namespace think\cache\driver;
use think\Cache;
use think\Exception;
use think\Log;
'cache' => [
'type' => 'Redisd'
'host' => 'A:6379,B:6379', //redis服务器ip,多台用逗号隔开;读写分离开启时,默认写A,当A主挂时,再尝试写B
'slave' => 'B:6379,C:6379', //redis服务器ip,多台用逗号隔开;读写分离开启时,所有IP随机读,其中一台挂时,尝试读其它节点,可以配置权重
'port' => 6379, //默认的端口号
'password' => '', //AUTH认证密码,当redis服务直接暴露在外网时推荐
'timeout' => 10, //连接超时时间
'expire' => false, //默认过期时间,默认为永不过期
'prefix' => '', //缓存前缀,不宜过长
'persistent' => false, //是否长连接 false=短连接,推荐长连接
$redis = \think\Cache::connect(Config::get('cache'));
* ThinkPHP Redis简单主从实现的高可用方案
* 扩展依赖:https://github.com/phpredis/phpredis
* 一主一从的实践经验
* 1, A、B为主从,正常情况下,A写,B读,通过异步同步到B(或者双写,性能有损失)
* 2, B挂,则读写均落到A
* 3, A挂,则尝试升级B为主,并断开主从尝试写入(要求开启slave-read-only no)
* 4, 手工恢复A,并加入B的从
* 优化建议
* 1,key不宜过长,value过大时请自行压缩
* 2,gzcompress在php7下有兼容问题
* @todo
* 1, 增加对redisCluster的兼容
* 2, 增加tp5下的单元测试
* @author 尘缘 <130775@qq.com>
class Redisd
protected static $redis_rw_handler;
protected static $redis_err_pool;
protected $handler = null;
protected $options = [
'host' => '',
'slave' => '',
'port' => 6379,
'password' => '',
'timeout' => 10,
'expire' => false,
'persistent' => false,
'length' => 0,
'prefix' => '',
'serialize' => \Redis::SERIALIZER_PHP,
* 为了在单次php请求中复用redis连接,第一次获取的options会被缓存,第二次使用不同的$options,将会无效
* @param array $options 缓存参数
* @access public
public function __construct($options = [])
if (!extension_loaded('redis')) {
throw new Exception('_NOT_SUPPERT_:redis');
$this->options = $options = array_merge($this->options, $options);
$this->options['func'] = $options['persistent'] ? 'pconnect' : 'connect';
$host = explode(",", trim($this->options['host'], ","));
$host = array_map("trim", $host);
$slave = explode(",", trim($this->options['slave'], ","));
$slave = array_map("trim", $slave);
$this->options["server_slave"] = empty($slave) ? $host : $slave;
$this->options["servers"] = count($slave);
$this->options["server_master"] = array_shift($host);
$this->options["server_master_failover"] = $host;
* 主从选择器,配置多个Host则自动启用读写分离,默认主写,随机从读
* 随机从读的场景适合读频繁,且php与redis从位于单机的架构,这样可以减少网络IO
* 一致Hash适合超高可用,跨网络读取,且从节点较多的情况,本业务不考虑该需求
* @access public
* @param bool $master true 默认主写
* @return Redisd
public function master($master = true)
if (isset(self::$redis_rw_handler[$master])) {
$this->handler = self::$redis_rw_handler[$master];
return $this;
if (!$master && $this->options["servers"] > 1) {
$host = array_shift($this->options["server_slave"]);
} else {
$host = $this->options["server_master"];
$this->handler = new \Redis();
$func = $this->options['func'];
$parse = parse_url($host);
$host = isset($parse['host']) ? $parse['host'] : $host;
$port = isset($parse['host']) ? $parse['port'] : $this->options['port'];
try {
$result = $this->handler->$func($host, $port, $this->options['timeout']);
if($result === false) {
if (null != $this->options['password']) {
$this->handler->setOption(\Redis::OPT_SERIALIZER, $this->options['serialize']);
if(strlen($this->options['prefix'])) {
$this->handler->setOption(\Redis::OPT_PREFIX, $this->options['prefix']);
APP_DEBUG && Log::record("[ CACHE ] INIT Redisd : {$host}:{$port} master->" . var_export($master, true), Log::ALERT);
} catch (\RedisException $e) {
//phpredis throws a RedisException object if it can't reach the Redis server.
//That can happen in case of connectivity issues, if the Redis service is down, or if the redis host is overloaded.
//In any other problematic case that does not involve an unreachable server
//(such as a key not existing, an invalid command, etc), phpredis will return FALSE.
Log::record(sprintf("redisd->%s:%s:%s:%s", $master ? "master" : "salve", $host, $port, $e->getMessage()), Log::ALERT);
if ($master) {
if (!count($this->options["server_master_failover"])) {
throw new Exception("redisd master: no more server_master_failover. {$host}:{$port} : " . $e->getMessage());
return false;
$this->options["server_master"] = array_shift($this->options["server_master_failover"]);
Log::record(sprintf("master is down, try server_master_failover : %s", $this->options["server_master"]), Log::ERROR);
} else {
foreach ($this->options["server_slave"] as $k => $v) {
if (trim($v) == trim($host)) {
if (!count($this->options["server_slave"])) {
Log::record("已无可用Redis读节点", Log::ERROR);
throw new Exception("redisd slave: no more server_slave. {$host}:{$port} : " . $e->getMessage());
return false;
} else {
Log::record("salve {$host}:{$port} is down, try another one.", Log::ALERT);
return $this->master(false);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new Exception($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
self::$redis_rw_handler[$master] = $this->handler;
return $this;
* 读取缓存
* @access public
* @param string $name 缓存key
* @param bool $master 指定主从节点,可以从主节点获取结果
* @return mixed
public function get($name, $master = false)
try {
$value = $this->handler->get($name);
} catch (\RedisException $e) {
return $this->get($name);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
Log::record($e->getMessage(), Log::ERROR);
return isset($value) ? $value : null;
* 写入缓存
* @access public
* @param string $name 缓存key
* @param mixed $value 缓存value
* @param integer $expire 过期时间,单位秒
* @return boolen
public function set($name, $value, $expire = null)
if (is_null($expire)) {
$expire = $this->options['expire'];
try {
if (null === $value) {
return $this->handler->delete($name);
if (is_int($expire) && $expire) {
$result = $this->handler->setex($name, $expire, $value);
} else {
$result = $this->handler->set($name, $value);
} catch (\RedisException $e) {
return $this->set($name, $value, $expire);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return $result;
* 删除缓存
* @access public
* @param string $name 缓存变量名
* @return boolen
public function rm($name)
return $this->handler->delete($name);
* 清除缓存
* @access public
* @return boolen
public function clear()
return $this->handler->flushDB();
* 返回句柄对象,可执行其它高级方法
* 需要先执行 $redis->master() 连接到 DB
* @access public
* @param bool $master 指定主从节点,可以从主节点获取结果
* @return \Redis
public function handler($master = true)
return $this->handler;
* 析构释放连接
* @access public
public function __destruct()
//如果代码中使用pconnect, close的作用仅是使当前php不能再进行redis请求,但无法真正关闭redis长连接,连接在后续请求中仍然会被重用,直至fpm进程生命周期结束。
try {
if (method_exists($this->handler, "close")) {
} catch (\Exception $e) {
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