







north_east_index = getNorthEastIndex( row, column );

if ( north_east_index != -1 )
	Node node = gridNodes[ north_east_index ];

	if ( ! node.isObstacle )
	// If nodes to the south and west are empty, then this node will be a jump point for those directions
		if ( isEmpty( getIndexOfNodeTowardsDirection( north_east_index, eDirections.SOUTH ) ) 
			&& isEmpty( getIndexOfNodeTowardsDirection( north_east_index, eDirections.WEST ) ) )
				node.isJumpPoint = true;
				node.jumpPointDirection[ (int) eDirections.SOUTH ] = true;
				node.jumpPointDirection[ (int) eDirections.WEST  ] = true;

图示:箭头是障碍的东北方向,然后那个节点看其西和南方向 发现都是可行走,则他的方向包含东北方向。






public void buildStraightJumpPoints()
	// Calcin' Jump Distance, left and right
	// For all the rows in the grid
	for ( int row = 0 ; row < maxRows ; ++row )
		// Calc moving left to right
		int  jumpDistanceSoFar = -1;
		bool jumpPointSeen = false;

		// Checking for jump disances where nodes are moving WEST
		for ( int column = 0 ; column < rowSize ; ++column )
			Node node = gridNodes[ rowColumnToIndex( row, column ) ];

			// If we've reach a wall, then reset everything :(
			if ( node.isObstacle )
				jumpDistanceSoFar = -1;
				jumpPointSeen = false;
				node.jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.WEST ] = 0;


			if ( jumpPointSeen )
				// If we've seen a jump point heading left, then we can tell this node he's got a jump point coming up to his LEFT ( WEST )
				node.jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.WEST ] = jumpDistanceSoFar;
				node.jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.WEST ] = -jumpDistanceSoFar;   // Set wall distance

			// If we just found a new jump point, then set everything up for this new jump point
			if ( node.isJumpPointComingFrom( eDirections.EAST ) )
				jumpDistanceSoFar = 0;
				jumpPointSeen = true;

		jumpDistanceSoFar = -1;
		jumpPointSeen = false;
		// Checking for jump disances where nodes are moving WEST
		for ( int column = rowSize - 1 ; column >= 0 ; --column )
			Node node = gridNodes[ rowColumnToIndex( row, column ) ];

			// If we've reach a wall, then reset everything :(
			if ( node.isObstacle )
				jumpDistanceSoFar = -1;
				jumpPointSeen = false;
				node.jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.EAST ] = 0;


			if ( jumpPointSeen )
				// If we've seen a jump point heading left, then we can tell this node he's got a jump point coming up to his RIGTH ( EAST )
				node.jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.EAST ] = jumpDistanceSoFar;
				node.jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.EAST ] = -jumpDistanceSoFar;   // Set wall distance

			// If we just found a new jump point, then set everything up for this new jump point
			if ( node.isJumpPointComingFrom( eDirections.WEST ) )
				jumpDistanceSoFar = 0;
				jumpPointSeen = true;

	// Calcin' Jump Distance, up and down
	// For all the columns in the grid
	for ( int column = 0 ; column < rowSize ; ++column )
		// Calc moving left to right
		int  jumpDistanceSoFar = -1;
		bool jumpPointSeen = false;

		// Checking for jump disances where nodes are moving NORTH
		for ( int row = 0 ; row < maxRows ; ++row )
			Node node = gridNodes[ rowColumnToIndex( row, column ) ];

			// If we've reach a wall, then reset everything :(
			if ( node.isObstacle )
				jumpDistanceSoFar = -1;
				jumpPointSeen = false;
				node.jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.NORTH ] = 0;


			if ( jumpPointSeen )
				// If we've seen a jump point heading UP, then we can tell this node he's got a jump point coming up ABOVE ( NORTH )
				node.jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.NORTH ] = jumpDistanceSoFar;
				node.jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.NORTH ] = -jumpDistanceSoFar;   // Set wall distance

			// If we just found a new jump point, then set everything up for this new jump point
			if ( node.isJumpPointComingFrom( eDirections.SOUTH ) )
				jumpDistanceSoFar = 0;
				jumpPointSeen = true;

		jumpDistanceSoFar = -1;
		jumpPointSeen = false;
		// Checking for jump disances where nodes are moving SOUTH
		for ( int row = maxRows - 1 ; row >= 0 ; --row )
			Node node = gridNodes[ rowColumnToIndex( row, column ) ];

