QPIDD(1) User Commands QPIDD(1)

qpidd - the Qpid AMQP Message Broker Daemon

qpidd [OPTIONS]

An AMQP message broker daemon that stores, routes and forwards messages using the Advanced Message Queueing Protocol (AMQP).

The options below are built-in to qpidd. Installing add-on modules provides additional options. To see the full set of options
available type “qpidd --help”

   Options may be specified via command line, environment variable or configuration file. See FILES  and  ENVIRONMENT  below  for

   -h [ --help ]
          Displays the help message

   -v [ --version ]
          Displays version information

   --config FILE (/etc/qpid/qpidd.conf)
          Reads configuration from FILE

   --client-config FILE (/etc/qpid/qpidc.conf)
          Reads client configuration from FILE (for cluster interconnect)

Module options:
–module-dir DIR (/usr/lib64/qpid/daemon)
Load all shareable modules in this directory

   --load-module FILE
          Specifies additional module(s) to be loaded

          Don't load modules from module directory

Broker Options:
–data-dir DIR ($HOME/.qpidd)
Directory to contain persistent data generated by the broker

          Don't use a data directory.  No persistent configuration will be loaded or stored

   --paging-dir DIR
          Directory in which paging files will be created for paged queues

   -p [ --port ] PORT (5672)
          Tells the broker to listen on PORT

   --interface <interface name>|<interface address>
          Which network interfaces to use to listen for incoming connections

   --listen-disable <transport name>
          Transports to disable listening

   --protocols <protocol name+version>
          Which protocol versions to allow

   --worker-threads N (9)
          Sets the broker thread pool size

   --connection-backlog N (10)
          Sets the connection backlog limit for the server socket

   -m [ --mgmt-enable ] yes|no (1)
          Enable Management

   --mgmt-publish yes|no (1)
          Enable Publish of Management Data ('no' implies query-only)

   --mgmt-qmf2 yes|no (1)
          Enable broadcast of management information over QMF v2

   --mgmt-qmf1 yes|no (0)
          Enable broadcast of management information over QMF v1

   --mgmt-pub-interval SECONDS (10s)
          Management Publish Interval

   --queue-purge-interval SECONDS (600s)
          Interval between attempts to purge any expired messages from queues

   --auth yes|no (1)
          Enable authentication, if disabled all incoming connections will be trusted

   --realm REALM (QPID)
          Use the given realm when performing authentication

   --sasl-service-name NAME
          The service name to specify for SASL

   --default-queue-limit BYTES (104857600)
          Default maximum size for queues (in bytes)

          Set TCP_NODELAY on TCP connections

          Only accept connections that are encrypted

   --known-hosts-url URL or 'none' (none)
          URL to send as 'known-hosts' to clients ('none' implies empty list)

   --sasl-config DIR
          Allows  SASL  config  path,  if supported by platform, to be overridden.  For default location on Linux, see Cyrus SASL
          documentation.  There is no SASL config dir on Windows.

   --default-flow-stop-threshold PERCENT (80)
          Percent of queue's maximum capacity at which flow control is activated.

   --default-flow-resume-threshold PERCENT (70)
          Percent of queue's maximum capacity at which flow control is de-activated.

   --default-event-threshold-ratio %age of limit (80)
          The ratio of any specified queue limit at which an event will be raised

   --default-message-group GROUP-IDENTIFER (
          Group identifier to assign to messages delivered to a message group queue that do not contain an identifier.

   --enable-timestamp yes|no (0)
          Add current time to each received message.

   --link-maintenance-interval SECONDS (2s)
          Interval to check federation link health and re-connect if need be

   --link-heartbeat-interval SECONDS (120s)
          Heartbeat interval for a federation link

   --dtx-default-timeout SECONDS (60)
          Default timeout for DTX transaction before aborting it

   --dtx-max-timeout SECONDS (3600)
          Maximum allowed timeout for DTX transaction. A value of zero disables maximum timeout limit checks and allows arbitrar‐
          ily large timeout settings.

