Problem Set 2

Regularized Normal Equation for Linear Re-gression Given a data set
{ar(), y()}i=1,.-.,m with x()∈ R" and g(∈ R, the generalform of
regularized linear regression is as follows n (he(zr)- g)3+入>0号 (1) ”
2m i=1 j=1 Derive the normal equation.


X = [ ( x ( 1 ) ) T ( x ( 2 ) ) T . . . ( x ( m ) ) T ] X=\begin{bmatrix} (x^{(1)})^T \\ (x^{(2)})^T \\ ... \\ (x^{(m)})^T \end{bmatrix} X= (x(1))T(x(2))T...(x(m))T Y = [ y ( 1 ) y ( 2 ) . . . y ( m ) ] Y=\begin{bmatrix} y^{(1)} \\ y^{(2)} \\ ... \\ y^{(m)} \end{bmatrix} Y= y(1)y(2)...y(m)

因此, X θ − Y = [ ( x ( 1 ) ) T θ ( x ( 2 ) ) T θ . . . ( x ( m ) ) T θ ] − [ y ( 1 ) y ( 2 ) . . . y ( m ) ] = [ h θ ( x ( 1 ) ) − y ( 1 ) h θ ( x ( 2 ) ) − y ( 2 ) . . . h θ ( x ( m ) ) − y ( m ) ] X \theta-Y=\begin{bmatrix} (x^{(1)})^T\theta \\ (x^{(2)})^T\theta \\ ... \\ (x^{(m)})^T\theta \end{bmatrix}-\begin{bmatrix} y^{(1)} \\ y^{(2)} \\ ... \\ y^{(m)} \end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix} h_{\theta}(x^{(1)})-y^{(1)} \\ h_{\theta}(x^{(2)})-y^{(2)} \\ ... \\ h_{\theta}(x^{(m)})-y^{(m)} \end{bmatrix} Y= (x(1))Tθ(x(2))Tθ...(x(m))Tθ y(1)y(2)...y(m) = hθ(x(1))y(1)hθ(x(2))y(2)...hθ(x(m))y(m)

损失函数可以表达为 J ( θ ) = 1 2 m [ ( X θ − Y ) T ( X θ − Y ) + λ θ T θ ] J(\theta)=\frac{1}{2m}[(X \theta-Y)^T(X \theta-Y)+\lambda\theta^T\theta] J(θ)=2m1[(Y)T(Y)+λθTθ]

∇ θ J ( θ ) = ∇ θ 1 2 m [ ( X θ − Y ) T ( X θ − Y ) + λ θ T θ ] \nabla_{\theta}J(\theta)=\nabla_{\theta}\frac{1}{2m}[(X \theta-Y)^T(X \theta-Y)+\lambda\theta^T\theta] θJ(θ)=θ2m1[(Y)T(Y)+λθTθ]
= 1 2 m [ ∇ θ ( X θ − Y ) T ( X θ − Y ) + ∇ θ λ θ T θ ] =\frac{1}{2m}[\nabla_{\theta}(X \theta-Y)^T(X \theta-Y)+\nabla_{\theta}\lambda\theta^T\theta] =2m1[θ(Y)T(Y)+θλθTθ]

∇ θ λ θ T θ = λ ∇ θ θ T θ = λ ∇ θ t r ( θ θ T ) = λ L θ \nabla_{\theta}\lambda\theta^T\theta=\lambda\nabla_{\theta}\theta^T\theta=\lambda\nabla_{\theta}tr(\theta\theta^T)=\lambda L\theta θλθTθ=λθθTθ=λθtr(θθT)=λLθ

因此, ∇ θ J ( θ ) = 1 2 m ( X T X θ − X T Y + λ L θ ) \nabla_{\theta}J(\theta)=\frac{1}{2m}(X^TX\theta-X^TY+\lambda L\theta) θJ(θ)=2m1(XTXTY+λLθ)

