WorkNC使法国汽车模具制造商Julien SA的精加工时间从32个小时减少至14个小时。


Julien SA






给Julien SAa带来的价值:






5轴加工设备:Breton(柏瑞通)、 Durango(杜兰戈)和Rambaudi(蓝苞蒂)

3+2轴加工设备:Goglio(高利尔)、FPT、Anayak(阿纳亚克) 和Soraluces(索拉露斯)


“It means the workshop operates 24/7. From middayon Friday and over the weekend, it is fully autonomous, with automatic toolchanging and head rotation. We couldn’t do that without WORKNC.”


—Sergio Couto, Programming Manager


A mold maker serving the automotive industry says WORKNC software givesthem a distinct advantage, setting them apart from their competitors withsuperior lead-times, quality and expertize. And as a Beta tester for WORKNC,they found that a new item of functionality, subsequently introduced into thelatest release – 2019 R1 – slashed their finishing machining times by more thanhalf on certain parts.

汽车行业的模具制造商JulienSA说,WorkNC带给他们独一无二的优势,使他们在交货时间、产品质量和专业性方面在竞争对手中脱颖而出。JulienSA是WorkNC Beta测试员。他们发现的一个新功能被引入至最新发布的2019R1软件版本中。这一功能加工使某些工件的精加工时间减少一半以上。


Operating from three sites in France and one each in Turkeyand Slovakia, Julien SA manufactures molds for interiorlinings, boot compartment trim, and roof linings, along with parts forsoundproofing, foamed parts, and aluminum and textile thermal barriers.



They mainly produce single orderparts, or two to three small series molds for foam parts. Based at the10,000 square-metre head office in Le Creusot, France, Programming ManagerSergio Couto is responsible for preparing production and implementing theproduct manufacturing process. His department takes the lead on a range of aspects such as technical issues, monitoring and qualitycontrol for toolingproduction.

JulienSA主要生产单件订单  或者2-3个发泡零件的小系列模具。Julien SA的总部位于法国Le Creusot, 占地面积10000平方米,编程经理Sergio Couto负责生产准备和生产过程执行。他的部门负责例如技术问题解决,监督和控制模具生产质量等方面的事宜。

Although they make a small number of molds for theaerospace industry, most of their customers are major automotive groups who need tight turnaround times. Using WORKNC’s powerful CADand CAM capabilities, he says practically nothing is impossible from atechnical point of view.

Julien SA生产航空航天行业的模具数量不多,他们很多客户主要是要求生产周期短的汽车集团。Sergio Couto表示,WorkNC强大的CAD和CAM功能让他们在解决技术问题上无后顾之忧。

The software is installed on seven computers on thecompany’s network, and drives three 5-axis machine tools: a Breton, Durango andRambaudi; and four 3+2 machines: a Goglio, FPT, Anayak and Soraluces.

WorkNC配置在7台连公司网络的的电脑上,应用于3台五轴加工设备::Breton(柏瑞通)、 Durango(杜兰戈) 和Rambaudi(蓝苞蒂),以及4台3+2轴加工设备:Goglio(高利尔)、FPT、Anayak( 阿纳亚克)和Soraluces(索拉露斯)。


Explaining how WORKNC is an integral and vital part oftheir full production operation, he says the process begins after theirprogramming team receives an assessment from the engineering office with thepurchase order. “Firstly, we analyse the CATIA file of the part to be produced,allowing us to isolate items which need to be precize, and to determine what’sfeasible.  

Sergio Couto解释了WorkNC在他们整个生产过程中不可或缺的原因。他说,整个编程工作起始于他们编程团队收到工程办公司采购单的评估。“首先,我们分析待加工件的CATIA格式的文件,使我们挑选出需要精确的项目,决定可行的项目。”


“With the aid of WORKNC’s CATIA interface we canre-establish the CATIA construction tree, whichis crucial, as that data is of paramount importance to our business. WORKNC isone of the rare applications which allows this.”


They then turn their attention to the number of parts theyneed to produce, and create the models in WORKNC, addingoffset allowances, and any other details required for accuratemachining.


“The next step is to prepare the production phase and runtoolpath calculations. We establish machining schedules and adapt WORKNC toolpathsto the specific machine being used.”



