chapter: a DI container, a unit test framework, and a mocking tool.

We have picked three specific implementations of these tools for this book, but there are a lot of alternatives for each type of tool. If you can’t get along with the ones we use, don’t worry. There are so many out there that you’re certain to find something that suits the way your mind and workflow operate.

As noted in Chapter 5, Ninject is our preferred DI container. It is simple, elegant, and easy to use. There are more sophisticated alternatives, but we like the way that Ninject works with the minimum of configuration. We consider patterns to be starting points, not law, and we have found it easy to tailor our DI with Ninject. If you don’t like Ninject, we recommend trying Unity, which is one of the Microsoft alternatives.

For unit testing, we are going to be using the support that is built in to Visual Studio 2010. We used to use NUnit, which is one of the most popular .NET unit testing frameworks. We like NUnit, but we find that Visual Studio 2010 covers enough of the most important use cases, and the close integration with the rest of the integrated development environment (IDE) is a nice bonus.
对于单元测试,我们打算使用Visual Studio 2010内建的支持。我们习惯于使用NUnit,这是最流行的.NET单元测试框架。我们喜欢NUnit,但我们发现Visual Studio 2010涵盖了足够多的最重要的使用案例,而且与集成开发环境(IDE)的其余部分紧密结合是一个附带的好处。

The third tool we selected is Moq, which is a mocking tool kit. We use Moq to create implementations of interfaces to use in our unit tests. Programmers either love or hate Moq; there’s nothing in the middle. You’ll either find the syntax elegant and expressive, or you’ll be cursing every time you try to use it. If you just can’t get along with it, we suggest looking at Rhino Mocks, which is a nice alternative.
我们所选的第三个工具是Moq,这是一个模仿工具包。我们用Moq来生成单元测试的实现接口。程序员可能喜欢Moq,也可能恨它,再没有中间观点。你可能会发现其语法雅致而富于表现力,也可能每次使用它时都诅咒它。如果你觉得不能适应它,我们建议你考察Rhino Mocks,这是一个很好的选择。

We’ll introduce each of these tools and demonstrate their core features. We don’t provide exhaustive coverage of these tools—each could easily fill a book in its own right—but we’ve given you enough to get started and, critically, to follow the examples in the rest of the book.
我们将分别介绍这些工具,并演示它们的核心特性。我们不会提供这些工具的所有方面 它们每一个都可以写一本书 但我们所给出的,已足以使你起步、对之评价、以及理解本书其余部分的例子。

Using Ninject

We introduced the idea of DI in Chapter 4. To recap, the idea is to decouple the components in our MVC applications, and we do this with a combination of interfaces and DI. Listing 6-1 shows an interface that expresses functionality for totaling the value of some products, as well as a concrete implementation of that interface.

Listing 6-1. The Class, the Interface, and Its Implementation

 1 public class Product {
 3     public int ProductID { get; set; }
 5     public string Name { get; set; }
 7     public string Description { get; set; }
 9     public decimal Price { get; set; }
11     public string Category { set; get; }
13 }
15 public interface IValueCalculator {
17     decimal ValueProducts(params Product[] products);
19 }
21 public class LinqValueCalculator : IValueCalculator {
23     public decimal ValueProducts(params Product[] products) {
25         return products.Sum(p => p.Price);
27     }
29 }

The Product class is the same one we used in Chapter 5. The IValueCalculator interface defines a method that takes one or more Product objects and returns the cumulative value. We have implemented the interface in the LinqValueCalculator class, which uses the LINQ extension method Sum to neatly generate a total of the Price properties of the Product objects. We now need to create a class that will use the IValueCalculator and that is designed for DI. This class is shown in Listing 6-2.

Listing 6-2. Consuming the IValueCalculator Interface

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public class ShoppingCart {

    private IValueCalculator calculator;

    public ShoppingCart(IValueCalculator calcParam) {

        calculator = calcParam;


    public decimal CalculateStockValue() {

        // define the set of products to sum

       Product[] products = {

            new Product() { Name = "Kayak", Price = 275M},

            new Product() { Name = "Lifejacket", Price = 48.95M},

            new Product() { Name = "Soccer ball", Price = 19.50M},

            new Product() { Name = "Stadium", Price = 79500M}



        // calculate the total value of the products

        decimal totalValue = calculator.ValueProducts(products);

        // return the result

        return totalValue;



This is a very simple example. The constructor of the ShoppingCart class takes an IValueCalculator implementation as a parameter in preparation for DI. The CalculateStockValue method creates an array of Product objects and then calls the ValueProducts in the IValueCalculator interface to get a total, which is returned as the result. We have successfully decoupled the ShoppingCart and LinqValueCalculator classes, as shown in Figure 6-1, which illustrates the relationships among our four simple types.


Figure 6-1. The relationships among four simple types
图6-1. 四个简单类型之间的关系

The ShoppingCart class and the LinqValueCalculator class both depend on IValueCalculator, but ShoppingCart has no direct relationship with LinqValueCalculator; in fact, it doesn’t even know that LinqValueCalculator exists. We can change the implementation of LinqValueCalculator, or even substitute an entirely new implementation of IValueCalculator, and the ShoppingCart class is none the wiser.

n Note The Product class has a direct relationship with all three of the other types. We are not worried by this. Product is the equivalent of a domain model type, and we expect such classes to be strongly coupled with the rest of our application. If we weren’t building MVC applications, we might take a different view on this and decouple Product as well.

Our objective is to be able to create instances of ShoppingCart and inject an implementation of the IValueCalculator class as a constructor parameter. This is the role that Ninject, our preferred DI container, plays for us. But before we can demonstrate Ninject, we need to get set up in Visual Studio.
我们的目标是能够生成ShoppingCart实例,并把IValueCalculator类的一个实现作为构造器参数进行注入。这是Ninject,我们喜欢的DI容器,为我们所起的作用。但在我们能够示范Ninject之前,我们需要在Visual Studio中进行安装。

Creating the Project

We are going to start with a simple console application. Create a new project in Visual Studio using the Console Application template, which you can find in the Windows template section. We have called our project NinjectDemo, but the name is not important. Create the interface and classes from Listings 6-1 and 6-2, shown earlier. We have put everything into a single C# code file.
我们打算从一个简单的控制台应用程序开始。在Visual Studio中用控制台模板生成一个新项目,控制台项目可以在Windows模板段找到。我们将此项目称为NinjectDemo,但名字并不重要。生成如前面清单6-16-2所示的接口和类。

Adding Ninject

To add Ninject to your project, you need the Visual Studio Library Package Manager. Right-click the project in the Solution Explorer window and select Add Package Library Reference from the pop-up menu to open the Add Library Package Reference dialog. Click Online on the left side of the dialog, and then enter Ninject in the search box at the top right. A number of items will appear, as shown in Figure 6-2.
要把Ninject添加到你的项目,你需要Visual Studio库包管理器。在解决方案窗口中右击你的项目,并从弹出菜单中选择“添加包库引用”,以打开“添加库包引用”对话框。在对话框的左侧点击“在线”,然后在右上角的搜索框中输入Ninject。于是会出现一些条目,如图6-2所示。