∇ θ J ( θ ) = 0 \nabla_{\theta}J(\theta)=0 θJ(θ)=0,当 X X X矩阵各列向量线性独立时, X T X X^TX XTX矩阵可逆,存在唯一解 θ = ( X T X + λ L ) − 1 X T Y \theta=(X^TX+\lambda L)^{-1}X^TY θ=(XTX+λL)1XTY.

aussian Discriminant Analysis Model Given m training data {x() ,
g)}i=1,… ,m,assume that y ~ Bernoulli(b),ay =0~N(uo,2),x \ y = 1
~N(u1,>).Hence, we have p(y)= ”(1 一 )1一u .p(zl y =0)=(2z7)"/72 3(1/
exp(一士(a一 uo)T>-1(a 一o))op(al y= 1)=(2n)n/l2(1/a exp (一是(a
一u1)TE-1(a一ui))The log-likelihood function is m l(, /Lo,41,>)= log ][
[p(r(), g); o, uo,41,) i二1 m
=logp(x()| g() ; ,uo,41,2)p(g() ; ) i—1 Solve p,o,u1 and 2 by maximizing l(, Lo,u1,>). Hint: xtr(AX-1B)=一(X-1BAX-1)T,VA|A=|A|(A-1)T

这里 高斯判别分析(GDA)公式推导

3MLE for Naive Bayes Consider the following definition of MLE problem
for multinomials. Theinput to the problem is a finite set J,and a
weight cg > 0 for each gy ∈ y. The output from the problem is the
distribution p* that solves the followingmaximization problem. p*= arg
max > c y log py y∈ (i) Prove that,the vector p* has components p,-Cy
for Vy ∈ y,where N = >ucycy.(Hint: Use the theory of
Lagrangemultiplier) (1i) Using the above consequence,prove that,the
maximum-likelihood esti- mates for Naive Bayes model are as follows
p)=之1 1(y()=gy) m and Ps(a l y)=>E1 1(g=y Aa,=z) 〉岩11(g(阈)= g)

(i)设拉格朗日函数为 L ( Ω , α ) = ∑ y ∈ Y c y l o g p y − α ( ∑ y ∈ Y p y − 1 ) L(\Omega,\alpha)=\sum_{y\in Y}c_ylogp_y-\alpha(\sum_{y\in Y}p_y-1) L(Ω,α)=yYcylogpyα(yYpy1),其中 α \alpha α为拉格朗日乘子,

p y p_y py求偏导,令 ∂ ∂ p y L ( Ω , α ) = 0 \frac{\partial}{\partial p_y}L(\Omega,\alpha)=0 pyL(Ω,α)=0

求得 p y ∗ = c y α p_y^{*}=\frac{c_y}{\alpha} py=αcy,代入 ∑ y ∈ Y p y ∗ = 1 \sum_{y\in Y} p_y^{*}=1 yYpy=1 ∑ y ∈ Y c y α = 1 \frac{\sum_{y\in Y}c_y}{\alpha}=1 αyYcy=1

N = ∑ y ∈ Y c y N=\sum_{y\in Y}c_y N=yYcy,因此 α = N \alpha=N α=N,进而 p y ∗ = c y N p_y^{*}=\frac{c_y}{N} py=Ncy


m a x   ∑ i = 1 m l o g p ( y ( i ) ) + ∑ i = 1 m ∑ j = 1 n l o g p j ( x j ( i ) ∣ y ( i ) ) max\ {\sum^{m}_{i=1}logp(y^{(i)})}+\sum^{m}_{i=1}\sum^{n}_{j=1}logp_j(x_j^{(i)}|y^{(i)}) max i=1mlogp(y(i))+i=1mj=1nlogpj(xj(i)y(i))

