The extended Kalman Filter

The extended Kalman Filter

Kalman Filter is build according to the assumptions of f linear state transitions and linear measurements with added Gaussian noise,but which are rarely fulfilled in practice.The extended Kalman filter (EKF) overcomes one of these assumptions: the linearity assumption.Here the assumption is that the next state probability and the measurement probabilities are governed by nonlinear functions g g g and h h h,respectively:

x t = g ( u t , x t − 1 ) + ε t z t = h ( x t ) + δ t (1) \begin{aligned} x_{t} &=g\left(u_{t}, x_{t-1}\right)+\varepsilon_{t} \tag{1} \\ z_{t} &=h\left(x_{t}\right)+\delta_{t} \end{aligned} xtzt=g(ut,xt1)+εt=h(xt)+δt(1)

The function g g g replace the matrixs A A A and B B B ,and the h h h replace the matrix H H H.Unfortunately,the belief is no longer a Gaussian.In fact, performing the belief update exactly is usually impossible.


Linearization Via Taylor Expansion

EKF使用称为 Taylor Expansion 的方法来线性化非线性函数。泰勒展开就是在某点的值和导数构造一个线性approximation。斜率是对某点的偏导数:

g ′ ( u t , x t − 1 ) : = ∂ g ( u t , x t − 1 ) ∂ x t − 1 \begin{aligned}g^{\prime}\left(u_{t}, x_{t-1}\right):=\frac{\partial g\left(u_{t}, x_{t-1}\right)}{\partial x_{t-1}}\end{aligned} g(ut,xt1):=xt1g(ut,xt1)

其中 g g g 的值和斜率是取决于 g g g 的参数的,选取的逻辑就是在线性化的时候最有可能的值,对高斯函数,最有可能的状态就是后验的均值 μ t − 1 \mu_{t-1} μt1 。换句话说就是 g g g μ t − 1 \mu_{t-1} μt1 处 approximate:

g ( u t , x t − 1 ) ≈ g ( u t , μ t − 1 ) + g ′ ( u t , μ t − 1 ) ⏟ = : G t ( x t − 1 − μ t − 1 ) = g ( u t , μ t − 1 ) + G t ( x t − 1 − μ t − 1 ) \begin{aligned} g\left(u_{t}, x_{t-1}\right) & \approx g\left(u_{t}, \mu_{t-1}\right)+\underbrace{g^{\prime}\left(u_{t}, \mu_{t-1}\right)}_{=: G_{t}}\left(x_{t-1}-\mu_{t-1}\right) \\ &=g\left(u_{t}, \mu_{t-1}\right)+G_{t}\left(x_{t-1}-\mu_{t-1}\right) \end{aligned} g(ut,xt1)g(ut,μt1)+=:Gt g(ut,μt1)(xt1μt1)=g(ut,μt1)+Gt(xt1μt1)


p ( x t ∣ u t , x t − 1 ) ≈ det ⁡ ( 2 π R t ) − 1 2 exp ⁡ { − 1 2 [ x t − g ( u t , μ t − 1 ) − G t ( x t − 1 − μ t − 1 ) ] T R t − 1 [ x t − g ( u t , μ t − 1 ) − G t ( x t − 1 − μ t − 1 ) ] } \begin{array}{l} p\left(x_{t} \mid u_{t}, x_{t-1}\right) \\ \begin{aligned} \approx & \operatorname{det}\left(2 \pi R_{t}\right)^{-\frac{1}{2}} \exp \left\{-\frac{1}{2}\left[x_{t}-g\left(u_{t}, \mu_{t-1}\right)-G_{t}\left(x_{t-1}-\mu_{t-1}\right)\right]^{T}\right.\\ &\left.R_{t}^{-1}\left[x_{t}-g\left(u_{t}, \mu_{t-1}\right)-G_{t}\left(x_{t-1}-\mu_{t-1}\right)\right]\right\} \end{aligned} \end{array} p(xtut,xt1)det(2πRt)21exp{21[xtg(ut,μt1)Gt(xt1μt1)]TRt1[xtg(ut,μt1)Gt(xt1μt1)]}

