.net c#通过Exif获取图片信息(参数)

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      想要获取图片的信息,例如快门速度、ISO值等等,我们可以通过读取Exif中存储的信息。Exif(Exchangeable Image File)是存储在JPEG格式照片头部的一段信息,相机和手机拍摄的照片都会携带这些信息,但是需要注意,PS的照片的时候采用低质量保存会丢失这些信息。在PS中保存为10-12等级的时候不会丢失,在美图秀秀中保存质量为100%不会丢失。软件在处理的时候也会将自己的信息写入Exif,所以也可以通过这种方式判断是否为原图,或者图片是否经过处理。

     本文中我介绍两种方式获取Exif。一是C#自带的Image.PropertyItems 属性(了解),二是通过第三方控件metadata-extractor获取(推荐)。

一、通过Image.PropertyItems 属性获取照片信息

Image.PropertyItems 属性中有几个重要属性,Id:为int型,不同的Id表示不同的参数的;Value:表示参数的值,byte[]型;Len:为int型,表示Value的长度,以字节为单位;Type:short型,表示Value的取数方法。Type主要有以下几个类型:

type=1 时 Value 为字节数组。

type=2 时 Value 为空终止 ASCII 字符串。如果将类型数据成员设置为 ASCII 类型,则应该将 Len 属性设置为包括空终止的字符串长度。例如,字符串“Hello”的长度为 6

type=3 时 Value 为无符号的短(16 位)整型数组。

type=4 时 Value 为无符号的长(32 位)整型数组。

type=5 时 Value 数据成员为无符号的长整型对数组。每一对都表示一个分数;第一个整数是分子,第二个整数是分母。

type=6 时 Value 为可以包含任何数据类型的值的字节数组。

type=7 时 Value 为有符号的长(32 位)整型数组。

type=10 时 Value 为有符号的长整型对数组。每一对都表示一个分数;第一个整数是分子,第二个整数是分母。


在使用Image.PropertyItems属性时需要引用:using System.Drawing


在调用的时候用 var piList=GetExifByPi("照片路径");这种方法需要注意以下几个方面:





metadata-extractor是目前最简单易用的EXIF信息处理包,是由Drew Noakes写的。官网: https://drewnoakes.com/code/exif/  官网上面的是用的.nupkg的文件,而不是传统的.dll文件,需要通过nuget引入本地。如果不会安装和使用nuget的可以参考文献:http://www.cnblogs.com/chsword/archive/2011/09/14/NuGet_Install_OperatePackage.html  成功安装nuget后再vs中点击:工具->NuGet程序包管理器->程序包管理器控制台。

然后在"pm>"处输入:Install-Package MetadataExtractor  可以参考:https://www.nuget.org/packages/MetadataExtractor/ 



#region 通过metadata-extractor获取照片参数

        //官网: https://drewnoakes.com/code/exif/
        //nuget 官网:https://www.nuget.org/
        //nuget 使用: http://www.cnblogs.com/chsword/archive/2011/09/14/NuGet_Install_OperatePackage.html
        //nuget MetadataExtractor: https://www.nuget.org/packages/MetadataExtractor/

        /// <summary>通过MetadataExtractor获取照片参数
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="imgPath">照片绝对路径</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Dictionary<string,string> GetExifByMe(string imgPath)
            var rmd = ImageMetadataReader.ReadMetadata(imgPath);
            var rt=new Dictionary<string,string>();
            foreach (var rd in rmd)
                foreach(var tag in rd.Tags)
                    var temp = EngToChs(tag.Name);
                    if (temp == "其他")
                    if (!rt.ContainsKey(temp))
                        rt.Add(temp, tag.Description);
            return rt;

