(四) postgis 数据管理

Chapter 4 Data Management

译:章节4 数据管理

4.1 Spatial Data Model

译:4.1  空间数据模型

4.1.1 OGC Geometry

译:4.1.1 OGC标准几何要素

        The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) developed the Simple Features Access standard (SFA) to provide a model for geospatial data. It defines the fundamental spatial type of Geometry, along with operations which manipulate and transform geometry values to perform spatial analysis tasks. PostGIS implements the OGC Geometry model as the PostgreSQL data types geometry and geography.

         译:开放地理空间联盟(Open Geospatial Consortium,OGC)为给地理空间数据提供模型发布了简单要素访问标准(Sim-ple Features Access,SFA)。它定义了 Geometry 基本的空间类型,以及操作和转换几何值以执行空间分析任务的操 作。PostGIS 作为 PostgreSQL 数据几何和地理类型实现 OGC 几何模型。

        Geometry is an abstract type. Geometry values belong to one of its concrete subtypes which represent various kinds and dimensions of geometric shapes. These include the atomic types Point, LineString, LinearRing and Polygon, and the collection types MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon and GeometryCollection. The Simple Features Access - Part 1: Common architecture v1.2.1 adds subtypes for the structures PolyhedralSurface, Triangle and TIN.

         译:Geometry 是一个抽象类型。Geometry 的值是几何要素的属性之一,它描述了几何要素的类型和大小。其中包括原子类型 Point、LineString、LinearRing 和 Polygon,以及集合类 MultiPoint、MultiLineString、MultiPolygon 和 GeometryCo-llection。简单要素访问标准第一部分通用版 v1.2.1为结构 PolyhedralSurface、 Triangle、TIN 添加了子类型。

        Geometry models shapes in the 2-dimensional Cartesian plane. The PolyhedralSurface, Triangle, and TIN types can also repre- sent shapes in 3-dimensional space. The size and location of shapes are specified by their coordinates. Each coordinate has a X and Y ordinate value determining its location in the plane. Shapes are constructed from points or line segments, with points specified by a single coordinate, and line segments by two coordinates.

        译:几何要素可以表示二维笛卡尔平面中的形状,PolyhedralSurface、 Triangle 和 TIN 类型可以表示三维空间中的形状。形状的大小和位置由其坐标指定。每个坐标都有一个X和Y坐标值,用于确定其在平面中的位置。形状由点或线段构成(点由一个坐标指定,线段由两个坐标指定)。

        Coordinates may contain optional Z and M ordinate values. The Z ordinate is often used to represent elevation. The M ordinate contains a measure value, which may represent time or distance. If Z or M values are present in a geometry value, they must be defined for each point in the geometry. If a geometry has Z or M ordinates the coordinate dimension is 3D; if it has both Z and M the coordinate dimension is 4D.


        Geometry values are associated with a spatial reference system indicating the coordinate system in which it is embedded. The spatial reference system is identified by the geometry SRID number. The units of the X and Y axes are determined by the spatial reference system. In planar reference systems the X and Y coordinates typically represent easting and northing, while in geodetic systems they represent longitude and latitude. SRID 0 represents an infinite Cartesian plane with no units assigned to its axes. See Section 4.5.

         译:几何要素值与一个表名它嵌入的坐标系统相关联。空间参考系统由几何要素 SRID 编号唯一标识。X轴和Y轴由空间参考系统确定。在平面参考系统中,X坐标和Y坐标通常表示东和北;而在大地测量系统中,它们表示经度和纬度。SRID 0表示一个无限的轴上没有单位的笛卡尔平面。参见章节4.5。

        The geometry dimension is a property of geometry types. Point types have dimension 0, linear types have dimension 1, and polygonal types have dimension 2. Collections have the dimension of the maximum element dimension.


        A geometry value may be empty. Empty values contain no vertices (for atomic geometry types) or no elements (for collections).


        An important property of geometry values is their spatial extent or bounding box, which the OGC model calls envelope. This is the 2 or 3-dimensional box which encloses the coordinates of a geometry. It is an efficient way to represent a geometry’s extent in coordinate space and to check whether two geometries interact.

         译:空间范围(extent)或包围盒(bounding box)是几何要素很重要的特性,在OGC标准模型中叫包络(envelope)。它是包含几何要素坐标的闭合的2维或3维包围盒。利用它是表示几何要素坐标空间范围和检测两个几何要素是否相交的有效方法。

        The geometry model allows evaluating topological spatial relationships as described in Section 5.1.1. To support this the concepts of interior, boundary and exterior are defined for each geometry type. Geometries are topologically closed, so they always contain their boundary. The boundary is a geometry of dimension one less than that of the geometry itself.

         译:几何要素模型允许估计计算拓扑空间关系(参见章节5.1.1),为了支持这一点,为每种几何类型定义了内部(interior)、边界(boundary)和外部(exterior)的概念。几何要素在拓扑上是封闭的,因此它们总是包含边界,边界 是一个维度比几何要素自身小1的几何要素。

        The OGC geometry model defines validity rules for each geometry type. These rules ensure that geometry values represents realistic situations (e.g. it is possible to specify a polygon with a hole lying outside the shell, but this makes no sense geometrically and is thus invalid). PostGIS also allows storing and manipulating invalid geometry values. This allows detecting and fixing them if needed. See Section 4.4.

