SUID Shell脚本的危险

Dangers of SUID Shell Scripts
This article attempts to walk the fine line between full disclosure and published exploits. The object of this article is to illustrate how SUID programs work in order to help others w riting their own programs avoid some common mistakes. The examples I provide are detailed enough to help you understand each danger, but I don’t promise that all will work exactly as demonstrated if you try to use them maliciously. (sidebar)

Normally, UNIX scripts and programs run with the same permissions as the user who executes them. This is why typical users can’t change their passwords by editing the /etc/passwd file; they don’t have the permission to w rite to /etc/passwd, and no command they run will either. SUID programs, however, override normal permissions and always run with the permissions of the program’s owner. Therefore, users can use the /usr/bin /passwd command to change their passwords. The /usr/bin/passwd command is SUID and is owned by root. It always runs with the same permissions as root.

When new administrators discover SUID, they often see it as a silver bullet that will solve all of their problems. They immediately begin using SUID scripts and programs to make their jobs easier. Unfortunately, they usually do it w rong. When working with admins new to SUID, I often encounter scripts like this:

% ls change-pass
-rwsr-x— 1 root helpdesk
37 Feb 26 16:35 change-pass
% cat change-pass

!/bin/csh -b

set user = 1passwd 1 p a s s w d user

This simple script was set up to allow the help desk reset user passwords, which is a common need. The script is SUID root and is only executable by root or the members of the help desk group. This simple script is also riddled with holes. I’m going to expose seven of these holes and see whether they can be prevented. (sidebar)

The first problem occurs because this script is w ritten in C-shell. C-shell scripts are vulnerable to manipulating environment variables. To take advantage of this, a hacker can compromise a help desk account (fairly trivial) and give himself a root shell with:

% env TERM=’cp /bin/sh /tmp/sh;chown root /tmp/sh;chmod 4755/tmp/sh’ change-pass

Lesson One – Never use C-shell f or SUID scripts.

% cat change-pass


user= 1passwd 1 p a s s w d user

Rew riting the script in Korn shell helps us avoid the C-shell problem , but we still have problems. The script is vulnerable to a hacker manipulating the PATH variable. Because the program uses relative path names, a hacker can change his PATH to use his own program instead of the regular /usr/bin/passwd program:

% export PATH=’/tmp’
% echo “cp /bin/sh /tmp/sh;chown root /tmp/sh;chmod 4755/tmp/sh” >/tmp/passwd
% ./change-pass

The PATH has been changed, and the change-pass command now runs the /tmp/passwd program instead of the /usr/bin /passwd program that we intended.

Lesson Two – A lways manually set the PATH and use absolute path names.

% cat change-pass

!/bin/ksh PATH=’/bin:/usr/bin’

user= 1/usr/bin/passwd 1 / u s r / b i n / p a s s w d user

Now the PATH is secure and we are using absolute paths; but look closely and see that this script can change any password, even root’s! We don’t want the help desk (or a hacker) using our script to change root’s password.

Lesson Three – Understand how the programs in your script work.

% cat change-pass #!/bin/ksh PATH=’/bin:/usr/bin’ user= 1rm/tmp/.userecho" 1 r m / t m p / . u s e r e c h o " user” > /tmp/.user isroot=’/usr/bin/grep -c root /tmp/.user’ [ “isroot" -gt 0 ] && echo "You Can't change root's password!" && exit /usr/bin/passwd isroot" -gt 0 ] && echo "You Can't change root's password!" && exit /usr/bin/passwd user

Now this script will exit if someone enters root as the argument. But what happens if a hacker runs the program and doesn’t specify an argument? The program will run the passwd command without any arguments. When the passwd command doesn’t receive any arguments, it defaults to the current user. The problem is that in a root-owned SUID script, the current user is always root. The help desk (or hacker) can still change root’s password by not giving change-pass any arguments. Lesson Three (revised) – Understand how the programs in your script work, especially how they handle arguments.

% cat change-pass #!/bin/ksh Sys Admin > Dangers of SUID Shell Scripts… 1 von 3 22.01.2010 13:49 % cat change-pass #!/bin/ksh PATH=’/bin:/usr/bin’ user= 1[z 1 [ − z user ] && echo “Usage: change-pass username” && exit rm /tmp/.user echo “ user">/tmp/.userisroot=/usr/bin/grepcroot/tmp/.user[" u s e r "> / t m p / . u s e r i s r o o t = ′ / u s r / b i n / g r e p − c r o o t / t m p / . u s e r ′ [ " isroot” -gt 0 ] && echo “You Can’t change root’s password!” && exit /usr/bin/passwd $user

We no longer let anyone change root’s password, but notice that we are using a temporary file. This script deletes the temporary file, recreates it, fills it with the username, and finally checks to see whether the username is root.

What if a hacker could time things perfectly so that just after the script removes the /tmp/.user file, but just before it creates a new /tmp/.user file, he created an empty /tmp/.user file? Would the hacker’s file be overwritten? Possibly, but possibly not, depending on how file clobbering was set up. If the hacker’s /tmp/.user is not overwritten, the hacker bypasses the checks and fools the script into changing root’s password. To make this type of attack easier, a hacker could w rite a program that will automatically watch for activity and replace the /tmp/.user file.

Lesson Four – Don’t use temporary files! If you must use temporary files, don’t put them in a publicly writable area.

% cat change-pass #!/bin/ksh PATH=’/bin:/usr/bin’ user= 1[z 1 [ − z user ] && echo “Usage: change-pass username” && exit [ “user" = root ] && echo "You can't change root's password!" && exit /usr/bin/passwd user" = root ] && echo "You can't change root's password!" && exit /usr/bin/passwd user

There are no temporary files, but now a hacker can use the well-known semi-colon trick. A semi-colon lets you put more than one command on a single line. By taking advantage of this, a hacker could type:


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        print 'Greater'
    return (param2 - param1 + 1) or None
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>>> message = '''interpreter
... prompt'''






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