        /// <summary>筛选参数并将其名称转换为中文
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="str">参数名称</param>
        /// <returns>参数中文名</returns>
        private static string EngToChs(string str)
            var rt = "其他";
            switch (str)
                case "Exif Version": rt = "Exif版本";
                case "Model": rt = "相机型号";
                case "Lens Model": rt = "镜头类型";
                case "File Name": rt = "文件名";
                case "File Size": rt = "文件大小";
                case "Date/Time": rt = "拍摄时间";
                case "File Modified Date": rt = "修改时间";
                case "Image Height": rt = "照片高度";
                case "Image Width": rt = "照片宽度";
                case "X Resolution": rt = "水平分辨率";
                case "Y Resolution": rt = "垂直分辨率";
                case "Color Space": rt = "色彩空间";

                case "Shutter Speed Value": rt = "快门速度";
                case "F-Number": rt = "光圈";//Aperture Value也表示光圈
                case "ISO Speed Ratings": rt = "ISO";
                case "Exposure Bias Value": rt = "曝光补偿";
                case "Focal Length": rt = "焦距";

                case "Exposure Program": rt = "曝光程序";
                case "Metering Mode": rt = "测光模式";
                case "Flash Mode": rt = "闪光灯";
                case "White Balance Mode": rt = "白平衡";
                case "Exposure Mode": rt = "曝光模式";
                case "Continuous Drive Mode": rt = "驱动模式";
                case "Focus Mode": rt = "对焦模式";
            return rt;


使用的时候:var me=GetExifByMe(); 


1、var rmd = ImageMetadataReader.ReadMetadata(imgPath);方法里可以是照片路径和Stream类型。


官网: https://drewnoakes.com/code/exif/
nuget MetadataExtractor: https://www.nuget.org/packages/MetadataExtractor/
nuget 使用: http://www.cnblogs.com/chsword/archive/2011/09/14/NuGet_Install_OperatePackage.html

