
Create a Bootable Windows 10 USB in Linux With Ubuntu/Debian GUI


Iam a Linux user and sysadmin. However, I need to install a couple of Windows 10 enterprise or MS-Windows 10 LTSB on a desktop system for developers. How do I create a bootable Windows 10 USB in Linux with GUI tools on an Ubuntu Linux 18.04 or Debian Linux 9.x?

Introduction: There are two methods to install Microsoft Windows 10 enterprise, pro or LTSB ( long-term servicing branch) on a USB pen drive. The first method includes installing an app called woeusbgui and writing an ISO image using that app to the USB pen drive. The second method use a bash shell script. The third method involves typing the various command at the Linux shell prompt and recommended for advanced users. Let us see how to create a bootable Windows 10 enterprise or LTSB USB in Linux with the CLI and GUI methods. You need the following:

  1. Linux distro such as Debian or Ubuntu or Linux mint
  2. Windows 10 enterprise/ltsb client ISO (download link). The following instuctions should work with Windows 7/8/10 pro or home edition too.
  3. woeusb and releated commands from source code
  4. GNU compiler collection
  5. A USB pen drive (usb hard disk or usb stick) with at 4 Gb or more free disk space

Warning: Writing or selecting the wrong kind of boot record to a device (USB/hard disk) might destroy partition information or file system or data forever. Be careful with partition and disk names.

Method 1. Create a Bootable Windows 10 USB in Linux with woeusbgui GUI app

This method is recommended for all new Linux users as it requires less typing at the CLI and easy to use. WoeUSB is a simple Linux program to create a Windows 10 USB stick installer from a real Windows DVD or ISO image. From the Github page:

WoeUSB is a simple tool that enable you to create your own usb stick windows installer from an iso image or a real DVD. It is a fork of Congelli501’s WinUSB. This package contains two programs:

  1. woeusb: A command-line utility that enables you to create your own bootable Windows installation USB storage device from an existing Windows Installation disc or disk image
  2. woeusbgui: A GUI wrapper of woeusb based on WxWidgets

It supports Windows Vista, Windows 7, Window 8.x, Windows 10. All languages and any version (home, pro, ltsb, …) and Windows PE.

Clone WoeUSB

Type the following git command
git clone https://github.com/slacka/WoeUSB.git
Set the application version string:
cd WoeUSB/

Install WoeUSB’s build dependencies on a Debian or Ubuntu Linux using the apt-get command or apt command
sudo apt-get install devscripts equivs gdebi-core
sudo gdebi woeusb-build-deps_*.deb
dpkg-buildpackage -uc -b
sudo gdebi ../woeusb*.deb


Install WoeUSB to create usb stick windows 10 installer from an iso image on Linux


Make a Bootable Windows 10 USB from Linux

Simply type the following command to completely WIPE the entire USB storage device (called /dev/sdc), then build a bootable Windows USB device from scratch:
sudo woeusb --device win_10.iso /dev/sdc
Not a fan of the CLI? Try gui version:
Create a Bootable Windows 10 USB in Linux With WoeUSB Ubuntu or Debian GUI app
The progress:
Windows 10 writing to usb pen drive on Linux
Wait for some time. You should get a confirmation box as follows:
Installation done for Windows 10 on Linux
Remove USB pen from Linux. Go to your desktop/laptop. Insert USB pen. Boot up the system and make sure bios set to boot from USB. You should see Windows blue logo soon on the screen when installer boots from USB pen drive.

Now just follow on screen instructions to install Windows 10 Entperise client or LTSB edition on your desktop/laptop.