			// If we've reach a wall, then reset everything :(
			if ( node.isObstacle )
				jumpDistanceSoFar = -1;
				jumpPointSeen = false;
				node.jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.SOUTH ] = 0;


			if ( jumpPointSeen )
				// If we've seen a jump point heading down, then we can tell this node he's got a jump point coming up BELOW( SOUTH )
				node.jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.SOUTH ] = jumpDistanceSoFar;
				node.jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.SOUTH ] = -jumpDistanceSoFar;   // Set wall distance

			// If we just found a new jump point, then set everything up for this new jump point
			if ( node.isJumpPointComingFrom( eDirections.NORTH ) )
				jumpDistanceSoFar = 0;
				jumpPointSeen = true;



当遍历到1节点时,发现其右上方是可行走节点,并且其 向右或向上均距离大于 0.



所以此节点的东北方向记为 1+1 = 2

public void buildDiagonalJumpPoints()
	// Calcin' Jump Distance, Diagonally Upleft and upright
	// For all the rows in the grid
	for ( int row = 0 ; row < maxRows ; ++row )
		// foreach column
		for ( int column = 0 ; column < rowSize ; ++column )
			// if this node is an obstacle, then skip
			if ( isObstacleOrWall( row, column ) ) continue;
			Node node = gridNodes[ rowColumnToIndex( row, column ) ];    // Grab the node ( will not be NULL! )

			if ( row  == 0 || column == 0 || (                  // If we in the north west corner
				isObstacleOrWall( row - 1, column ) ||          // If the node to the north is an obstacle
				isObstacleOrWall( row, column - 1) ||           // If the node to the left is an obstacle
				isObstacleOrWall( row - 1, column - 1 ) ) )     // if the node to the North west is an obstacle
				// Wall one away
				node.jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.NORTH_WEST ] = 0;
			else if ( isEmpty(row - 1, column) &&                                                    // if the node to the north is empty
				isEmpty(row, column - 1) &&                                                          // if the node to the west is empty
				(getNode( row - 1, column - 1 ).jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.NORTH ] > 0 ||    // If the node to the north west has is a straight jump point ( or primary jump point) going north
				 getNode( row - 1, column - 1 ).jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.WEST  ] > 0))     // If the node to the north west has is a straight jump point ( or primary jump point) going West
				// Diagonal one away
				node.jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.NORTH_WEST ] = 1;
				// Increment from last
				int jumpDistance = getNode( row - 1, column - 1 ).jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.NORTH_WEST ];

				if (jumpDistance > 0)
					node.jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.NORTH_WEST ] = 1 + jumpDistance;
				else //if( jumpDistance <= 0 )
					node.jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.NORTH_WEST ] = -1 + jumpDistance;

			if ( row  == 0 || column == rowSize -1 || (         // If we in the top right corner
				isObstacleOrWall( row - 1, column ) ||          // If the node to the north is an obstacle
				isObstacleOrWall( row, column + 1) ||           // If the node to the east is an obstacle
				isObstacleOrWall( row - 1, column + 1 ) ) )     // if the node to the North East is an obstacle
				// Wall one away
				node.jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.NORTH_EAST ] = 0;
			else if ( isEmpty(row - 1, column) &&                                                    // if the node to the north is empty
				isEmpty(row, column + 1) &&                                                          // if the node to the east is empty
				(getNode( row - 1, column + 1 ).jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.NORTH ] > 0 ||    // If the node to the north east has is a straight jump point ( or primary jump point) going north
				 getNode( row - 1, column + 1 ).jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.EAST  ] > 0))     // If the node to the north east has is a straight jump point ( or primary jump point) going east
				// Diagonal one away
				node.jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.NORTH_EAST ] = 1;
				// Increment from last
				int jumpDistance = getNode( row - 1, column + 1 ).jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.NORTH_EAST ];

				if (jumpDistance > 0)
					node.jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.NORTH_EAST ] = 1 + jumpDistance;
				else //if( jumpDistance <= 0 )
					node.jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.NORTH_EAST ] = -1 + jumpDistance;