Figure 6-2. Adding Ninject to the Visual Studio project
图6-2. 将Ninject添加到Visual Studio项目

You’ll see several Ninject-related packages, but it should be clear which is the core Ninject library from the name and description—the other items will be extensions for Ninject that integrate it with different development frameworks and tools.
你将看到几个Ninject相关的包,但从名字和描述应该可以看出哪个是核心Ninject 其它条目应该是将Ninject与不同开发框架和工具集成的扩展。

Click the Install button to the right of the entry to add the library to your project. You’ll see the References folder opened in the Solution Explorer window, and the Ninject assembly downloaded and added to your project references.

n Tip If you have problems compiling your project after you have installed the Ninject package, select the Project Properties menu item under the Project menu and change the Target Framework setting from .NET Framework 4 Client Profile to .NET Framework 4. The client profile is a slimmed-down installation that omits a library that Ninject relies on.
提示:在已经安装了Ninject包之后,如果项目编译还有问题,请选择“项目”菜单中的“项目属性”菜单项,将“目标框架”的设置从“.NET Framework 4 Client Profile”改为“.NET Framework 4。客户端轮廓(Client Profile)是一种瘦型安装,它忽略了Ninject所依赖的一个库。

Getting Started with Ninject

To prepare Ninject for use, we need to create an instance of a Ninject kernel, which is the object we will use to communicate with Ninject. We will do this in the Program class that Visual Studio created as part of the Console Application project template. This is the class that has the Main method. Creating the kernel is demonstrated in Listing 6-3.
为了准备使用Ninject,我们需要生成一个Ninject内核的实例,这是我们用来与Ninject进行通信的对象。我们将在Program类中完成这一工作,Program类是Visual Studio作为控制台应用程序项目模板部件所生成的。这是具有Main方法的类。生成内核如清单6-3所示。

Listing 6-3. Preparing a Ninject Kernel

using Ninject;

class Program {

    static void Main(string[] args) {

        IKernel ninjectKernel = new StandardKernel();



There are two stages to working with Ninject once you’ve created the kernel. The first is to bind the types you want associated with the interfaces you’ve created. In this case, we want to tell Ninject that when it receives a request for an implementation of IValueCalculator, it should create and return an instance of the LinqValueCalculator class. We do this using the Bind and To methods defined in the IKernel interface, as demonstrated in Listing 6-4.

Listing 6-4. Binding a Type to Ninject

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class Program {

    static void Main(string[] args) {

        IKernel ninjectKernel = new StandardKernel();


        // 上一条语句有误,语句最后的“<”,应该为“>” — 译者注



The statement in bold binds the IValueCalculator interface to the LinqValueCalculator implementation class. We specify the interface we want to register by using it as the generic type parameter of the Bind method, and pass the type of the concrete implementation we want as the generic type parameter to the To method. The second stage is to use the Ninject Get method to create an object that implements the interface and pass it to the constructor of the ShoppingCart class, as shown in Listing 6-5.

Listing 6-5. Instantiating an Interface Implementation via Ninject

// get the interface implementation
IValueCalculator calcImpl = ninjectKernel.Get<IValueCalculator>();
// create the instance of ShoppingCart and inject the dependency
ShoppingCart cart = new ShoppingCart(calcImpl);
// perform the calculation and write out the result
Console.WriteLine("Total: {0:c}", cart.CalculateStockValue());

We specify the interface we want an implementation for as the generic type parameter of the Get method. Ninject looks through the bindings we have defined, sees that we have bound the IValueCalculator to the LinqValueCalculator, and creates a new instance for us. We then inject the implementation into the constructor of the ShoppingCart class and call the CalculateStockValue method which in turn invokes a method defined in the interface. The result we get from this code is as follows:

Total: $79,843.45

It may seem odd to have gone to the trouble of installing and using Ninject when we could have simply created the instance of LinqValueCalculator ourselves, like this:

ShoppingCart cart = new ShoppingCart(new LinqValueCalculator());

For a simple example like this one, it looks like more effort to use Ninject, but as we start to add complexity to our application, Ninject quickly becomes the low-effort option. In the next few sections, we’ll build up the complexity of the example and demonstrate some different features of Ninject.

Creating Chains of Dependency

When you ask Ninject to create a type, it examines the couplings between that type and other types. If there are additional dependencies, Ninject resolves them and creates instances of all of the classes that are required. To demonstrate this feature, we have created a new interface and a class that implements it, as shown in Listing 6-6.

Listing 6-6. Defining a New Interface and Implementation

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public interface IDiscountHelper {

    decimal ApplyDiscount(decimal totalParam);


public class DefaultDiscountHelper : IDiscountHelper {

    public decimal ApplyDiscount(decimal totalParam) {

        return (totalParam - (10m / 100m * totalParam));



The IDiscounHelper defines the ApplyDiscount method, which will apply a discount to a decimal value. The DefaultDiscounterHelper class implements the interface and applies a fixed 10 percent discount. We can then add the IDiscountHelper interface as a dependency to the LinqValueCalculator, as shown in Listing 6-7.
IDiscountHelper(原文这里少了字母t 译者注)定义了ApplyDiscount方法,它把一个折扣用于一个十进制值。DefaultDiscounterHelper类实现这个接口,并运用固定的10%折扣。我们随后可以把这个IDiscountHelper接口作为对LinqValueCalculator的一个依赖性,如清单6-7所示。

Listing 6-7. Adding a Dependency in the LinqValueCalculator Class

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public class LinqValueCalculator : IValueCalculator {

    private IDiscountHelper discounter;

    public LinqValueCalculator(IDiscountHelper discountParam) {

        discounter = discountParam;


    public decimal ValueProducts(params Product[] products) {

        return discounter.ApplyDiscount(products.Sum(p => p.Price));



The newly added constructor for the class takes an implementation of the IDiscountHelper interface, which is then used in the ValueProducts method to apply a discount to the cumulative value of the Product objects being processed. We bind the IDiscountHelper interface to the implementation class with the Ninject kernel as we did for IValueCalculator, as shown in Listing 6-8.

Listing 6-8. Binding Another Interface to Its Implementation

IKernel ninjectKernel = new StandardKernel();
// get the interface implementation
IValueCalculator calcImpl = ninjectKernel.Get<IValueCalculator>();
ShoppingCart cart = new ShoppingCart(calcImpl);
Console.WriteLine("Total: {0:c}", cart.CalculateStockValue());

Listing 6-8 also uses the classes we created and the interfaces we bound using Ninject. We didn’t need to make any changes to the code that creates the IValueCalculator implementation.

Ninject knows that we want the LinqValueCalculator class to be instantiated when an IValueCalculator is requested. It has examined this class and found that it depends on an interface that it is able to resolve. Ninject creates an instance of DefaultDiscountHelper, injects it into the constructor of the LinqValueCalculator class, and returns the result as an IValueCalculator. Ninject checks every class it instantiates for dependencies in this way, no matter how long or complex the chain of dependencies is.