Method 2. Bash shell script to create a bootable Windows 10 USB device from one ISO file

Install it as follows from the Github:

sudo apt install extlinux
mkdir ~/bin/
cd ~/bin/
curl -L https://git.io/bootiso -O
chmod +x bootiso

To list your usb pen drive run:

~/bin/bootiso -l

To write create a bootable Windows 10 USB from an ISO image named ~/Downloads/win-10-ltsb.iso, run:

~/bin/bootiso -p ~/Downloads/win-10-ltsb.iso
~/bin/bootiso ~/Downloads/win-10-ltsb.iso


Create a Windows 10 USB bootable device from an ISO image using a bash shell script

Once created a bootable Windows 10 USB. Unplug it from the Linux computer. Turn on computer. Boot from USB and install Windows 10 enterprise client.


Method 3. Create a Bootable Windows 10 USB in Linux with CLI apps only

First you need to install a tool called ms-sys. It is a Linux cli app for writing Microsoft compatible boot records. This program does the same as Microsoft “fdisk /mbr” to a hard disk except that it does not copy any system files, only the boot record written.

Download and install ms-sys

Grab the latest version from this page. Use the wget command or curl command to grab the file:
cd /tmp/
wget https://nchc.dl.sourceforge.net/project/ms-sys/ms-sys%20development/2.5.2/ms-sys-2.5.2.tar.gz

Untar the tar ball named ms-sys-2.5.2.tar.gz using the tar command:
tar -zxvf ms-sys-2.5.2.tar.gz
If you do not have gnu gcc c/c++ compiler installed on a Debian or Ubuntu Linux, install it using the apt command or apt-get command:
sudo apt install build-essential
See the following links for more info:

Build and install it:
cd ms-sys-2.5.2
sudo make install

Create a ntfs partition

First, find out the usb device name using the lsblk command or lsusb command or dmesg command:

dmesg | more
## or use the grep command as follows ##
dmesg | sort| uniq | grep -A 6 usb-storage

I am going to use the /dev/sdc. Create a partition using the fdisk command:

sudo fdisk /dev/sdc

Create a partition as follows:
Creating a ntfs parition on usb pen using the fdisk on Linux
Format /dev/sdc1 to ntfs:
sudo mkfs.ntfs -f /dev/sdc1
mkfs.ntfs output on Linux

Linux create windows 10 Bootable USB by coping installer files

You need copy files from Windows 10 ISO image to usb disk. Create a folder on Linux using the mkdir command

sudo mkdir /mnt/win10/

Mount Windows 10 ISO image in Linux using the mount command:

sudo mount -t udf -o loop,ro,unhide {/path/to/win-10.iso} /mnt/win10/

## I got a win10 ltsb iso file in ~/Downloads/ ##

sudo mount -t udf -o loop,ro,unhide ~/Downloads/14393.0.160715-


Mount usb pen drive too:

sudo mkdir /mnt/usb/
sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/usb/
df -h | grep '/mnt'


Ready to burn the Windows 10 ISO to a USB on Linux

Ready to burn the Windows 10 ISO to a USB on Linux

Copy files in Linux using the cp command or rsync command:

sudo cp -avr /mnt/win10/* /mnt/usb/
### OR use rsync ##
sudo rsync -avrP /mnt/win10/* /mnt/usb/


Use ms-sys command to write mbr to create a bootable Windows 10 pro usb in Linux

In order to burn the Windows 10 ISO to a USB and boot it, run:

sudo ms-sys -7 /dev/sdc

Sample outputs:

Windows 7 master boot record successfully written to /dev/sdc

Unmount /dev/sdc:

sudo sync
sudo umount /mnt/usb/

Now boot from USB pen and you should see Windows 10 installer as follows:

Windows 10 Booting from USB pen created on Linux


And there you have it. You just created a Windows 10 bootable USB stick on Linux using two different methods. Creating a Microsoft bootable Windows 10 USB stick from Linux is very simple, and I hope it helps you manage your enterprise workload without leaving Linux desktop.

