HIVE允许用户使用UDF(user defined function)对数据进行处理。
用户可以使用‘show functions’ 查看function list,可以使用'describe function function-name'查看函数说明。
1. 关系操作符:包括 = 、 <> 、 <= 、>=等
2. 算数操作符:包括 + 、 - 、 *、/等
3. 逻辑操作符:包括AND 、 && 、 OR 、 || 等
4. 复杂类型构造函数:包括map、struct、create_union等
5. 复杂类型操作符:包括A[n]、Map[key]、S.x
6. 数学操作符:包括 ln(double a)、sqrt(double a)等
7. 集合操作符:包括 size(Array<T>)、sort_array(Array<T>)等
8. 类型转换函数: binary(string|binary)、cast(expr as <type>)
9. 日期函数:包括 from_unixtime(bigint unixtime[, string format])、unix_timestamp()等
10.条件函数:包括 if(boolean testCondition, T valueTrue, T valueFalseOrNull)等
11. 字符串函数:包括 a cat(string|binary A, string|binary B...)等
12. 其他:xpath、get_json_object scii(string str)、con
编写UDF代码实例 (更多例子参考 ):
1. 临时添加UDF
这种方式在会话结束后,函数自动销毁,因此每次打开新的会话,都需要重新add jar并且create temporary function
2. 进入会话前自动创建
使用hive -i参数在进入hive时自动初始化
3. 自定义UDF注册为hive内置函数
可参考:hive利器 自定义UDF+重编译hive
用户可以使用‘show functions’ 查看function list,可以使用'describe function function-name'查看函数说明。
- hive> show functions;
- OK
- !
- !=
- ......
- Time taken: 0.275 seconds
- hive> desc function substr;
- OK
- substr(str, pos[, len]) - returns the substring of str that starts at pos and is of length len orsubstr(bin, pos[, len]) - returns the slice of byte array that starts at pos and is of length len
- Time taken: 0.095 seconds
1. 关系操作符:包括 = 、 <> 、 <= 、>=等
2. 算数操作符:包括 + 、 - 、 *、/等
3. 逻辑操作符:包括AND 、 && 、 OR 、 || 等
4. 复杂类型构造函数:包括map、struct、create_union等
5. 复杂类型操作符:包括A[n]、Map[key]、S.x
6. 数学操作符:包括 ln(double a)、sqrt(double a)等
7. 集合操作符:包括 size(Array<T>)、sort_array(Array<T>)等
8. 类型转换函数: binary(string|binary)、cast(expr as <type>)
9. 日期函数:包括 from_unixtime(bigint unixtime[, string format])、unix_timestamp()等
10.条件函数:包括 if(boolean testCondition, T valueTrue, T valueFalseOrNull)等
11. 字符串函数:包括 a cat(string|binary A, string|binary B...)等
12. 其他:xpath、get_json_object scii(string str)、con
编写Hive UDF有两种方式:
1. extends UDF , 重写evaluate方法
2. extends GenericUDF,重写initialize、getDisplayString、evaluate方法
编写UDF代码实例 (更多例子参考 ):
- package test.udf;
- import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.UDF;
- import;
- public class ToLowerCase extends UDF {
- public Text evaluate(final Text s) {
- if (s == null) { return null; }
- return new Text(s.toString().toLowerCase());
- }
- }
UDFArrayUniqElementNumber .java
- package test.udf;
- import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.Description;
- import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.UDFArgumentException;
- import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.UDFArgumentTypeException;
- import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException;
- import org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.generic.GenericUDF;
- import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.ListObjectInspector;
- import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.ObjectInspector;
- import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.ObjectInspectorUtils;
- import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.ObjectInspector.Category;
- import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.primitive.PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory;
- import;
- /**
- * UDF:
- * Get nubmer of objects with duplicate elements eliminated
- * @author xiaomin.zhou
- */
