(一) postgis 引言

PostGIS是PostgreSQL的扩展,支持GIS对象存储及空间分析。它由Refractions Research创建,现由OSGeo基金会支持。此3.3.3dev版本手册介绍其功能、开发团队和贡献者。PostGIS项目计划增强OGC和SQL/MM标准支持、高级GIS功能,提供桌面和Web工具的集成。



        PostGIS is an extension to the PostgreSQL object-relational database system which allows GIS (Geographic Information Systems) objects to be stored in the database. PostGIS includes support for GiST-based R-Tree spatial indexes, and functions for analysis and processing of GIS objects.

        译:PostGIS 是 PostgreSQL 对象关系数据库系统的一个扩展组件,它允许 GIS(Geographic Information Systems 地理信息系统)对象存储在数据库中。PostGIS 包含对通用索引树 R-Tree 坐标索引,以及分析处理 GIS 对象的功能。

        This is the manual for version 3.3.3dev


         This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. Feel free to use this material any way you like, but we ask that you attribute credit to the PostGIS Project and wherever possible, a link back to http://postgis.net.

        译:本文档基于 CC3(Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License只要声明来源可以免费用于商用)开源协议。只要您在使用的时候声明 PostGIS Project 并标明官网 http://postgis.net ,您可以以任何形式使用本产品。

Chapter 1 Introduction

译:章节1 引言

        PostGIS is a spatial extension for the PostgreSQL relational database that was created by Refractions Research Inc, as a spatial database technology research project. Refractions is a GIS and database consulting company in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, specializing in data integration and custom software development.

        译:PostGIS 是一个由 Refractions Research Inc 作为空间数据库技术研究项目创建的 PostgreSQL 关系型数据库的空间扩展。Refractions 是一个位于加拿大英属哥伦比亚省维多利亚市的一家从事数据集成和定制软件开发的 GIS 与数据库咨询公司。

        PostGIS is now a project of the OSGeo Foundation and is developed and funded by many FOSS4G developers and organizations all over the world that gain great benefit from its functionality and versatility.

        译:PostGIS 现在是开源地理基金会(The OSGeo Foundation)的一个项目,该基金会由世界各地的地理空间免费开源软件 (Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial,FOSS4G)开发者和组织机构开发与资助。在这些人员努力下,PostGIS 在功能与多样性方面有了长足的发展。

        The PostGIS project development group plans on supporting and enhancing PostGIS to better support a range of important GIS functionality in the areas of OGC and SQL/MM spatial standards, advanced topological constructs (coverages, surfaces, networks), data source for desktop user interface tools for viewing and editing GIS data, and web-based access tools.

        译:PostGIS 项目开发小组计划支持和增强 PostGIS,以更好地支持 OGC 和SQL/MM 空间标准、高级拓扑结构(覆盖、表面、网络)、用于查看和编辑 GIS 数据的桌面用户界面工具的数据源以及基于 Web 的访问工具等领域的一系列重要 GIS 功能。

1.1 Project Steering Committee

译:1.1 项目指导委员会

        The PostGIS Project Steering Committee (PSC) coordinates the general direction, release cycles, documentation, and outreach efforts for the PostGIS project. In addition the PSC provides general user support, accepts and approves patches from the general PostGIS community and votes on miscellaneous issues involving PostGIS such as developer commit access, new PSC members or significant API changes.

        译:PostGIS 项目指导委员会 (Project Steering Committee , PSC) 负责协调 PostGIS 项目总体方向、发布周期、文档编制与外联工作。此外, PSC 还提供一些用户支持、接受与批准来自一般 PostGIS 社区的补丁、并就复杂问题(如开发人员提交内容、新 PSC 加入或重大API变更)进行投票。

Raúl Marín Rodríguez MVT support, Bug fixing, Performance and stability improvements, GitHub curation, alignment of PostGIS with PostgreSQL releases

Regina Obe Buildbot Maintenance, Windows production and experimental builds, documentation, alignment of PostGIS with PostgreSQL releases, X3D support, TIGER geocoder support, management functions.

Darafei Praliaskouski Index improvements, bug fixing and geometry/geography function improvements, SFCGAL, raster, GitHub curation, and bot maintenance.