[Serializable] public class EXIF { #region -- Class level members -- // Class level members. private Image _picture; #endregion #region -- Constructors -- // Constructors. /// <summary> /// This is default constructor of the EXIF class. /// </summary> public EXIF() { } /// <summary> /// This is base constructor of the EXIF class. /// </summary> public EXIF(string filePath) { _picture = Image.FromFile(filePath); } #endregion #region -- Public methods -- /// <summary> /// This method returns EXIF property values. /// </summary> /// <param name="exifCode">EXIF property to be returned.</param> public string GetEXIFProperty(Definitions.exifCode exifCode) { // Declare local variables. string returnValue; try { // All of the EXIF properties will return strings to display in the control. // Some of the properties require additional formatting or massaging // of the data once it is returned. Those properties have their own // methods. switch (exifCode) { case Definitions.exifCode.ImageDescription: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.ImageDescription); break; case Definitions.exifCode.Make: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.Make); break; case Definitions.exifCode.Model: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.Model); break; case Definitions.exifCode.Orientation: returnValue = Orientation(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.XResolution: returnValue = ParseResolution(Definitions.exifCode.XResolution); break; case Definitions.exifCode.YResolution: returnValue = ParseResolution(Definitions.exifCode.YResolution); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ResolutionUnit: returnValue = ResolutionUnit(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.Software: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.Software); break; case Definitions.exifCode.DateTime: returnValue = ParsedDate(Definitions.exifCode.DateTime).ToString(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.WhitePoint: returnValue = WhitePoint(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.PrimaryChromaticities: returnValue = PrimaryChromaticities(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.YCbCrCoefficients: returnValue = YCbCrCoefficients(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.YCbCrPositioning: returnValue = YCbCrPositioning(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ReferenceBlackWhite: returnValue = ReferenceBlackWhite(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.Copyright: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.Copyright); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ExposureTime: returnValue = ExposureTime(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.FNumber: returnValue = FNumber(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ExposureProgram: returnValue = ExposureProgram(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ISOSpeedRatings: returnValue = UnformattedShort(Definitions.exifCode.ISOSpeedRatings); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ExifVersion: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.ExifVersion); break; case Definitions.exifCode.DateTimeOriginal: returnValue = ParsedDate(Definitions.exifCode.DateTimeOriginal).ToString(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.DateTimeDigitized: returnValue = ParsedDate(Definitions.exifCode.DateTimeDigitized).ToString(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ComponentsConfiguration: returnValue = ComponentsConfiguration(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.CompressedBitsPerPixel: returnValue = CompressedBitsPerPixel(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ShutterSpeedValue: returnValue = ShutterSpeedValue(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ApertureValue: returnValue = ApertureValue(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.BrightnessValue: returnValue = BrightnessValue(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ExposureBiasValue: returnValue = ExposureBiasValue(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.MaxApertureValue: returnValue = MaxApertureValue(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.SubjectDistance: returnValue = SubjectDistance(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.MeteringMode: returnValue = MeteringMode(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.LightSource: returnValue = LightSource(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.Flash: returnValue = Flash(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.FocalLength: returnValue = FocalLength(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.MakerNote: returnValue = MakerNote(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.UserComment: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.UserComment); break; case Definitions.exifCode.SubsecTime: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.SubsecTime); break; case Definitions.exifCode.SubsecTimeOriginal: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.SubsecTimeOriginal); break; case Definitions.exifCode.SubsecTimeDigitized: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.SubsecTimeDigitized); break; case Definitions.exifCode.FlashpixVersion: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.FlashpixVersion); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ColorSpace: returnValue = ColorSpace(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.RelatedSoundFile: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.RelatedSoundFile); break; case Definitions.exifCode.FocalPlaneXResolution: returnValue = FocalPlaneXResolution(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.FocalPlaneYResolution: returnValue = FocalPlaneYResolution(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.FocalPlaneResolutionUnit: returnValue = ResolutionUnit(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ExposureIndex: returnValue = ExposureIndex(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.SensingMethod: returnValue = SensingMethod(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.FileSource: returnValue = FileSource(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.SceneType: