
  1. 分析驱动之前,先说明下LCD有关概念:
    1.1. LCD,即液晶显示器,有多种类型,比如STN,TFT,LTPS TFT,OLED等,各有优缺点。
    1.2. Cpu或显卡发出的数据都是TTL信号,通常是LCD控制器发出,LCD本身接收的也是TTL信号,不管采用何种的信号传输,本质都是TTL信号。
    1.3. LCD控制器输出的数据会将18 bit的数据分组,红绿蓝6 bit。
    1.4. 一幅图像称为一帧,每帧多行组成,每行由多个像素组成,每个像素由若干位来表示,比如由8 bit表示一个像素,称为8Bpp。
    1.5. 传输数据之前,需要设置一系列信号,比如VSYNC等,然后将帧缓存地址告诉LCD控制器,LCD控制器会自动发起DMA传输,并在上述设置好的信号下将数据传到VD[23:0]上。
  2. Linux 视频子系统:
    2.1 帧缓冲(frame buffer)是Linux视频子系统的一个重要概念,帧缓冲进行了一般化的抽象并规定编程接口,帧缓冲允许App与图形硬件的变化无关。
    2.2 子系统一些参数
    为了方便理解,在ubuntu执行sudo fbset,会打印一下信息:
destop@ubuntu:~$ sudo fbset

mode "800x600"
    geometry 800 600 2048 1920 32
    timings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    rgba 8/16,8/8,8/0,0/0

geometry(几何形状)后面表示分辨率,一个像素使用32 bit,
timings 第一个参数是一个像素的绘制速率,在带有LCD设备上执行会有相应数字出现。
注: 打印信息有会D: xxMHz,D为dotclock,表示视频硬件绘制像素的速率。
3. 帧缓冲API
3.1 帧缓冲核心层,向App层生成设备节点,供App操作设备。
3.2 帧缓冲核心层的数据结构主要存在include/linux/fb.h中,用户层的数据存在usr/include/linux/fb.h。

   3.3 视频卡的基本属性,比如分辨率,每个像素占的bit等;数据结构如下:
struct fb_var_screeninfo {
    __u32 xres;         /* visible resolution       */
    __u32 yres;
    __u32 xres_virtual;     /* virtual resolution       */
    __u32 yres_virtual;
    __u32 xoffset;          /* offset from virtual to visible */
    __u32 yoffset;          /* resolution           */

    __u32 bits_per_pixel;       /* guess what           */
    __u32 grayscale;        /* != 0 Graylevels instead of colors */

    struct fb_bitfield red;     /* bitfield in fb mem if true color, */
    struct fb_bitfield green;   /* else only length is significant */
    struct fb_bitfield blue;
    struct fb_bitfield transp;  /* transparency         */  

    __u32 nonstd;           /* != 0 Non standard pixel format */

    __u32 activate;         /* see FB_ACTIVATE_*        */

    __u32 height;           /* height of picture in mm    */
    __u32 width;            /* width of picture in mm     */

    __u32 accel_flags;      /* (OBSOLETE) see fb_info.flags */

    /* Timing: All values in pixclocks, except pixclock (of course) */
    __u32 pixclock;         /* pixel clock in ps (pico seconds) */
    __u32 left_margin;      /* time from sync to picture    */
    __u32 right_margin;     /* time from picture to sync    */
    __u32 upper_margin;     /* time from sync to picture    */
    __u32 lower_margin;
    __u32 hsync_len;        /* length of horizontal sync    */
    __u32 vsync_len;        /* length of vertical sync  */
    __u32 sync;         /* see FB_SYNC_*        */
    __u32 vmode;            /* see FB_VMODE_*       */
    __u32 rotate;           /* angle we rotate counter clockwise */
    __u32 reserved[5];      /* Reserved for future compatibility */

3.4 视频卡的一些固定信息保存在fb_fix_screeninfo中,用户无权更改。

struct fb_fix_screeninfo {
    char id[16];            /* identification string eg "TT Builtin" */
    unsigned long smem_start;   /* Start of frame buffer mem */
                    /* (physical address) */
    __u32 smem_len;         /* Length of frame buffer mem */
    __u32 type;         /* see FB_TYPE_*        */
    __u32 type_aux;         /* Interleave for interleaved Planes */
    __u32 visual;           /* see FB_VISUAL_*      */ 
    __u16 xpanstep;         /* zero if no hardware panning  */
    __u16 ypanstep;         /* zero if no hardware panning  */
    __u16 ywrapstep;        /* zero if no hardware ywrap    */
    __u32 line_length;      /* length of a line in bytes    */
    unsigned long mmio_start;   /* Start of Memory Mapped I/O   */
                    /* (physical address) */
    __u32 mmio_len;         /* Length of Memory Mapped I/O  */
    __u32 accel;            /* Indicate to driver which */
                    /*  specific chip/card we have  */
    __u16 reserved[3];      /* Reserved for future compatibility */

