L7 U4 电视


Module 1 谈论你看电视的习惯

  • 1. 电视节目的类型

  • documentaries 纪录片
  • the news 新闻
  • comedies 喜剧
  • reality shows 真人秀
  • soap operas 肥皂剧
  • weather show 天气秀
  • sitcom 情景喜剧
  • science fiction 科幻片
  • dramas 电视剧
  • game shows 娱乐节目

2. 表达喜恶

  • I almost always watch ... 我几乎一直看……(I almost always watch serious TV shows.)
  • I never miss ... 我从不错过……(I never miss the news.)
  • I can't stand ... 我受不了……(I can't stand silly comedies.)
  • I absolutely hate ... 我极其讨厌……(I absolutely hate reality shows.)
  • I don't really care for ... 我其实不大喜欢……(I don't really care for them.)
  • I generally like ... 我一般喜欢……(I generally like to watch something light.)
  • I'm crazy about ... 我热衷于……(I'm crazy about science programs.)
  • I'm totally addicted to ... 我完全迷上了……(I'm totally addicted to science fiction.)

3. 有关电视节目的词汇

  • serious 严肃的
  • cable TV 有线电视
  • channels 频道
  • silly 傻的
  • stupid 愚蠢的
  • stressful 紧张的
  • funny 有趣的
  • programs 节目
  • couch potato 电视迷
  • He's always changing the channels. 他老是在换频道。
  • Some game shows are really silly. 有的比赛节目非常可笑。
  • I saw a pretty funny sitcom last night. 我昨晚看了一集非常好笑的情景喜剧。
  • My friends call me a couch potato. 朋友们叫我电视迷。
  • I watch a lot of 24-hour news programs. 我看了很多24小时的新闻节目。
  • Cable TV has so many channels to choose from. 有线电视有这么多频道可供选择。

4. 表达频率

  • almost always 几乎一直
  • never 从不
  • once in a while 有时
  • every morning 每天早上
  • generally 通常
  • seldom 很少
  • occasionally 偶尔
  • He's almost always stuck to the sofa. 他几乎一直躺在沙发上。
  • Occasionally, I learn something when I watch TV. 我偶尔能从电视上学到东西。
  • Once in a while, this show is pretty funny. 这部剧有时相当有趣。
  • Nate generally watches the news. Nate 通常看新闻。
  • I seldom watch 'American Star.' 我很少看 'American Star'。
  • Every now and then, we watch a documentary. 我们时不时地看部纪录片。

Module 2 描述电视节目

1. 更多电视词汇

  • It's set in Miami. 这部剧以迈阿密为背景。
  • episode 剧集
  • murder 谋杀
  • dialogue 对话
  • acting 表演
  • fall in love 坠入爱河
  • separate 分手
  • relationship 男女关系

2. 过去将来时

谈论即将发生但又被另一事件阻止而未发生的事件时,用 was going to + 动词,然后用 but 引导的过去时态分句。

  • Chris was going to kiss Hannah, but her phone rang. 克里斯正要亲吻汉娜时,她的电话响了。
  • They were going to separate, but they fell in love again. 他们本打算分开,却又再次坠入爱河。

你可以用同样的方式使用 was about to + 动词。

  • The show was about to end, but they wrote three more episodes. 节目快要接近大结局了,他们又写了三集。
  • The police were about to catch the murderer, but he ran. 警察就要抓到凶手了,却被他跑了。

3. 以ed和ing结尾的形容词

  • shocking 令人震惊的
  • exciting 令人兴奋的
  • confusing 令人困惑的
  • fascinated 被深深吸引的

以 -ed 和 -ing 结尾的形容词
有时形容词的结尾决定了其使用方式。在以下示例中,请注意以 -ing 结尾的形容词描述的是事物,如电视节目;而以 -ed 结尾的形容词描述的则是人的感受。


  • Documentaries are boring. Let's watch something funny. 纪录片很无聊。我们看点有趣的吧。
  • This show is so confusing. Why did he murder the baker? 这出剧让人困惑不解,他为什么要谋杀面包师?
  • I love this action movie. It's really exciting. 我喜欢这部动作片,真的很刺激。
  • He thinks news channels are interesting. I don't. 他觉得新闻频道有意思,我却不这样认为。
  • That was an amazing movie! Let's watch it again. 这部电影太棒了!我们再看一遍吧。