Specifying Property and Parameter Values

We can configure the classes that Ninject creates by providing details of properties when we bind the interface to its implementation. We have revised the StandardDiscountHelper class so that it exposes a convenient property to specify the size of the discount, as shown in Listing 6-9.

Listing 6-9. Adding a Property to an Implementation Class

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public class DefaultDiscountHelper : IDiscountHelper {

    public decimal DiscountSize { get; set; }

    public decimal ApplyDiscount(decimal totalParam) {
        return (totalParam - (DiscountSize / 100m * totalParam));

When we bind the concrete class to the type with Ninject, we can use the WithPropertyValue method to set the value for the DiscountSize property in the DefaultDiscountHelper class, as shown in Listing 6-10.

Listing 6-10. Using the Ninject WithPropertyValue Method

IKernel ninjectKernel = new StandardKernel();
        .To<DefaultDiscountHelper>().WithPropertyValue("DiscountSize", 50M);

Notice that we must supply the name of the property to set as a string value. We don’t need to change any other binding, nor change the way we use the Get method, to obtain an instance of the ShoppingCart method. The property value is set following construction of the DefaultDiscountHelper class, and has the effect of halving the total value of the items. The result from this change is as follows:

Total: $39,921.73

If you have more than one property value you need to set, you can chain calls to the WithPropertyValue method to cover them all. We can do the same thing with constructor parameters. Listing 6-11 shows the DefaultDiscounter class reworked so that the size of the discount is passed as a constructor parameter.

Listing 6-11. Using a Constructor Property in an Implementation Class

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public class DefaultDiscountHelper : IDiscountHelper {

    private decimal discountRate;

    public DefaultDiscountHelper(decimal discountParam) {
        discountRate = discountParam;

    public decimal ApplyDiscount(decimal totalParam) {
        return (totalParam - (discountRate/ 100m * totalParam));

To bind this class using Ninject, we specify the value of the constructor parameter using the WithConstructorArgument method, as shown in Listing 6-12.

Listing 6-12. Binding to a Class that Requires a Constructor Parameter

2IKernel ninjectKernel = new StandardKernel();
5    .To< DefaultDiscountHelper>().WithConstructorArgument("discountParam", 50M);

This technique allows you to inject a value into the constructor. Once again, we can chain these method calls together to supply multiple values and mix and match with dependencies. Ninject will figure out what we need and create it accordingly.

Using Self-Binding

A useful feature for integrating Ninject into your code fully is self-binding, which is where a concrete class can be requested (and therefore instantiated) from the Ninject kernel. This may seem like an odd thing to do, but it means that we don’t need to perform the initial DI by hand, like this:

IValueCalculator calcImpl = ninjectKernel.Get<IValueCalculator>();

ShoppingCart cart = new ShoppingCart(calcImpl);

Instead, we can simply request an instance of ShoppingCart and let Ninject sort out the dependency on the IValueCalculator class. Listing 6-13 shows the use of self-binding.

Listing 6-13. Using Ninject Self-Binding

2ShoppingCart cart = ninjectKernel.Get<ShoppingCart>();

We don’t need to do any preparation to self-bind a class. Ninject assumes that’s what we want when we request a concrete class for which it doesn’t have a binding.

Some DI purists don’t like self-binding, but we do. It helps handle the very first DI in an application and it puts everything, including concrete objects, into the Ninject scope. If we do take the time to register a self-binding type, we can use the features available for an interface, like specifying values for constructor parameters and properties. To register a self-binding, we use the ToSelf method, as demonstrated in Listing 6-14.

Listing 6-14. Self-Binding a Concrete Type

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ninjectKernel.Bind<ShoppingCart>().ToSelf().WithParameter("<parameterName>", <paramvalue>);

This example binds the ShoppingCart to itself and then calls the WithParameter method to supply a value for an (imaginary) property. You can self-bind only with concrete classes.

Binding to a Derived Type

Although we have focused on interfaces (since that is most relevant in MVC applications), we can also use Ninject to bind concrete classes. In the previous section, we showed you how to bind a concrete class to itself, but we can also bind a concrete class to a derived class. Listing 6-15 shows a ShoppingCart class that has been modified to support easy derivation, and a derived class, LimitShoppingCart, which enhances its parent by excluding all items whose value exceeds a specified price limit.

Listing 6-15. Creating a Derived Shopping Cart Class

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public class ShoppingCart {
    protected IValueCalculator calculator;
    protected Product[] products;

    public ShoppingCart(IValueCalculator calcParam) {
        calculator = calcParam;

        // define the set of products to sum
        products = new[] {
            new Product() { Name = "Kayak", Price = 275M},
            new Product() { Name = "Lifejacket", Price = 48.95M},
            new Product() { Name = "Soccer ball", Price = 19.50M},
            new Product() { Name = "Stadium", Price = 79500M}

    public virtual decimal CalculateStockValue() {
         // calculate the total value of the products
        decimal totalValue = calculator.ValueProducts(products);

        // return the result
        return totalValue;

public class LimitShoppingCart : ShoppingCart {
    public LimitShoppingCart(IValueCalculator calcParam)
                            : base(calcParam) {
        // nothing to do here

    public override decimal CalculateStockValue() {

        // filter out any items that are over the limit
        var filteredProducts = products
                    .Where(e => e.Price < ItemLimit);

        // perform the calculation
        return calculator.ValueProducts(filteredProducts.ToArray());

    public decimal ItemLimit { get; set; }

We can bind the parent class such that when we request an instance of it from Ninject, an instance of the derived class is created, as shown in Listing 6-16.

Listing 6-16. Binding a Class to a Derived Version

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    .WithPropertyValue("ItemLimit", 200M);

This technique works especially well for binding abstract classes to their concrete implementations.

Using Conditional Binding

We can bind multiple implementations of the same interface or multiple derivations of the same class with Ninject and provide instructions about which one should be used under different conditions. To demonstrate this feature, we have created a new implementation of the IValueCalculator interface, called IterativeValueCalculator, which is shown in Listing 6-17.

Listing 6-17. A New Implementation of the IValueCalculator

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public class IterativeValueCalculator : IValueCalculator {
    public decimal ValueProducts(params Product[] products) {
        decimal totalValue = 0;
        foreach (Product p in products) {
            totalValue += p.Price;
        return totalValue;

Now that we have some choice of implementation, we can create Ninject bindings that can be used selectively. Listing 6-18 contains an example.

Listing 6-18. A Conditional Ninject Binding

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The new binding specifies that the IterativeValueCalculator class should be instantiated to service requests for the IValueCalculator interface when the object into which the dependency is being injected is an instance of the LimitShoppingCart class. We have left the original binding for IValueCalculator in place. Ninject tries to find the best match for a binding, and if the criteria for a conditional can’t be satisfied, it helps to have a default binding for the same class or interface, so that Ninject has a fallback value. The most useful conditional binding methods are shown in Table 6-1.