returnValue = SceneType(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.CFAPattern: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.CFAPattern); break; case Definitions.exifCode.InteroperabilityIndex: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.InteroperabilityIndex); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ImageWidth: returnValue = UnformattedShort(Definitions.exifCode.ImageWidth); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ImageLength: returnValue = UnformattedShort(Definitions.exifCode.ImageLength); ; break; case Definitions.exifCode.BitsPerSample: returnValue = BitsPerSample(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.Compression: returnValue = Compression(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.PhotometricInterpretation: returnValue = PhotometricInterpretation(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.StripOffsets: returnValue = StripOffsets(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.SamplesPerPixel: returnValue = UnformattedShort(Definitions.exifCode.SamplesPerPixel); break; case Definitions.exifCode.RowsPerStrip: returnValue = UnformattedShort(Definitions.exifCode.RowsPerStrip); break; case Definitions.exifCode.StripByteCounts: returnValue = StripByteCounts(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.PlanarConfiguration: returnValue = PlanarConfiguration(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.YCbCrSubSampling: returnValue = YCbCrSubSampling(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ImageUniqueID: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.ImageUniqueID); break; case Definitions.exifCode.JPEGInterchangeFormatLength: returnValue = UnformattedShort(Definitions.exifCode.JPEGInterchangeFormatLength); break; case Definitions.exifCode.TransferFunction: returnValue = "Not implemented."; break; case Definitions.exifCode.PixelXDimension: returnValue = UnformattedShort(Definitions.exifCode.PixelXDimension); break; case Definitions.exifCode.PixelYDimension: returnValue = UnformattedShort(Definitions.exifCode.PixelYDimension); break; case Definitions.exifCode.SpectralSensitivity: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.SpectralSensitivity); break; case Definitions.exifCode.OECF: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.OECF); break; case Definitions.exifCode.CustomRendered: returnValue = CustomRendered(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.ExposureMode: returnValue = ExposureMode(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.WhiteBalance: returnValue = WhiteBalance(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.DigitalZoomRatio: returnValue = DigitalZoomRatio(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.FocalLengthIn35mmFilm: returnValue = FocalLengthIn35mmFilm(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.SceneCaptureType: returnValue = SceneCaptureType(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.GainControl: returnValue = GainControl(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.Contrast: returnValue = Contrast(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.Saturation: returnValue = Saturation(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.Sharpness: returnValue = Sharpness(); break; case Definitions.exifCode.DeviceSettingDescription: returnValue = ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode.DeviceSettingDescription); break; case Definitions.exifCode.SubjectDistanceRange: returnValue = SubjectDistanceRange(); break; default: returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; break; } return returnValue; } catch { return "N/A"; } } #endregion #region -- EXIF Methods -- /// <summary> /// This method returns the bits per sample EXIF property. /// </summary> private string BitsPerSample() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.BitsPerSample); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!data.Equals(null)) { returnValue = data[0].ToString() + " " + data[1].ToString() + " " + data[2].ToString(); } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the compression EXIF property. /// </summary> private string Compression() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.Compression); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!data.Equals(null)) { switch (data[0]) { case 1: returnValue = "uncompressed"; break; case 6: returnValue = "JPEG compression (thumbnails only)"; break; default: returnValue = "reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the photometric interpretation EXIF property. /// </summary> private string PhotometricInterpretation() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.PhotometricInterpretation); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (data != null) { switch (data[0]) { case 2: returnValue = "RBG"; break; case 6: returnValue = "YCbCr"; break; default: returnValue = "reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the strip offsets EXIF property. /// </summary> private string StripOffsets() { return "Not implemented."; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the strip byte counts EXIF property. /// </summary> private string StripByteCounts() { return "Not implemented."; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the planar configuration EXIF property. /// </summary> private string PlanarConfiguration() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.PlanarConfiguration); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (data != null) { switch (data[0]) { case 1: returnValue = "chunky format"; break; case 2: returnValue = "planar format"; break; default: returnValue = "reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the YCbCr subsampling EXIF property. /// </summary> private string YCbCrSubSampling() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.YCbCrSubSampling); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (data != null) { switch (data[0]) { case 2: if (data[1] == 1) { returnValue = "YCbCr4:2:2"; } else { returnValue = "YCbCr4:2:0"; } break; default: returnValue = "reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the orientation