《算法导论》第3版 第3章课后题答案(英文版)

Solution to Exercise 3.1-2

To show that (n+a)b = Θ(nb), we want to find constants c1, c2, n0  0 such that

0 c1nb ≤ (n+a)b ≤ c2nb for all n n0

Note that

n + a n + |a| 2n when |a|n,


n + a n - |a| 1/2n when |a|1/2n,

Thus, when n 2|a|

0 1/2n n + a 2n,

Since b > 0, the inequality still holds when all parts are raised to the power b:

0 (1/2n)b ≤ (n+a)b ≤ (2n)b,

0 (1/2)bnb ≤ (n+a)b ≤ 2bnb,

Thus, c1 = (1/2)b, c2 = 2b, and n0 = 2|a| satisfy the definition.

Solution to Exercise 3.1-3

Let the running time be T(n). T(n) ≥ Ο(n2) means that T(n) f(n) for some function f(n) in the set Ο(n2). This statement holds for any running time T(n), since the function g(n) = 0 for all n is in Ο(n2), and running times are always nonnegative. Thus, the statement tells us nothing about the running time.

Solution to Exercise 3.1-4

2n+1 = Ο(2n), but 22n ≠ Ο(2n)

To show that 2n+1 = Ο(2n), we must find constant c, n0  0 such that

0  ≤  2n+1  ≤ c · 2n  for all n n0 ,

Since 2n+1 = 2 · 2n for all n, we can satisfy the definition with c = 2 and n0 = 1

To show that 22n ≠ Ο(2n), assume there exist constants c, n0  0 such that

0 ≤ 22n ≤ c · 2n for all n > n0 ,

The 22n = 2n · 2n  ≤ c · 2n for all n ≥ n0 ,

Then 22n = 2n · 2n ≤ c · 2n => 2n ≤ c. But no constant is greater than 2n, and so the assumption leads to a contradiction.

*Solution to Exercise 3.2-4

⌈lgn⌉! is not polynomially bounded, but ⌈lglgn!⌉ is.

Proving that a function f(n) is polynomially bounded is equivalent to proving that lg(f(n)) = Ο(lgn) for the following reasons.

· if f is polynomially bounded, then there exits constant c, k, n0 such that

for all n n0, f(n) cnk. Hence, lg(f(n)) kclgn, which, since c and k are constants, means that lg(f(n)) = Ο(lgn).

· Similarly, if lg(f(n)) = Ο(lgn), then f is polynomially bounded.

In the following proofs, we will make use of the following two facts:

1. lg(n!) = Θ(nlgn) (by equation (3.19))

2. ⌈lgn⌉ = Θ(lgn), because

· ⌈lgn⌉  ≥ lgn

· ⌈lgn⌉  ≤ lgn + 1 2lgn for all n 2

lg(⌈lgn⌉!) = Θ(⌈lgn⌉lg⌈lgn⌉) = Θ(lgn lg lgn) = ω(lgn).

Therefore, lg(⌈lgn⌉!) ≠ Ο(lgn), and so ⌈lgn⌉! is not polynomially bounded.

lg(⌈lglgn⌉!) = Θ(⌈lglgn⌉lg⌈lglgn⌉) = Θ(lglgn lg lglgn) = ο((lglgn)2) = ο(lg2(lgn))   = ο(lgn) .

The last step above follows from the property that any polylogarithmic function grows more slowly than any positive polynomial function, i.e., that for constants a, b 0, we have lgbn = ο(na). Substitute lgn for n, 2 for b, and 1 for a, giving lg2(lgn) = ο(lgn).

Therefore, lg(⌈lglgn⌉!) = Ο(lgn), and so ⌈lglgn⌉! is polynomially bounded.

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