         译:OGC 标准几何要素模型为每种几何类型定义了有效性规则。这些规则确保几何要素值所代表的真实情况(例如,可以 指定一个多边形,其中一个孔位于壳外,但这在几何上没有意义,无效)。PostGIS 还允许存储和操作无效的 几何 值。这允许在需要时检测和固定它们。参见章节4.4。 Point
译: 点

        A Point is a 0-dimensional geometry that represents a single location in coordinate space.


POINT (1 2)
POINT Z (1 2 3)
POINT ZM (1 2 3 4)




        ①POINT 本身是xy二维

        ②POINT Z 是xyz三维

        ③POINT ZM是xyz+m四维,M为measure,测量值,多用于计算。

        ④sql中 st_astext为postgis函数,将空间要素转为这种字符串描述;geom为空间要素列代码名称,根据自己要素表中定义。 LineString
译: 线

        A LineString is a 1-dimensional line formed by a contiguous sequence of line segments. Each line segment is defined by two points, with the end point of one segment forming the start point of the next segment. An OGC-valid LineString has either zero or two or more points, but PostGIS also allows single-point LineStrings. LineStrings may cross themselves (self-intersect). A LineString is closed if the start and end points are the same. A LineString is simple if it does not self-intersect.

        译:LineString 是由连续的线段形成的一维线。每个线段由两个点定义,其中一个线段的终点构成下一个线段起点。OGC标准中有效的 LineString 具有零个或两个或多个点,但 PostGIS 也允许单点的 LineString。LineStrings 可以穿过他们自己(自相交)。如果起点和终点相同,则 LineString 是闭合的。如果 LineString 不自相交,则它是简单的。

LINESTRING (1 2, 3 4, 5 6)


        //TODO LineRing
译: 线性环

        A LineString is a 1-dimensional line formed by a contiguous sequence of line segments. Each line segment is defined by two points, with the end point of one segment forming the start point of the next segment. An OGC-valid LineString has either zero or two or more points, but PostGIS also allows single-point LineStrings. LineStrings may cross themselves (self-intersect). A LineString is closed if the start and end points are the same. A LineString is simple if it does not self-intersect.

        译:LinearRing 是一个既封闭又简单的字符串。第一点和最后一点必须相等,且直线不得自相交。

LINESTRING (1 2, 3 4, 5 6)


        //TODO Polygon
译: 多边形

        A Polygon is a 2-dimensional planar region, delimited by an exterior boundary (the shell) and zero or more interior boundaries (holes). Each boundary is a LinearRing

        译:Polygon 是一个由外部边界(壳)和零个或多个内部边界(孔)界定2维平面区域。每个边界都是线性环。

POLYGON ((0 0 0,4 0 0,4 4 0,0 4 0,0 0 0),(1 1 0,2 1 0,2 2 0,1 2 0,1 1 0))


        //TODO MultiPoint
译: 多点

        A MultiPoint is a collection of Points.

        译:MultiPoint  是点的集合。

MULTIPOINT ( (0 0), (1 2) )


        //TODO MultiLineString
译: 多线

        A MultiLineString is a collection of LineStrings. A MultiLineString is closed if each of its elements is closed.

        译:MultiLineString  是线的集合。如果 MultiLineString 的每个元素都是闭合的,则它是闭合的。

MULTILINESTRING ( (0 0,1 1,1 2), (2 3,3 2,5 4) )

        实践:借助sql与postgresql数据库实践如下: MultiPolygon
译: 多多边形

        A MultiPolygon is a collection of non-overlapping, non-adjacent Polygons. Polygons in the collection may touch only at a finite number of point

        译:MultiPolygon 是非重叠、非相邻多边形的集合。集合中的多边形只能接触有限数量的点。

MULTIPOLYGON (((1 5, 5 5, 5 1, 1 1, 1 5)), ((6 5, 9 1, 6 1, 6 5)))

        实践:借助sql与postgresql数据库实践如下: GeometryCollection
译: 混合几何类型

        A GeometryCollection is a heterogeneous (mixed) collection of geometries.

        译:GeometryCollection 是由各种各样的几何图形组成的集合。



        //TODO PolyhedralSurface
译: 多面体曲面

        A PolyhedralSurface is a contiguous collection of patches or facets which share some edges. Each patch is a planar Polygon. If the Polygon coordinates have Z ordinates then the surface is 3-dimensional.

        译:多面体曲面是共享一些边的斑块或刻面的连续集合。每个面片都是一个平面多边形。如果多边形坐标具有 Z 纵坐标,则该曲面是三维的。

((0 0 0, 0 0 1, 0 1 1, 0 1 0, 0 0 0)),
((0 0 0, 0 1 0, 1 1 0, 1 0 0, 0 0 0)),
((0 0 0, 1 0 0, 1 0 1, 0 0 1, 0 0 0)),
((1 1 0, 1 1 1, 1 0 1, 1 0 0, 1 1 0)),
((0 1 0, 0 1 1, 1 1 1, 1 1 0, 0 1 0)),
((0 0 1, 1 0 1, 1 1 1, 0 1 1, 0 0 1)) )


        //TODO Triangle
译: 三角形

        A Triangle is a polygon defined by three distinct non-collinear vertices. Because a Triangle is a polygon it is specified by four coordinates, with the first and fourth being equal.