Table 6-1. Ninject Conditional Binding Methods
6-1. Ninject条件绑定方法




Binding is used when the predicate—a lambda expression—evaluates to true.
当谓词 一个lambda表达式 评估为true时进行绑定


Binding is used when the class being injected is annotated with the attribute whose type is specified by T.


Binding is used when the class being injected into is of type T (see the example in Listing 6-18).

 Applying Ninject to ASP.NET MVC
Ninject运用于APS.NET MVC

We’ve shown you the core features of Ninject using a standard Windows console application, but integrating Ninject with ASP.NET MVC couldn’t be easier. The first step is to create a class that’s derived from System.Web.Mvc.DefaultControllerFactory. This is the class that MVC relies on by default to create instances of controller classes. (In Chapter 14, we show you how to replace the default controller factory with a custom implementation.) Our implementation is called NinjectControllerFactory and is shown in Listing 6-19.
我们已经用一个标准的Windows控制台应用程序,向你演示了Ninject的核心特性,但把NinjectASP.NET MVC集成并不是很容易的。第一步是要生成一个从System.Web.Mvc.DefaultControllerFactory派生而来的类。这是MVC默认地赖以生成控制器类实例的一个类。(在第14章,我们将向你演示如何用一个自定义的实现来替换这个默认的控制器生成器(控制器工厂))我们的实现叫做NinjectControllerFactory,如清单6-19所示。

Listing 6-19. The NinjectControllerFactory

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using System;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Routing;
using Ninject;
using NinjectDemo.Models.Abstract;
using NinjectDemo.Models.Concrete;

namespace NinjectDemo.Infrastructure {
    public class NinjectControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory {
        private IKernel ninjectKernel;

        public NinjectControllerFactory() {
            ninjectKernel = new StandardKernel();

        protected override IController GetControllerInstance(RequestContext requestContext,
                Type controllerType) {
            return controllerType == null
                    ? null
                    : (IController)ninjectKernel.Get(controllerType);

        private void AddBindings() {
            // put additional bindings here

This class creates a Ninject kernel and uses it to service requests for controller classes that are made through the GetControllerInstance method, which is called by the MVC Framework when it wants a controller object. We don’t need to explicitly bind controller classes using Ninject. We can rely on the default self-binding feature, since the controllers are concrete classes that are derived from System.Web.Mvc.Controller.

The AddBindings method allows us to add other Ninject bindings for repositories and other components we want to keep loosely coupled. We can also use this method as an opportunity to bind controller classes that require additional constructor parameters or property values.

Once we create this class, we must register it with the MVC Framework, which we do in the Application_Start method of the Global.asax class, as shown in Listing 6-20.

Listing 6-20. Registering the NinjectControllerFactory Class with the MVC Framework

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protected void Application_Start() {
    ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new NinjectControllerFactory());

Now the MVC Framework will use our NinjectControllerFactory to obtain instances of controller classes, and Ninject will handle DI into the controller objects automatically.

You can see that the listings in this example refer to types such as IProductRepository, FakeProductRepository, Product, and so on. We have created a simple MVC application to demonstrate the Ninject integration, and these are the domain model types and repository types required for the demo. We aren’t going to go into the project because you’ll see these classes used properly in the next chapter. But if you are interested in what we created for this example, you can find the project in the source code download that accompanies this book.

It might seem that we have traveled a long way to get to a simple integration class, but we think it is essential that you fully understand how Ninject works. A good understanding of your DI container can make development and testing simpler and easier.

Unit Testing with Visual Studio
Visual Studio的单元测试

There are a lot of .NET unit testing packages, many of which are open source and freely available. In this book, we are going to use the built-in unit test support that comes with Visual Studio 2010. This is the first version of Visual Studio that has testing support we feel is credible and useful.
有很多.NET单元测试包,其中许多是开源和免费的。本书中,我们打算使用Visual Studio 2010所提供的内建的单元测试支持。这是Visual Studio具有测试支持的第一个版本,我们感觉它是可信和有用的。

Many other .NET unit test packages are available. The most popular is probably NUnit. All of the packages do much the same thing, and the reason we have selected the Visual Studio support is that we like the integration with the rest of the IDE, which makes it easier to set up and run tests than using an add-on library. In this section, we’ll show you how to create a unit test project and populate it with tests.
有许多其它.NET单元测试包可用。最流行的可能是NUnit。所有测试包都做了大量同样的事情,而我们选择Visual Studio支持的理由是我们喜欢它与IDE其余部分的集成,这使它比使用一个扩展库更容易建立和运行测试。在本小节中,我们将给你演示如何生成单元测试项目,并用测试来组装它。

n Note Microsoft Visual Web Developer Express doesn’t include support for unit testing. This is one of the ways that Microsoft differentiates between the free and commercial Visual Studio editions. If you are using Web Developer Express, we recommend you use NUnit (www.nunit.org), which works in a similar way to the integrated features that we discuss in this chapter.
注:Microsoft Visual Web Developer Express(微软的另一个简装版开发工具 译者注)不包含单元测试支持。这是微软区分Visual Studio免费版和商业版的方式之一。如果你使用的是Web Developer Express,我们建议你使用NUnitwww.nunit.org),它对我们本章讨论的集成特性有类似的工作方式。

Creating the Project

We are going to use another console application project to demonstrate unit testing. Create a project using this template. We called our project ProductApp. When you have created the project, define the interfaces and model type as shown in Listing 6-21.

Listing 6-21. The Interfaces and Model Types for the Unit Test Demonstration

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public class Product {
    public int ProductID { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public decimal Price { get; set; }
    public string Category { set; get; }

public interface IProductRepository {
    IEnumerable<Product> GetProducts();
    void UpdateProduct(Product product);

public interface IPriceReducer {
    void ReducePrices(decimal priceReduction);

The Product class is just like the one we used in earlier examples. The IProductRepository interface defines a repository through which we will obtain and update Product objects. The IPriceReducer interface specifies a function that will be applied to all Products, reducing their price by the amount specified by the priceReduction parameter.

Our objective in this example is to create an implementation of IPriceReducer that meets the following conditions:

l         The price of all Product items in the repository should be reduced.

l         The total reduction should be the value of the priceReduction parameter multiplied by the number of products.

l         The repository UpdateProduct method should be called for every Product object.

l         No price should be reduced to less than $1.

To aid us in building this implementation, we have created the FakeRepository class, which implements the IProductRepository interface, as shown in Listing 6-22.

