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去年底,OpenAI 推出的 ChatGPT 在短短数月内已经风靡全球。这个基于 GPT-3.5 的大型语言模型,具备惊人的自然语言生成和理解能力,可以像人类一样进行对话、翻译、摘要等任务。由于其优秀的表现,ChatGPT 及其背后的大型语言模型迅速成为人工智能领域的热门话题,吸引了广大科研人员和开发者的关注和参与。

本文整理了 2022 年在各大顶会(ACL、EMNLP、ICLR、ICML、NeurIPS等)发表的和大型语言模型相关的论文,共计 100 篇。论文列表已经同步更新到 Github仓库(https://github.com/RUCAIBox/Top-conference-paper-list),欢迎大家关注和 Star。


  • Training【训练】

    • Pre-Training【预训练】

    • Instruction Tuning【指令微调】

  • Utilization【使用】

    • In-Context Learning【上下文学习】

    • Chain-of-Thought Prompting【思维链提示】

    • Compression【压缩】

    • Others【其他】

  • Application【应用】

    • Multi-Modal【多模态】

    • Code【代码】

    • Retrieval【检索】

    • Text Generation【文本生成】

    • Others【其他】

  • Analysis & Evaluation【分析与评测】



  • UL2: Unifying Language Learning Paradigms

  • Learning to Grow Pretrained Models for Efficient Transformer Training

  • Efficient Large Scale Language Modeling with Mixtures of Experts

  • Knowledge-in-Context: Towards Knowledgeable Semi-Parametric Language Models

  • CodeGen: An Open Large Language Model for Code with Multi-Turn Program Synthesis

  • InCoder: A Generative Model for Code Infilling and Synthesis

  • CodeBPE: Investigating Subtokenization Options for Large Language Model Pretraining on Source Code

  • CodeRetriever: A Large Scale Contrastive Pre-Training Method for Code Search

  • UniMax: Fairer and More Effective Language Sampling for Large-Scale Multilingual Pretraining

  • GLM-130B: An Open Bilingual Pre-trained Model

  • When FLUE Meets FLANG: Benchmarks and Large Pretrained Language Model for Financial Domain

Instruction Tuning【指令微调】

  • What Makes Instruction Learning Hard? An Investigation and a New Challenge in a Synthetic Environment

  • InstructDial: Improving Zero and Few-shot Generalization in Dialogue through Instruction Tuning

  • Learning Instructions with Unlabeled Data for Zero-Shot Cross-Task Generalization

  • Super-NaturalInstructions: Generalization via Declarative Instructions on 1600+ NLP Tasks

  • Boosting Natural Language Generation from Instructions with Meta-Learning

  • Help me write a Poem - Instruction Tuning as a Vehicle for Collaborative Poetry Writing

  • Multitask Instruction-based Prompting for Fallacy Recognition

  • Not All Tasks Are Born Equal: Understanding Zero-Shot Generalization

  • HypeR: Multitask Hyper-Prompted Training Enables Large-Scale Retrieval Generalization


In-Context Learning【上下文学习】

  • What learning algorithm is in-context learning? Investigations with linear models

  • Ask Me Anything: A simple strategy for prompting language models

  • Large Language Models are Human-Level Prompt Engineers

  • Using Both Demonstrations and Language Instructions to Efficiently Learn Robotic Tasks

  • kNN Prompting: Beyond-Context Learning with Calibration-Free Nearest Neighbor Inference

  • Guess the Instruction! Flipped Learning Makes Language Models Stronger Zero-Shot Learners

  • Selective Annotation Makes Language Models Better Few-Shot Learners

  • Active Example Selection for In-Context Learning

  • Rethinking the Role of Demonstrations: What Makes In-Context Learning Work?

  • In-Context Learning for Few-Shot Dialogue State Tracking

  • Few-Shot Anaphora Resolution in Scientific Protocols via Mixtures of In-Context Experts

  • ProGen: Progressive Zero-shot Dataset Generation via In-context Feedback

  • Controllable Dialogue Simulation with In-context Learning

  • Thinking about GPT-3 In-Context Learning for Biomedical IE? Think Again

  • XRICL: Cross-lingual Retrieval-Augmented In-Context Learning for Cross-lingual Text-to-SQL Semantic Parsing

  • On the Compositional Generalization Gap of In-Context Learning

  • Towards In-Context Non-Expert Evaluation of Reflection Generation for Counselling Conversations