Paul Ramsey (Chair) Co-founder of PostGIS project. General bug fixing, geography support, geography and geometry index support (2D, 3D, nD index and anything spatial index), underlying geometry internal structures, GEOS functionality inte- gration and alignment with GEOS releases, alignment of PostGIS with PostgreSQL releases, loader/dumper, and Shapefile GUI loader.

Sandro Santilli Bug fixes and maintenance, buildbot maintenance, git mirror management, management functions, integration of new GEOS functionality and alignment with GEOS releases, topology support, and raster framework and low level API functions.

1.2 Core Contributors Present

译:1.2 目前核心贡献者

Nicklas Avén Distance function enhancements (including 3D distance and relationship functions) and additions, Tiny WKB (TWKB) output format and general user support

Dan Baston Geometry clustering function additions, other geometry algorithm enhancements, GEOS enhancements and general user support

Martin Davis GEOS enhancements and documentation

Björn Harrtell MapBox Vector Tile and GeoBuf functions. Gogs testing and GitLab experimentation.

Aliaksandr Kalenik Geometry Processing, PostgreSQL gist, general bug fixing

1.3 Core Contributors Past

译:1.3 历史贡献者

Bborie Park Prior PSC Member. Raster development, integration with GDAL, raster loader, user support, general bug fixing, testing on various OS (Slackware, Mac, Windows, and more)

Mark Cave-Ayland Prior PSC Member. Coordinated bug fixing and maintenance effort, spatial index selectivity and binding, loader/dumper, and Shapefile GUI Loader, integration of new and new function enhancements.

Jorge Arévalo Raster development, GDAL driver support, loader

Olivier Courtin (Emeritus) Input/output XML (KML,GML)/GeoJSON functions, 3D support and bug fixes.

Chris Hodgson Prior PSC Member. General development, site and buildbot maintenance, OSGeo incubation management

Mateusz Loskot CMake support for PostGIS, built original raster loader in python and low level raster API functions

Kevin Neufeld Prior PSC Member. Documentation and documentation support tools, buildbot maintenance, advanced user support on PostGIS newsgroup, and PostGIS maintenance function enhancements.

Dave Blasby The original developer/Co-founder of PostGIS. Dave wrote the server side objects, index bindings, and many of the server side analytical functions.

Jeff Lounsbury Original development of the Shapefile loader/dumper.

Mark Leslie Ongoing maintenance and development of core functions. Enhanced curve support. Shapefile GUI loader.

Pierre Racine Architect of PostGIS raster implementation. Raster overall architecture, prototyping, programming support

David Zwarg Raster development (mostly map algebra analytic functions)

1.4 Other Contributors

译:1.4 其他贡献者



Alex BodnaruGreg TroxelMatt Bretl
Alex MayrhoferGuillaume LelargeMatthias Bay
Andrea PeriGiuseppe BroccoloMaxime Guillaud
Andreas Forø TollefsenHan WangMaxime van Noppen
Andreas NeumannHaribabu KommiMichael Fuhr
Andrew GierthHavard TveiteMike Toews
Anne GhislaIIDA TetsushiNathan Wagner
Antoine BajoletIngvild NystuenNathaniel Clay
Arthur LesuisseJackie LengNikita Shulga
Artur ZakirovJames MarcaNorman Vine
Barbara PhillipotJan KatinsPatricia Tozer
Ben JubbJason SmithRafal Magda
Bernhard ReiterJeff AdamsRalph Mason
Björn EsserJim JonesRémi Cura
Brian HamlinJoe ConwayRichard Greenwood
Bruce RindahlJonne SavolainenRoger Crew
Bruno Wolff IIIJose Carlos Martinez LlariRon Mayer
Bryce L. NordgrenJörg HabenichtSebastiaan Couwenberg
Carl AndersonJulien RouhaudSergei Shoulbakov
Charlie SavageKashif RasulSergey Fedoseev
Christoph BergKlaus FoersterShinichi Sugiyama
Christoph Moench-TegederKris JurkaShoaib Burq
Dane SpringmeyerLaurenz AlbeSilvio Grosso
Dave FuhryLars RoessigerStefan Corneliu Petrea
David GarnierLeo HsuSteffen Macke
David SkeaLoïc BartolettiStepan Kuzmin
David TecherLoic DacharyStephen Frost
Dmitry VasilyevLuca S. PercichSteven Ottens
Eduin CarrilloLucas C. Villa RealTalha Rizwan
Eugene AntimirovMaria Arias de ReynaTom Glancy
Even RouaultMarc DucobuTom van Tilburg
Frank WarmerdamMark SondheimVincent Mora
George SilvaMarkus SchaberVincent Picavet
Gerald FenoyMarkus WannerVolf Tomáš
Gino LucreziMatt Amos