   --max-negotiate-time MILLISECONDS (10000)
          Maximum time a connection can take to send the initial protocol negotiation

   --federation-tag NAME
          Override the federation tag

   --session-max-unacked DELIVERIES (5000)
          Maximum number of un-acknowledged outoing messages per sesssion

Logging options:
-t [ --trace ]
Enables all logging

   --log-enable RULE (notice+)
          Enables logging for selected levels and components. RULE is in the form 'LEVEL[+-][:PATTERN]' LEVEL is one of:

   trace debug info notice warning error
          critical  PATTERN is a logging category name, or a namespace-qualified function name or name fragment. Logging category
          names are:

   Security Broker Management Protocol
          System HA Messaging Store Network Test Client Application Model Unspecified For example: '--log-enable  warning+'  logs
          all  warning,  error  and  critical  messages.   '--log-enable  trace+:Broker'  logs  all  category  'Broker' messages.
          '--log-enable debug:framing' logs debug messages from all functions with 'framing' in the namespace or  function  name.
          This option can be used multiple times

   --log-disable RULE
          Disables logging for selected levels and components. RULE is in the form 'LEVEL[+-][:PATTERN]' LEVEL is one of:

   trace debug info notice warning error
          critical  PATTERN is a logging category name, or a namespace-qualified function name or name fragment. Logging category
          names are:

   Security Broker Management Protocol
          System HA Messaging Store Network Test Client Application Model Unspecified For example: '--log-disable warning-'  dis‐
          ables logging all warning, notice, info, debug, and trace messages.  '--log-disable trace:Broker' disables all category
          'Broker' trace messages.  '--log-disable debug-:qmf::' disables logging debug and trace  messages  from  all  functions
          with 'qmf::' in the namespace.  This option can be used multiple times

   --log-time yes|no (1)
          Include time in log messages

   --log-level yes|no (1)
          Include severity level in log messages

   --log-source yes|no (0)
          Include source file:line in log messages

   --log-thread yes|no (0)
          Include thread ID in log messages

   --log-function yes|no (0)
          Include function signature in log messages

   --log-hires-timestamp yes|no (0)
          Use hi-resolution timestamps in log messages

   --log-category yes|no (1)
          Include category in log messages

   --log-prefix STRING
          Prefix to prepend to all log messages

Logging sink options:
–log-to-stderr yes|no (1)
Send logging output to stderr

   --log-to-stdout yes|no (0)
          Send logging output to stdout

   --log-to-file FILE
          Send log output to FILE.

   --log-to-syslog yes|no (0)
          Send logging output to syslog; customize using --syslog-name and --syslog-facility

   --syslog-name NAME (qpidd)
          Name to use in syslog messages

   --syslog-facility LOG_XXX (LOG_DAEMON)
          Facility to use in syslog messages

Daemon options:
-d [ --daemon ]
Run as a daemon. Logs to syslog by default in this mode.

   --transport TRANSPORT (tcp)
          The transport for which to return the port

   --pid-dir DIR ($HOME/.qpidd)
          Directory where port-specific PID file is stored

   --pidfile FILE
          File name to store the PID in daemon mode. Used as-is, no directory or suffixes added.

   --close-fd FD
          File descriptors that the daemon should close

   -w [ --wait ] SECONDS (600)
          Sets the maximum wait time to initialize or shutdown the daemon. If the daemon fails to initialize/shutdown , prints an
          error and returns 1

   -c [ --check ]
          Prints the daemon's process ID to stdout and returns 0 if the daemon is running, otherwise returns 1

   -q [ --quit ]
          Tells the daemon to shut down with an INT signal

   -k [ --kill ]
          Kill the daemon with a KILL signal.

   --socket-fd FD
          File descriptor for tcp listening socket

ACL Options:
–acl-file FILE
The policy file to load from, loaded from data dir

   --connection-limit-per-user N (0)
          The maximum number of connections allowed per user. 0 implies no limit.

   --max-connections N (500)
          The maximum combined number of connections allowed. 0 implies no limit.

   --connection-limit-per-ip N (0)
          The maximum number of connections allowed per host IP address. 0 implies no limit.

   --max-queues-per-user N (0)
          The maximum number of queues allowed per user. 0 implies no limit.