  • Towards Few-Shot Identification of Morality Frames using In-Context Learning

Chain-of-Thought Prompting【思维链提示】

  • ReAct: Synergizing Reasoning and Acting in Language Models

  • Selection-Inference: Exploiting Large Language Models for Interpretable Logical Reasoning

  • Neuro-Symbolic Procedural Planning with Commonsense Prompting

  • Language Models Are Greedy Reasoners: A Systematic Formal Analysis of Chain-of-Thought

  • PINTO: Faithful Language Reasoning Using Prompt-Generated Rationales

  • Decomposed Prompting: A Modular Approach for Solving Complex Tasks

  • Complexity-Based Prompting for Multi-step Reasoning

  • Automatic Chain of Thought Prompting in Large Language Models

  • Compositional Semantic Parsing with Large Language Models

  • Self-Consistency Improves Chain of Thought Reasoning in Language Models

  • Least-to-Most Prompting Enables Complex Reasoning in Large Language Models

  • Entailer: Answering Questions with Faithful and Truthful Chains of Reasoning

  • Iteratively Prompt Pre-trained Language Models for Chain of Thought

  • ConvFinQA: Exploring the Chain of Numerical Reasoning in Conversational Finance Question Answering

  • Induced Natural Language Rationales and Interleaved Markup Tokens Enable Extrapolation in Large Language Models


  • Understanding and Improving Knowledge Distillation for Quantization Aware Training of Large Transformer Encoders

  • The Optimal BERT Surgeon: Scalable and Accurate Second-Order Pruning for Large Language Models

  • AlphaTuning: Quantization-Aware Parameter-Efficient Adaptation of Large-Scale Pre-Trained Language Models


  • BBTv2: Towards a Gradient-Free Future with Large Language Models

  • Compositional Task Representations for Large Language Models

  • Just Fine-tune Twice: Selective Differential Privacy for Large Language Models



  • Visual Classification via Description from Large Language Models

  • Socratic Models: Composing Zero-Shot Multimodal Reasoning with Language

  • Plug-and-Play VQA: Zero-shot VQA by Conjoining Large Pretrained Models with Zero Training


  • DocPrompting: Generating Code by Retrieving the Docs

  • Planning with Large Language Models for Code Generation

  • CodeT: Code Generation with Generated Tests

  • Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Program Better


  • Promptagator: Few-shot Dense Retrieval From 8 Examples

  • Recitation-Augmented Language Models

  • Generate rather than Retrieve: Large Language Models are Strong Context Generators

  • QUILL: Query Intent with Large Language Models using Retrieval Augmentation and Multi-stage Distillation

Text Generation【文本生成】

  • Generating Sequences by Learning to Self-Correct

  • RankGen: Improving Text Generation with Large Ranking Models

  • Eliciting Knowledge from Large Pre-Trained Models for Unsupervised Knowledge-Grounded Conversation


  • Systematic Rectification of Language Models via Dead-end Analysis

  • Reward Design with Language Models

  • Bidirectional Language Models Are Also Few-shot Learners

  • Composing Ensembles of Pre-trained Models via Iterative Consensus

  • Binding Language Models in Symbolic Languages

  • Mind's Eye: Grounded Language Model Reasoning through Simulation

Analysis & Evaluation【分析与评测】

  • WikiWhy: Answering and Explaining Cause-and-Effect Questions

  • ROSCOE: A Suite of Metrics for Scoring Step-by-Step Reasoning

  • Quantifying Memorization Across Neural Language Models

  • Mass-Editing Memory in a Transformer

  • Multi-lingual Evaluation of Code Generation Models


  • Leveraging Large Language Models for Multiple Choice Question Answering

  • Broken Neural Scaling Laws

  • Language models are multilingual chain-of-thought reasoners

  • Language Models are Realistic Tabular Data Generators

  • Task Ambiguity in Humans and Language Models

  • Discovering Latent Knowledge in Language Models Without Supervision

  • Prompting GPT-3 To Be Reliable

  • Large language models are few-shot clinical information extractors

  • How Large Language Models are Transforming Machine-Paraphrase Plagiarism

  • Neural Theory-of-Mind? On the Limits of Social Intelligence in Large LMs

  • SLING: Sino Linguistic Evaluation of Large Language Models

  • A Systematic Investigation of Commonsense Knowledge in Large Language Models

  • Lexical Generalization Improves with Larger Models and Longer Training

  • What do Large Language Models Learn beyond Language?

  • Probing for Understanding of English Verb Classes and Alternations in Large Pre-trained Language Models




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