设标签种类数为 k k k,则 p ( y ) p(y) p(y)满足约束 ∑ i = 1 k p ( y ) = 1 \sum^k_{i=1} p(y)=1 i=1kp(y)=1,以及 p ( x j ∣ y ) p(x_{j}|y) p(xjy)满足约束 ∑ j = 1 n p ( x j ∣ y ) = 1 \sum^n_{j=1} p(x_{j}|y)=1 j=1np(xjy)=1,且所有概率均是非负的。


m a x   ∑ i = 1 m l o g p ( y ( i ) ) max\ {\sum^{m}_{i=1}logp(y^{(i)})} max i=1mlogp(y(i))

s . t . ∑ i = 1 k p ( y ) = 1 s.t. \sum^k_{i=1} p(y)=1 s.t.i=1kp(y)=1

将标签 y y y在训练集中的出现次数 c n t ( y ) cnt(y) cnt(y)视为权重 c y c_y cy,其中 c n t ( y ) = ∑ i = 1 m 1 ( y ( i ) = y ) cnt(y)=\sum^m_{i=1}1(y^{(i)}=y) cnt(y)=i=1m1(y(i)=y),因此

m a x   ∑ i = 1 m l o g p ( y ( i ) ) = m a x   ∑ i = 1 k c n t ( y ) l o g p ( y ) max\ {\sum^{m}_{i=1}logp(y^{(i)})}=max\ {\sum^{k}_{i=1}cnt(y)logp(y)} max i=1mlogp(y(i))=max i=1kcnt(y)logp(y),根据第一问的结论有 p ∗ ( y ) = c n t ( y ) m = ∑ i = 1 m 1 ( y ( i ) = y ) m p^*(y)=\frac{cnt(y)}{m}=\frac{\sum^m_{i=1}1(y^{(i)}=y)}{m} p(y)=mcnt(y)=mi=1m1(y(i)=y).

同理,将特征 x j x_j xj在训练集标签为 y y y的样本中的出现次数 c n t ( x j ∣ y ) cnt(x_j|y) cnt(xjy)视为权重 c y c_y cy,其中 c n t ( x j ∣ y ) = ∑ i = 1 m 1 ( y ( i ) = y ∧ x j ( i ) = x ) cnt(x_j|y)=\sum^m_{i=1}1(y^{(i)}=y \land x_j^{(i)}=x) cnt(xjy)=i=1m1(y(i)=yxj(i)=x),因此

m a x   ∑ i = 1 m ∑ j = 1 n l o g p j ( x j ( i ) ∣ y ( i ) ) = m a x   ∑ j = 1 n ∑ i = 1 m l o g p j ( x j ( i ) ∣ y ( i ) ) = m a x ∑ j = 1 n c n t ( x j ∣ y ) l o g p j ( x j ∣ y ) max\ \sum^{m}_{i=1}\sum^{n}_{j=1}logp_j(x_j^{(i)}|y^{(i)})\\=max\ \sum^{n}_{j=1}\sum^{m}_{i=1}logp_j(x_j^{(i)}|y^{(i)})\\=max \sum^{n}_{j=1}cnt(x_j|y)logp_j(x_j|y) max i=1mj=1nlogpj(xj(i)y(i))=max j=1ni=1mlogpj(xj(i)y(i))=maxj=1ncnt(xjy)logpj(xjy)

根据第一问的结论有 p j ∗ ( x j ∣ y ) = c n t ( x j ∣ y ) c n t ( y ) = ∑ i = 1 m 1 ( y ( i ) = y ∧ x j ( i ) = x ) ∑ i = 1 m 1 ( y ( i ) = y ) p^*_j(x_j|y)=\frac{cnt(x_j|y)}{cnt(y)}=\frac{\sum^m_{i=1}1(y^{(i)}=y \land x_j^{(i)}=x)}{\sum^m_{i=1}1(y^{(i)}=y)} pj(xjy)=cnt(y)cnt(xjy)=i=1m1(y(i)=y)i=1m1(y(i)=yxj(i)=x),证毕。





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