EXIF property. /// </summary> private string Orientation() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.Orientation); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 1: returnValue = "The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side."; break; case 2: returnValue = "The 0th row is at the visual top of the image, and the 0th column is the visual right-hand side."; break; case 3: returnValue = "The 0th row is at the visual bottom of the image, and the 0th column is the visual right-hand side."; break; case 4: returnValue = "The 0th row is at the visual bottom of the image, and the 0th column is the visual left-hand side."; break; case 5: returnValue = "The 0th row is at the visual left-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual top."; break; case 6: returnValue = "The 0th row is at the visual right-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual top."; break; case 7: returnValue = "The 0th row is at the visual right-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual bottom."; break; case 8: returnValue = "The 0th row is at the visual left-hand side of the image, and the 0th column is the visual bottom."; break; default: returnValue = "Other"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the resolution unit EXIF property. /// </summary> private string ResolutionUnit() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; byte[] resUnit = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.ResolutionUnit); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (resUnit != null) { switch (resUnit[0]) { case 2: returnValue = "inches"; break; case 3: returnValue = "centimeters"; break; default: returnValue = "reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the white point EXIF property. /// </summary> private string WhitePoint() { string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational[] data = ParsedRationalArray(Definitions.exifCode.WhitePoint); if (data.Length > 0) { returnValue = data[0].Denominator.ToString() + ", " + data[1].Denominator.ToString(); } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the primary chromaticities EXIF property. /// </summary> private string PrimaryChromaticities() { string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational[] data = ParsedRationalArray(Definitions.exifCode.PrimaryChromaticities); if (data.Length > 0) { returnValue = data[0].Denominator.ToString() + ", " + data[1].Denominator.ToString() + ", " + data[2].Denominator.ToString() + ", " + data[3].Denominator.ToString() + ", " + data[4].Denominator.ToString() + ", " + data[5].Denominator.ToString(); } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the YCbCr coefficients EXIF property. /// </summary> private string YCbCrCoefficients() { string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational[] data = ParsedRationalArray(Definitions.exifCode.YCbCrCoefficients); if (data.Length > 0) { returnValue = data[0].Denominator.ToString() + ", " + data[1].Denominator.ToString() + ", " + data[2].Denominator.ToString(); } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the YCbCr positioning EXIF property. /// </summary> private string YCbCrPositioning() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = ""; byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.YCbCrPositioning); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 1: returnValue = "centered"; break; case 2: returnValue = "co-sited"; break; default: returnValue = "reserved"; break; } } else { returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the reference black white EXIF property. /// </summary> private string ReferenceBlackWhite() { string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational[] data = ParsedRationalArray(Definitions.exifCode.ReferenceBlackWhite); if (data.Length > 0) { returnValue = "[" + data[0].Denominator.ToString() + ", " + data[1].Denominator.ToString() + ", " + data[2].Denominator.ToString() + ", " + data[3].Denominator.ToString() + ", " + data[4].Denominator.ToString() + ", " + data[5].Denominator.ToString() + "]"; } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the exposure time EXIF property. /// </summary> private string ExposureTime() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational exposureTime = ParsedRational(Definitions.exifCode.ExposureTime); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!exposureTime.Equals(null)) { if (exposureTime.Numerator == 0 && exposureTime.Denominator == 0) { returnValue = "N/A"; } else { returnValue = string.Format("{0}/{1} s", exposureTime.Numerator, exposureTime.Denominator); } } else { returnValue = "N/A"; } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the FNumber EXIF property. /// </summary> private string FNumber() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational fNumber = ParsedRational(Definitions.exifCode.FNumber); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!fNumber.Equals(null)) { returnValue = string.Format("f{0}", (float)(fNumber.Numerator / fNumber.Denominator)); } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the exposure program EXIF property. /// </summary> private string ExposureProgram() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.ExposureProgram); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 0: returnValue = "Not defined"; break; case 1: returnValue = "Manual"; break; case 2: returnValue = "Normal program"; break; case 3: returnValue = "Aperture priority"; break; case 4: returnValue = "Shutter priority"; break; case 5: returnValue = "Creative program (biased toward depth of field)"; break; case 6: returnValue = "Action program (biased toward fast shutter speed)"; break; case 7: returnValue = "Portrait mode (for closeup photos with the background out of focus)"; break; case 8: returnValue = "Landscape mode (for landscape photos with the background in focus)"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the components configuration EXIF property. /// </summary> private string ComponentsConfiguration() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.ComponentsConfiguration); switch (data[0]) { case 1: returnValue = "YCbCr"; break; case 