Listing 6-22. The FakeRepository Class

View Code
public class FakeRepository : IProductRepository {
    private Product[] products = {
        new Product() { Name = "Kayak", Price = 275M},
        new Product() { Name = "Lifejacket", Price = 48.95M},
        new Product() { Name = "Soccer ball", Price = 19.50M},
        new Product() { Name = "Stadium", Price = 79500M}

    public IEnumerable<Product> GetProducts() {
        return products;

    public void UpdateProduct(Product productParam) {
        foreach(Product p in products
                    .Where(e => e.Name == productParam.Name)
                    .Select(e => e)) {
            p.Price = productParam.Price;


    public int UpdateProductCallCount { get; set; }
    public decimal GetTotalValue() {
        return products.Sum(e => e.Price);

We’ll come back to this class later. We have also written a skeletal version of the MyPriceReducer class, which will be our implementation of the IPriceReducer class. This is shown in Listing 6-23.

Listing 6-23. The Skeletal MyPriceReducer Class

View Code
public class MyPriceReducer : IPriceReducer {
    private IProductRepository repository;
    public MyPriceReducer(IProductRepository repo) {
        repository = repo;

    public void ReducePrices(decimal priceReduction) {
        throw new NotImplementedException();

This class doesn’t yet implement the ReducePrices method, but it does have a constructor that will let us inject an implementation of the IProductRepository interface.

 The last step is to add Ninject as a reference to our project, using either the Library Package Manager or a version you have downloaded from the Ninject web site.

Creating Unit Tests

We are going to following the TDD pattern and write our unit tests before we write the application code. Right-click the MyPriceReducer.ReducePrices method in Visual Studio, and then select Create Unit Tests from the pop-up menu, as shown in Figure 6-3.
我们打算遵照TDD模式(测试驱动开发模式),并在编写应用程序代码之前,先写我们的单元测试。在Visual Studio中右击MyPriceReducer.ReducePrices方法,然后从弹出菜单中选择“生成单元测试”,如图6-3所示。


Figure 6-3. Creating unit tests
6-3. 生成单元测试

Visual Studio will display the Create Unit Tests dialog, shown in Figure 6-4. All of the types that are available in the project are displayed, and you can check the ones for which you want tests created. Since we started this process from the ReducePrices method in the MyPriceReducer class, this item is already checked.
Visual Studio将显示“生成单元测试”对话框,如图6-4所示。项目中可用的所有类型都被显示出来,你可以选中一个你想要生成测试的条目。因为我们是从MyPriceReducer类中的ReducePrices方法启动这一过程的,这个条目已经被选中了。


Figure 6-4. Creating the first unit test
6-4. 生成第一个单元测试

Unit tests are created in a separate project from the application itself. Since we haven’t yet created such a project, the Output Project option is set to create a new project for us. Click the OK button, and Visual Studio will prompt you for a name for the test project, as shown in Figure 6-5. The convention we follow is to name the project <MainProjectName>.Tests. Since our project is called ProductApp, our test project will be called ProductApp.Tests.
单元测试以这个应用程序的一个独立项目的形式来生成。因为我们还没有生成这种测试项目,“输出项目”选项被设置到“生成一个新项目”。点击OK之后,Visual Studio将提示你对这个测试项目取一个名字,图6-5所示。我们依照的约定是把这个项目命名为<主项目名>.Tests。因为我们的项目叫做ProductApp,故我们的测试项目将被叫做ProductApp.Tests


Figure 6-5. Selecting the name for the test project
6-5. 选择测试项目的名字

Click the Create button to create the project and the unit test. Visual Studio will add the project to the existing solution. If you open the References item for the test project in the Solution Explorer window, you’ll see that Visual Studio has automatically added the assembly references we need, including the output from the main project and Ninject.
点击“Create”按钮,以生成这个项目和单元测试。Visual Studio将把这个项目添加到现在的解决方案中。如果你在解决方案浏览器窗口中打开用于测试项目的“引用”条目,你会看到Visual Studio已经自动地添加了我们所需要的程序集引用,包括了主项目和Ninject

 A new code file called MyPriceReducerTest.cs has been created as part of the test project; it contains some properties and methods to get us started. However, we are going to ignore these and start from scratch so we have only the items we care about. Edit the class file so it matches Listing 6-24.

Listing 6-24. The Unit Test Class

View Code
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;

namespace ProductApp.Tests {
    public class MyPriceReducerTest {
        public void All_Prices_Are_Changed) {
        // 上条语句似乎应当为:public void All_Prices_Are_Changed() { — 译者注
          // Arrange
            FakeRepository repo = new FakeRepository();
            decimal reductionAmount = 10;
            IEnumerable<decimal> prices = repo.GetProducts().Select(e => e.Price);
            decimal[] initialPrices = prices.ToArray();
            MyPriceReducer target = new MyPriceReducer(repo);

            // Act
            prices.Zip(initialPrices, (p1, p2) => {
                if (p1 == p2) {
                return p1;

Listing 6-24 contains the first of our unit tests and the attributes that Visual Studio looks for when running tests. The TestClass attribute is applied to a class that contains tests, and the TestMethod attribute is applied to any method that contains a unit test. Methods that don’t have this attribute are assumed to be support methods and are ignored by Visual Studio.
清单6-24含有我们的第一个单元测试和Visual Studio在运行测试时所期待的属性。TestClass属性被用于一个含有测试的类,而TestMethod属性被用于含有一个单元测试的方法。没有这个属性的方法被假设为是支持方法,Visual Studio对之是忽略的。

You can see that we have followed the arrange/act/assert (A/A/A) pattern in the unit test method. There are any number of conventions about how to name unit tests, but our guidance is simply that you use names that make it clear what the test is checking. Our unit test method is called All_Prices_Are_Changed, which seems plenty clear to us. But if you don’t like this style, all that really matters is that you (and your team) understand whatever nomenclature you settle on.

In the All_Prices_Are_Changed method, we get set up by defining a LINQ query that we then invoke using the ToArray extension method to get the initial prices for the Product items the FakeRepository class contains. Next, we call the target method and then use the LINQ Zip method to ensure that every price has changed. If any element is unchanged, we call the Asset.Fail method, which causes the unit test to fail.

There are a lot of different ways to build unit tests. A common one is to have a single giant method that tests all of the required conditions for a feature. We prefer to create a lot of little unit tests that each focus on just one aspect of the application. There are two reasons for our preference. The first is that when a small unit test fails, you know exactly which criteria your code doesn’t meet. The second reason is that we tend to end up with scruffy code in multiple-test methods, as we hack around making the tests reasonable. You may be more focused than we are in your code, but we find a clean application of the A/A/A pattern works best for us.

Following the TDD pattern, we have continued to define our unit tests, as shown in Listing 6-25.