TRIANGLE ((0 0, 0 9, 9 0, 0 0))


        //TODO TIN
译: 不规则三角网

        A TIN is a collection of non-overlapping Triangles representing a Triangulated Irregular Network

        译:TIN 是代表不规则三角形的非重叠三角形的集合。

TIN Z ( ((0 0 0, 0 0 1, 0 1 0, 0 0 0)), ((0 0 0, 0 1 0, 1 1 0, 0 0 0)) )



4.1.2 SQL/MM Part 3 - Curves

译:4.1.2 SQL/MM 第3部分-曲线

        The ISO/IEC 13249-3 SQL Multimedia - Spatial standard (SQL/MM) extends the OGC SFA to define Geometry subtypes containing curves with circular arcs. The SQL/MM types support 3DM, 3DZ and 4D coordinates.

        译:ISO/IEC 13249-3 SQL 多媒体-空间标准(SQL/MM)扩展了OGC SFA来定义包含圆弧曲线的几何图形子类型。SQL/MM类型支持3维M、3维Z和4D维坐标。


        All floating point comparisons within the SQL-MM implementation are performed to a specified tolerance, currently 1E8.

        译:SQL-MM实现中的所有浮点比较都是按照指定的公差(当前为1E8)执行的。 CircularString
译: 圆

        CircularString is the basic curve type, similar to a LineString in the linear world. A single arc segment is specified by three points: the start and end points (first and third) and some other point on the arc. To specify a closed circle the start and end points are the same and the middle point is the opposite point on the circle diameter (which is the center of the arc). In a sequence of arcs the end point of the previous arc is the start point of the next arc, just like the segments of a LineString. This means that a CircularString must have an odd number of points greater than 1.


CIRCULARSTRING(0 0, 1 1, 1 0)
CIRCULARSTRING(0 0, 4 0, 4 4, 0 4, 0 0)


        //TODO CompoundCurve
译: 复合曲线

        A CompoundCurve is a single continuous curve that may contain both circular arc segments and linear segments. That means that in addition to having well-formed components, the end point of every component (except the last) must be coincident with the start point of the following component.


COMPOUNDCURVE( CIRCULARSTRING(0 0, 1 1, 1 0),(1 0, 0 1))


        //TODO CurvePolygon
译: 曲线多边形

        A CurvePolygon is like a polygon, with an outer ring and zero or more inner rings. The difference is that a ring can be a CircularString or CompoundCurve as well as a LineString.


        As of PostGIS 1.4 PostGIS supports compound curves in a curve polygon.

        译:自PostGIS 1.4起,PostGIS支持曲线多边形中的复合曲线。

CIRCULARSTRING(0 0, 4 0, 4 4, 0 4, 0 0),
(1 1, 3 3, 3 1, 1 1) )



        Example: A CurvePolygon with the shell defined by a CompoundCurve containing a CircularString and a LineString, and a hole defined by a CircularString。


COMPOUNDCURVE( CIRCULARSTRING(0 0,2 0, 2 1, 2 3, 4 3),
(4 3, 4 5, 1 4, 0 0)),
CIRCULARSTRING(1.7 1, 1.4 0.4, 1.6 0.4, 1.6 0.5, 1.7 1) )


        //TODO MultiCurve
译: 多曲线

        A MultiCurve is a collection of curves which can include LineStrings, CircularStrings or CompoundCurves.


MULTICURVE( (0 0, 5 5), CIRCULARSTRING(4 0, 4 4, 8 4))


        //TODO MultiSurface
译: 多曲面

        A MultiSurface is a collection of surfaces, which can be (linear) Polygons or CurvePolygons.


CIRCULARSTRING(0 0, 1 1, 1 0)
CIRCULARSTRING(0 0, 4 0, 4 4, 0 4, 0 0)



4.1.3 WKT and WKB

译:4.1.3 已知文本/已知二进制

        The OGC SFA specification defines two formats for representing geometry values for external use: Well-Known Text (WKT) and Well-Known Binary (WKB). Both WKT and WKB include information about the type of the object and the coordinates which define it.

        译:OGC SFA规范定义了两种用于表示外部使用的几何值的格式:WKT和WKB。WKT和WKB都包括关于对象类型和定义对象的坐标的信息。

        Well-Known Text (WKT) provides a standard textual representation of spatial data. Examples of WKT representations of spatial objects are:


• POINT(0 0)
• POINT Z (0 0 0)
• POINT ZM (0 0 0 0)
• LINESTRING(0 0,1 1,1 2)
• POLYGON((0 0,4 0,4 4,0 4,0 0),(1 1, 2 1, 2 2, 1 2,1 1))
• MULTIPOINT((0 0),(1 2))
• MULTIPOINT Z ((0 0 0),(1 2 3))
• MULTILINESTRING((0 0,1 1,1 2),(2 3,3 2,5 4))
• MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0,4 0,4 4,0 4,0 0),(1 1,2 1,2 2,1 2,1 1)), ((-1 -1,-1 -2,-2 -2,-2 -1,-1 -1)))

        Input and output of WKT is provided by the functions ST_AsText and ST_GeomFromText:


text WKT = ST_AsText(geometry);
geometry = ST_GeomFromText(text WKT, SRID);

        For example, a statement to create and insert a spatial object from WKT and a SRID is:


INSERT INTO geotable ( geom, name )
VALUES ( ST_GeomFromText('POINT(-126.4 45.32)', 312), 'A Place');

        Well-Known Binary (WKB) provides a portable, full-precision representation of spatial data as binary data (arrays of bytes). Examples of the WKB representations of spatial objects are:


• WKT: POINT(1 1)
WKB: 0101000000000000000000F03F000000000000F03
• WKT: LINESTRING (2 2, 9 9)
WKB: 0102000000020000000000000000000040000000000000004000000000000022400000000000002240

        Input and output of WKB is provided by the functions ST_AsBinary and ST_GeomFromWKB:


bytea WKB = ST_AsBinary(geometry);
geometry = ST_GeomFromWKB(bytea WKB, SRID);

        For example, a statement to create and insert a spatial object from WKB is:


INSERT INTO geotable ( geom, name )
VALUES ( ST_GeomFromWKB('\x0101000000000000000000f03f000000000000f03f', 312), 'A Place');

4.2 Geometry Data Type

译:4.2 几何要素数据类型

        PostGIS implements the OGC Simple Features model by defining a PostgreSQL data type called geometry. It represents all of the geometry subtypes by using an internal type code (see GeometryType and ST_GeometryType). This allows modelling spatial features as rows of tables defined with a column of type geometry.


        The geometry data type is opaque, which means that all access is done via invoking functions on geometry values. Functions allow creating geometry objects, accessing or updating all internal fields, and compute new geometry values. PostGIS supports all the functions specified in the OGC Simple feature access - Part 2: SQL option (SFS) specification, as well many others. See Chapter 8 for the full list of functions.



        PostGIS follows the SFA standard by prefixing spatial functions with "ST_". This was intended to stand for "Spatial and Temporal", but the temporal part of the standard was never developed. Instead it can be interpreted as "Spatial Type".


        The SFA standard specifies that spatial objects include a Spatial Reference System identifier (SRID). The SRID is required when creating spatial objects for insertion into the database (it may be defaulted to 0). See ST_SRID and Section 4.5.


        To make querying geometry efficient PostGIS defines various kinds of spatial indexes, and spatial operators to use them. See Section 4.9 and Section 5.2 for details.


4.2.1 PostGIS EWKB and EWKT

译:4.2.1 PostGIS EWKB and EWKT

        OGC SFA specifications initially supported only 2D geometries, and the geometry SRID is not included in the input/output representations. The OGC SFA specification 1.2.1 (which aligns with the ISO 19125 standard) adds support for 3D (ZYZ) and measured (XYM and XYZM) coordinates, but still does not include the SRID value.

        译:OGC SFA规范最初仅支持2D几何图形,并且几何图形SRID不包含在输入/输出表示中。OGC SFA规范1.2.1(与ISO 19125标准一致)增加了对3D(ZYZ)和测量(XYM和XYZM)坐标的支持,但仍然不包括SRID值。

        Because of these limitations PostGIS defined extended EWKB and EWKT formats. They provide 3D (XYZ and XYM) and 4D (XYZM) coordinate support and include SRID information. Including all geometry information allows PostGIS to use EWKB as the format of record (e.g. in DUMP files).


        EWKB and EWKT are used for the "canonical forms" of PostGIS data objects. For input, the canonical form for binary data is EWKB, and for text data either EWKB or EWKT is accepted. This allows geometry values to be created by casting a text value in either HEXEWKB or EWKT to a geometry value using ::geometry. For output, the canonical form for binary is EWKB, and for text it is HEXEWKB (hex-encoded EWKB).


        For example this statement creates a geometry by casting from an EWKT text value, and outputs it using the canonical form of HEXEWKB:


SELECT 'SRID=4;POINT(0 0)'::geometry;

         PostGIS EWKT output has a few differences to OGC WKT:

        译:PostGIS EWKT输出与OGC WKT有一些不同:

• For 3DZ geometries the Z qualifier is omitted/对于3DZ几何图形,省略Z限定符:
OGC: POINT Z (1 2 3)
EWKT: POINT (1 2 3)
• For 3DM geometries the M qualifier is included/对于3DM几何图形,包括M限定符:
OGC: POINT M (1 2 3)
EWKT: POINTM (1 2 3)
• For 4D geometries the ZM qualifier is omitted/对于4D几何形状,省略了ZM限定符:
OGC: POINT ZM (1 2 3 4)
EWKT: POINT (1 2 3 4)

         EWKT avoids over-specifying dimensionality and the inconsistencies that can occur with the OGC/ISO format, such as:


• POINT ZM (1 1)
• POINT ZM (1 1 1)
• POINT (1 1 1 1)


        PostGIS extended formats are currently a superset of the OGC ones, so that every valid OGC WKB/WKT is also valid EWKB/EWKT. However, this might vary in the future, if the OGC extends a format in a way that conflicts with the PosGIS definition. Thus you SHOULD NOT rely on this compatibility!

        译:PostGIS扩展格式目前是OGC扩展格式的超集,因此每个有效的OGC WKB/WKT也是有效的EWKB/EWKT。然而,如果OGC以与PosGIS定义相冲突的方式扩展格式,这在未来可能会有所不同。因此,您不应该依赖这种兼容性!

