he Book of F# 免积分下载


F#将功能优先编程的强大功能引入.NET Framework,这是一个在Microsoft Windows生态系统中开发软件的平台。如果您是C#和Visual Basic的传统.NET开发人员,那么发现F#将会改变您的编码方式,以及您对编码的看法。

在The Book of F#中,Microsoft MVP Dave Fancher分享了他的专业知识,并教你如何利用F#的强大功能来编写简洁,可靠和可预测的代码。当您学习利用默认不变性,流水线操作,类型推断和模式匹配等功能时,您会对代码的高效和优雅感到惊讶。


  • 利用currying,部分应用和委托来利用F#的功能特性
  • 通过记录类型和有区别的联盟简化类型创建和安全性
  • 使用集合类型和模块更有效地处理数据集
  • 使用模式匹配来分解复杂类型并在单个表达式中分支代码
  • 通过并行编程和异步工作流程使您的软件更具响应性
  • 利用面向对象来开发丰富的框架并与使用其他.NET语言编写的代码进行交互
  • 使用查询表达式和类型提供程序来访问和操作来自不同来源的数据集


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The Book of F#: Breaking Free with Managed Functional Programming Paperback: 312 pages Publisher: No Starch Press; 1 edition (March 25, 2014) Language: English ISBN-10: 1593275528 ISBN-13: 978-1593275525 F# brings the power of functional-first programming to the .NET Framework, a platform for developing software in the Microsoft Windows ecosystem. If you're a traditional .NET developer used to C# and Visual Basic, discovering F# will be a revelation that will change how you code, and how you think about coding. In The Book of F#, Microsoft MVP Dave Fancher shares his expertise and teaches you how to wield the power of F# to write succinct, reliable, and predictable code. As you learn to take advantage of features like default immutability, pipelining, type inference, and pattern matching, you'll be amazed at how efficient and elegant your code can be. You'll also learn how to: Exploit F#'s functional nature using currying, partial application, and delegation Streamline type creation and safety with record types and discriminated unions Use collection types and modules to handle data sets more effectively Use pattern matching to decompose complex types and branch your code within a single expression Make your software more responsive with parallel programming and asynchronous workflows Harness object orientation to develop rich frameworks and interact with code written in other .NET languages Use query expressions and type providers to access and manipulate data sets from disparate sources Break free of that old school of programming. The Book of F# will show you how to unleash the expressiveness of F# to create smarter, leaner code.
Book Description F# brings the power of functional-first programming to the .NET Framework, a platform for developing software in the Microsoft Windows ecosystem. If you’re a traditional .NET developer used to C# and Visual Basic, discovering F# will be a revelation that will change how you code, and how you think about coding. In The Book of F#, Microsoft MVP Dave Fancher shares his expertise and teaches you how to wield the power of F# to write succinct, reliable, and predictable code. As you learn to take advantage of features like default immutability, pipelining, type inference, and pattern matching, you’ll be amazed at how efficient and elegant your code can be. You’ll also learn how to: Exploit F#’s functional nature using currying, partial application, and delegation Streamline type creation and safety with record types and discriminated unions Use collection types and modules to handle data sets more effectively Use pattern matching to decompose complex types and branch your code within a single expression Make your software more responsive with parallel programming and asynchronous workflows Harness object orientation to develop rich frameworks and interact with code written in other .NET languages Use query expressions and type providers to access and manipulate data sets from disparate sources Break free of that old school of programming. The Book of F# will show you how to unleash the expressiveness of F# to create smarter, leaner code. Table of Contents Chapter 1. Meet F# Chapter 2. F# Interactive Chapter 3. Fundamentals Chapter 4. Staying Objective Chapter 5. Let’s Get Functional Chapter 6. Going to Collections Chapter 7. Patterns, Patterns, Everywhere Chapter 8. Measuring Up Chapter 9. Can I Quote You on That? Chapter 10. Data Access Chapter 11. Asynchronous and Parallel Programming Chapter 12. Compute This! Book Details Paperback: 312 pages Publisher: No Starch Press (March 2014) Language: English ISBN-10: 1593275528 ISBN-13: 978-1593275525


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