Listing 6-25. The Remaining Unit Tests

View Code
public void Correct_Total_Reduction_Amount() {
    // Arrange
    FakeRepository repo = new FakeRepository();
    decimal reductionAmount = 10;
    decimal initialTotal = repo.GetTotalValue();
    MyPriceReducer target = new MyPriceReducer(repo);

    // Act

    // Assert
         (initialTotal - (repo.GetProducts().Count() * reductionAmount)));

public void No_Price_Less_Than_One_Dollar() {
    // Arrange
    FakeRepository repo = new FakeRepository();
    decimal reductionAmount = decimal.MaxValue;
    MyPriceReducer target = new MyPriceReducer(repo);

    // Act

    // Assert
    foreach (Product prod in repo.GetProducts()) {
        Assert.IsTrue(prod.Price >= 1);

Each of these methods follows the same pattern. We create a FakeRepository object and manually inject it into the constructor for the MyPriceReducer class. We then call the ReducePrices method and check the results, using the methods of the Assert class. We are not going to go into the individual tests, because they are all pretty simple. Table 6-2 shows the static methods of the Assert class that you can use to check or report the status of a test. 这些方法都遵照了同样的模式。我们生成了FakeRepitory对象,并手工地把它注入到MyPriceReducer类的构造器中。然后我们调用ReducePrices方法,并用Assert类的方法检查结果。我们不打算进入个别的测试,因为它们都很简单。表6-2显示了Assert类的静态方法,你可以用它们来检查或报告一个测试的状态。

Table 6-2. Static Assert Methods 6-2. Assert静态方法

Method 方法

Description 描述

AreEqual<T>(T, T)

AreEqual<T>(T, T, string)

Asserts that two objects of type T have the same value. 断言两个类型T的对象有同样的值

AreNotEqual<T>(T, T)

AreNotEqual<T>(T, T, string)

Asserts that two objects of type T do not have the same value 断言两个类型T的对象的值不相等

AreSame<T>(T, T)

AreSame<T>(T, T, string)

Asserts that two variables refer to the same object 断言两个变量指向同样的对象

AreNotSame<T>(T, T)

AreNotSame<T>(T, T, string)

Asserts that two variables refer to different objects. 断言两个对象指向不同的对象



Fails an assertion—no conditions are checked 舍弃一个断言 无检查条件



Indicates that the result of the unit test can’t be definitively established 指明不能最终建立单元测试的结果


IsTrue(bool, string)

Asserts that a bool value is true—most often used to evaluate an expression that returns a bool result 断言一个布尔值为true 最常用于评估一个返回布尔结果的表达式


IsFalse(bool, string)

Asserts that a bool value is false 断言一个布尔值为false


IsNull(object, string)

Asserts that a variable is not assigned an object reference 断言一个变量没有被分配一个对象参考


IsNotNull(object, string)

Asserts that a variable is assigned an object reference 断言一个变量被分配了一个对象参考

IsInstanceOfType(object, Type)

IsInstanceOfType(object, Type, string)

Asserts that an object is of the specified type or is derived from the specified type 断言一个对象是指定类型的对象,或是从指定类型派生的

IsNotInstanceOfType(object, Type)

IsNotInstanceOfType(object, Type, string)

Asserts that an object is not of the specified type 断言一个对象不是指定类型的对象

Each of the static methods in the Assert class allows you to check some aspect of your unit test. An exception is thrown if an assertion fails, and this means that the entire unit test fails. Each unit test is treated separately, so other tests will continue to be performed. Assert类中的每一个静态方法都可以检查你单元测试的某个方面。如果断言失败,将弹出一个异常,这意味着整个单元测试失败。每一个单元测试都被独立地处理,因此其它单元测试将被继续执行。

Each of these methods is overloaded with a version that takes a string parameter. The string is included as the message element of the exception if the assertion fails. The AreEqual and AreNotEqual methods have a number of overloads that cater to comparing specific types. For example, there is a version that allows strings to be compared without taking case into account. 上述每一个方法都有一个以字符串为参数的过载。该字符串作为断言失败时的消息元素。AreEqualAreNotEqual方法有几个过载,以迎合特定类型的比较。例如,有一个版本可以比较字符串而不需要考虑其它情况。

One oddity of note is the ExceptionExpected attribute. This is an assertion that succeeds only if the unit test throws an exception of the type specified by the ExceptionType parameter. This is a neat way of ensuring that exceptions are thrown without needing to mess around with try...catch blocks in your unit test. 一个古怪的说明是ExceptionExpected属性。只有单元测试弹出由ExceptionType参数指定的类型的异常时,这个断言才是成功的。这是确保弹出异常而不需要在单元测试中用try…catch块来浪费时间的一种灵活的方式。

Running the Unit Tests (and Failing) 运行单元测试(并失败)

Using Table 6-2, you can see what each of our example unit tests are checking for. To run those tests, select Run from the Visual Studio Test menu and then choose All Tests in Solution. Visual Studio will scan through all of the classes in the current solution looking for the TestClass and TestMethod attributes. 利用表6-2,你可以看到我们的每一个单元测试例子检查的是什么。要运行这些测试,从Visual Studio的“测试”菜单选择运行,然后在解决方案中选择所有测试。Visual Studio将扫描当前解决方案中的所有类,以寻找TestClassTestMethod属性。

n Tip If you select Run All from the Test Debug menu, Visual Studio will execute the unit tests but break into the debugger when an assertion fails. This is a very handy feature for checking the values of the inputs to your assertions to see what has gone wrong. 提示:如果你从“测试” “调试”菜单中选择“运行所有测试”,Visual Studio将执行这些单元测试,但当一个断言失败时将中断并进入调试状态。这对检查输入到断言的值,以考察发生了什么错误,是一个十分灵活的。

The Test Results window displays progress as each test is performed, and it gives a green or red indicator to show the results. We have yet to implement our functionality, so all four of our unit tests fail, as shown in Figure 6-6. 测试结果窗口在每个测试被执行时,显示测试过程,而且以绿色或红色指示符来显示测试结果。我们还没有实现我们的功能性,因此所有四个单元测试都是失败的,如图6-6所示。


Figure 6-6. The initial unit test results 6-6. 最初的单元测试结果

n Tip Right-click one of the items in the Test Results window and select View Test Results Details if you want information about why a test failed. 提示:如果你想了解测试为什么失败的信息,可在测试结果窗口中右击一个条目,并选择“查看测试结果细节”。

Implementing the Feature 实现特性

We are now at the point where we can implement the feature, safe in the knowledge that we will be able to check the quality of our code when we are finished. For all our preparation, the implementation of the ReducePrices method is pretty simple, as shown in Listing 6-26. 我们现在已经到了实现功能特性的时候了,从安全角度上讲,当我们完成我们的工作时,我们将能够检查我们代码的质量。对于我们的所有准备,ReducePrices方法的实现是相当简单的,如清单6-26所示。

Listing 6-26. Implementing the Feature

View Code
public class MyPriceReducer : IPriceReducer {
    private IProductRepository repository;
    public MyPriceReducer(IProductRepository repo) {
        repository = repo;

    public void ReducePrices(decimal priceReduction) {
        foreach (Product p in repository.GetProducts()) {
            p.Price = Math.Max(p.Price - priceReduction, 1);

Now let’s run our tests again. This time, they all pass, as shown in Figure 6-7.