SSL Settings:
Use NSS export policy

   --ssl-cert-password-file PATH
          File containing password to use for accessing certificate database

   --ssl-cert-db PATH
          Path to directory containing certificate database

   --ssl-cert-name NAME (localhost.localdomain)
          Name of the certificate to use

   --ssl-port PORT (5671)
          Port on which to listen for SSL connections

          Forces clients to authenticate in order to establish an SSL connection

          Disables SASL mechanisms that are vulnerable to passive dictionary-based password attacks

AMQP 1.0 Options:
–domain DOMAIN
Domain of this broker

   --queue-patterns PATTERN
          Pattern for on-demand queues

   --topic-patterns PATTERN
          Pattern for on-demand topics

HA Options:
–ha-cluster yes|no (0)
Join a HA active/passive cluster.

   --ha-queue-replication yes|no (0)
          Enable replication of specific queues without joining a cluster

   --ha-brokers-url URL
          URL with address of each broker in the cluster.

   --ha-public-url URL
          URL advertized to clients to connect to the cluster.

   --ha-replicate LEVEL (none)
          Replication level for creating queues and exchanges if there is no qpid.replicate argument supplied. LEVEL  is  'none',
          'configuration' or 'all'

   --ha-username USER
          Username for connections between HA brokers

   --ha-password PASS
          Password for connections between HA brokers

   --ha-mechanism MECH
          Authentication mechanism for connections between HA brokers

   --ha-backup-timeout SECONDS (10s)
          Maximum time to wait for an expected backup to connect and become ready.

   --ha-flow-messages N (1000)
          Flow control message count limit for replication, 0 means no limit

   --ha-flow-bytes N (0)
          Flow control byte limit for replication, 0 means no limit

Linear Store Options:
–store-dir DIR
Store directory location for persistence (instead of using --data-dir value). Required if --no-data-dir is also used.

   --truncate yes|no (0)
          If  yes|true|1, will truncate the store (discard any existing records). If no|false|0, will preserve the existing store
          files for recovery.

   --wcache-page-size N (16)
          Size of the pages in the write page cache in KiB. Allowable values - powers of 2 starting at 4 (4, 8, 16, 32...)  Lower
          values decrease latency at the expense of throughput.

   --wcache-num-pages N (16)
          Number of pages in the write page cache. Minimum value: 4.

   --tpl-wcache-page-size N (4)
          Size  of  the  pages in the transaction prepared list write page cache in KiB.  Allowable values - powers of 2 starting
          at: 4 (4, 8, 16, 32...) Lower values decrease latency at the expense of throughput.

   --tpl-wcache-num-pages N (16)
          Number of pages in the transaction prepared list write page cache. Minimum value: 4.

   --efp-partition N (1)
          Empty File Pool partition to use for finding empty journal files

   --efp-file-size N (2048)
          Empty File Pool file size in KiB to use for journal files. Must be a multiple of 4 KiB.

   --overwrite-before-return yes|no (0)
          If yes|true|1, will overwrite each store file with zeros before returning it to the Empty File Pool. When  not  in  use
          (the  default),  then  old message data remains in the file, but is overwritten on next use. This option should only be
          used where security considerations justify it as it makes the store somewhat slower.

   --journal-flush-timeout SECONDS (500ms)
          Maximum time to wait to flush journal.  Use ms, us units for small time values (eg 10ms) - no space between  value  and

Store Options:
–storage-provider PROVIDER
Name of the storage provider to use.

There is an environment variable for each option.

   The  environment  variable is the option name in uppercase, prefixed with QPID_ and '.' or '-' are replaced with '_'. Environ‐
   ment settings are over-ridden by command line settings. For example:

     export QPID_PORT=6000
     export QPID_LOG_TO_FILE=/tmp/qpidd.log

Default configuration file.

   Configuration file settings are over-ridden by command line or environment variable settings.  '--config  <file>'  or  'export
   QPID_CONFIG=<file>' specifies an alternate file.

   Each line is a name=value pair. Blank lines and lines beginning with # are ignored. For example:

     # My qpidd configuration file.

The Apache Qpid Project,

Please report bugs to

qpidd (qpid-cpp) version 1.38.0 March 2018 QPIDD(1)

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