3.5 fb_cmap 规定了颜色映射,将用户定义的颜色分配信息传给底层硬件,可以用这个结构体定义RGB的配比来获得不同颜色的分配。

struct fb_cmap {
    __u32 start;            /* First entry  */
    __u32 len;          /* Number of entries */
    __u16 *red;         /* Red values   */
    __u16 *green;
    __u16 *blue;
    __u16 *transp;          /* transparency, can be NULL */

3.6 fb_info结构体

struct fb_info {
    int node;
    int flags;
    struct fb_var_screeninfo var;   /* Current var */
    struct fb_fix_screeninfo fix;   /* Current fix */
    struct fb_monspecs monspecs;    /* Current Monitor specs */
    struct work_struct queue;   /* Framebuffer event queue */
    struct fb_pixmap pixmap;    /* Image hardware mapper */
    struct fb_pixmap sprite;    /* Cursor hardware mapper */
    struct fb_cmap cmap;        /* Current cmap */
    struct list_head modelist;      /* mode list */
    struct fb_videomode *mode;  /* current mode */

    /* assigned backlight device */
    /* set before framebuffer registration, 
       remove after unregister */
    struct backlight_device *bl_dev;

    /* Backlight level curve */
    struct mutex bl_curve_mutex;    
    u8 bl_curve[FB_BACKLIGHT_LEVELS];
    struct delayed_work deferred_work;
    struct fb_deferred_io *fbdefio;

    struct fb_ops *fbops;
    struct device *device;      /* This is the parent */
    struct device *dev;     /* This is this fb device */
    int class_flag;                    /* private sysfs flags */
    struct fb_tile_ops *tileops;    /* Tile Blitting */
    char __iomem *screen_base;  /* Virtual address */
    unsigned long screen_size;  /* Amount of ioremapped VRAM or 0 */ 
    void *pseudo_palette;       /* Fake palette of 16 colors */ 
    u32 state;          /* Hardware state i.e suspend */
    void *fbcon_par;                /* fbcon use-only private area */
    /* From here on everything is device dependent */
    void *par;  

3.6 fb_ops结构体
fb_ops 包括了底层帧缓冲驱动程序提供的所有函数指针.

 * Frame buffer operations
 * LOCKING NOTE: those functions must _ALL_ be called with the console
 * semaphore held, this is the only suitable locking mechanism we have
 * in 2.6. Some may be called at interrupt time at this point though.

struct fb_ops {
    /* open/release and usage marking */
    struct module *owner;
    int (*fb_open)(struct fb_info *info, int user);
    int (*fb_release)(struct fb_info *info, int user);

    /* For framebuffers with strange non linear layouts or that do not
     * work with normal memory mapped access
    ssize_t (*fb_read)(struct fb_info *info, char __user *buf,
               size_t count, loff_t *ppos);
    ssize_t (*fb_write)(struct fb_info *info, const char __user *buf,
                size_t count, loff_t *ppos);

    /* checks var and eventually tweaks it to something supported,
    int (*fb_check_var)(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, struct fb_info *info);

    /* set the video mode according to info->var */
    int (*fb_set_par)(struct fb_info *info);

    /* set color register */
    int (*fb_setcolreg)(unsigned regno, unsigned red, unsigned green,
                unsigned blue, unsigned transp, struct fb_info *info);

    /* set color registers in batch */
    int (*fb_setcmap)(struct fb_cmap *cmap, struct fb_info *info);

    /* blank display */
    int (*fb_blank)(int blank, struct fb_info *info);

    /* pan display */
    int (*fb_pan_display)(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var, struct fb_info *info);

    /* Draws a rectangle */
    void (*fb_fillrect) (struct fb_info *info, const struct fb_fillrect *rect);
    /* Copy data from area to another */
    void (*fb_copyarea) (struct fb_info *info, const struct fb_copyarea *region);
    /* Draws a image to the display */
    void (*fb_imageblit) (struct fb_info *info, const struct fb_image *image);

    /* Draws cursor */
    int (*fb_cursor) (struct fb_info *info, struct fb_cursor *cursor);

    /* Rotates the display */
    void (*fb_rotate)(struct fb_info *info, int angle);

    /* wait for blit idle, optional */
    int (*fb_sync)(struct fb_info *info);

    /* perform fb specific ioctl (optional) */
    int (*fb_ioctl)(struct fb_info *info, unsigned int cmd,
            unsigned long arg);

    /* Handle 32bit compat ioctl (optional) */
    int (*fb_compat_ioctl)(struct fb_info *info, unsigned cmd,
            unsigned long arg);

    /* perform fb specific mmap */
    int (*fb_mmap)(struct fb_info *info, struct vm_area_struct *vma);

    /* save current hardware state */
    void (*fb_save_state)(struct fb_info *info);

    /* restore saved state */
    void (*fb_restore_state)(struct fb_info *info);

    /* get capability given var */
    void (*fb_get_caps)(struct fb_info *info, struct fb_blit_caps *caps,
                struct fb_var_screeninfo *var);


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