	// Calcin' Jump Distance, Diagonally DownLeft and Downright
	// For all the rows in the grid
	for ( int row = maxRows - 1 ; row >= 0 ; --row )
		// foreach column
		for ( int column = 0 ; column < rowSize ; ++column )
			// if this node is an obstacle, then skip
			if ( isObstacleOrWall( row, column ) ) continue;
			Node node = gridNodes[ rowColumnToIndex( row, column ) ];    // Grab the node ( will not be NULL! )

			if ( row == maxRows - 1 || column == 0 || (         // If we in the south west most node
				isObstacleOrWall( row + 1, column ) ||          // If the node to the south is an obstacle
				isObstacleOrWall( row, column - 1) ||           // If the node to the west is an obstacle
				isObstacleOrWall( row + 1, column - 1 ) ) )     // if the node to the south West is an obstacle
				// Wall one away
				node.jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.SOUTH_WEST ] = 0;
			else if ( isEmpty(row + 1, column) &&                                                    // if the node to the south is empty
				isEmpty(row, column - 1) &&                                                          // if the node to the west is empty
				(getNode( row + 1, column - 1 ).jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.SOUTH ] > 0 ||    // If the node to the south west has is a straight jump point ( or primary jump point) going south
				 getNode( row + 1, column - 1 ).jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.WEST  ] > 0))     // If the node to the south west has is a straight jump point ( or primary jump point) going West
				// Diagonal one away
				node.jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.SOUTH_WEST ] = 1;
				// Increment from last
				int jumpDistance = getNode( row + 1, column - 1 ).jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.SOUTH_WEST ];

				if (jumpDistance > 0)
					node.jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.SOUTH_WEST ] = 1 + jumpDistance;
				else //if( jumpDistance <= 0 )
					node.jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.SOUTH_WEST ] = -1 + jumpDistance;

			if ( row  == maxRows - 1 || column == rowSize -1 || (    // If we in the south east corner
				isObstacleOrWall( row + 1, column ) ||               // If the node to the south is an obstacle
				isObstacleOrWall( row, column + 1) ||                // If the node to the east is an obstacle
				isObstacleOrWall( row + 1, column + 1 ) ) )          // if the node to the south east is an obstacle
				// Wall one away
				node.jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.SOUTH_EAST ] = 0;
			else if ( isEmpty(row + 1, column) &&                                                    // if the node to the south is empty
				isEmpty(row, column + 1) &&                                                          // if the node to the east is empty
				(getNode( row + 1, column + 1 ).jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.SOUTH ] > 0 ||    // If the node to the south east has is a straight jump point ( or primary jump point) going south
				 getNode( row + 1, column + 1 ).jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.EAST  ] > 0))     // If the node to the south east has is a straight jump point ( or primary jump point) going east
				// Diagonal one away
				node.jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.SOUTH_EAST ] = 1;
				// Increment from last
				int jumpDistance = getNode( row + 1, column + 1 ).jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.SOUTH_EAST ];

				if (jumpDistance > 0)
					node.jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.SOUTH_EAST ] = 1 + jumpDistance;
				else //if( jumpDistance <= 0 )
					node.jpDistances[ (int) eDirections.SOUTH_EAST ] = -1 + jumpDistance;











public List< Point > getPath( Point start, Point goal )
	List< Point > path = new List< Point >();
	PriorityQueue< PathfindingNode, float > open_set = new PriorityQueue< PathfindingNode, float >();

	PathfindingNode starting_node = this.pathfindingNodes[ pointToIndex( start ) ];
	starting_node.pos = start;
	starting_node.parent = null;
	starting_node.givenCost = 0;
	starting_node.finalCost = 0;
	starting_node.listStatus = ListStatus.ON_OPEN;

	open_set.push( starting_node, 0 );

	while ( ! open_set.isEmpty() )
		PathfindingNode curr_node = open_set.pop();
		PathfindingNode parent = curr_node.parent;
		Node jp_node = gridNodes[ pointToIndex( curr_node.pos ) ];    // get jump point info

		// Check if we've reached the goal
		if ( curr_node.pos.Equals( goal ) ) 
			// end and return path
			return reconstructPath( curr_node, start );

		// foreach direction from parent
		foreach ( eDirections dir in getAllValidDirections( curr_node ) )
			PathfindingNode new_successor = null;
			int given_cost = 0;