  • I'm bored. Can we watch something else? 我觉得很无聊,我们能看点别的吗?
  • Now I'm really confused. Is that his sister or his mother? 现在我真的被搞糊涂了。那是他的姐姐还是妈妈?
  • Dan's excited to see the final episode of 'Live On.' 丹很高兴能看到《活着》的最后一集。
  • The detective's interested in talking to the landlord. 侦探很想和房东交谈。
  • That guy won $200,000 on 'Hazard Roll'? I'm absolutely amazed. 那个家伙参加“滚球冒险”赢了200,000美元?我感到特别惊奇。

4. 描述电视节目

  • What's it about? 这部剧讲的什么?
  • It's set in Miami. 这部剧以迈阿密为背景。
  • Great dialogue and excellent acting. 有精彩的对白和优秀的演技。
  • It takes place in the '80s. 故事发生在20世纪80年代。
  • It's about a young English couple. 讲的是一对年轻的英国夫妇。
  • It's quite funny, and kind of sweet. 这部剧很搞笑,比较轻松。


  • A: Have you seen the show 'Cry Wolf'?
  • B: Did you say 'Cry Wolf'? What's it about?
  • A: It's about a police detective in Seattle. It's written by Randi Sedgwick. The plot is fascinating. She also wrote 'Murder First.'


  • A: Have you seen the show 'Cry Wolf'?
  • B: 'Cry Wolf'? What's it about?
  • A: A police detective in Seattle. Fascinating plot. It's written by Randi Sedgwick. She also wrote 'Murder First.'
  • What's it about? 这部剧讲的什么?
  • A police detective who falls in love. 警探的爱情故事。
  • Is it a crime show? 它是犯罪剧吗?
  • It's a sitcom. It's really funny. 是情景喜剧。真的很有趣。
  • Where does it take place? 这部剧在哪里拍摄的?
  • In Bangkok. 曼谷。

Module 3 谈论电视广告

1. 描述广告

  • commercial 广告
  • marketing 营销
  • feedback 反馈
  • humor 幽默
  • jingle 广告歌
  • slogan 广告语
  • endorsement 代言
  • advertisements 广告
  • logo 标识

Advertisement 与 commercial?
advertisement 是指告知人们某种产品、服务或职位的公告、图片或影片。在英式英语中,有时将该单词缩写为 advert,或与美式英语一样缩写为 ad。

  • I wanted to sell my motorbike, so I put an ad in the local newspaper. 我想把我的摩托车卖掉,所以在当地报纸上登了一则广告。
  • I saw the advert and immediately wanted to buy the product. 我一看见这个广告就想马上去买这个产品。
  • Have you seen the new advertisement for Cool Puppy dog food? It's so cute! 你看过“酷狗”狗粮的广告吗?太可爱了!

在美式英语中,commercial 一词用于指电视广告。

  • That's a really funny commercial. I love the dancing frogs. 那真的是一个很好笑的广告。我喜欢那个跳舞的青蛙。


  • He gave me great feedback. There was some criticism and some good ideas. 他给我提出了出色的反馈,既有批评,也有一些不错的想法。
  • A lot of people enjoy humor in commercials. 许多人都喜欢广告中的幽默。
  • Companies hire famous people for product endorsements. 许多公司聘请名人做产品代言。


  • A logo is a design or image that represents a company. 公司标志是代表一家公司的设计或图像。
  • The company's slogan is 'The Best There Is.' 这家公司的口号是 'The Best There Is'。
  • I don't like that advertisement. It has an annoying jingle. 我不喜欢那则广告,里面的短歌让人讨厌。
  • Maybe some famous star could endorse our products. 也许有一些著名的明星能代言我们的产品。
  • The slogan is easy to remember: 'Repairs, fast.' 这个广告语很好记:“快速修理”。
  • Could you give me some feedback? Be critical. 你能给我一些反馈意见吗?用批判的眼光。
  • Nice logo! A simple design, but original. 好漂亮的标识!设计虽简单,却独具匠心。
  • I like the humor. Funny ads are often successful. 我喜欢其中的幽默,有趣的广告常常大获成功。
  • I can't stop singing the jingle from that car ad. 我忍不住唱起了那个汽车广告中的歌曲。

2. 表达偏好

  • I like the second one better. 我更喜欢第二个。
  • I prefer it because … 我喜欢它是因为……
  • I'm not keen on it. 我对它不感兴趣。
  • For me, number two is the best. 对我来说,第二个最好。
  • I much prefer serious advertisements. 我更喜欢严肃的广告。


