The history and design philosophy of Spring

在现在的开发流程中,为了最大程度实现前后端的分离,通常后端接口只提供数据接口,由前端通过Ajax请求从后端获取数据并进行渲染再展示给用户。我们用的最多的方式就是后端会返回给前端一个JSON字符串,前端解析JSON字符串生成JavaScript的对象,然后再做处理。本文就来演示一下Spring boot如何实现这种模式,本文重点会讲解如何设计一个Restful的API,并通过Spring boot来实现相关的API。不过,为了大家更好的了解Restful风格的API,我们先设计一个传统的数据返回接口,这样大家可以对比着来理解。

<bean id="viewResolver"
        <property name="prefix" value="/" />
        <property name="suffix" value=".jsp" />
        <property name="order" value="2"/>

<bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.ContentNegotiatingViewResolver">
    <property name="viewResolvers">
            <bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.freemarker.FreeMarkerViewResolver"/>   
            <!-- 引用外部id为viewResolver的bean -->
            <ref bean="viewResolver"/>


bean id="sessionFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.LocalSessionFactoryBean"> <!-- 在spring框架加载时创建 -->
 <bean id="borrowDao" class="dao.impl.BorrowDao" primary="true"  lazy-init="true">
  <property name="sessionFactory" ref="sessionFactory"></property>

Spring最早在2003年,由于J2EE过于复杂而被开发出来的。有人认为Spring和Java EE是竞争关系,但Spring更像是对Java EE的补充。Spring整合了一些EE的标准:
Servlet API
WebSocket API
Concurrency Utilities(并发性)
JSON Binding API 简介
Bean Validation(数据校验) 简介
Dependency Injection and Common Annotations
Java EE在app开发中的角色在随时间变化。早期的时候,javaEE和Spring开发的应用是部署在application server上的,今天,在Spring Boot的帮助下开发变得友好且更加云端化(devops and cloud-friendly),嵌入Servelet容器,非常容易改变。在Spring Framework5中,一个webflux应用甚至不需要Servlet API并可以运行在不含Servlet容器的server上。
Spring projects目前在逐渐丰富,建立在Spring Framework上的projects有Spring Boot,Spring Security,Spring Data,Spring Cloud,Spring Batch…
Spring的design philosophy
Provide choice at every level 尽可能允许不改动code的情况下变更design
Accommodate diverse perspectives 允许设计的灵活性
Maintain strong backward compatibility 对JDK和第三方库的高兼容性
Care about API design API被设计地简单易用
Set high standards for code quality 注意代码的整洁

The Mongol Empire was one of the largest empires in history, stretching from Eastern Europe to Asia. It was founded by Genghis Khan in 1206 and lasted until the mid-14th century. The empire was known for its military prowess, innovative tactics, and the use of terror to intimidate its enemies. Genghis Khan was born in 1162 in the region that is now Mongolia. He was born into a family of nomads and grew up herding sheep and hunting. At the age of 16, he was captured by a rival tribe and enslaved. He escaped and later began to unite the various tribes of the region under his leadership. In 1206, he was declared the supreme ruler of the Mongol Empire. Under Genghis Khan's leadership, the Mongol Empire began to expand rapidly. Genghis Khan was a brilliant military strategist and his army was known for its speed and mobility. The Mongols were also skilled horsemen and archers, and they were able to defeat much larger armies using innovative tactics such as feigned retreats and surprise attacks. After Genghis Khan's death in 1227, his empire was divided among his four sons. Over the next few decades, the Mongol Empire continued to expand under the leadership of Genghis Khan's descendants. They conquered China, Central Asia, and parts of Eastern Europe. The Mongols were known for their brutality and the use of terror to intimidate their enemies. They were also tolerant of other religions and cultures, and they allowed conquered peoples to retain their own customs and traditions. One of the most famous Mongol leaders was Kublai Khan, who ruled China from 1279 to 1294. He founded the Yuan Dynasty, which was the first foreign dynasty to rule China. Kublai Khan was a patron of the arts and literature, and he encouraged the development of new technologies such as paper money and gunpowder. He also sent emissaries to Europe, including Marco Polo, who wrote about his travels in China. The Mongol Empire began to decline in the mid-14th century. The empire had become too large to be effectively governed, and there were internal divisions and conflicts among the ruling families. The Black Death, which swept through Europe and Asia in the mid-14th century, also had a devastating impact on the Mongol Empire. By the end of the 14th century, the Mongol Empire had disintegrated into several smaller states. Despite its reputation for brutality, the Mongol Empire had a significant impact on world history. The Mongols were responsible for the spread of ideas, technologies, and cultures across Eurasia. They also played a role in the development of international trade and commerce. The Mongol Empire was a significant force in world history, and its legacy can still be felt today.




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