Why is gets() dangerous
The first internet worm (the Morris Internet Worm) escaped about 30 years ago (1988-11-02), and it used gets() and a buffer overflow as one of its methods of propagating from system to system. The basic problem is that the function doesn’t know how big the buffer is, so it continues reading until it finds a newline or encounters EOF, and may overflow the bounds of the buffer it was given.
You should forget you ever heard that gets() existed.
The C11 standard ISO/IEC 9899:2011 eliminated gets() as a standard function, which is A Good Thing™ (it was formally marked as ‘obsolescent’ and ‘deprecated’ in ISO/IEC 9899:1999/Cor.3:2007 — Technical Corrigendum 3 for C99, and then removed in C11). Sadly, it will remain in libraries for many years (meaning ‘decades’) for reasons of backwards compatibility.
以上:蠕虫病毒就是来自与gets无限读取的问题 由于gets不会判断缓冲区有多大 所以会一直读到EOF或者是’\n’ 这就有可能导致缓冲区溢出的问题
更安全的用法是用fgets指定读取范围 或是 用getline
有的时候写题目用gets会导致WA 可能是由于
, 那么在oj的测评时,每一行的最后都会多一个\r,所以有时候会稀里糊涂的wa
--------------------- 逍遥丶綦 来源:CSDN 原文:https://blog.csdn.net/qwb492859377/article/details/48323443