4: returnValue = "RGB"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the compressed bits per pixel EXIF property. /// </summary> // This method needs to fixed to return the correct value. private string CompressedBitsPerPixel() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational cbpp = ParsedRational(Definitions.exifCode.CompressedBitsPerPixel); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!cbpp.Equals(null)) { returnValue = string.Format("{0}/{1}", cbpp.Numerator, cbpp.Denominator); } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the aperture value EXIF property. /// </summary> private string ApertureValue() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational fNumber = ParsedRational(Definitions.exifCode.FNumber); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!fNumber.Equals(null)) { double av = Math.Round(2 * Math.Log(((fNumber.Numerator / fNumber.Denominator)), 2.00)); returnValue = string.Format("f{0}", (double)av); } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the shutter speed value EXIF property. /// </summary> private string ShutterSpeedValue() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; returnValue = ExposureTime(); return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the subject distance EXIF property. /// </summary> private string SubjectDistance() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational sd = ParsedRational(Definitions.exifCode.SubjectDistance); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!sd.Equals(null)) { returnValue = string.Format("{0}", sd.Numerator); } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the metering mode EXIF property. /// </summary> private string MeteringMode() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.MeteringMode); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 0: returnValue = "Unknown"; break; case 1: returnValue = "Average"; break; case 2: returnValue = "CenterWeightedAverage"; break; case 3: returnValue = "Spot"; break; case 4: returnValue = "MultiSpot"; break; case 5: returnValue = "Pattern"; break; case 6: returnValue = "Partial"; break; case 255: returnValue = "Other"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the light source EXIF property. /// </summary> private string LightSource() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.LightSource); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 1: returnValue = "Daylight"; break; case 2: returnValue = "Fluorescent"; break; case 3: returnValue = "Tungsten (incandescent light)"; break; case 4: returnValue = "Flash"; break; case 9: returnValue = "Fine weather"; break; case 10: returnValue = "Cloudy weather"; break; case 11: returnValue = "Shade"; break; case 12: returnValue = "Daylight fluorescent (D 5700 - 7100K)"; break; case 13: returnValue = "Day white fluorescent (N 4600 - 5400K)"; break; case 14: returnValue = "Cool white fluorescent (W 3900 - 4500K)"; break; case 15: returnValue = "White fluorescent (WW 3200 - 3700K)"; break; case 17: returnValue = "Standard light A"; break; case 18: returnValue = "Standard light B"; break; case 19: returnValue = "Standard light C"; break; case 20: returnValue = "D55"; break; case 21: returnValue = "D65"; break; case 22: returnValue = "D75."; break; case 23: returnValue = "D50"; break; case 24: returnValue = "ISO studio tungsten"; break; case 255: returnValue = "other light source"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the flash EXIF property. /// </summary> private string Flash() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.Flash); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 0: returnValue = "Flash did not fire."; break; case 1: returnValue = "Flash fired."; break; case 5: returnValue = "Strobe return light not detected."; break; case 7: returnValue = "Strobe return light detected."; break; case 9: returnValue = "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode."; break; case 13: returnValue = "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, return light not detected."; break; case 15: returnValue = "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, return light detected."; break; case 16: returnValue = "Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode."; break; case 24: returnValue = "Flash did not fire, auto mode."; break; case 25: returnValue = "Flash fired, auto mode."; break; case 29: returnValue = "Flash fired, auto mode, return light not detected."; break; case 31: returnValue = "Flash fired, auto mode, return light detected."; break; case 32: returnValue = "No flash function."; break; case 65: returnValue = "Flash fired, red-eye reduction mode."; break; case 69: returnValue = "Flash fired, red-eye reduction mode, return light not detected."; break; case 71: returnValue = "Flash fired, red-eye reduction mode, return light detected."; break; case 73: returnValue = "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, red-eye reduction mode."; break; case 77: returnValue = "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, red-eye reduction mode, return light not detected."; break; case 79: returnValue = "Flash fired, compulsory flash mode, red-eye reduction mode, return light detected."; break; case 89: returnValue = "Flash fired, auto mode, red-eye reduction mode."; break; case 93: returnValue = "Flash fired, auto mode, return light not detected, red-eye reduction mode."; break; case 95: returnValue = "Flash fired, auto mode, return light detected, red-eye reduction mode."; break; default: returnValue = "Not defined, reserved."; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the focal length EXIF property. /// </summary> private string FocalLength() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational focalLength = ParsedRational(Definitions.exifCode.FocalLength); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!focalLength.Equals(null)) { if (focalLength.Numerator == 0 && focalLength.Denominator == 0) { returnValue = "N/A"; } else { returnValue = string.Format("{0:N0} mm", focalLength.Numerator * 1.0 / focalLength.Denominator); } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the maker note EXIF