Corporate Sponsors These are corporate entities that have contributed developer time, hosting, or direct monetary funding to the PostGIS project. In alphabetical order:

译:组织赞助商 以下公司或组织为 PostGIS 项目在开发人员、项目托管或直接资助等方面做出了贡献了。按字母顺序排列如下:

• Aiven

• Arrival 3D

• Associazione Italiana per l’Informazione Geografica Libera (GFOSS.it)

• AusVet

• Avencia

• Azavea

• Boundless

• Cadcorp

• Camptocamp

• Carto

• Crunchy Data

• City of Boston (DND)

• City of Helsinki

• Clever Elephant Solutions

• Cooperativa Alveo

• Deimos Space

• Faunalia

• Geographic Data BC

• Hunter Systems Group

• ISciences, LLC • Kontur

• Lidwala Consulting Engineers

• LISAsoft

• Logical Tracking & Tracing International AG

• Maponics

• Michigan Tech Research Institute

• Natural Resources Canada

• Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institue

• Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO)

• OSGeo

• Oslandia

• Palantir Technologies

• Paragon Corporation

• R3 GIS

• Refractions Research

• Regione Toscana - SITA

• Safe Software

• Sirius Corporation plc

• Stadt Uster

• UC Davis Center for Vectorborne Diseases

• Université Laval

• U.S. Department of State (HIU)

• Zonar Systems

Crowd Funding Campaigns Crowd funding campaigns are campaigns we run to get badly wanted features funded that can service a large number of people. Each campaign is specifically focused on a particular feature or set of features. Each sponsor chips in a small fraction of the needed funding and with enough people/organizations contributing, we have the funds to pay for the work that will help many. If you have an idea for a feature you think many others would be willing to co-fund, please post to the PostGIS newsgroup your thoughts and together we can make it happen.

译:众筹活动 众筹活动是我们为获得急需的功能而开展的活动,这些功能可以为大量用户提供服务。每个活动都特别关注一个特定的功能或一组功能。每个赞助商都会投入所需资金的一小部分,有足够的人/组织捐款,我们有资金支付将帮助许多人的工作。如果你对一个功能有想法,你认为许多其他人都愿意共同资助,请将你的想法发布到PostGIS新闻组,我们可以一起实现。

        PostGIS 2.0.0 was the first release we tried this strategy. We used PledgeBank and we got two successful campaigns out of it.

        译:PostGIS 2.0.0是我们尝试这种策略的第一个发行版本。我们将其抵押给银行完成了两次成功的融资。

        postgistopology  - 10 plus sponsors each contributed $250 USD to build toTopoGeometry function and beef up topology support in 2.0.0. It happened.


postgis64windows - 20 someodd sponsors each contributed $100 USD to pay for the work needed to work out PostGIS 64-bit issues on windows. It happened.

        译:20多个赞助商每人出资100美元,用于支付在windows上解决PostGIS 64位问题所需的工作。

Important Support Libraries The GEOS geometry operations library

        译:重要支持库 地理几何图形操作库

        The GDAL Geospatial Data Abstraction Library used to power much of the raster functionality introduced in PostGIS 2. In kind, improvements needed in GDAL to support PostGIS are contributed back to the GDAL project.

        译:GDAL 地理空间数据抽象库曾为PostGIS 2中引入的大部分光栅功能提供支持。同样,PostGIS在GDAL优化方面的支持也被集成到GDAL项目。

        The PROJ cartographic projection library


        Last but not least, PostgreSQL, the giant that PostGIS stands on. Much of the speed and flexibility of PostGIS would not be possible without the extensibility, great query planner, GIST index, and plethora of SQL features provided by PostgreSQL.

        译:最后同样很重要的是 PostGIS 立身的巨人 PostgreSQL 。基于 PostgreSQL 提供的可扩展性、出色的查询规划器、GIST索引和源源不断的SQL功能支持,PostGIS 才能实现如此快速迭代与灵活性使用。

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