对测量函数同样线性化,这里的泰勒展开取在 μ ˉ t \bar{\mu}_{t} μˉt 这附近:

h ( x t ) ≈ h ( μ ˉ t ) + h ′ ( μ ˉ t ) ⏟ = : H t ( x t − μ ˉ t ) = h ( μ ˉ t ) + H t ( x t − μ ˉ t ) \begin{aligned} h\left(x_{t}\right) & \approx h\left(\bar{\mu}_{t}\right)+\underbrace{h^{\prime}\left(\bar{\mu}_{t}\right)}_{=: H_{t}}\left(x_{t}-\bar{\mu}_{t}\right) \\ &=h\left(\bar{\mu}_{t}\right)+H_{t}\left(x_{t}-\bar{\mu}_{t}\right) \end{aligned} h(xt)h(μˉt)+=:Ht h(μˉt)(xtμˉt)=h(μˉt)+Ht(xtμˉt)


p ( z t ∣ x t ) = det ⁡ ( 2 π Q t ) − 1 2 exp ⁡ { − 1 2 [ z t − h ( μ ˉ t ) − H t ( x t − μ ˉ t ) ] T Q t − 1 [ z t − h ( μ ˉ t ) − H t ( x t − μ ˉ t ) ] } (7) \begin{aligned} p\left(z_{t} \mid x_{t}\right)=& \operatorname{det}\left(2 \pi Q_{t}\right)^{-\frac{1}{2}} \exp \left\{-\frac{1}{2}\left[z_{t}-h\left(\bar{\mu}_{t}\right)-H_{t}\left(x_{t}-\bar{\mu}_{t}\right)\right]^{T}\right.\\ &\left.Q_{t}^{-1}\left[z_{t}-h\left(\bar{\mu}_{t}\right)-H_{t}\left(x_{t}-\bar{\mu}_{t}\right)\right]\right\} \end{aligned}\tag{7} p(ztxt)=det(2πQt)21exp{21[zth(μˉt)Ht(xtμˉt)]TQt1[zth(μˉt)Ht(xtμˉt)]}(7)


The algorithm




这下对比一下相信已经很熟悉了把,接下来就一个个对应起来理解。第一第二种形式是《Probabilistic Robotics》的,第三种形式是我在这篇intro看到的,第三种看起来更好理解,所以我们就来理一下前两种中字母的关系。

  1. μ ˉ t \bar{\mu}_{t} μˉt equal to x ^ k − \hat{x}_{k}^{-} x^k ,predict state。
  2. μ t \mu_{t} μt equal to x ^ k \hat{x}_{k} x^k ,represent update the state at k k k of estimation with measurement。
  3. μ t − 1 \mu_{t-1} μt1 equal to x ^ k − 1 \hat{x}_{k-1} x^k1 ,represent the state at k − 1 k-1 k1 of estimation。
  4. Σ ˉ t \bar{\Sigma}_{t} Σˉt equal to P k − P_{k}^{-} Pk , a priori estimate error covariance,说人话就是估计的误差协方差矩阵,利用先验的知识,还没有得到观测数据。
  5. Σ t − 1 \Sigma_{t-1} Σt1 equal to P k − 1 P_{k-1} Pk1 ,a posteriori estimate error covariance,说人话就是利用后验估计误差协方差矩阵,就是利用获得的观测数据更新了误差协方差矩阵。
  6. G t G_{t} Gt A t A_t At and A A A , A A A present a constant transform matrix,but A t A_t At present a dynamic, G t G_t Gt is a Jacobian matrix,what is Jacobian matrix?Partial derivative of variable matrix.
  7. H t H_t Ht and H H H and C t C_t Ct Jacobian H t H_t Ht corresponds to C t C_t Ct .


μ ˉ t = g ( u t , μ t − 1 ) Σ ˉ t = G t Σ t − 1 G t T + R t \begin{array}{l} \bar{\mu}_{t}=g\left(u_{t}, \mu_{t-1}\right) \\ \bar{\Sigma}_{t}=G_{t} \Sigma_{t-1} G_{t}^{T}+R_{t} \end{array} μˉt=g(ut,μt1)Σˉt=GtΣt1GtT+Rt

其中更新predict state不是线性的关系,而是一个非线性的函数 g g g, error covariance 更新需要算协方差矩阵了。这应该就是扩展卡尔曼和卡尔曼的区别了吧。


最后总结就是扩展卡尔曼是一个在某处线性化的过程,而这个线性化的点就在mean of posterior μ t − 1 \mu_{t-1} μt1 ,因为在高斯的图形中,这个mean的点附近是概率最集中的点,这句话应该是精髓吧。然后迭代的过程和卡尔曼滤波是一样的。数学证明有能力有时间再看吧。。。

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