property. /// </summary> private string MakerNote() { return "Not implemented."; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the color space EXIF property. /// </summary> private string ColorSpace() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.ColorSpace); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 1: returnValue = "sRGB"; break; case 255: returnValue = "Uncalibrated"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the focal plane x resolution EXIF property. /// </summary> private string FocalPlaneXResolution() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational focalPlaneXRes = ParsedRational(Definitions.exifCode.FocalPlaneXResolution); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!focalPlaneXRes.Equals(null)) { returnValue = string.Format("{0:N0} mm", (focalPlaneXRes.Numerator * 1.0 / focalPlaneXRes.Denominator)); } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the focal plane y resolution EXIF property. /// </summary> private string FocalPlaneYResolution() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational focalPlaneYRes = ParsedRational(Definitions.exifCode.FocalPlaneYResolution); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!focalPlaneYRes.Equals(null)) { returnValue = string.Format("{0:N0} mm", focalPlaneYRes.Numerator * 1.0 / focalPlaneYRes.Denominator); } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the exposure index EXIF property. /// </summary> private string ExposureIndex() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational expIndex = ParsedRational(Definitions.exifCode.ExposureIndex); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!expIndex.Equals(null)) { returnValue = string.Format("{0:N0} mm", expIndex.Numerator * 1.0 / expIndex.Denominator); } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the sensing method EXIF property. /// </summary> private string SensingMethod() { // Declare local variables. // Get the value for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.SensingMethod); string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 1: returnValue = "Not defined."; break; case 2: returnValue = "One-chip color area sensor."; break; case 3: returnValue = "Two-chip color area sensor."; break; case 4: returnValue = "Three-chip color area sensor."; break; case 5: returnValue = "Color sequential area sensor."; break; case 7: returnValue = "Trilinear sensor."; break; case 8: returnValue = "Color sequential linear sensor"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved."; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the file source EXIF property. /// </summary> private string FileSource() { // Declare local variables. // Get the value for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.FileSource); string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 3: returnValue = "DSC"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the scene type EXIF property. /// </summary> private string SceneType() { // Declare local variables. // Get the value for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.FileSource); string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 1: returnValue = "A directly photographed image."; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved."; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the custom rendered EXIF property. /// </summary> private string CustomRendered() { // Declare local variables. // Get the value for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.CustomRendered); string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 0: returnValue = "Normal process"; break; case 1: returnValue = "Custom process"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the exposure mode EXIF property. /// </summary> private string ExposureMode() { // Declare local variables. // Get the value for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.ExposureMode); string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 0: returnValue = "Auto exposure"; break; case 1: returnValue = "Manual exposure"; break; case 2: returnValue = "Auto bracket"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the white balance EXIF property. /// </summary> private string WhiteBalance() { // Declare local variables. // Get the value for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.WhiteBalance); string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 0: returnValue = "Auto white balance"; break; case 1: returnValue = "Manual white balance"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the focal length in 35mm film EXIF property. /// </summary> private string FocalLengthIn35mmFilm() { // Declare local variables. // Get the value for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.FocalLengthIn35mmFilm); string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; if (data.Length > 0) { if (data[0] == 0) { returnValue = "Unknown"; } else if (data[0].ToString().Trim() == "NaN") { returnValue = "N/A"; } else { returnValue = data[0].ToString() + "mm"; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the scene capture type EXIF property. /// </summary> private string SceneCaptureType() { // Declare local variables. // Get the value for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.SceneCaptureType); string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 0: returnValue = "Standard"; break; case 1: returnValue = "Landscape"; break; case 2: returnValue = "Portrait"; break; case 3: returnValue = "Night scene"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the gain control EXIF property. /// </summary> private string GainControl() { // Declare local variables. // Get the value for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.GainControl); string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 0: returnValue = "None"; break; case 1: returnValue = "Low gain up"; break; case 2: returnValue = "High gain up"; break; case 3: returnValue = "Low gain down"; break; case 4: returnValue = "High gain down"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the contrast EXIF property. /// </summary> private string Contrast() { // Declare local variables. // Get