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### 回答1: Ubuntu制作U盘启动盘软件有多个选择,以下是其几种常用的方法: 1. 使用官方推荐的方法:官方提供了一个名为"Startup Disk Creator"(启动磁盘创建器)的工具,可以帮助用户制作U盘启动盘。您可以在Ubuntu的应用程序菜单找到该工具,然后按照提示进行操作。它支持从ISO镜像文件或Ubuntu安装光盘创建U盘启动盘。 2. 使用Etcher软件:Etcher是一款跨平台的开源软件,可以帮助用户创建启动盘,不仅适用于Ubuntu,还可以用于其他Linux发行版和操作系统。您可以在Etcher的官方网站下载并安装该软件,然后打开它并选择要制作启动盘Ubuntu ISO镜像文件,选择正确的U盘设备,最后点击"Flash!"按钮开始制作。 3. 使用UNetbootin:UNetbootin是另一款常用的制作U盘启动盘的工具,也适用于Ubuntu和其他操作系统。您可以在UNetbootin的官方网站下载并安装该软件,然后打开它并选择要制作启动盘Ubuntu ISO镜像文件,选择正确的U盘设备,最后点击"OK"按钮开始制作。 无论您选择哪种方法,都需要确保目标U盘拥有足够的存储空间,并且在制作启动盘之前备份其的重要数据。制作完成后,您可以将U盘插入要安装Ubuntu的计算机,并在开机时选择从U盘启动,然后按照安装向导进行操作即可安装Ubuntu。 ### 回答2: 在Ubuntu,可以使用一个叫作"Startup Disk Creator"的软件来制作U盘启动盘。 开始,打开Ubuntu的应用程序菜单,点击“系统工具”类别,找到并打开“启动盘制作器”。 在启动盘制作器的窗口,将会显示当前连接到计算机上的所有可用的USB存储设备。确保选择的是要制作启动盘的U盘。 接下来,点击"选择源"按钮,在弹出的对话框,选择要制作启动盘Ubuntu ISO镜像文件。确保提前下载了适用于你的计算机型号的Ubuntu版本的ISO镜像文件。 然后,将 "要创建的磁盘镜像设备" 设置为你选择的U盘。 最后,点击"开始制作"按钮,制作启动盘的过程会自动开始。这个过程可能需要一些时间,具体取决于你的计算机性能和U盘的速度。 一旦制作完成,你就可以使用制作好的U盘启动盘来安装Ubuntu或进入Ubuntu的实时环境了。 需要注意的是,制作启动盘会清空U盘上的所有数据,所以在进行制作前,请先备份好重要数据。此外,也可以通过启动盘制作器软件来重新格式化U盘,以确保其正常工作。 ### 回答3: 制作Ubuntu U盘启动盘的软件有很多选择,这里介绍两种常用的方法。 第一种方法是使用UNetbootin软件。UNetbootin是一款免费的跨平台软件,可以在Windows、macOS和Linux系统上使用。使用UNetbootin制作U盘启动盘非常简单,只需下载并安装软件,选择所需的Ubuntu镜像文件和U盘作为目标,并点击开始制作即可。UNetbootin会自动将镜像文件写入U盘,并使之成为可启动的Ubuntu安装介质。 第二种方法是使用Rufus软件。Rufus是一款专门用于创建启动盘Windows软件,也可以用于制作Ubuntu U盘启动盘。类似于UNetbootin,使用Rufus制作U盘启动盘也非常简单。首先,下载并安装Rufus软件。然后,选择U盘作为目标设备,选择Ubuntu镜像文件,并设置分区方案和文件系统类型。最后,点击开始按钮,Rufus会自动将Ubuntu镜像文件写入U盘,完成制作。 无论选择哪种方法,制作U盘启动盘之前需要确保拥有可用的Ubuntu镜像文件和一枚空U盘。制作完成后,将U盘插入需要安装Ubuntu的计算机,并在计算机启动时通过BIOS设置进行引导选择,选择U盘作为启动设备即可进入Ubuntu安装界面。 总而言之,借助UNetbootin或Rufus这样的软件,我们可以方便地制作Ubuntu U盘启动盘,从而在需要时可以轻松地安装或测试Ubuntu操作系统。


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