          Examples of the EWKT text representation of spatial objects are:


• POINT(0 0 0) -- XYZ
• SRID=32632;POINT(0 0) -- XY with SRID
• POINTM(0 0 0) -- XYM
• POINT(0 0 0 0) -- XYZM
• SRID=4326;MULTIPOINTM(0 0 0,1 2 1) -- XYM with SRID
• MULTILINESTRING((0 0 0,1 1 0,1 2 1),(2 3 1,3 2 1,5 4 1))
• POLYGON((0 0 0,4 0 0,4 4 0,0 4 0,0 0 0),(1 1 0,2 1 0,2 2 0,1 2 0,1 1 0))
• MULTIPOLYGON(((0 0 0,4 0 0,4 4 0,0 4 0,0 0 0),(1 1 0,2 1 0,2 2 0,1 2 0,1 1 0)),((-1 -1 0,-1 -2 0,-2 -2 0,-2 -1 0,-1 -1 0)))
• MULTICURVE( (0 0, 5 5), CIRCULARSTRING(4 0, 4 4, 8 4) )
• POLYHEDRALSURFACE( ((0 0 0, 0 0 1, 0 1 1, 0 1 0, 0 0 0)), ((0 0 0, 0 1 0, 1 1 0, 1 0 0, 0 0 0)), ((0 0 0, 1 0 0, 1 0 1, 0 0 1, 0
0 0)), ((1 1 0, 1 1 1, 1 0 1, 1 0 0, 1 1 0)), ((0 1 0, 0 1 1, 1 1 1, 1 1 0, 0 1 0)), ((0 0 1, 1 0 1, 1 1 1, 0 1 1, 0 0 1)) )
• TRIANGLE ((0 0, 0 10, 10 0, 0 0))
• TIN( ((0 0 0, 0 0 1, 0 1 0, 0 0 0)), ((0 0 0, 0 1 0, 1 1 0, 0 0 0)) )

         Input and output using these formats is available using the following functions:


bytea EWKB = ST_AsEWKB(geometry);
text EWKT = ST_AsEWKT(geometry);
geometry = ST_GeomFromEWKB(bytea EWKB);
geometry = ST_GeomFromEWKT(text EWKT);

         For example, a statement to create and insert a PostGIS spatial object using EWKT is:


INSERT INTO geotable ( geom, name )
VALUES ( ST_GeomFromEWKT('SRID=312;POINTM(-126.4 45.32 15)'), 'A Place' )

4.3 Geography Data Type

译:4.3 地理数据类型

        The PostGIS geography data type provides native support for spatial features represented on "geographic" coordinates (sometimes called "geodetic" coordinates, or "lat/lon", or "lon/lat"). Geographic coordinates are spherical coordinates expressed in angular units (degrees).


        The basis for the PostGIS geometry data type is a plane. The shortest path between two points on the plane is a straight line. That means functions on geometries (areas, distances, lengths, intersections, etc) are calculated using straight line vectors and cartesian mathematics. This makes them simpler to implement and faster to execute, but also makes them inaccurate for data on the spheroidal surface of the earth.


        The PostGIS geography data type is based on a spherical model. The shortest path between two points on the sphere is a great circle arc. Functions on geographies (areas, distances, lengths, intersections, etc) are calculated using arcs on the sphere. By taking the spheroidal shape of the world into account, the functions provide more accurate results.


        Because the underlying mathematics is more complicated, there are fewer functions defined for the geography type than for the geometry type. Over time, as new algorithms are added the capabilities of the geography type will expand. As a workaround one can convert back and forth between geometry and geography types.


        Like the geometry data type, geography data is associated with a spatial reference system via a spatial reference system identifier (SRID). Any geodetic (long/lat based) spatial reference system defined in the spatial_ref_sys table can be used. (Prior to PostGIS 2.2, the geography type supported only WGS 84 geodetic (SRID:4326)). You can add your own custom geodetic spatial reference system as described in Section 4.5.2.

        译:与几何数据类型一样,地理数据通过空间参考系统标识符(SRID)与空间参考系统相关联。可以使用spatial_ref_sys表中定义的任何大地测量(基于长/纬度)空间参考系统。(在PostGIS 2.2之前,地理类型仅支持WGS 84大地测量(SRID:4326))。您可以添加自己的自定义大地测量空间参考系统,如第4.5.2节所述。

        For all spatial reference systems the units returned by measurement functions (e.g. ST_Distance, ST_Length, ST_Perimeter, ST_Area) and for the distance argument of ST_DWithin are in meters.


4.3.1 Creating Geography Tables

译:4.3.1 创建地理表

        You can create a table to store geography data using the CREATE TABLE SQL statement with a column of type geography. The following example creates a table with a geography column storing 2D LineStrings(笔者以为此处应为Points,大概率误笔) in the WGS84 geodetic coordinate system (SRID 4326):

        译:您可以使用CREATETABLE SQL语句创建一个表来存储地理数据,该语句具有geography类型的列。以下示例创建了一个表,该表的地理列存储WGS84大地坐标系(SRID 4326)中的二维点:

CREATE TABLE global_points (
    name VARCHAR(64),
    location geography(POINT,4326)




        The geography type supports two optional type modifiers:


• the spatial type modifier restricts the kind of shapes and dimensions allowed in the 
column. Values allowed for the spatial type are: POINT, LINESTRING, POLYGON, MULTIPOINT, 
curves, TINS, or OLYHEDRALSURFACEs. The modifier supports coordinate dimensionality 
restrictions by adding suffixes: Z, M and ZM. For example, a modifier of ’LINESTRINGM’ only
allowslinestrings with three dimensions, and treats the third dimension as a measure. 
Similarly, ’POINTZM’ requires four dimensional (XYZM) data.
• the SRID modifier restricts the spatial reference system SRID to a particular number. If 
omitted, the SRID defaults to 4326(WGS84 geodetic), and all calculations are performed 
using WGS84.