However, Sergio Couto says that occasionally they don’tknow which machines will be available, meaning they need to generate generictoolpaths. “This highlights the importance of Machining Contexts in WORKNC,because we often have to switch to another machine at the last moment.”

然而,Sergio Couto说道,有时他们不知道哪台机床是可用的,所以着他们需要编辑通用刀路。“这强调了WorkNC的工作目录的重要性,因为我们常常不得不在最后一刻转到其他设备。”

The final phase is in the workshop, where WORKNC’ssimulation function validates the process beforethe machines start cutting metal. And he says WORKNC’s powerful programmingallows them to undertake lights-out machining. “It means the workshop operates24/7. From midday on Friday and over the weekend, it is fully autonomous, withautomatic tool changing and head rotation. We couldn’t do that without WORKNC.”

最后上机前,在车间利用WorkNC仿真模拟功能验证刀路可行性。SergioCouto说,WorkNC强大的编程功能  使他们能够无人值守加工。“没有WorkNC,我们就无法实现车间24小时运转。从周五正午到整个周末,WorkNC完全自动化生产,自动换刀具和机床运行。。”


As a Beta tester for WORKNC, Julien SA trialed a newfinishing strategy which allows users to break free from previous constraintscaused by tool shapes, and it has slashed their machining times by more thanhalf. As a result of the trials, WORKNC 2019 R1 adds the Z-Level pattern to the Advanced Toolform technology,allowing for tool shapes like barrels, ovals and parabolic to be calculatedover the part surfaces, including negative allowances.

作为WORKNC的Beta测试者,Julien SA测试了一种新的精加工策略,该策略让用户摆脱刀具形状的限制,使加工时间减少了一半以上。作为试验的成果,WORKNC 2019 R1在高级成型刀加工策略中添加了高等切削,允许在零件表面计算桶形,椭圆形和抛物线形状等刀具形状,包括可以用负余量进行计算。

Sergio Couto says the results of using theAdvancedToolform strategy with circular-segmentcutters compared to traditional methods, are indisputable, having reduced their finishing machining timesfrom 32 hours to 14.

Sergio Couto表示,与传统的方法比较,支持异形刀具的高级成型刀加工策略的效果更加明显,已让他们的精加工时间从32小时减少到14个小时。


WORKNC, part of the Production Software business of HexagonManufacturing Intelligence, is fully integrated into every machining phase –analysis, comparison, simulation, machining and verification. “Today, we also use it to transmit data to the workshop, through WORKNC Viewer.

WorkNC是海克斯康智能生产软件之一,能够完全集成到每一个加工阶段的分析、比较、仿真、加工和验证。“现在,我们也可以使用它通过WorkNC Viewer将数据传递到车间.”

Summing up the benefits of using WORKNC, Sergio Couto saystoolpath calculation times are no longer an issue. “We manufacture some largeparts – 2m x 1.5m – and it’s very rare that calculationtimes are longer than eight hours for all roughing,finishing, rest material, corner re-machining and mechanicaloperations such as drilling and pocket machining. And it’s auser-friendly application that’s so easy to learn…even for our employees who’venever done any programming before.”

Sergio Couto总结了使用WorkNC编程加工的好处,表示计算时间不再是问题。“我们制造一些尺寸为2m x 1.5m的大型工件时,所涉及开粗、精加工、二粗、清角加工,以及例如钻孔和口袋加工等机械操作的所有计算时间不超过8个小时非常罕见。同时WorkNC是一款用户友好型软件,好学易用,同样适用于我们此前没有任何编程经验的员工。”


The company has also invested in a mobilemeasuring arm from Hexagon, to make precize measurements at differentstages of the manufacturing operation. They use it to make immediate decisionsto either modify or continue the process when a doubt arises, which he saysguarantees security, saving time. “This all helps with the precision we need toactually manufacture the part, ensuring it’s of high quality, and that it canbe cleanly and accurately trimmed, which is particularly important for itsfinal appearance, as many of the parts coming out of our molds are visible tothe end user in the vehicles.”