Figure 6-7. Passing the unit tests
6-7. 单元测试通过

We have given you a very quick introduction to unit testing, and we’ll continue to demonstrate unit tests as we go through the book. Note that Visual Studio has advanced features in case you catch the unit-testing bug. You’ll see some of these features in the next section when we look at mocking.
我们已经向你十分简洁地介绍了单元测试,随着本书的深入,我们还将继续向你演示单元测试。注意,Visual Studio已经提升了捕捉单元测试缺陷的特性。在下一小节当我们考查模仿时,你将看到一些这样的特性。

You can also arrange tests so that they are performed in sequence, group tests by categories and run them together, record the amount of time unit tests take, and much more. We recommend you explore the unit testing documentation on MSDN.

Using Moq

In the previous example, we created the FakeRepository class to support our testing. We have not yet explained how to create a real repository implementation, and so we need a substitute. Even when we have a real implementation, we might not want to use it, because it adds complexity to our test environment (or because the operational cost of the repository is high, or for one of a hundred other reasons).

The FakeRepository class is a mock implementation of the IProductRepository interface. We didn’t implement the true functionality that a real repository would need. We just did enough to be able to write our unit tests. And we added features that were not related to repositories at all. For example, one test required us to ensure that the UpdateProduct method was called a certain number of times, which we did by adding a property. Another test led us to add a method so we could calculate the total value of the Product objects.

We created the fake implementation and added the extra bits manually, which makes the FakeRepository class a manual mock (we promise we are not making up these terms). The subject of this part of the chapter is Moq, a framework that makes mocking quicker, simpler, and easier.

Adding Moq to the Visual Studio Project
Moq添加到Visual Studio项目

We are going to build on the previous example and replace the FakeRepository class with a mock created using Moq. To prepare the project, we must add the Moq assembly, either by using the Library Package Manager or by downloading the library from http://code.google.com/p/moq. Add Moq.dll as a project reference (using either the download or the Library Package Manager) to the ProductApp.Tests project (to the unit test projection, not the application project).

Creating a Mock with Moq

The benefit of using a mocking tool is that we can create mocks that are tailored with just enough functionality to help us in our tests. That means we don’t end up with a mock implementation that gets too complicated. In a real project, unlike in these simple examples, you can easily reach the stage where the mock implementation needs its own tests because it contains so much code. We could make a lot of little manual mocks, but to make that effective, we would need to move the recurring code into a base class, and we would be right back to too much complexity again. Unit testing works best when tests are small and focused, and you keep everything else as simple as possible.

There are two stages to creating a mock using Moq. The first is to create a new Mock<T>, where T is the type we want to mock, as shown in Listing 6-27.

Listing 6-27. Creating a Mock

Mock<IProductRepository> mock = new Mock<IProductRepository>();

The second stage is to set up the behaviors we want our implementation to demonstrate. Moq will automatically implement all the methods and properties of the type we have given it, but it does so using the default values for types. For example, the IProductRepository.GetProducts method returns an empty IEnumerable<Product>. To change the way Moq implements a type member, we must use the Setup method, as shown in Listing 6-28.

Listing 6-28. Setting up Behaviors Using Moq

Product[] products = new Product[] {
    new Product() { Name = "Kayak", Price = 275M},
    new Product() { Name = "Lifejacket", Price = 48.95M},
    new Product() { Name = "Soccer ball", Price = 19.50M},
    new Product() { Name = "Stadium", Price = 79500M}

mock.Setup(m => m.GetProducts()).Returns(products);

There are three elements to consider when setting up a new Moq behavior, as described in the following sections.

Using the Moq Method Selector

The first element is the method selected. Moq works using LINQ and lambda expressions. When we call the Setup method, Moq passes us the interface that we have asked it to implement. This is cleverly wrapped up in some LINQ magic that we are not going to get into, but it allows us to select the method we want to configure or verify through a lambda expression. So, when we want to define a behavior for the GetProducts method, we do this:

mock.Setup(m => m.GetProducts()).(<...other methods...>);

We are not going to get into how this works—just know that it does and use it accordingly. The GetProducts method is easy to deal with because it has no parameters. If we want to deal with a method that does take parameters, we need to consider the second element: the parameter filter.
我们不打算说明它是如何工作的 只要知道它能做并因此而用它。GetProducts方法很容易处理,因为它没有参数。如果我们想处理一个有参数的方法,我们需要考虑第二个元素:参数过滤器。

Using Moq Parameter Filters

We can tell Moq to respond differently based on the parameter values passed to a method. The GetProducts method doesn’t take a parameter, so we will use this simple interface to explain:

1public interface IMyInterface {
2    string ProcessMessage(string message);

Listing 6-29 shows the code that creates a mock implementation of that interface with different behaviors for different parameter values.

Listing 6-29. Using Moq Parameter Filters

1Mock<IMyInterface> mock = new Mock<IMyInterface>();
2mock.Setup(m => m.ProcessMessage("hello")).Returns("Hi there");
3mock.Setup(m => m.ProcessMessage("bye")).Returns("See you soon");

Moq interprets these statements as instructions to return Hi there when the parameter to the ProcessMessage method is hello, and to return See you soon when the parameter value is bye. For all other parameter values, Moq will return the default value for the method result type, which will be null in this case, since we are using strings.
Moq把这些语句解释为,当传给ProcessMessage方法的参数是hello时,返回Hi there,而当参数值是bye时,返回See you soon。对所有其它参数值,Moq将返回该方法结果类型的默认值,在本例情况下是null,因为我们在使用字符串。

It can quickly become tedious to set up responses for all of the possible parameter values that can occur. It becomes tedious and difficult when dealing with more complex types, because you need to create objects that represent them all and use them for comparisons. Fortunately, Moq provides the It class, which we can use to represent broad categories of parameter values. Here is an example:

1mock.Setup(m => m.ProcessMessage(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns("Message received");

The It class defines a number of methods that are used with generic type parameters. In this case, we have called the IsAny method using string as the generic type. This tells Moq that when the ProcessMessage method is called with any string value, it should return the response Message Received. Table 6-3 shows the methods that the It class provides, all of which are static.
It类定义了与一般类型参数使用的许多方法。这里,我们用字符串作为一般类型调用了IsAny方法。这告诉Moq,当ProcessMessage方法以任何字符串值被调用时,它应该返回Messgae Received响应。表6-3显示了It类所提供的方法,所有这些都是静态的。

Table 6-3. The Static Methods of the It Class
6-3. It类的静态方法




Matches based on a specified predicate (see Listing 6-30 for an example)


Matches if the parameter is any instance of the type T


Matches if the parameter is between to defined values


Matches a string parameter if it matches the specified regular expression

The Is<T> method is the most flexible because it lets you supply a predicate that causes a parameter match if it returns true, as shown in Listing 6-30.

Listing 6-30. Using the It Parameter Filter

View Code
mock.Setup(m => m.ProcessMessage(It.Is<string>(s => s == "hello" || s == "bye")))
        .Returns("Message received");

This statement instructs Moq to return Message Received if the string parameter is either hello or bye.
这条语句指示,如果字符串参数是hellobye,则Moq返回Message Received

Returning a Result

When we are setting up a behavior, we are often doing so in order to define the result that the method will return when it is called. The previous examples have all chained the Returns method to the Setup call in order to return a specific value. We can also use the parameter passed to the mocked method as a parameter to the Returns method in order to derive an output that is based on the input. Listing 6-31 provides a demonstration.