- @Description(name = "array_uniq_element_number", value = "_FUNC_(array) - Returns nubmer of objects with duplicate elements eliminated.", extended = "Example:\n"
- + " > SELECT _FUNC_(array(1, 2, 2, 3, 3)) FROM src LIMIT 1;\n" + " 3")
- public class UDFArrayUniqElementNumber extends GenericUDF {
- private static final int ARRAY_IDX = 0;
- private static final int ARG_COUNT = 1; // Number of arguments to this UDF
- private static final String FUNC_NAME = "ARRAY_UNIQ_ELEMENT_NUMBER"; // External Name
- private ListObjectInspector arrayOI;
- private ObjectInspector arrayElementOI;
- private final IntWritable result = new IntWritable(-1);
- public ObjectInspector initialize(ObjectInspector[] arguments)
- throws UDFArgumentException {
- // Check if two arguments were passed
- if (arguments.length != ARG_COUNT) {
- throw new UDFArgumentException("The function " + FUNC_NAME
- + " accepts " + ARG_COUNT + " arguments.");
- }
- // Check if ARRAY_IDX argument is of category LIST
- if (!arguments[ARRAY_IDX].getCategory().equals(Category.LIST)) {
- throw new UDFArgumentTypeException(ARRAY_IDX, "\""
- + org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde.Constants.LIST_TYPE_NAME
- + "\" " + "expected at function ARRAY_CONTAINS, but "
- + "\"" + arguments[ARRAY_IDX].getTypeName() + "\" "
- + "is found");
- }
- arrayOI = (ListObjectInspector) arguments[ARRAY_IDX];
- arrayElementOI = arrayOI.getListElementObjectInspector();
- return PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory.writableIntObjectInspector;
- }
- public IntWritable evaluate(DeferredObject[] arguments)
- throws HiveException {
- result.set(0);
- Object array = arguments[ARRAY_IDX].get();
- int arrayLength = arrayOI.getListLength(array);
- if (arrayLength <= 1) {
- result.set(arrayLength);
- return result;
- }
- //element compare; Algorithm complexity: O(N^2)
- int num = 1;
- int i, j;
- for(i = 1; i < arrayLength; i++)
- {
- Object listElement = arrayOI.getListElement(array, i);
- for(j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--)
- {
- if (listElement != null) {
- Object tmp = arrayOI.getListElement(array, j);
- if (, arrayElementOI, listElement,
- arrayElementOI) == 0) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(-1 == j)
- {
- num++;
- }
- }
- result.set(num);
- return result;
- }
- public String getDisplayString(String[] children) {
- assert (children.length == ARG_COUNT);
- return "array_uniq_element_number(" + children[ARRAY_IDX]+ ")";
- }
- }
1. 临时添加UDF
- hive> select * from test;
- OK
- Hello
- ljz
- Time taken: 13.76 seconds
- hive> add jar /home/work/udf.jar;
- Added /home/work/udf.jar to class path
- Added resource: /home/work/udf.jar
- hive> create temporary function mytest as 'test.udf.ToLowerCase';
- OK
- Time taken: 0.103 seconds
- hive> show functions;
- ......
- mytest
- ......
- hive> select mytest( from test;
- ......
- OK
- hello
- world
- zxm
- ljz
- Time taken: 38.218 seconds
2. 进入会话前自动创建
使用hive -i参数在进入hive时自动初始化
- $ cat hive_init
- add jar /home/work/udf.jar;
- create temporary function mytest as 'test.udf.ToLowerCase';
- $ hive -i hive_init
- Logging initialized using configuration in file:/home/work/hive/hive-0.8.1/conf/
- Hive history file=/tmp/work/hive_job_log_work_201209200147_1951517527.txt
- hive> show functions;
- ......
- mytest
- ......
- hive> select mytest( from test;
- ......
- OK
- hello
- world
- zxm
- ljz
3. 自定义UDF注册为hive内置函数
可参考:hive利器 自定义UDF+重编译hive