        Examples of creating tables with geography columns:


• Create a table with 2D POINT geography with the default SRID 4326 (WGS84 long/lat):
译:使用默认SRID 4326(WGS84长/纬度)创建一个具有2D POINT地理位置的表格:
CREATE TABLE ptgeogwgs(gid serial PRIMARY KEY, geog geography(POINT) );
• Create a table with 2D POINT geography in NAD83 longlat:
译:在NAD83 longlat中创建一个具有2D POINT地理位置的表格:
CREATE TABLE ptgeognad83(gid serial PRIMARY KEY, geog geography(POINT,4269) );
• Create a table with 3D (XYZ) POINTs and an explicit SRID of 4326:
CREATE TABLE ptzgeogwgs84(gid serial PRIMARY KEY, geog geography(POINTZ,4326) );
• Create a table with 2D LINESTRING geography with the default SRID 4326:
译:使用默认SRID 4326创建一个具有2D LINESTRING地理位置的表格:
CREATE TABLE lgeog(gid serial PRIMARY KEY, geog geography(LINESTRING) );
• Create a table with 2D POLYGON geography with the SRID 4267 (NAD 1927 long lat):
译:使用SRID 4267(NAD 1927长纬度)创建一个具有2D POLYGON地理位置的表格:
CREATE TABLE lgeognad27(gid serial PRIMARY KEY, geog geography(POLYGON,4267) );






         Geography fields are registered in the geography_columns system view. You can query the geography_columns view and see that the table is listed:


SELECT * FROM geography_columns;


         Creating a spatial index works the same as for geometry columns. PostGIS will note that the column type is GEOGRAPHY and create an appropriate sphere-based index instead of the usual planar index used for GEOMETRY.


-- Index the test table with a spherical index/用球形索引为测试表编制索引
CREATE INDEX global_points_gix ON "global_points" USING GIST ( location );




4.3.2 Using Geography Tables

译:4.3.2 使用地理表

        You can insert data into geography tables in the same way as geometry. Geometry data will autocast to the geography type if it has SRID 4326. The EWKT and EWKB formats can also be used to specify geography values.

        译:可以使用与几何图形相同的方式将数据插入地理表中。如果几何数据具有SRID 4326,则几何数据将自动转换为地理类型。EWKT和EWKB格式也可用于指定地理值。

-- Add some data into the test table/添加一些数据到表
INSERT INTO global_points (name, location) VALUES ('Town', 'SRID=4326;POINT(-110 30)');
INSERT INTO global_points (name, location) VALUES ('Forest', 'SRID=4326;POINT(-109 29)');
INSERT INTO global_points (name, location) VALUES ('London', 'SRID=4326;POINT(0 49)');



         Any geodetic (long/lat) spatial reference system listed in spatial_ref_sys table may be specified as a geography SRID. Non-geodetic coordinate systems raise an error if used.


-- NAD 83 lon/lat
SELECT 'SRID=4269;POINT(-123 34)'::geography;


-- NAD27 lon/lat
SELECT 'SRID=4267;POINT(-123 34)'::geography;


-- NAD83 UTM zone meters - gives an error since it is a meter-based planar projection
-- NAD83 UTM区域米-由于是基于米的平面投影,因此会产生误差
SELECT 'SRID=26910;POINT(-123 34)'::geography;
ERROR: Only lon/lat coordinate systems are supported in geography.


         Query and measurement functions use units of meters. So distance parameters should be expressed in meters, and return values should be expected in meters (or square meters for areas).


-- A distance query using a 1000km tolerance
-- 使用1000公里公差的距离查询
SELECT name FROM global_points WHERE ST_DWithin(location, 'SRID=4326;POINT(-110 29)'::geography, 1000000);


         You can see the power of geography in action by calculating how close a plane flying a great circle route from Seattle to London (LINESTRING(-122.33 47.606, 0.0 51.5)) comes to Reykjavik (POINT(-21.96 64.15)) (map the route).

        译:你可以通过计算一架从西雅图飞往伦敦的飞机(LINESTRING(-122.33 47.606,0.0 51.5))离雷克雅未克(POINT(-21.96 64.15))的距离来了解地理的力量(绘制路线)。

        The geography type calculates the true shortest distance of 122.235 km over the sphere between Reykjavik and the great circle flight path between Seattle and London.


-- Distance calculation using GEOGRAPHY
-- 用地理计算距离
SELECT ST_Distance('LINESTRING(-122.33 47.606, 0.0 51.5)'::geography, 'POINT(-21.96 64.15)'::geography);


        The geometry type calculates a meaningless cartesian distance between Reykjavik and the straight line path from Seattle to London plotted on a flat map of the world. The nominal units of the result is "degrees", but the result doesn’t correspond to any true angular difference between the points, so even calling them "degrees" is inaccurate.


-- Distance calculation using GEOMETRY
-- 使用几何计算距离
SELECT ST_Distance('LINESTRING(-122.33 47.606, 0.0 51.5)'::geometry, 'POINT(-21.96 64.15)'::geometry);


4.3.3 When to use the Geography data type

译:4.3.3 何时使用地理数据类型

        The geography data type allows you to store data in longitude/latitude coordinates, but at a cost: there are fewer functions defined on GEOGRAPHY than there are on GEOMETRY; those functions that are defined take more CPU time to execute.


        The data type you choose should be determined by the expected working area of the application you are building. Will your data span the globe or a large continental area, or is it local to a state, county or municipality?