the value for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.Contrast); string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 0: returnValue = "Normal"; break; case 1: returnValue = "Soft"; break; case 2: returnValue = "Hard"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the saturation EXIF property. /// </summary> private string Saturation() { // Declare local variables. // Get the value for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.Saturation); string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 0: returnValue = "Normal"; break; case 1: returnValue = "Low saturation"; break; case 2: returnValue = "High saturation"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the sharpness EXIF property. /// </summary> private string Sharpness() { // Declare local variables. // Get the value for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.Sharpness); string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 0: returnValue = "Normal"; break; case 1: returnValue = "Soft"; break; case 2: returnValue = "Hard"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the subject distance range EXIF property. /// </summary> private string SubjectDistanceRange() { // Declare local variables. // Get the value for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.SubjectDistanceRange); string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; if (data.Length > 0) { switch (data[0]) { case 0: returnValue = "Unknown"; break; case 1: returnValue = "Macro"; break; case 2: returnValue = "Close view"; break; case 3: returnValue = "Distant view"; break; default: returnValue = "Reserved"; break; } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the subject location EXIF property. /// </summary> private string SubjectLocation() { // Declare local variables. // Get the value for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode.SubjectLocation); string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; if (data.Length > 0) { returnValue = "(" + data[0].ToString() + ", " + data[1].ToString() + ")"; } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the digital zoom ratio EXIF property. /// </summary> private string DigitalZoomRatio() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational dzr = ParsedRational(Definitions.exifCode.DigitalZoomRatio); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!dzr.Equals(null)) { returnValue = dzr.Numerator.ToString() + ":" + dzr.Denominator.ToString(); } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the brightness value EXIF property. /// </summary> private string BrightnessValue() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational data = ParsedRational(Definitions.exifCode.DigitalZoomRatio); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!data.Equals(null)) { if ((long)data.Numerator >= Int32.MaxValue) { returnValue = "Unknown"; } else { returnValue = Math.Log(data.Numerator / data.Denominator, 2.0).ToString(); } } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the max aperture value EXIF property. /// </summary> private string MaxApertureValue() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational data = ParsedRational(Definitions.exifCode.MaxApertureValue); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!data.Equals(null)) { returnValue = string.Format("f{0}", (double)(data.Numerator / data.Denominator)); } return returnValue; } /// <summary> /// This method returns the exposure bias value EXIF property. /// </summary> private string ExposureBiasValue() { //Declare local variables. string returnValue = "EXIF property not found."; EXIFRational data = ParsedRational(Definitions.exifCode.ExposureBiasValue); //Translate the EXIF code into a readable value. if (!data.Equals(null)) { returnValue = string.Format("f{0}", (double)(data.Numerator / data.Denominator)); } return returnValue; } #endregion #region -- Private helper functions -- // Private helper functions. /// <summary> /// This method retrieves the data from the propery items collection. /// </summary> private byte[] GetPropertyValue(Definitions.exifCode exifCode) { return _picture.GetPropertyItem((int)exifCode).Value; } /// <summary> /// This method returns string EXIF data. /// </summary> private string ParsedString(Definitions.exifCode exifCode) { // Declare local variables. // Retrieve the data for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(exifCode); // Holds the return value. string parsed = ""; // If there's data, go ahead and parse it. if (data.Length > 1) { // Allocate some memory. IntPtr h = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(data.Length); int i = 0; foreach (byte b in data) { Marshal.WriteByte(h, i, b); i++; } parsed = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(h); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(h); } return parsed; } /// <summary> /// This method returns rational EXIF data. /// </summary> private EXIFRational ParsedRational(Definitions.exifCode exifCode) { // Declare local variables. // Retrieve the data for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(exifCode); // Parse the data. EXIFRational parsed = new EXIFRational(data); return parsed; } /// <summary> /// This method returns an array of rational EXIF data. /// </summary> private EXIFRational[] ParsedRationalArray(Definitions.exifCode exifCode) { // Declare local variables. // Retrieve the data for this EXIF property. byte[] data = GetPropertyValue(exifCode); // Holds the return value. EXIFRational[] parsed = null; int arraySize = (data.Length / 8); if (arraySize > 0) { parsed = new EXIFRational[arraySize]; for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) { parsed[i] = new EXIFRational(data, i * 8); } } return parsed; } /// <summary> /// This method returns date/time EXIF data. /// </summary> private DateTime ParsedDate(Definitions.exifCode exifCode) { // Declare local variables. // Create a new date object. DateTime ret = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); // Parse the data. string date = ParsedString(exifCode); // Format the data. if (date.Length >= 19) {




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