Julien SA从海克斯康引进了移动测量臂,用于精确测量不同生产阶段。当遇到问题时,JulienSA可以利用它立即决定是选择修改还是继续,保证安全,节约时间。“这可以帮助我们保证实际加工件的精确性和生产品质,精确又清晰地削剪对于最终形状的形成尤其重要。因为我们加工的模具零件都是汽车外饰件。”

Concluding, he explains why they first invested in WORKNC inthe 1994, and how it has developed since then: “In the 90s mold makers startedreceiving files from India and China, in which radii and planar surfaces didn’tconform to the original part, and it was no longer possible to program withCATIA. Even back then, WORKNC could rapidly generate a toolpath, irrespectiveof a part’s complexity, and imperfect surfaces.

Sergio Couto解释了为什么他们在1994年引进WorkNC,以及之后WorkNC如何在他们公司得到重用:“20世纪90年代,模具制造商开始接受来自印度和中国的工件,但是这些文件中有一些不符合原零件的半径和面。仅用某一款软件就无法满足他们编程的需要。即使面对表面粗糙且复杂的加工件,WorkNC仍然能够快速产生刀路。”


“WORKNC has developed in line with requirement of millingoperators, who had previously programmed toolpaths directly onto the machinetools.  We have total confidence in working with it on a daily basis, andit helps us to take issues such as holidays, sickness absences and machinedowntimein our stride. It means we can set ourselves apart as amold makers, ahead of our competitors.”




以下是对提供的参考资料的总结,按照要求结构化多个要点分条输出: 4G/5G无线网络优化与网规案例分析: NSA站点下终端掉4G问题:部分用户反馈NSA终端频繁掉4G,主要因终端主动发起SCGfail导致。分析显示,在信号较好的环境下,终端可能因节能、过热保护等原因主动释放连接。解决方案建议终端侧进行分析处理,尝试关闭节电开关等。 RSSI算法识别天馈遮挡:通过计算RSSI平均值及差值识别天馈遮挡,差值大于3dB则认定有遮挡。不同设备分组规则不同,如64T和32T。此方法可有效帮助现场人员识别因环境变化引起的网络问题。 5G 160M组网小区CA不生效:某5G站点开启100M+60M CA功能后,测试发现UE无法正常使用CA功能。问题原因在于CA频点集标识配置错误,修正后测试正常。 5G网络优化与策略: CCE映射方式优化:针对诺基亚站点覆盖农村区域,通过优化CCE资源映射方式(交织、非交织),提升RRC连接建立成功率和无线接通率。非交织方式相比交织方式有显著提升。 5G AAU两扇区组网:与三扇区组网相比,AAU两扇区组网在RSRP、SINR、下载速率和上传速率上表现不同,需根据具体场景选择适合的组网方式。 5G语音解决方案:包括沿用4G语音解决方案、EPS Fallback方案和VoNR方案。不同方案适用于不同的5G组网策略,如NSASA,并影响语音连续性和网络覆盖。 4G网络优化与资源利用: 4G室分设备利旧:面对4G网络投资压减与资源需求矛盾,提出利旧多维度调优策略,包括资源整合、统筹调配既有资源,以满足新增需求和提质增效。 宏站RRU设备1托N射灯:针对5G深度覆盖需求,研究使用宏站AAU结合1托N射灯方案,快速便捷地开通5G站点,提升深度覆盖能力。 基站与流程管理: 爱立信LTE基站邻区添加流程:未提供具体内容,但通常涉及邻区规划、参数配置、测试验证等步骤,以确保基站间顺畅切换和覆盖连续性。 网络规划与策略: 新高铁跨海大桥覆盖方案试点:虽未提供详细内容,但可推测涉及高铁跨海大桥区域的4G/5G网络覆盖规划,需考虑信号穿透、移动性管理、网络容量等因素。 总结: 提供的参考资料涵盖了4G/5G无线网络优化、网规案例分析、网络优化策略、资源利用、基站管理等多个方面。 通过具体案例分析,展示了无线网络优化中的常见问题及解决方案,如NSA终端掉4G、RSSI识别天馈遮挡、CA不生效等。 强调了5G网络优化与策略的重要性,包括CCE映射方式优化、5G语音解决方案、AAU扇区组网选择等。 提出了4G网络优化与资源利用的策略,如室分设备利旧、宏站RRU设备1托N射灯等。 基站与流程管理方面,提到了爱立信LTE基站邻区添加流程,但未给出具体细节。 新高铁跨海大桥覆盖方案试点展示了特殊场景下的网络规划需求。




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