• If your data is contained in a small area, you might find that choosing an appropriate projection and using GEOMETRY is the best solution, in terms of performance and 
functionality available.
• If your data is global or covers a continental region, you may find that GEOGRAPHY allows you to build a system without having to worry about projection details. You store
 your data in longitude/latitude, and use the functions that have been defined on GEOGRAPHY.
• If you don’t understand projections, and you don’t want to learn about them, and you’re prepared to accept the limitations in functionality available in GEOGRAPHY, then it 
might be easier for you to use GEOGRAPHY than GEOMETRY. Simply load your data up as longitude/latitude and go from there.

         Refer to Section 15.11 for compare between what is supported for Geography vs. Geometry. For a brief listing and description of Geography functions, refer to Section 15.4


4.3.4 Geography Advanced FAQ

译:4.3.4 地理高级常见问题解答

        1. Do you calculate on the sphere or the spheroid?


        By default, all distance and area calculations are done on the spheroid. You should find that the results of calculations in local areas match up will with local planar results in good local projections. Over larger areas, the spheroidal calculations will be more accurate than any calculation done on a projected plane. All the geography functions have the option of using a sphere calculation, by setting a final boolean parameter to ’FALSE’. This will somewhat speed up calculations, particularly for cases where the geometries are very simple.


        2. What about the date-line and the poles?


        All the calculations have no conception of date-line or poles, the coordinates are spherical (longitude/latitude) so a shape that crosses the dateline is, from a calculation point of view, no different from any other shape.


        3. What is the longest arc you can process?


        We use great circle arcs as the "interpolation line" between two points. That means any two points are actually joined up two ways, depending on which direction you travel along the great circle. All our code assumes that the points are joined by the *shorter* of the two paths along the great circle. As a consequence, shapes that have arcs of more than 180 degrees will not be correctly modelled.


        4. Why is it so slow to calculate the area of Europe / Russia / insert big geographic region here ?


        Because the polygon is so darned huge! Big areas are bad for two reasons: their bounds are huge, so the index tends to pull the feature no matter what query you run; the number of vertices is huge, and tests (distance, containment) have to traverse the vertex list at least once and sometimes N times (with N being the number of vertices in the other candidate feature). As with GEOMETRY, we recommend that when you have very large polygons, but are doing queries in small areas, you "denormalize" your geometric data into smaller chunks so that the index can effectively subquery parts of the object and so queries don’t have to pull out the whole object every time. Please consult ST_Subdivide function documentation. Just because you *can* store all of Europe in one polygon doesn’t mean you *should*.


4.4 Geometry Validation

译:4.4 几何要素验证

        PostGIS is compliant with the Open Geospatial Consortium’s (OGC) Simple Features specification. That standard defines the concepts of geometry being simple and valid. These definitions allow the Simple Features geometry model to represent spatial objects in a consistent and unambiguous way that supports efficient computation. (Note: the OGC SF and SQL/MM have the same definitions for simple and valid.)

        译:PostGIS符合开放地理空间联盟 (OGC) 的简单特征规范。该标准定义了简单和有效的几何概念。这些定义允许简单特征几何模型以一致和明确的方式表示空间对象,从而支持高效计算。(注意:OGCSF和SQL/MM具有相同的定义,用于简单和有效。)

4.4.1 Simple Geometry

译:4.4.1 简单几何要素

        A simple geometry is one that has no anomalous geometric points, such as self intersection or self tangency.


        A POINT is inherently simple as a 0-dimensional geometry object.


        MULTIPOINTs are simple if no two coordinates (POINTs) are equal (have identical coordinate values).


        A LINESTRING is simple if it does not pass through the same point twice, except for the endpoints. If the endpoints of a simple LineString are identical it is called closed and referred to as a Linear Ring.

        译:如果不经过同一个点两次(短点除外),则LINESTRING是简单几何要素。如果一个简单的LINESTRING断电是相同的,则称它为闭合的,并称其为线性环(Linear Ring)。

        (a) and (c) are simple LINESTRINGs. (b) and (d) are not simple. (c) is a closed Linear Ring.

        译:(a) 和 (c) 是简单线, (b) 和 (d) 不是简单几何要素。 (c) 是闭合的线性环。





        A MULTILINESTRING is simple only if all of its elements are simple and the only intersection between any two elements occurs at points that are on the boundaries of both elements.


        (e) and (f) are simple MULTILINESTRINGs. (g) is not simple.

        译: (e) 和 (f) 是简单的多线。 (g) 不是简单几何要素。




         POLYGONs are formed from linear rings, so valid polygonal geometry is always simple.


        To test if a geometry is simple use the ST_IsSimple function:

        译:使用 ST_IsSimple 函数老测试一个几何要素是否为简单要素:

    ST_IsSimple('LINESTRING(0 0, 100 100)') AS straight,
    ST_IsSimple('LINESTRING(0 0, 100 100, 100 0, 0 100)') AS crossing;
straight | crossing
 t       | f



         Generally, PostGIS functions do not require geometric arguments to be simple. Simplicity is primarily used as a basis for defining geometric validity. It is also a requirement for some kinds of spatial data models (for example, linear networks often disallow lines that cross). Multipoint and linear geometry can be made simple using ST_UnaryUnion.


4.4.2 Valid Geometry

译:4.4.2 验证几何要素

        Geometry validity primarily applies to 2-dimensional geometries (POLYGONs and MULTIPOLYGONs) . Validity is defined by rules that allow polygonal geometry to model planar areas unambiguously.


