Pointers on C——7 Functions.2

7.2 Function Declaration

When the compiler encounters a call to a function, it generates code to pass the arguments and call the function, and code to receive the value (if any) sent back by the function. But how does the compiler know what kinds of arguments (and how many)the function expects to get, and what kind of value (if any) that the function returns?


If there isnʹt any specific information given about the function, the compiler assumes that the call has the correct number and types of arguments. It also assumes that the function will return an integer, which usually leads to errors for functions that return nonintegral types.


7.2.1 Prototypes

It is safer to give the compiler specific information about the function, which we can do two different ways. First, if the definition for the function appears earlier in the same source file, the compiler will remember the number and types of its arguments and the type of its return value. It can then check all subsequent calls to the function(in that source file) to make sure they are correct.

向编译器提供一些关于函数的特定信息显然更为安全,我们可以通过两种方法来实现。首先,如果同一源文件的前面已经出现了该函数的定义,编译器就会记住它的参数数量和类型,以及函数的返回值类型。接着,编译器便可以检查该函数的所有后续调用(在同一个源文件中) ,确保它们是正确的。

If a function is defined using the old syntax, with a separate list giving the types of the arguments, then the compiler remembers only the type of the functionʹs return value.No information is saved on the number or types of the arguments. Because of this fact,it is important to use the new function declaration style whenever possible.


The second way to give the compiler information about a function is to use a function prototype, which you saw in Chapter 1. A prototype summarizes the declaration at the beginning of the function definition, thus giving the compiler complete information on how the function is to be called. The most convenient (and safest) way to use a prototype is to put it in a separate file and then #include that file wherever it is needed. This technique avoids the possibility of mistyping a prototype.It also simplifies maintenance of the program by only having one physical copy of the prototype. Should the prototype need to be changed, there is only one copy of it to modify.

第2 种向编译器提供函数信息的方法是使用函数原型(function prototyp),你在第1 章已经见过它。原型总结了函数定义的起始部分的声明,向编译器提供有关该函数应该如何调用的完整信息。使用原最方便(且最安全)的方法是把原型置于一个单独的文件,当其他源文件需要这个函数的原型时,就使用#include 指令包含该文件。这个技巧避免了错误键入函数原型的可能性,它同时简化了程序的维护任务,因为这样只需要该原型的一份物理拷贝。如果原型需要修改,你只需要修改它的一处拷贝。

To illustrate, here is a prototype for the find_int function from the previous example:

举个例子,这里有一个find int 函数的原型,取自前面的例子:

int *find_int( int key, int array[], int len );

Note the semicolon at the end: it distinguishes a prototype from the beginning of a function definition. The prototype tells the compiler the number of arguments, the type of each argument, and the type of the returned value. After the prototype has been seen, the compiler will check calls made to the function to make sure that their arguments are correct and that the returned value is used properly. Where mismatches occur (for example, an argument of the wrong type) the compiler will convert the value to the correct type if such a conversion is possible.


Note that I put argument names in the above prototype. While not required, it is wise to include descriptive parameter names in function prototypes because they give useful information to clients wishing to call the function. For example, which of the following two prototypes do you find more useful?


char *strcpy( char *, char * );

char *strcpy( char *destination, char *source );

The following code fragment illustrates a dangerous way to use function prototypes.


void a()


int *func( int *value, int len );



void b()


int func( int len, int *value );



Look closely at the prototypes and you will see that they are different. The arguments are reversed, and the return values are different types. The problem is that each prototype is written inside the body of a function. They have block scope, so the compiler throws out what it learned from the prototype at the end of each function and never detects the mismatch.


The Standard states that a function prototype must march any earlier prototype for the same function that is in scope, or else an error message is printed. In this example, though, the scope for the first block does not overlap the second block.Therefore, the mistakes in the prototypes go undetected. One or the other of these prototypes is wrong (maybe both), but the compiler never sees the contradiction so no error messages are produced.

标准表示,在同一个代码块中,函数原型必须与同一个函数的任何先前原型匹配,否则编译器应该产生一条错误信息。但是,在这个例子里,第1 个代码块的作用域并不与第2 个代码块重叠。因此,原型的不匹配就无法被检测到。这两个原型至少有一个是错误的(也可能两个都错) ,但编译器看不到这种情况,所以不会发出任何错误信息。

The code fragment below illustrates the preferred way to use prototypes:


*include "func.h"

void a()




void b()




The file func.h contains the prototype

int *func( int *value, int len );

This techniques is better in several ways.


1. The prototype now has file scope so that one copy of it applies to the entire source file, which is easier than writing a separate copy in each place from which the function is called.


2. The prototype is only written once, so there is no chance for disagreements between multiple copies.


3. If the function definition changes, all we have to do is modify the prototype and recompile each source file that includes it.


4. If the prototype is also #includeʹd into the file where the function is defined, the compiler will be able to verify that the prototype matches the function definition.

如果函数的原型同时也被#include 指令包含到定义函数的文件中,编译器就可以确认函数原型与函数定义的匹配。

By writing the prototype once, we eliminate the chance that multiple copies of it differ.However, the prototype must match the function definition. Including the prototype in the file where the function is defined lets the compiler verify that they match.


Consider this declaration, which looks ambiguous:


int *func();

It could be either an old‐style declaration (giving the return type of func) or a newstyle prototype for a function with no arguments. Which is it? The declaration must be interpreted as an old‐style declaration in order to maintain compatibility with pre‐ANSI programs. A prototype for a function without arguments is written like this:

它既可以看作是一个旧式风格的声明(只给出func 函数的返回类型),也可以看作是一个没有参数的函数的新风格原型。它究竟是哪一个呢?这个声明必须被解释为旧式风格的声明,目的是保持与ANSI 标准之前的程序的兼容性。一个没有参数的函数的原型应该写成下面这个样子:

int *func( void );

The keyword void indicates that there arenʹt any arguments, not that there is one argument of type void.

关键字void 提示没有任何参数,而不是表示它有一个类型为void 的参数。

7.2.2 Default Function Assumptions

When a call is made to a function for which no prototype has been seen, the function is assumed to return an integer value. This can lead to errors for functions which return nonintegral values.


While it is recommended that all functions be prototyped, it is especially important to prototype functions that return nonintegral values. Remember that the type of a value is not inherent in the value itself, but rather in the way that it is used. If the compiler assumes that a function returns an integral value, it will generate integer instructions to manipulate the value. If the value is actually a nonintegral type, floating‐point for example, the result will usually be incorrect.


Letʹs look at an example of this error. Imagine a function xyz that returns the float value 3.14 . The bits used to represent this floating‐point number on a Sun Sparc workstation are:

让我们看一个这种错误的例子。假设有一个函数xyz ,它返回float 值3.140 在Sun Sparc 工作站中,用于表示这个浮点数的二进制位模式如下:


Now assume that the function is called like this:


float f;


f = xyz();

If there is no prototype for the function, the compiler will assume that it is returning an integer and will generate instructions to convert the value to floating‐point before assigning it to f.


The function returns the bits shown above. The conversion instructions interpret them as the integer 1,078,523,331 and convert this integer value to floatingpoint, and the result is stored in f.

函数返回的位如上所示。转换指令把它们解释为整型值1 078 523 33 1,并把这个值转换为float类型,结果存储于变量f 中。

Why was this conversion done when the value returned was already in floating‐point format? The compiler has no way of knowing it was, because there was no prototype or declaration to tell it so. This example illustrates why it is vital for functions that return values other than integers to have prototypes.


上一章 Pointers on C——7 Functions.1

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