Pointers on C——10 Structures and Unions.16

​10.6.2 Initializing Unions

A union variable can be initialized, but the value must appropriate for the type of the first member of the union, and it must be enclosed in braces. For example,

联合变量可以被初始化,但这个初始值必须是联合第1 个成员的类型,而且它必须位于一对花括号里面。例如,

union {

int a;

float b;

char c[4];

} x = { 5 };

initializes x.a to have the value five.

把x.a 初始化为5 。

It is not possible to initialize this variable to a floating‐point or a character value. If an initializer of any other type is given, it is converted (if possible) to an integer and assigned to x.a.


10.7 Summary

Values of different types can be stored together in a structure. The values in a structure, called members, are accessed by name. A structure variable is a scalar, and can appear wherever an ordinary scalar variable can appear.


The declaration of a structure lists the members that the structure will contain.Different declarations are considered to be different types even if their member lists are identical. A structure tag is a name associated with a member list. You can use different declarations to declare structures of the same type by using a structure tag rather than repeating the member list in the declarations. A typedef may also be used to accomplish this goal.

结构的声明列出了结构包含的成员列表。不同的结构声明即使它们的成员列表相同也被认为是不同的类型。结构标签是一个名字,它与一个成员列表相关联。你可以使用结构标签在不同的声明中创建相同类型的结构变量,这样就不用每次在声明中重复成员列表。typedef 也可以用于实现这个目标。

Structure members may be scalars, arrays, or pointers. A structure may also contain members which are structures. There is no conflict between identically named members of different structures. You use the dot operator to access the members of a structure variable. If you have a pointer to a structure, you use the arrow operator to access the structureʹs members.


A structure may not contain a member that is the same type of structure, but may contain a member that is a pointer to the same type of structure. This technique is often used in linked data structures. To declare two structures that each contain a pointer to the other type, an incomplete declaration is needed to define a structure tag name. Structure variables may be initialized by giving a list of values enclosed in braces. The type of each value must be appropriate for the member that it initializes.


The compiler allocates memory for the members of a structure variable in accordance with their boundary alignment requirements. Memory may be wasted in the structure to achieve the proper alignment. Listing the structure members in decreasing order of their alignment requirements minimizes the amount of wasted memory in the structure. The value returned by sizeof includes any wasted memory in a structure.

编译器为一个结构变量的成员分配内存时要满足它们的边界对齐要求。在实现结构存储的边界对齐时,可能会浪费一部分内存空间。根据边界对齐要求降序排列结构成员可以最大限度地减少结构存储中浪费的内存空间。sizeof 返回的值包含了结构中浪费的内存空间。

Structures may be passed as arguments to functions and returned from functions. However, it is usually more efficient to pass a pointer to the structure instead. The const keyword can be used in the declaration of a pointer argument to prevent the function from modifying the structure.

结构可以作为参数传递给函数,也可以作为返回值从函数返回。但是,向函数传递一个指向结构的指针往往效率更高。在结构指针参数的声明中可以加上const 关键宇防止函数修改指针所指向的结构。

Bit fields are structure members whose size is specified in bits. Bit field declarations are inherently nonportable due to the many factors that are implementation dependent. However, bit fields allow you to pack odd sized values together to conserve space. They also simplify the source code needed to access arbitrary runs of bits from within a value.


The members of a union are all stored in the same memory. By accessing union members of different types, the same bits in memory can be interpreted differently.Unions are useful in implementing variant records, though the programmer is responsible for keeping track of which variant has been stored and for selecting the proper union member to access the data. A union variable can be initialized, but the value must match the type of its first member.

一个联合的所有成员都存储于同一个内存位置。通过访问不同类型的联合成员,内存中相同的位组合可以被解释为不同的东西。联合在实现变体记录时很有用,但程序员必须负责确认实际存储的是哪个变体并选择正确的联合成员以便访问数据。联合变量也可以进行初始化,但初始值必须与联合第1 个成员的类型匹配。

上一章 Pointers on C——10 Structures and Unions.15

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