Chapter 2 - Types, Operators and Expressions(二)

2.4 Declarations

All variables must be declared before use, although certain declarations can be made implicitly by content. A declaration specifies a type, and contains a list of one or more variables of that type, as in



int lower, upper, step;

char c, line[1000];

Variables can be distributed among declarations in any fashion; the lists above could well be written as



int lower;

int upper;

int step;

char c;

char line[1000];

The latter form takes more space, but is convenient for adding a comment to each declaration for subsequent modifications.



A variable may also be initialized in its declaration. If the name is followed by an equals sign and an expression, the expression serves as an initializer, as in



char esc = '\\';

int i = 0;

int limit = MAXLINE+1;

float eps = 1.0e-5;


If the variable in question is not automatic, the initialization is done once only, conceptionally before the program starts executing, and the initializer must be a constant expression. An explicitly initialized automatic variable is initialized each time the function or block it is in is entered; the initializer may be any expression. External and static variables are initialized to zero by default. Automatic variables for which is no explicit initializer have undefined (i.e., garbage) values.


The qualifier const can be applied to the declaration of any variable to specify that its value will not be changed. For an array, the const qualifier says that the elements will not be altered.


const double e = 2.71828182845905;

const char msg[] = "warning: ";

The const declaration can also be used with array arguments, to indicate that the function does not change that array:


int strlen(const char[]); 

The result is implementation-defined if an attempt is made to change a const.



2.5 Arithmetic Operators

The binary arithmetic operators are +, -, *, /, and the modulus operator %. Integer division truncates any fractional part. The expression


x % y

produces the remainder when x is divided by y, and thus is zero when y divides x exactly. For example, a year is a leap year if it is divisible by 4 but not by 100, except that years divisible by 400 are leap years. Therefore

的结果是x 除以y 的余数,当x 能被y 整除时,其值为0。例如,如果某一年的年份能被4整除但不能被100整除,那么这一年就是闰年,此外,能被400整除的年份也是闰年。因此,可以用下列语句判断闰年:

if ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || year % 400 == 0)

     printf("%d is a leap year\n", year);


     printf("%d is not a leap year\n", year);

The % operator cannot be applied to a float or double. The direction of truncation for / and the sign of the result for % are machine-dependent for negative operands, as is the action taken on overflow or underflow.

取模运算符%不能应用于float double 类型。在有负操作数的情况下,整数除法截取的方向以及取模运算结果的符号取决于具体机器的实现,这和处理上溢或下溢的情况是一样的。

The binary + and - operators have the same precedence, which is lower than the precedence of *, / and %, which is in turn lower than unary + and -. Arithmetic operators associate left to right.


2.6 Relational and Logical Operators

The relational operators are

> >= < <=

They all have the same precedence. Just below them in precedence are the equality operators:



== !=

Relational operators have lower precedence than arithmetic operators, so an expression like i < lim-1 is taken as i < (lim-1), as would be expected.

关系运算符的优先级比算术运算符低。因此,表达式i < lim - 1 等价于i < (lim - 1)

More interesting are the logical operators && and ||. Expressions connected by && or || are evaluated left to right, and evaluation stops as soon as the truth or falsehood of the result is known. Most C programs rely on these properties. For example, here is a loop from the input function getline that we wrote in Chapter 1:

逻辑运算符&&||有一些较为特殊的属性,由&&||连接的表达式按从左到右的顺序进行求值,并且,在知道结果值为真或假后立即停止计算。绝大多数C 语言程序运用了这些属性。例如,下列在功能上与第1 章的输入函数getline中的循环语句等价的循环语句:

for (i=0; i < lim-1 && (c=getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF; ++i)

s[i] = c;

Before reading a new character it is necessary to check that there is room to store it in the array s, so the test i < lim-1 must be made first. Moreover, if this test fails, we must not go on and read another character.

在读入一个新字符之前必须先检查数组s 中足否还有空间存放这个字符,因此必须首先测试条件i<lim-1。如果这一测试失败,就没有必要继续读入下一字符。

Similarly, it would be unfortunate if c were tested against EOF before getchar is called; therefore the call and assignment must occur before the character in c is tested.


The precedence of && is higher than that of ||, and both are lower than relational and equality operators, so expressions like



i < lim-1 && (c=getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF

need no extra parentheses. But since the precedence of != is higher than assignment, parentheses are needed in



(c=getchar()) != '\n'

to achieve the desired result of assignment to c and then comparison with '\n'.



By definition, the numeric value of a relational or logical expression is 1 if the relation is true, and 0 if the relation is false.



The unary negation operator ! converts a non-zero operand into 0, and a zero operand in 1. A common use of ! is in constructions like

逻辑非运算符!的作用是将非0 操作数转换为0,将操作数0 转换为1。该运算符通常用于下列类似的结构中:


if (!valid)

rather than

if (valid == 0)

It's hard to generalize about which form is better. Constructions like !valid read nicely (``if not valid''), but more complicated ones can be hard to understand.

当然,很难评判上述两种形式哪种更好。类似于!valid 的用法读起来更直观一些(“如果不是有效的”),但对于一些更复杂的结构可能会难于理解。





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