OpenCV-Python官方文档中文翻译12:Performance Measurement and Improvement Techniques性能评估和提高技术


Performance Measurement and Improvement Techniques


In image processing, since you are dealing with a large number of operations per second, it is mandatory that your code is not only providing the correct solution, but that it is also providing it in the fastest manner. So in this chapter, you will learn:

Apart from OpenCV, Python also provides a module time which is helpful in measuring the time of execution. Another module profile helps to get a detailed report on the code, like how much time each function in the code took, how many times the function was called, etc. But, if you are using IPython, all these features are integrated in an user-friendly manner. We will see some important ones, and for more details, check links in the Additional Resources section.


  • 评估你代码的表现
  • 一些技巧来提高代码的性能
  • 你将学习这些函数:cv.getTickCount, cv.getTickFrequency等等。

除了OpenCV,Python也提供一个模块time,这对评估执行的时间也非常有用。另一个模块profile帮助得到代码的细节报告,比如代码中的每个函数花了多少时间,函数被调用了多少次等等。但是,如果你用的是IPython,所有的这些特性都被集成在用户友好界面中。我们将看到一些重要信息,至于更多的细节,请看在Additional Resources章节的链接。

Measuring Performance with OpenCV

The cv.getTickCount function returns the number of clock-cycles after a reference event (like the moment the machine was switched ON) to the moment this function is called. So if you call it before and after the function execution, you get the number of clock-cycles used to execute a function.

The cv.getTickFrequency function returns the frequency of clock-cycles, or the number of clock-cycles per second. So to find the time of execution in seconds, you can do following:



e1 = cv.getTickCount()
#your code execution
e2 = cv.getTickCount()
time = (e2-e1)/cv.getTickFrequency()

We will demonstrate with following example. The following example applies median filtering with kernels of odd sizes ranging from 5 to 49. (Don’t worry about what the result will look like - that is not our goal):


img1 = cv.imread("messi5.jpg")
e1 = cv.getTickCount()
for i in range(5,49,2):
	img1 = cv.medianBlur(img1,i)
e2 = cv.getTickCount()
t = (e2-e1)/cv.getTickFrequency()
#Result i got is 0.521107655 seconds
  • Note

    You can do the same thing with the time module. Instead of cv.getTickCount, use the time.time() function. Then take the difference of the two times.

  • note


Default Optimization in OpenCV

Many of the OpenCV functions are optimized using SSE2, AVX, etc. It contains the unoptimized code also. So if our system support these features, we should exploit them (almost all modern day processors support them). It is enabled by default while compiling. So OpenCV runs the optimized code if it is enabled, otherwise it runs the unoptimized code. You can use cv.useOptimized() to check if it is enabled/disabled and cv.setUseOptimized() to enable/disable it. Let’s see a simple example.

很多OpenCV函数都是用SSE2,AVX等优化的。它还包含未优化的代码。所以如果我们的系统支持这些特性,我们应该利用它们(几乎所有的现代处理器都支持它们)。在编译的时候默认启动它。所以如果启用了,OpenCV将运行优化代码,否则它将运行未优化代码。你可以用 cv.useOptimized()来检查是否启用,用 cv.setUseOptimized()来启用或者关闭。让我们看一个简单的例子。

#check if optimization is enabled
In [5]:cv.useOptimized()
In[6]:%timeit res = cv.medianBlur(img,49)
10 loops,best of 3:34.9 ms per loop
#Disable it
In [7]:cv.setUseOptimized(False)
In [8]:cv.useOptimized()
In [9]:%timeit res = cv.medianBlur(img,49)
10 loops,best of 3:64.1 ms per loop


As you can see, optimized median filtering is2x faster than the unoptimized version. If you check its source, you can see that median filtering is SIMD optimized. So you can use this to enable optimization at the top of your code (remember it is enabled by default).

Measuring Performance in IPython在IPython中评估性能

Sometimes you may need to compare the performance of two similar operations. IPython gives you a magic command timeit to perform this. It runs the code several times to get more accurate results. Once again, it is suitable to measuring single lines of code.

For example, do you know which of the following addition operations is better, x = 5; y = x**2, x = 5; y = xx, x = np.uint8([5]); y = xx, or y = np.square(x)? We will find out with timeit in the IPython shell.


例如,你是否知道下面哪一个加法操作更好?x= 5;y=x2;y=xx,x=np.uint8([5]);y=xx,或者y=np.square(x)?我们将在IPython shell中使用timeit来找到答案。

In [10]:x = 5
In [11]:%timeit y=x**2
10000000loops,best of 3:58.3 ns per loop
In [12]:%timtit y=x*x
10000000loops,best of 3:58.3 ns per loop
In [15]:z = np.uint8([5])
In [17]:%timeit y =z*z
1000000 loops,best of 3:1.25 us per loop
In [19]:%timeit y= np.square(z)
1000000 loops,best of 3:1.16 us per loop

You can see that, x = 5 ; y = x*x is fastest and it is around 20x faster compared to Numpy. If you consider the array creation also, it may reach up to 100x faster. Cool, right? (Numpy devs are working on this issue)

  • Note

    Python scalar operations are faster than Numpy scalar operations. So for operations including one or two elements, Python scalar is better than Numpy arrays. Numpy has the advantage when the size of the array is a little bit bigger.

We will try one more example. This time, we will compare the performance of cv.countNonZero() and np.count_nonzero() for the same image.


  • note


我们再试一个例子。这次,我们将用同样的图片比较 cv.countNonZero()和np.count_nonzero()的性能。

In [35]:%timeit z =cv.countNonZero(img)
100000 loops,best of 3:15.8 us per loop
In [36]:%timeit z np.count_nonzero(img)
1000 loops,best of 3:340 us per loop


  • note


See, the OpenCV function is nearly 25x faster than the Numpy function.

  • Note

    Normally, OpenCV functions are faster than Numpy functions. So for same operation, OpenCV functions are preferred. But, there can be exceptions, especially when Numpy works with views instead of copies.

More IPython magic commands

There are several other magic commands to measure performance, profiling, line profiling, memory measurement, and etc. They all are well documented. So only links to those docs are provided here. Interested readers are recommended to try them out.


Performance Optimization Techniques

There are several techniques and coding methods to exploit maximum performance of Python and Numpy. Only relevant ones are noted here and links are given to important sources. The main thing to be noted here is, first try to implement the algorithm in a simple manner. Once it is working, profile it, find the bottlenecks, and optimize them.

  1. Avoid using loops in Python as much as possible, especially double/triple loops etc. They are inherently slow.
  2. Vectorize the algorithm/code to the maximum extent possible, because Numpy and OpenCV are optimized for vector operations.
  3. Exploit the cache coherence.
  4. Never make copies of an array unless it is necessary. Try to use views instead. Array copying is a costly operation.

If your code is still slow after doing all of these operations, or if the use of large loops is inevitable, use additional libraries like Cython to make it faster.


​ 1.尽最大可能避免在Python中使用循环,尤其双重/三重循环等等。它们本来就很慢。

​ 2.将算法/代码向量化到最大程度,因为Numpy和OpenCV对向量操作做出了优化。

​ 3.利用缓存一致性。

​ 4.除非必须,不要创建数组的副本。代替的,尝试使用视图。数组复制是一项很消耗的操作。


Additional Resources

  1. Python Optimization Techniques
  2. Scipy Lecture Notes - Advanced Numpy
  3. Timing and Profiling in IPython






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