        A POLYGON is valid if:


1. the polygon boundary rings (the exterior shell ring and interior hole rings) are simple (do not cross or self-touch). Because of this a polygon cannnot have cut lines, spikes or loops. This implies that polygon holes must be represented as interior rings, rather than by the exterior ring self-touching (a so-called "inverted hole").


2. boundary rings do not cross


3. boundary rings may touch at points but only as a tangent (i.e. not in a line)


4. interior rings are contained in the exterior ring


5. the polygon interior is simply connected (i.e. the rings must not touch in a way that splits the polygon into more than one part) 


        (h) and (i) are valid POLYGONs. (j-m) are invalid. (j) can be represented as a valid MULTIPOLYGON. 

        译: (h) 和 (i) 是有效的多边形。 (j-m) 是无效的。 (j)可以表示为有效的多多边形。







         A MULTIPOLYGON is valid if:


1. its element POLYGONs are valid


2. elements do not overlap (i.e. their interiors must not intersect)


3. elements touch only at points (i.e. not along a line)


         (n) is a valid MULTIPOLYGON. (o) and (p) are invalid.

         译:(n) 是有效的多多边形。 (o) 和 (p) 是无效的。




        These rules mean that valid polygonal geometry is also simple.


        For linear geometry the only validity rule is that LINESTRINGs must have at least two points and have non-zero length (or equivalently, have at least two distinct points.) Note that non-simple (self-intersecting) lines are valid.


    ST_IsValid('LINESTRING(0 0, 1 1)') AS len_nonzero,
    ST_IsValid('LINESTRING(0 0, 0 0, 0 0)') AS len_zero,
    ST_IsValid('LINESTRING(10 10, 150 150, 180 50, 20 130)') AS self_int;
len_nonzero | len_zero | self_int
 t          | f        | t



4.4.3 Managing Validity

译:4.4.3 管理有效性

        PostGIS allows creating and storing both valid and invalid Geometry. This allows invalid geometry to be detected and flagged or fixed. There are also situations where the OGC validity rules are stricter than desired (examples of this are zero-length linestrings and polygons with inverted holes.)


        Many of the functions provided by PostGIS rely on the assumption that geometry arguments are valid. For example, it does not make sense to calculate the area of a polygon that has a hole defined outside of the polygon, or to construct a polygon from a non-simple boundary line. Assuming valid geometric inputs allows functions to operate more efficiently, since they do not need to check for topological correctness. (Notable exceptions are that zero-length lines and polygons with inversions are generally handled correctly.) Also, most PostGIS functions produce valid geometry output if the inputs are valid. This allows PostGIS functions to be chained together safely.


        If you encounter unexpected error messages when calling PostGIS functions (such as "GEOS Intersection() threw an error!"), you should first confirm that the function arguments are valid. If they are not, then consider using one of the techniques below to ensure the data you are processing is valid.

        译:如果在调用PostGIS函数时遇到意外错误消息(例如“GEOS Intersection()抛出错误!”),则应首先确认函数参数是否有效。如果不是,请考虑使用以下技术之一,以确保您正在处理的数据是有效的。


        If a function reports an error with valid inputs, then you may have found an error in either PostGIS or one of the libraries it uses, and you should report this to the PostGIS project. The same is true if a PostGIS function returns an invalid geometry for valid input.


        To test if a geometry is valid use the ST_IsValid function:


SELECT ST_IsValid('POLYGON ((20 180, 180 180, 180 20, 20 20, 20 180))');



        Information about the nature and location of an geometry invalidity are provided by the ST_IsValidDetail function:


SELECT valid, reason, ST_AsText(location) AS location
    FROM ST_IsValidDetail('POLYGON ((20 20, 120 190, 50 190, 170 50, 20 20))') AS t;
valid | reason            | location
f     | Self-intersection | POINT(91.51162790697674 141.56976744186045)


        In some situations it is desirable to correct invalid geometry automatically. Use the ST_MakeValid function to do this. (ST_MakeValidis a case of a spatial function that does allow invalid input!)


        By default, PostGIS does not check for validity when loading geometry, because validity testing can take a lot of CPU time for complex geometries. If you do not trust your data sources, you can enforce a validity check on your tables by adding a check constraint:


    ADD CONSTRAINT geometry_valid_check
    CHECK (ST_IsValid(geom));

4.5 Spatial Reference Systems

译:4.5 空间参照系统



4.5.2 User-Defined Spatial Reference Systems


4.6 Spatial Tables

译:4.6 空间表

4.6.1 Creating a Spatial Table

译:4.6.1 创建空间表



4.6.3 Manually Registering Geometry Columns

译:4.6.3 手动注册几何要素列

4.7 Loading Spatial Data

译:4.7 加载空间数据

4.7.1 Using SQL to Load Data

译:4.7.1 使用SQL加载数据

4.7.2 Using the Shapefile Loader

译:4.7.2 使用shp文件加载器

4.8 Extracting Spatial Data

译:4.8 导出空间数据

4.8.1 Using SQL to Extract Data

译:4.8.1 使用SQL导出数据

4.8.2 Using the Shapefile Dumper

译:4.8.2 使用shp文件导出工具

4.9 Spatial Indexes

译:4.9 空间索引

4.9.1 GiST Indexes

译:4.9.1 GiST 索引

4.9.2 BRIN Indexes

译:4.9.2 BRIN 索引

4.9.3 SP-GiST Indexes

译:4.9.3 SP-GiST 索引

4.9.4 Tuning Index Usage

译:4.9.4 索引使用调整

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