  • Which commercial would you rather watch? 你更愿意看哪一个广告?
  • I'd rather watch the first one than the second. 我愿意看第一广告,不想看第二个广告。
  • I like the third commercial better than the first two. 相比头两个广告,我喜欢第三个广告。
  • We prefer the third one to the first. 相比第一个,我们更喜欢第三个广告。
  • For me, humor is the best way to advertise. 在我看来,幽默是广告宣传的最佳方法。


  • I'm not crazy about the jingle. 我不是那么喜欢那个广告里的短歌。

  • He's not keen on humor in advertising. 他并不热衷广告中的幽默。
    注意,(not) keen on 在英式英语中更常见。

  • I'd rather use the old logo than the new one. 相比新商标,我更愿意使用旧的商标。

  • I like the third commercial better than the first. 相比第一则广告,我更喜欢第三则广告。

  • We prefer the jingle to the classical music. 我们喜欢广告歌胜过古典音乐。

  • For me, humor is the best way to advertise. 对我来说,幽默是做广告的最佳方法。

  • I'm not keen on the new slogan. It's a bit silly. 我不喜欢新广告语,它有点傻。

3. 注意聆听细节


首先,仔细听大概的话题或主要意思。这有助于您听清细节。同时,你可以注意听顺序词,比如 first 和 second。

  • Next to the famous man is a cute dog wearing a cat costume.
  • The serious commercial just shows the new slogan.
  • The other idea is a famous man dancing in a dress.
  • And the new slogan is 'The Best There Is.'

Module 4 撰写有关你所在国家的电视的文章

1. 评价电视的单词

  • violence 暴力
  • rating system 分级制度
  • complex 复杂的
  • educational 有教育意义
  • entertainment 娱乐
  • restrictions 限制
  • negative 消极的


  • Y – suitable for children Y – 适合儿童观看
  • G – suitable for the general audience G – 适合一般观众观看
  • PG – parental guidance suggested PG – 建议在父母指导下观看
  • MA – suitable for mature audiences only MA – 仅适合成人观众观看。
  • The program has an MA rating because there's a lot of sex and violence in it. 这个节目为 MA 级,因为节目中包含很多的性和暴力内容。
  • The movie's rated G, so it's okay for the kids to watch it. 这部影片是 G 级,所以可以给孩子们看。

使用类似这些单词评价电视。注意每个词的不同词形。名词常以 -ion、-ment、-ence 和 -ing 结尾。形容词则常以 -al、-ing、-ed 和 -ent 结尾。


2. Because与because of

because 和 because of 都可以用于陈述理由。Because 后面用分句;而 because of 后面则用名词。

Because + 分句

  • I don't watch 'The Tenors' because it's so violent. 我不看《男高音》,因为太暴力了。
  • A: Why do you like that show so much? 你为什么这么喜欢那个节目?
  • B: I like it because the plot's complex and exciting. 我之所以喜欢它是因为它的情节复杂而刺激。

Because of + 名词

  • 'Fallen Love' wasn't shown on TV because of the violence. 《坠落的爱》因为有暴力内容,所以没有在电视上放映过。
  • I watch this show with my kids because of the PG rating. 这个节目是 PG 级,所以我陪孩子们一起观看。

3. 表达与支持某个观点



  • I was surprised at how complex the rating system is. 我对评级系统的如此复杂表示惊讶。
  • In my opinion, there's too much violence on TV. 在我看来,电视上太多暴力内容了。

请用 feels strongly 来强调您的观点。

  • Brent feels strongly that TV should be educational, not just entertaining. 布伦特强烈认为电视应该有教育意义,而不仅是娱乐。


  • Brent feels strongly that TV should be educational, not just entertaining, because children are watching.
  • I was surprised at how complex the rating system is. For example, there are more than 35 possible ratings!
  • In my opinion, there's too much violence on TV. In 'Heat Wave' last night, three people were murdered and there was a car accident – all in five minutes.
    在我看来,电视上的暴力内容太多。在昨晚的'Heat Wave(热浪)' 里,三个人被暗杀,还有一场车祸-一切发生在5分钟内。

4. 阅读过关美国电视的文章


    1. The opinion (发表观点)
  • In my opinion, TV can help educate children.
  1. Support for the opinion (发表支撑该观点的论据)
  • For example, TV can show children countries and places they may never visit.
  1. An action step or suggestion (提供行动步骤或建议)
  • We need to help our children choose the right shows. Watch TV with them.
  • 0
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0




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