			// goal is closer than wall distance or closer than or equal to jump point distnace
			if ( isCardinal( dir ) &&
			     goalIsInExactDirection( curr_node.pos, dir, goal ) && 
			     Point.diff( curr_node.pos, goal ) <= Mathf.Abs( jp_node.jpDistances[ (int) dir ] ) )
				new_successor = this.pathfindingNodes[ pointToIndex( goal ) ];

				given_cost = curr_node.givenCost + Point.diff( curr_node.pos, goal );
			// Goal is closer or equal in either row or column than wall or jump point distance
			else if ( isDiagonal( dir ) &&
			          goalIsInGeneralDirection( curr_node.pos, dir, goal ) && 
			          ( Mathf.Abs( goal.column - curr_node.pos.column ) <= Mathf.Abs( jp_node.jpDistances[ (int) dir ] ) ||
			            Mathf.Abs( goal.row - curr_node.pos.row ) <= Mathf.Abs( jp_node.jpDistances[ (int) dir ] ) ) )
				// Create a target jump point
				// int minDiff = min(RowDiff(curNode, goalNode),
				//                   ColDiff(curNode, goalNode));
				int min_diff = Mathf.Min( Mathf.Abs( goal.column - curr_node.pos.column ), 
				                          Mathf.Abs( goal.row - curr_node.pos.row ) );

				// newSuccessor = GetNode (curNode, minDiff, direction);
				new_successor = getNodeDist( 
					min_diff );

				// givenCost = curNode->givenCost + (SQRT2 * DiffNodes(curNode, newSuccessor));
				given_cost = curr_node.givenCost + (int)( SQRT_2 * Point.diff( curr_node.pos, new_successor.pos ) );
			else if ( jp_node.jpDistances[ (int) dir ] > 0 )
				// Jump Point in this direction
				// newSuccessor = GetNode(curNode, direction);
				new_successor = getNodeDist( 
					jp_node.jpDistances[ (int) dir ] );
				// givenCost = DiffNodes(curNode, newSuccessor);
				given_cost = Point.diff( curr_node.pos, new_successor.pos );

				// if (diagonal direction) { givenCost *= SQRT2; }
				if ( isDiagonal( dir ) )
					given_cost = (int)( given_cost * SQRT_2 );

				// givenCost += curNode->givenCost;
				given_cost += curr_node.givenCost;

			// Traditional A* from this point
			if ( new_successor != null )
			// 	if (newSuccessor not on OpenList)
				if ( new_successor.listStatus != ListStatus.ON_OPEN )
			// 		newSuccessor->parent = curNode;
					new_successor.parent = curr_node;
			// 		newSuccessor->givenCost = givenCost;
					new_successor.givenCost = given_cost;
					new_successor.directionFromParent = dir;
			// 		newSuccessor->finalCost = givenCost +
			// 			CalculateHeuristic(curNode, goalNode);
					new_successor.finalCost = given_cost + octileHeuristic( new_successor.pos.column, new_successor.pos.row, goal.column, goal.row );
					new_successor.listStatus = ListStatus.ON_OPEN;
			// 		OpenList.Push(newSuccessor);
					open_set.push( new_successor, new_successor.finalCost );
			// 	else if(givenCost < newSuccessor->givenCost)
				else if ( given_cost < new_successor.givenCost )
			// 		newSuccessor->parent = curNode;
					new_successor.parent = curr_node;
			// 		newSuccessor->givenCost = givenCost;
					new_successor.givenCost = given_cost;
					new_successor.directionFromParent = dir;
			// 		newSuccessor->finalCost = givenCost +
			// 			CalculateHeuristic(curNode, goalNode);
					new_successor.finalCost = given_cost + octileHeuristic( new_successor.pos.column, new_successor.pos.row, goal.column, goal.row );
					new_successor.listStatus = ListStatus.ON_OPEN;
			// 		OpenList.Update(newSuccessor);
					open_set.push( new_successor, new_successor.finalCost );

	return path;

	public List< Point > reconstructPath( PathfindingNode goal, Point start )
		List< Point > path = new List< Point >();
		PathfindingNode curr_node = goal;

		while ( curr_node.parent != null )
			path.Add( curr_node.pos );
			curr_node = curr_node.parent;

		// Push starting node on there too
		path.Add( start );

		path.Reverse();  // really wish I could have just push_front but NO!
		return path;





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