 Listing 6-31. Returning a Result Based on the Parameter Value

1 mock.Setup(m => m.ProcessMessage(It.IsAny<string>()))
2         .Returns<string>(s => string.Format("Message received: {0}", s));

All we do is call the Returns method with a generic type parameter that matches the method parameter. Moq passes the method parameter to our lambda expression, and we can generate a dynamic result—in this case, we create a formatted string.
我们要做的全部工作是用一个与方法参数匹配的一般类型参数来调用Returns方法。Moq把这个方法参数传递给我们的lambda表达式,于是我们可以生成一个动态结果 这里,我们生成了一个格式化的字符串。

Unit Testing with Moq

You can see how easy it is to create a mocked implementation with Moq, although you might find that it takes a little time before the syntax becomes second nature. Once you’ve set up the behaviors you require, you can get the mocked implementation through the Mock.Object property. Listing 6-32 shows the application of Moq to our Correct_Total_Reduction_Amount unit test.

Listing 6-32. Using Moq in a Test Method

02public void Correct_Total_Reduction_Amount() {
03    // Arrange
04    Product[] products = new Product[] {
05       new Product() { Name = "Kayak", Price = 275M},
06        new Product() { Name = "Lifejacket", Price = 48.95M},
07        new Product() { Name = "Soccer ball", Price = 19.50M},
08        new Product() { Name = "Stadium", Price = 79500M}
09    };
11    Mock<IProductRepository> mock = new Mock<IProductRepository>();
12    mock.Setup(m => m.GetProducts()).Returns(products);
13    decimal reductionAmount = 10;
14    decimal initialTotal = products.Sum(p => p.Price);
15    MyPriceReducer target = new MyPriceReducer(mock.Object);
17    // Act
18    target.ReducePrices(reductionAmount);
20    // Assert
21    Assert.AreEqual(products.Sum(p => p.Price),
22             (initialTotal - (products.Count() * reductionAmount)));

You can see that we have implemented just enough of the functionality defined by IProductRepository to perform our test. In this case, that means implementing the GetProducts interface so that it returns our test data.

In Listing 6-32 we put everything in the unit test method to give a quick demonstration of Moq, but we can make things simpler by using some of the Visual Studio test features. We know that all of our test methods are going to use the same test Product objects, so we can create these as part of the test class, as shown in Listing 6-33.
在清单6-32中,我们把所有事情都放到单元测试方法中,以给出一个Moq的快速演示,但我们可以用某些Visual Studio测试特性让事情更简单。我们知道,我们的所有测试方法都要使用同样的Product测试对象,因此我们可以把这些对象生成为测试类部分,如清单6-33所示。

Listing 6-33. Creating the Common Test Data Objects

03public class MyPriceReducerTest {
04    private IEnumerable<Product> products;
05    [TestInitialize]
06    public void PreTestInitialize() {
07        products = new Product[] {
08            new Product() { Name = "Kayak", Price = 275M},
09            new Product() { Name = "Lifejacket", Price = 48.95M},
10            new Product() { Name = "Soccer ball", Price = 19.50M},
11            new Product() { Name = "Stadium", Price = 79500M}
12        };
13    }
14    ...

We want to start with clean test data for each unit test, so we have created the field products and used a Visual Studio test feature to initialize the data. Visual Studio will look for a method that has the TestInitialize attribute. If it finds one, it will call that method before each unit test in the class. In our case, this means that the product class variable will be reinitialized with fresh test data. Table 6-4 shows the other unit test attributes that Visual Studio supports.
我们想对每个单元测试都从干净的测试数据开始,因此我们已经生成了products字段,并用Visaul Studio测试特性来初始化数据。Visual Studio将寻找一个具有TestInitialize属性的方法。如果找到一个,它将在类中的每个单元测试之后调用这个方法。在上例中,这意味着产品类变量将用新鲜的测试数据进行初始化。表6-4显示了Visual Studio支持的其它单元测试属性。

Table 6-4. Visual Studio Unit Test Attributes




Called before the unit tests in the class are performed; must be applied to a static method


Called after all of the unit tests in the class have been performed; must be applied to a static method


Called before each test is performed


Called after each test is performed

The name of the method you apply these attributes to doesn’t matter, because Visual Studio looks for only the attribute. When we use the TestInitialize attribute, we can create and configure our test-specific mock implementation using two lines of code:
你把这些属性运用到什么方法名并不重要,因为Visual Studio只寻找这个属性。当我们用TestInitailize属性时,我们可以用两行代码生成并配置我们的特定测试的模仿实现:

1Mock<IProductRepository> mock = new Mock<IProductRepository>();
3mock.Setup(m => m.GetProducts()).Returns(products);

The benefits of Moq become even more significant when mocking a more complex object. We’ll go through some of the other Moq features in the following sections, and we’ll also show you different unit testing techniques as we continue through the book.

Verifying with Moq

One of our test criteria was that the UpdateProduct method be called for each Product object that was processed. In the FakeRepository class, we measured this by defining a property and incrementing from within the UpdateProduct method. We can achieve the same effect much more elegantly using Moq, as demonstrated in Listing 6-34.

Listing 6-34. Verifying Method-Call Frequency

1    // Act
2    target.ReducePrices(reductionAmount);
3    // Assert
4    foreach (Product p in products) {
5        mock.Verify(m => m.UpdateProduct(p), Times.Once());
6    }

Using the parameter filter, we are able to verify that the UpdateProduct method has been called exactly once for each of our test Product objects. Of course, we could have done this using a manual mock, but we like the simplicity we get from a mocking tool.


In this chapter, we looked at the three tools we find essential for effective MVC development—Ninject, Visual Studio 2010’s built-in support for unit testing, and Moq. There are many alternatives, both open source and commercial, for all three tools. If you don’t get along with the tools we prefer, you won’t lack for other choices. You may find that you don’t like TDD or unit testing in general, or that you are happy performing DI and mocking manually. That, of course, is entirely your choice. However, we think there are some substantial benefits in using all three tools in the development cycle. If you are hesitant to adopt them because you’ve never tried them, we encourage you to suspend disbelief and give them a go—at least for the duration of this book.
本章中,我们考察了从事高效MVC开发的三个基本工具 NinjectVisual Studio 2010内建的单元测试支持,以及Moq。对这三种工具还有许多其它选择,开源的或商业的都有。如果你不适应我们所喜欢的这些工具,你也不乏其它选择。你也许会发现你基本上不喜欢TDD或单元测试,或者你乐于手工地执行DI和模仿。这当然完全是你的自由。然而,我们认为在开发周期中使用这三种工具有一些坚实的好处。如果你在犹豫采纳它们,因为你从没用过,我们鼓励你不用怀疑,并让它们一展身手 至少在阅读本书期间。

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